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1957年6月,加拿大进步保守党领袖约翰·G·迪芬贝克(John G. Diefenbaker)举起加强与英帝国的传统联系、削弱与美国的关系的旗帜取得大选胜利,终结了自由党22年的连续执政。可是,执政后的迪芬贝克政府却沿续圣劳伦特政府的安全政策,在执政不到两个月的时间就批准了北美空防(以下简称诺德,英文简称NORAD)军事协定。该协定规定由美国人担任诺德司令,统一指挥加美两国的空防军事系统,该协定使自1940年8月加美结成军事同盟以来的两国安全关系进入了更全面、更高层次的合作时代。诺德是美国冷战战略的重要组成部分,它使美国的全球战略部署更加完整。诺德和北约组织、美日安保同盟一起成为了美国遏制苏联、称霸全球的重要工具。可是,这一安全决策招致了在野党和加拿大民众的强烈批评,严重损害了迪芬贝克政府的执政基础。
     诺德建立后,迪芬贝克政府面对的又一难题是1954年启动的重大军事项目—“箭式”歼击机工程(Arrow Project),该项目到了1957年尽管取得重大进展,但是由于加拿大财政困难,继续研制生产将面临严重的经济亏损。迪芬贝克认为,既然诺德足以保护加拿大的安全利益,何必要这样一个耗费巨资,却得不偿失的军工项目,而且苏联在1957年成功开发出洲际导弹使箭式项目失去了防御苏联远程轰炸机的军事功能。因此主张引进更加便宜的美国的波马克(Bomarc)地对空导弹以加强加拿大的空防体系。可是,这样又造成了两个严重后果:一是使加拿大从此失去了建立独立的国防体系的军工能力,二是由于放弃建设自己的国防体系就必须加强引进美国的先进武器系统,这样造成了更加依赖美国的安全保护的局面。其结果就是迪芬贝克政府在诺德建立后必须更加努力地推进加美安全关系。
In June1957, John G Diefenbaker, Canada's Progressive Conservative Party leader, obtained the general election victory, with the banner of strengthening the traditional ties with the British Empire, and weakening the relationship with the United States. The general election also led to the end of the continuous22-year Liberal Party's ruling. However, the Diefenbaker government followed the security policy of the St. Laurent Government, and approved the North American Air Defense Military Agreement in less than two months. The agreement granted an American military commander of NORAD, and brought the Canadian-American security, which was founded in August1940, into a more comprehensive, higher level of cooperation era. NORAD, which made America's global strategic plan more integrated, was an important part of the U.S. Cold War strategy. NORAD, together with NATO and the US-Japan Security Alliance, was an important tool for the American government to contain the Soviet Union and seek hegemony in the world. However, this security strategy incurred strong criticism from the opposition parties and the people of Canada, which caused serious damages to the Diefenbaker government's ruling foundation.
     Then the Diefenbaker government faced another challenge of a major military Arrow Project started from1954, which had obtained a significant progress till1957, but would face severe economic losses due to the Canadian financial difficulties, if the government continued to develop and produce the fighter. Diefenbaker argued that NORAD is sufficient to protect Canadian security interests, and not necessary to keep such a costly military projects. Moreover, the Soviet Union successfully developed intercontinental missile in1957. Arrow project lost its military function under Soviet long-range bombers. So he supported the introduction of cheaper Bomarc surface-to-air missiles to strengthen Canadian air defense system. However, this has also resulted in two serious consequences:First, Canada began to lose the ability of establish an independent national defense system. Second, it led to strengthen the introduction of advanced American weapons systems, due to foregoing building its own defense system, thus causing more dependent on the American security protection. The result is the Diefenbaker government must make more efforts to push forward the Canadian-American security relations.
     However, the termination of the Arrow project which was the hope of the national independence and self-esteem of in Canada caused two serious consequences:First, the Canada people'criticism of Diefenbaker government resulted in a confrontation between the government and the public, and the Diefenbaker government lost its ruling base because of the security decisions. Second, the Diefenbaker government made efforts to strengthen military production cooperation with the United States, and hoped to share the economic pie of the production sharing plan with the United States military production in order to cover the loss of the military-industry caused by termination of the Arrow project. However, the results also caused the Canada military system to be a vassal of the huge American military-industry, and invested Canada into the Security embrace of the United States.
     Greater crisis was that, due to the termination of the Arrow project, Canada was forced to introduce a lot of advanced weapons, which played normal weapon efficacy only by equipped with nuclear warheads or nuclear weapons. Moreover, the U.S. nuclear deterrence strategy demanded Canadian army either overseas or in North America to use these nuclear weapons. However, the Diefenbaker government, after it was strongly criticized by the public because of the two hugely controversial decisions, in order to show that he had not give up the pursuit of national sovereignty independence and territorial integrity, demonstrated his reluctance to follow the tendency of U.S. security policy in such events as the second Berlin crisis, Sky hawk military exercises, the Cuban missile crisis, which led to dissatisfaction from the Eisenhower administration and the Kennedy Government, and a serous rift of the Canada-US security relations.
