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Along with economic globalization, as one of the soft power, brands have become an important driving force to promote enterprises development and economic progress. A brand is also a significant symbol of the comprehensive strength of an enterprise, a region or even a country. China's12th Five-Year Plan (2011-2015) puts forward "to promote the independent brand building, enhance brand value and effect, and accelerate the development of large sized enterprises with international famous brand and international competitiveness." From the point of view of enterprises development, some national brands with international competitiveness have emerged prominently in China. These brands are mainly from the manufacturing industry and traditional service sector etc.. China is still short of famous brands with international competitiveness in the intelligence intensive professional service sector.
     As one of the intelligence intensive professional service sectors, the accounting profession has been competing with international brands on the same stage since China's accounting market opened up in early1980s. After30years of development, starting from scratch and developing from small weak to large strong, China's accounting profession has gained great achievements. However, it still faces some technical challenges, such as the quality of Chinese Certified Public Accountants is not equally high, the independent accounting firm's size which is not fit to the size of China's economy and enterprises, the insufficient capability of the accounting firms to service the international development of China's enterprises, and it also has some deep-seated problems including the operation and management system and market environment which restrict the development of the accounting profession. In this context, it is vital to find ways to further integrate the technological, system and management achievements, into a joint force so as to overcome these challenges. From the point of views of the author, brand building shall be the key approach to fulfill this task. Applying the brand to lead, using the brand power to integrate and improve the comprehensive strength of the accounting firms, shall not only be the breakthrough point enhancing the accounting firms' soft power, but also the breakthrough point for the professional service sector in China to create and build up international famous brands.
     Some Guiding Opinions of the Ministry of Finance and the General Office of the State Council on Promoting Development of the Accounting Profession in China (Paper No.56) and the12th Five-Year Plan of China's Accounting Profession (2011-2015) and many papers promulgated by the Chinese Institutes of Certified Public Accountants have put forward some measures to support the brand development of the accounting firms. Meanwhile, many accounting firms have expressed positive and active responses to the brand building project. In particular, some accounting firms, especially those large in size, have put the brand building project into their agenda. Generally speaking, the brand development of China's accounting firms is still in it's initial stages and the practitioners of China's accounting profession have immature knowledge, vague and one-sided concepts on branding. Brand has rich connotations, and is far more than establishing a trademark or simply creating a signboard. Without a systematic brand building theory as guidance, the brand development conducted by the accounting firms will surely get the half results with twice efforts, or even enter into a mistake area. Therefore, it is vital and is of significance in theory and practice to study the brand building project of the accounting firms and form a complete theoretical system.
     This Paper studies from the context of China's accounting profession's brand building project, analyses and puts forward the brand formation mechanisms framework of the accounting firms, provides recommendations of practices for China's accounting firms' brand formation and building project.
     This Paper is divided into7Chapters as follows:
     Chapter One: Introduction. This Chapter is mainly about the context, purpose and meaning of the chosen topic of this Paper, including the relevant research summaries at home and abroad, the thread, methodology, content and the innovation of the study.
     Chapter Two: Brand Connotation of the Accounting Firms. This Chapter starts from the concept and connotation of the brand to analyse the professional characteristics of the accounting firms, sums up the core values of the accounting firms'brand so as to the brand connotation attributes of the accounting firms. On the opinions of the statement, the accounting firms' brand is the combination of the inherent and external performance of the core values of accounting profession and those of the accounting firms. It is a way to shape the interactive and mutual trust relationship between the accounting firms and the markets they serve, undertakes a certain of social role with particular social influence and responsibility and is a comprehensive expression of the attributes of business, market and society of the accounting firms.
     Chapter Three:Brand Component Factors of the Accounting Firms. This Chapter provides an overview on the meaning and component theory of the brand factors, on which basis, expounds the brand component factors of the accounting firms and analyses the role of each component factors on the brand. On the opinions of the statement, the accounting firms' brand is composed of the material factors, the behavioral factors and the spiritual factors. The material factors are the materialized form of expression of the brand and the starting point for the brand development of the accounting firms. The behavioral factors are the dynamic form of expression of the brand and the key to the brand development. The spiritual factors are the personalized form of expression of the brand and the soul of the brand. All these factors are unified to form the brand of the accounting firms, and different factors can be combined to express different connotation attributes of the brand.
     Chapter Four: Brand Ecosystem of the Accounting Firms. This Chapter combines with the brand ecological theory to analyse the brand ecology formation of the accounting firms and study the evolution of the accounting firms' brand ecosystem. On the opinions of the statement, the accounting firms'brand is a complex organism which is formed jointly by the interested parties and the external environment upon which the brand exists and develops. Brand development of the accounting firms will not only solve the internal systematic problems of the brand, but also deal well with the relationship between the brand and its client group, the market, the environment of China's accounting profession, and the macro environment including the politics, economy and society etc., so as to reach the coordination and balance between the economic benefits and the social benefits.
     Chapter Five:Brand Formation Path of the Accounting Firms. This Chapter merges some fundamental theories including the connotation, component factors, ecosystem of the accounting firms' brand, and puts forward the brand formation path of the accounting firms. On the opinions of the statement, brand formation of the accounting firms should follow the path of from "internal" to "external", starting from "inside" to "outside", and pay equal attention to the "interior" and "exterior" of the brand. Brand positioning---internalising brand---externalising brand, proceeds along the brand formation road of the accounting firms from the core of the brand to the internal layer and then the external layer of the brand.
     Chapter Six: Brand Practice Review of the Accounting Firms and Countermeasures Suggestions. This Chapter analyses the brand development progress and the characteristics of international accounting firms, reviews the brand development history of China's accounting firms, combines with the theoretical analysis mentioned in previous Chapters and the brand development situation of China's accounting firms, and puts forward the countermeasures suggestions of China's accounting firms' brand formation and building. On the opinions of the statement, to carry out the brand building project requires a consensus of the accounting firms from the perspectives of the thought and knowledge, as well as a long term consistent actions. The accounting firms shall not only make a strategic plan, but also pay attention to the ideology and behavior of each micro unit, shall not only solve well the internal systematic problems of the brand, but also deal well with the relationship between the brand and the interested parties as well as the external environment, shall not only focus on the brand development, but also attach great importance to make a solid foundation for the brand development.
     Chapter Seven: Conclusion, Limitations and Vision. This Chapter provides a summary and conclusion on the basis of the analysis in the previous Chapters, points out the limitations of this study and puts forward the vision for future studies.
     Based on the normative method, learning from traditional brand theories, combining with the studies of social audit as well as the management, the psychology, the marketing and the ecology, this Paper makes a systematic study on the connotation, factors and ecology of the accounting firms'brand and puts forward the brand formation mechanisms of the accounting firms. The main innovation points involve, a) analyses the attributes of brand connotation on business, market and society to expand the research perspective of brand connotation; b) researches the brand formation mechanisms from a higher perspective, the enterprise strategic management perspective; c) forms the brand formation mechanisms framework of the accounting firms. As a preliminary attempt to study on aspects of the accounting firms' brand theory, this Paper aims to provide a theoretical guidance to the brand building work of the accounting firms and initiate some intensive study on this topic.
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