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     根据语言习得研究理论,在外语学习过程中,动机是直接推动外语学习的一种内部动因,是外语学习者在外语学习活动中的一种自觉能动性和积极性的心理状态,是影响第二语言学习的关键因素(Rod Ellis1994)。
     另外,根据美国著名心理学家霍华德.加德纳(Haward Gardner)的多元智能理论(multiple intelligences, MI),音乐智能(Musical/Rhythmic)是人类的八大智能之一。所以将音乐与英语教学相结合,并将音乐自如、适当地运用于英语课堂,将会达到英语教学效果的最优化,能够帮助学生自然投入到轻松的英语学习天地中。
Ministry of Education has published“Full-time Compulsory Education English Curriculum Standard (Experimental Draft) for junior middle School”recently. Its publication signifies the beginning of new English course reformation in China. According to it , the task of English course in basic education phase includes inspiring and cultivating students' interest, building their confidence, having good study habit and effective study strategy, developing independent learning ability and team spirit; acquiring basic knowledge about English and having basic ability of English listening, speaking, writing and reading, having certain ability to use English; cultivating students’observation, memory, thinking, imagination and innovation spirit; helping students understand the world and difference between Chinese and western culture, widenig students’horizon, cultivating patriotic spirit, forming healthy outlook on life and laying a good foundation for their life-long learning and development.
     According to the language acquisition theory, during the course of foreign language study, motivation involves the attitudes and affective states that influence the degree of effort that learners make to learn the foreign language. Inner motivation pushes the learner to study foreign language, to discipline themselves in learning and to achieve active psychological state. Iit is the key factor during the course of foreign language learning. (Rod Ellis 1994)
     Therefore, motivation is the inner force to push students to study. Students’learning interest can be motivated by it. If students’intellectual hunger and curiosity is stirred up, which is, if students’inspiration is aroused, they will find and solve problems seriously and actively. So it is for the junior one student. Most of students in junior one are full of energy. They are interested in playing and moving, singing and saying. They are children with wide interests and have strong curiosity to new things. They have good memory and flexibility. They usually treat studying as games. They are good at imitating others in activities. Based on students’nature of moving, imitating, saying, singing and showing, teachers could use all kinds of vivid, interesting, various, flexible and easy methods and show teaching subjects with the help of the actual objects, visual aids and interesting activities. All of these could appeal students’interests, satisfy their thirst for knowledge and ground a fine foundation for their English learning.
     Moreover, in terms of distinguished American psychologist Haward Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, musical/rhythmic intelligence is one of the eight important. Merging music with English teaching, that is, performing music smoothly and appropriately in English classroom, teachers will get the best effect of teaching, because it can guide students to be in the cheerful English learning atmosphere.
     In many years teaching practice the writer found, English basis and learning habit of junior one students will influence their subsequent study, even influence their life-long study. For achieving new English Curriculum Standard, stirring up students’motivation, cultivating students’learning interests, building confidence to study English, making progress in English study and grounding a fine foundation for their subsequent English learning, the writer of this thesis made an application of interest-oriented English Language Teaching by Singing English songs in junior one in Hailar. In the present methods of English teaching in China, very few researches have been done about songs-aided English teaching, so I hope my study can give the reference for junior middle school teaching.
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