     Kennedy Government was very wary of the Diefenbaker security policy independent tendency and thought of the Diefenbaker government performance in the Cuban missile crisis as the destruction of America's Cold War strategy. Diefenbaker government hoped to be a little careful to introduce American nuclear weapons to avoid mistakes as NORAD and the termination of the Arrow project. However, the development of the international anti-nuclear movement since the mid-1950s formed a greater political forces in Canada, and the Canadian political parties appeared competition in the nuclear weapons position, coupled with a serious split in the ruling party on nuclear weapons policy. These elements led to Diefenbaker's nuclear stance constantly rocking, and decision-making was repeatedly pushed back. The nuclear issue became major political issue of the Diefenbaker government and the main topic of the1963election. The Diefenbaker government's delay in decision-making finally led to the result that the Kennedy Government lost confidence and patience to Diefenbaker government, because this delay was a serious threat to the global deployment of U.S. nuclear weapons and the Cold War strategy, and a serious challenge to American hegemony. Charles de Gaulle government's challenge to the American hegemony in Europe and Canada's rebellion occurred in North America made the Kennedy Government face the risk of complete rupture of the Western security Front. Kennedy took a policy of tolerance and patience toward challenges of Charles de Gaulle, but resolute means of repression to the Diefenbaker rebel. He took extreme measures to subvert the disobedient Diefenbaker government in the1963general election.
     The Pearson government accepted the nuclear weapons, and Canadian-American security relations came back to normal track of Canada under U.S. control. The United States also safely crossed over the most difficult period of the Cold War.
     Diefenbaker period was the most complex and the most turbulent period in the history of Canada-US security relationship. This dissertation helps to understand the process of the Canada-US security relationship. It is useful to explore the evolution of the international pattern during the peak period in the Cold War, expand the scope of the study of the post-war international relations history, and further deepen the study of international Cold War history.
① Scott W. See, The History of Canada. Connecticut:Greenwood Press,2001, p.141.
    ② J. L. Granatstein, Irving M. Abella & David J. Bercuson, Twentieth Century Canada, Toronto:Mcgraw-Hillryerson Limited, 1986. p.275.
    ③ Costas Melakopides, Pragmatic Idealism:Canadian Foreign Policy,1945-1995, McGill-Queen's University Press,1998, p.38.
    ④ Dale C·Thomson & Roger F·Swanson, Canadian Foreign Policy:Options and Perspectives, Toronto:McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd.,1971.p.127.
    ⑤ F. H. Soward, Canada in World Affairs,1944-1946, Toronto:Oxford University Press,1950, pp.50-81.
    ① Edelgard Mahant & Graeme S-Mount, Invisible and Inaudible in Washington:American Politics toward Canada, Vancouver: UBC Press,1999.p.44.
    ① Bryan D. Palmer, Canada s 1960s:The Ironies of Identity in a Rebellious Era, Toronto:University of Toronto Press,2009.
    ② “如果我们从现在的立场后退,将会满盘皆输。”(One thing which could bring it all to naught would be backing from our present stand.) FRUS,1961-1963, West Europe and Canada, Volume ⅩⅢ. p.1199.
    ③ James M. Minifie, Peacemaker or Powder-monkey:Canada s Role in the Revolutionary World, Toronto:McClelland and Stewart,1960.
    ④ James Eayrs, Northern Approaches:Canada and the Search for Peace. Toronto:Macmillan,1961.
    ⑤ Melvin Conant, The Long Polar Watch:Canada and the Defence of North America, New York:Harper,1962.
    ① Peter C. Newman, Renegade in Power:The Diefenbaker Years, Toronto:McClelland and Stewart Limited,1963.
    ② Peyton V. Lyon, The Policy Question:A Critical Appraisal of Canada's Role in World Affairs, Toronto:McClelland and Stewart Ltd.,1963.
    ③ The American Assembly. The United States and Canada. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.:Prentice-Hall,1964.
    ④ George Grant, Lament for A Nation:The Defeat of Canadian Nationalism, Ottawa:Carleton:Carleton University Press,1965.
    ⑤ Pierre Sevigny, This Game of Politics, Toronto:McClelland and Stewart,1965.
    ⑥ Gerald Clark, Canada:The Uneasy Neighbor. New York:Mckay,1965.
    ⑦ Livingston T. Merchant, ed., Neighbors Taken for Granted:Canada and the United States, New York:Praeger,1966.
    ① Blair Fraser, The Search for Identity:Canada,1945-1967. Garden City, N. Y.:Doubleday,1967.
    ② Stephon Clarkson, ed.. An Independent Foreign Policy for Canada? Toronto:McClelland & Stewart,1968.
    Robert W. Reford, Canada and Three Crises. Toronto:Canadian Institute of International Affairs,1969.
    ④ Lewis Hertzman, John Warnock,& Thomas Hockin, Alliance and Illusions:Canada and the NATO-MORAD Question, Edmonton, Alberta:Hurtig,1969.
    ⑤ John W.Holmes, "Canada and the United States in World Politics ", Foreign Affairs, Vol.40. No.1. (1961),pp.105-117.
    ⑥ R. J. Sutherland, "Canada's Long-Term Strategic Situation", International Journal, Vol.17, No.3, (1962),pp.199-223.
    ⑦ Melvin Conant, "Canada's Role in Western Defense", Foreign Affairs, Vol.40. No.3. (1962),pp.431-442.
    ⑧ Roger F. Swanson, An Analytical Study of the United States-Canadian Defense Relationship as a Structure. Response and Process:Problems and Potentialities, Ph. D. diss.. American University, Washington. DC.1969.
    ① John Warnock, Partner to Behemoth:The Military Policy of Satellite Canada, Toronto:New Press,1970.
    ② John W Holmes, ed., The Better Part of Valour:Essays on Canadian Diplomacy. Toronto:McClelland & Stewart,1970.
    ④ J. L Granatstein, ed. Canadian Foreign Policy since 1945:Middle Power or Satellite? 3d ed. Toronto:Copp Clark,1973.
    ① John W. Holmes, Life with Uncle:The Canadian-American Relationship, Toronto:University of Toronto Press,1984.
    ② John W.Holmes, Life with Uncle, 1984.p.106.
    ③ 1962年6月-1963年任加拿大驻美大使馆公使,仅次于大使查尔斯·尼采。在此期间参与了核武谈判和1963年大选前前后后的所有加美安全问题的争吵和所有的外交交涉。
    ④ H.Basil Robinson, Diefenbaker s World:A Populist in Foreign Affairs, Toronto:University of Toronto Press.1984.
    ⑤ The American Assembly, Columbia University & Council on Foreign Relations, Inc., Canada and The United States:Enduring Friendship, Persistent Stress. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey,1985.
    ⑥ The American Assembly. Columbia University and Council on Foreign Relations, Inc., Canada and The United States: Enduring Friendship, Persistent Stress.1985.pp.45-68.
    ⑦ John W.Holmes, No Other Way:Canada and International Security Institutions, Toronto:Toronto University Press,1986.
    ⑧ Joel J. Sokolsky, Defending Canada:U.S.-Canadian Defense Policies, New York:Priority Press,1989.
    ⑨ Joseph F.Jockel, No boundaries Upstairs:Canada, the United States, and the Origins of North American Air Defense, 1945-1958, Vancouver:UBC Press,1987.
    ⑩ Eric B. Wang, "Sovereignty and Canada-US Co-operation in North American Defence", in R. St. J. Macdonald, Gerald R. Morris,& Douglas M. Johnson, eds., Canadian Perspectives on International Law and Organization, Toronto:University of Toronto Press,1974.pp.861-884.
    ① John J. Kirton, "The Consequences of Integration:The Case of the Defence Production Sharing Agreements", in A. Axline et al., Continental Community? Independence and Integration in North America, Toronto:McClelland & Stewart,1974.pp.116-136.
    ② Jocelyn Ghent, "Did He Fall or Was He Pushed? The Kennedy Administration and the Collapse of the Diefenbaker Government", International History Review, Vol.1 No.2 (1979),pp.246-270.
    ③ David GHaglund & Joel. J. Sokolsky, ed., The U.S.-Canada Security Relationship:the Politics, Strategy, and Technology of Defense, Boulder, Colorado:WestPoint Press,1989. pp.145-165.
    ④ Dale C.Thomson & Roger F.Swanson, Canadian Foreign Policy:Options and Perspectives, Toronto:McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd.,1971.
    ⑤ Arthur Charo, Continental Air Defense:A Neglected Dimension of Strategic Defense, Cambridge, Mass.:University Press of America,1990.
    ① Gwynne Dyer & Tina Viljoen, The Defense of Canada:In the Arms of the Empire, Toronto:McClelland and Stewart Ltd.. 1990.
    ② Knowlton Nash, Diefenbaker and Kennedy:Fear and Loathing across the Undefended Border, Toronto:McClelland & Stewart,1990.
    J. L.Granatstein & Norman Hillmer, For Better or for Worst:Canada and the United States to the 1990s. Toronto:Copp Clark Pitman.1991.
    ④ Robert Bothwell, Canada and the United States:The Politics of Partnership, Toronto:Toronto University Press,1992.
    John Herd. Thompson and Stephen J. Randall, Canada and the United States:Ambivalent Allies. Montreal & Kinston: McGill-Queen's University Press.1992.2008年该书出版了第四版,描述的加美关系史到了2007年。
    Joel J. Sokolsky and Joseph T. Jockel, eds., Fifty Years of Canada-United States Defense Cooperation:The Road from Ogdensburg, Lewiston:The Edwin Mellen Press.1992.
    ⑦ Thomas F. Keating,:Canada and World Order:Multilateralism Tradition in Canadian Foreign Policy. Toronto:McClelland and Steward Inc.,1993.
    ⑧ Ann Denholm Crosby, Dilemmas in Defence Decision-Making:Constructing Canada s Role in NORAD,1958-96.New York:St. Martin's Press,1998.
    Costas Melakopides. Pragmatic Idealism:Canadian Foreign Policy.1945-1995. Montreal:McGill-Queen's University Press. 1998.
    ① Edelgard Mahant & Graeme S.Mount, Invisible and Inaudible in Washington:American Politics toward Canada, Vancouver: UBC Press,1999.
    ② Edelgard Mahant & Graeme S.Mount, Invisible and Inaudible in Washington:American Politics toward Canada, 1999.pp.44-49.
    ③ Ray Rempel, How Canada's Pretended Foreign Policy Has Undermined Sovereignty, Montreal:McGill-Queen's University Press,2006.
    ④ Robert Bothwell, Alliance and Illusion:Canada and the World,1945-1984, Vancouver:UBC Press,2007.
    ⑤ Robert Bothwell, Alliance and Illus ion:Canada and the World,1945-1984,2007.pp.151-178.
    ⑥ Joseph T·Jockel, Canada in NOARD,1957-2007:A History, Montreal:McGill-Queen's University Press,2007.
    ⑦ Patrick Lennox, At home and Abroad:The Canada-US Relationship and Canada's Place in the World, Vancouver:UBC,2009.
    ⑧ Patricia I. McMahon, Essence of Indecision:Diefenbaker's Nuclear Policy, Montreal:McGill-Queen's University Press,2009.
    ⑨ Sean M. Maloney, Canadian Shield:Canada's National Security Strategy and Nuclear Weapons,1951-1971, Ph. D., diss., Temple University,1998.
    ① Jeffrey David Noakes, Under the Radar:Defence Construction (1951) Limited and Military Infrastructure in Canada, 1950-1965. Ph. D.. diss.. Ottawa, Carleton University.2005.
    ② Christopher John Bright. "A Portent of Flaming Doom; "Nuclear Antiaircraft Arms, Continental Defense, and the Eisenhower Era, Ph. D., diss., George Washington University,2006.
    ③ James Louis Isemann, To Detect, to Deter, to Defend:The Distant Early Warning (DEW) Line and Early Cold War Defense Policy,1953-1957, Ph. D., diss., Manhattan, Kansas. Kansas State University,2009.
    ④ Matthew Gurney, Leaders in conflict:Diefenbaker. Kennedy, and Canada's response to the Cuban Missile Crisis,_MA. Wilfrid Laurier University (Canada),2009.
    ⑤ Asa McKercher, "Not easy, smooth, or automatic":Canadian-US Relations, Canadian Nationalism, and American Foreign Policy,1961-1963, MA,Ottawa, University of Ottawa,2009,
    ① Matthew Paul Trudgen, The Search for Continental Security:The Development of the North American Air Defence System, 1949 to 1956, Ph. D., diss. Ontario, Queen's University,2011.
    ① 威利斯·阿姆斯特朗当时是美国驻加拿大大使馆公使。Robert Bothwell, Alliance and Illusion:Canada and the World, 1945-1984,2007.p.177.
    ② 杨令侠著:《战后加拿大与美国关系研究》,北京:世界知识出版社,2001年版,第198-245页:潘迎春,《第_次世界大战和加拿大独立外交的形成》(胡德坤指导,2004年)。
    ① John Bartlet Brebner, North Atlantic Triangle:The Interplay of Canada, The United States and Great Britain, Columbia University Press,1958该书是描述1500-1942年间加美关系史的最重要的通史著作。
    ② John Bartlet Brebner, North Atlantic Triangle:The Interplay of Canada, The United States and Great Britain,1958.Foreword, vii.
    ③ Documents on Canadian External Relations(DCER),Ottawa:Queen's Printer and Controller of Stationary; Vol.1(1967), Vol.2 (1969) Vol.3 (1970), Vol.4 (1971); Information Canada, Vol.5 (1973);Vol.6 (1972),Vol.7 (1974);Minister of Supply and Services Canada, Vol.8 (1976) Vol.9 (1980), Vol.10 (1987), Vol.11 (1990)。1946-1960年的第12卷-26卷见加拿大外交和国际商务部网站:http://www.international.gc.ca/department/history-histoire/dcer/browse-en.asp.
    ① Canada in World Affairs (CWA) Vol,1-12., Toronto:Oxford University Press.
    ② United States in World Affairs (USWA).
    ③ Canada s Digital Collections (CDC) archived at Library and Archives Canada, http://epe.lac-bac.gc.ca/100/205/301/ic/cdc/E/Alphabet.asp.
    ④ ProQuest Dissertatins & Theses A&I (ProQuest). https://vpn2.nlc.gov.cn/prx/000/http/search.proquest.com/pqdt/index?accountid=l 0086.
    ⑤ Journal Storage (JSTOR), https://vpn2.nlc.gov.cn/prx/000/http/www.jstor.org/
    ⑥ United States Department of State ed., Foreign Relations of The United States Diplomatic Papers (FURS), U.S. Government Printing Office. http://history.state.gov/about/recent-publications.
    ⑦ U.S. Congressional Serial Set https://vpn2.nlc.gov.cn/prx/000/http/infoweb.newsbank.com/iw-search/we/Digital?p_product=SERIAL&p action=keyword&p_t heme=sset2&p nbid=A62A51APMTM10DUxNDIzMC42NDI2MTk6MToxMToyMDIuOTYuMzEuOQ&p clear_search=yes& d_refprod=SERIAL&&s_startsearch=keyword
    ⑧ Digital National Security Archive (DNSA).http://nsarchive.chadwyck.com/marketing/index.jsp
    ⑨ Declassified Documents Reference System (DDRS),https://vpn2.nlc.gov.cn/prx/000/http/galenet.galegroup.com/servlet/DDRS?locID=nichina&ste=2
    ⑩ The American Presidency Project,http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/#axzzlUtUG9sQC
    11 Department of State Bulletin Online Collections (DSB) http://www.bpl.org/online/govdocs/department of state_bulletin.htm
    12 A Hypertext history of the Second Word War (Hyper War), http://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/.
    13 Cabinet Paper, http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/cabinetpapers/.
    ④ C. P. Stacey, Undefended Border:The Myth and the Reality. Ottawa:Canadian Historical Association,1996.p.12.
    ⑤ 加、美、英三角关系互动研究的经典是John Bartlet Brebner, North Atlantic Triangle:The Interplay of Canada, the United States and Great Britain,New York:Columbia University Press,1958.
    ① 这种相互制衡的关系在20世纪初发生了质的变化。1901年,英美第二次签订《海约翰—庞斯福德条约》,明确废除英美1850年签订的两国共管中美洲运河的《克莱顿—布尔沃协定》,免除了美国接受共管巴拿马运河的义务,使其获得了开凿、管理和防卫运河的独占权。从此,美国的门罗主义得到了英国政府的最后确认,美国自独立以来的对英国安全威胁的恐惧得以解除,英国以对美国战略利益的让步为代价获得了此后英美间长期的大西洋、美洲的和平。John Bartlet Brebner, North Atlantic Triangle:The Interplay of Canada, the United States and Great Britain,New York:Columbia University Press,1958. p.253.
    ② Joan Hoff, American Business and Foreign Policy,1920-1933, New York, The University Press of Kentucky,1971.
    ① L. H. Larsen, "The U. S. Army's 1919 Contingency Plan to Defend North Dakota Against an Unspecified Invader from Canada," North Dakota History 43. No.4(1976).pp.22-27.
    ② 早在1902年,加拿大总理威尔弗雷德·劳里埃就对指挥加拿大民兵的总司令说:“你不要把民兵太当回事,因为门罗原则可以有效保护我们不受敌人的入侵。”加拿大联邦自1867年成立以来,正规军很小,联邦的安全主要依赖英国军队的保护,民兵是加拿大的主要武装部队。David P. Deener, ed.,Canadian-United States Treaty Relations, London:Cambridge University Press,1963.p.86.
    ③ 美国人认为德国的战争赔款与欧洲各国所欠美国的战争债务无关,欧洲不能以德国不履行赔款为由不履行偿还战争债务的义务。
    ④ H. L.Keenleyside and G. S. Brown, Canada and the United States (Revised edition), New York:Alfred A. Knopf,1952.
    ① The American Presidency Project,http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=15097&st=&stl=网络资源利用日期为2012/7/29.
    ② The American Presidency Project,http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=15525&st=&stl=
    ③ The Diaries of William Lyon Mackenzie King, (以下简称The Diaries of King,) 18, August,1938, p.672.http://www.collectionscanadagc.ca/databases/king/001059-119.02-e.php?&page_id_nbt=19305&interval=20&&PHPSES SID=rv8m2ipp2ogtu9a2olm66vfil5.网络更新日期为2012年2月12。
    ④ The Diaries of King,20, August,1938, p.681..
    ⑤ The Diaries of King,5, November,1938, p.893.
    ⑥ http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=15572&st=&stl=.
    ⑧ Gerald M. Craig, The United States and Canada,1968, pp.210-211.
    ⑦ The Diaries of King,24,April,1940, p.432.
    ⑨ DCER, Volume 8, Ottawa:Minister of Supply and Services Canada,1976, Document 112, p.155.
    ⑩ Charles F. Doran and John H. Sigler, Canada and the United States:Enduring Friendship, Persistent Stress, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey:Prentice-Hall, Inc,1985, p.46关于英国舰队的归趋问题,参见徐蓝:《关于1940年美英“驱逐舰换基地”协定的历史考察》,《历史研究》,2000年第4期,第97-109页。
    11 Gerald M. Craig, The United States and Canada, Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1968, p.210.
    ① Gerald M. Craig, The United States and Canada,1968. pp.206-207.
    ② C.P. Stacey,The Canadian Army 1939-1945:An Official Historical Summary,Ottawa:E. Cloutier, King's Printer,1948;pp.1-2.
    ③ 齐世荣:《20世纪30年代英国的重整军备与绥靖外交》,《历史研究》,1984年第2期,第190-206页。
    ④ Robert M. Dawson, Canada in World Affairs:1939-1941, Toronto:Oxford University Press,1943, pp.16-17,114-17.
    ⑤ Mark S. Watson. Chief of Staff:Prewar Plans and Preparations, Washington:GPO,1950. A Hypertext history of the Second Word War (Hyper War), http://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/.
    ① G. N. Tucker, The Naval Service of Canada,Ottawa:E, Cloutier, King's Printer,1952, Ⅱ, pp.25-26. A Hypertext history of the Second Word War (Hyper War), http://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/.
    ② British Documents on Foreign Affairs:Reports and Papers from the Foreign Office Confidencial Print,(以下简称BDFA), Part Ⅲ, Series C, Volume 1, No.21,UPA,1999, p.190.
    ③ Robert M. Dawson, Canada in World Affairs:1939-1941,1943, pp.286-289.
    ① H. C. Debates,20 May 40, p.47, and 17 Jun 40, p.854; C.P. Stacey. The Canadian Army,1939-1945, pp.24-25.
    ② DCER, Volume 8, Document 51, p.88.
    ③ 美国陆军在此期间的军事规划情况,见Stetson Conn and Byron Fairchild, The Framework of Hemisphere Defense, ashington. Office of the Chief of Military History,Department of The Army,1960,Ch. Ⅱ.
    ④ 罗斯福的主要军事顾问是陆军参谋长乔治·马歇尔,海军参谋长哈罗德·R·斯塔克上将。
    ① Mark S. Watson, Chief of Staff:Prewar Plans and Preparations, United States Army in World War II, Washington: Government Printing Office,1950, p.477.
    ② Ibid, pp.110-113.
    ③ Stanley W. Dzuiban, Military Relations Between the United States and Canada,1939-1945,Washington: GPO,1959,pp.10-11. A Hypertext history of the Second Word War (Hyper War), http://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/.
    ④ DCER, Volume 8, Document 57, pp.98-99.
    ⑤ DCER, Volume 8, Document 58, p.99.
    ① 英国舰队归趋问题的解决参见徐蓝文章。徐蓝:《关于1940年美英“驱逐舰换基地”协定的历史考察》,《历史研究》,2000年第4期,第97-109页。
    ② Stanley W. Dzuiban认为该信件是递交给赫尔国务卿的,根据金自己的备忘录,应为罗斯福。DCER, Volume 8, Document 111,p.154.
    ③ DCER. Volume 8, Document 108, p.153.
    ④ DCER, Volume 8, Document 107, p.152.
    ① Cordell Hull, The Memoirs of Cordell Hull(以下简称Hull, Memoirs), New York:The Macmillan Company,1948, Ⅱ, p.834.
    ② Stanley W. Dzuiban误以为第一次参谋会谈的日期是7月12日,应为7月11日。DCER, Volume 8, Document 115, p.160.
    ① DCER, Volume 8, Document 114, p.157.
    ② DCER, Volume 8, Document 115,para.9, p.161.
    ③ DCER. Volume 8, Document 115, pp.160-161.
    ④ DCER, Volume 8, Document 115,Enclosure 1, pp.161-163.
    ① DCER, Volume 8, Document 115,Enclosure 2, pp.163-164.
    ② DCER, Volume 8, Document 115,Enclosure 2, p.165.
    ③ 加拿大空军提交的备忘录的时间是7月11日上午,这与加拿大海军提交的备忘录的时间有差异。从整个档案来看,时间应是7月12日下午。DCER, Volume 8, Document 115.
    ④ 美国此时还没有独立的空军军种,陆军和海军各自拥有有空军部队。
    ① Stanley W. Dzuiban. Military Relations Between the United States and Canada,1939-1945, p.17.
    ② DCER, Volume 8, Document 114, pp.158-159.
    ③ DCER, Volume 8. Document 116, pp.169-170.
    ① Mark S. Watson, Chief of Staff:Prewar Plans and Preparations, United States Army in World War II, Washington:GPO,1950.
    ② C.P.Stacy, "Twenty-one Years of Canadian-American Military Co-operation,1940-1961",David P-Deener ed.,Canadian-United States Treaty Relations, London:Cambridge University Press,1963,p.164.
    ③ DCER, Volume 8, Document 85, p.129.
    ④ FRUS,1940, Volume Ⅲ, pp.144-45.
    ⑤ FRUS,1940, Volume Ⅲ,Note 1, p.144.
    ① The New York Times, August 17,1940.
    ② Roosevelt Papers. Press Conferences. Box 215.
    ③ DCER. Volume 8, Document 90, Enclosure,pp.135-36.
    ④ 根据1940年10月讨论的结果,双方认为这是一个加美的共同声明,因而可以定性为行政协定。DCER. Volume 8, Document 106. p.150但是国外史学界常常不加分别地把它和《奧格登斯堡宣言》混同使用。
    ⑤ Permanent Joint Board on Defense (以下简称PJBD).
    ⑥ Department of State Bulletin, August 24,1940, Ⅲ,154.
    Henry L. Stimson and McGeorge Bundy, On Active Service in Peace and War,New York:Harper & Brothers,1947, p.359.
    ① 8月19日下午两点半战时内阁开会,Lapointe步入会议室,伸开双臂拥抱金,大声嚷嚷:“祝贺你,棒极了,这是我们干的最成功的一件事!”The Diaries of King,20, August,1940. p.880.
    ② The Diaries of King,19, August,1940. p.878.
    ③ DCER, Volume 8, Document 90, p.134.
    ④ The Diaries of King,19,20, August,1940.pp.873-879p.880.
    ⑤ Stanley W. Dzuiban, Military Relations Between the United States and Canada,1939-1945, p.25.
    ⑥ The Diaries of King,21, August,1940. p.892.
    ⑦ 甚至到了1941年4月,民调显示超过2/3的美国民众仍然反对派遣美国军队跨洋去援助英国。Stanley W. Dzuiban, Military Relations Between the United States and Canada,1939-1945, p.25.
    ⑦ The Diaries ofKing,18, August,1940. p.872.
    ① BDFA. Part III. Series C, Volume 1. No.30.UPA,1999, p.203.
    ② The Diaries of King,18, August 1940. p.872.
    ③ Gerald M. Craig, The United States and Canada,1968,pp.212-13.
    ④ 金在8月18日向丘吉尔通报了会晤情况,此后再会见反对党领导人。DCER, Volume 8, Document 90, pp.135-138. C.P.Stacy, "Twenty-one Years of Canadian-American Military Co-operation,1940-1961".David P-Deener ed.,Canadian-United States Treaty Relations, London:Cambridge University Press,1963,p.106.
    ⑤ Lapointe在加拿大19日召开的战时内阁会上当即指出,奥格登斯堡宣言只能是国家在战争期间依据战争法才能发表的。The Diaries of King,20, August,1940. p.880.
    ① John Herd. Thompson and Stephen J. Randall, Canada and the United States:Ambivalent Allies. Montreal & Kinston: McGill-Queen's University Press.2002, pp.74-76.
    ① DCER, Volume 8, Document 121, p.189.
    ① DCER, Volume 8, Document 123, p.190.
    ③ 关于加拿大参加ABC参谋会谈的情况,徐蓝的文章语焉不详。见徐篮:《评英美参谋会谈》,《历史研究》,1992年第6期,第168-181页。斯坦尼·W·久巴认为ABC只是形式而已,不具实质内涵。Stanley W. Dzuiban, Military Relations Between the United States and Canada,1939-1945, Washington:GPO,1959, p.103可是FRUS档案却说ABC就是代表美、英、加三国,《ABC-1》的全称是Western Hemisphere Defense Plan No.1(《西半球防御规划之一》)。FRUS,1941, Volume Ⅲ, p.129.但是,加方对自己在《ABC-1》中被代表非常不满。总理金依据参谋会谈的过程和结果把《ABC-1》称作英美参谋会谈报告。DCER, Volume 8, Document 121, Document 144,Enclosure, p.225在DCER中,后文涉及的1941年5月加美制定的《《ABC-22))的全称是Joint Canadian-the United States Basic Defence Plan No.2(《加美联合防御基本规划之二》),仅仅是加美之间的安全规划,没有包括英国。ABC参谋会谈在FRUS和Cabinet文件中都不如DCER集中、清晰。从DCER来看,ABC会谈实际上是从1942年10月至1941年3月从伦敦到华盛顿进行的美国与英国之间的参谋会谈,英联邦的自治领以及荷兰作为观察员参与磋商。有些国家与会徒具形式,参加国中最重要的三个国家是美英加,故而把此次会谈称之为ABC参谋会谈,会谈的成果文件亦以ABC命名。在华盛顿举行的参谋会谈实际上还有一个美英加之间的双边军事磋商,即英-美、美-加和英-加磋商,但这种磋商只是表明加拿大相对于其他国家地位高一些而已,最重要的还是英美参谋会谈。因此学者一般把ABC参谋会谈称之为英美参谋会谈。DCER, Volume 8, pp.188-191; pp.1179-1201.《ABC-22》和《《ABC-1》一起构成了西方三角同盟完整地对德日意法西斯共同作战的战略和战术规划蓝图。综上所论,Stanley W. Dzuiban的说法更为公允。
    ④ DCER, Volume 8, Document 144,Enclosure, pp.225-228.
    ⑤ C.P.Stacy,"The Canadian-American Permanent Joint Board on Defence,1940-1945," International Journal, Vol.9 (1954),p.107.
    ① 唐纳德·克赖顿著,山东大学翻译组译,《加拿大近百年史》,山东人民出版社,1972年版,第367页。
    ② DCER, Volume 8, Document 144, pp.223-225.
    ③ DCER, Volume 8, Document 123, p.190.
    ④ Stanley W. Dzuiban, Military Relations Between the United States and Canada,1939-1945, Washington:GPO,1959, p.57.
    ① Stanley W. Dzuiban. Military Relations Between the United States and Canada. 1939-1945. Washington: GPO,1959, pp.71-76.
    ② 《ABC-22》是加美在1941年上半年制定的军事规划。
    ① DCER, Volume 8, Document 160, pp.250-51.
    ② DCER, Volume 8, Document 162, p.262.
    ③ Stetson Conn and Byron Fairchild, The Framework of Hemisphere Defense,1960,p.383. http://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/USA/USA-WH-Frame/index.html。
    ④ DCER, Volume 8, Document 125, pp.192-96.
    ⑤ Stanley W. Dzuiban, Military Relations Between the United States and Canada,1939-1945, Washington:GPO,1959, p.74.
    J. W. Pickersgill and D. F. Forster. Eds., The Mackenzie King Record. Vol.4,Toronto:University of Toronto Press,1970, p.6.
    ① 加拿大军方向内阁军事委员会递交了1946财年国防预算报告,要求拨款290百万美元,但是,只批准了172百万美元。结果是加拿大空军在1946和1947年被迫取消了空中巡逻。直到1948年,加拿大才首次在战后进行空中巡逻。Joseph T. Jockel, No Boundaries Upstairs:Canada, the United States, and the Origins of North American Air Defence,1945-1958, Vancouver:University of British Columbia Press,1987.p.14.
    ② Vincent Massey, What's Past is Prologue:The Memoirs of the Right Honorable Vincent Massey,Toronto:Macmillan of Canada,1963, pp.371-372.
    ③ DCER, Volume 11,Part Ⅱ, Document.869. pp.1400-1405
    ④ DCER,Volume 9, Document 1015, p.1225.
    ⑤ 美国的外交档案只有一页记录双方达成之协定。而加方的外交档案则详细描述了每一谈判的进程,弥补了不足。FRUS, 1945, The British Commonwealth, the Far east, p.248.; DCER, Volume 11, Part II, pp.1400-1618.
    ① Joseph T. Jockel, No Boundaries Upstairs:Canada, the United States, and the Origins of North American Air Defence, 1945-1958,1987,p.1.
    ② Lester B. Pearson, "Canada Looks down North", Foreign Affairs,24, no.4 (July 1946).P.642.
    ③ DCER,Volume 11, Part Ⅱ,Document 957. pp.1534-1535.
    ① 三环外交是指英联邦为第一环,英美特殊关系为第二环,联合的欧洲为第三环,英国是三环中都占有重要地位的唯一国家。
    ② DCER,Volume 11, Part Ⅱ ,Document 967, pp.1549-1551.
    ① DCER,Volume 11, Part Ⅱ,Document 970, p.1556.
    ② DCER,Volume 11,Part Ⅱ,Document 975, p.1563.
    ③ DCER.Volume 11, Part Ⅱ,Document 976, p.1564.
    ① 下文内容除非特别说明均来自该报告。DCER,Volume 11, Part II,Document 978, pp.1567-1573.
    ② Melvin Conant, " Canada's Role in Western Defense ", Foreign Affairs, Vol.40, No.3,1962 (April),pp.431-442.
    ③ Tom Keating, Canada and World Order:The Multilateralist Tradition in Canadian Foreign Policy,2nd ed., Canada, Oxford University Press,2002; Costas Melakopides, Pragmatic Idealism:Canadian Foreign Policy,1945-1995, Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press,1998.
    ① DCER.Volume 11, Part Ⅱ,Document 978. p.1568.
    ② 加拿大认为加强与美国在军事政策和军事训练方面的共同实践不会损害在二战前建立起与英国这些方面步调一致的传统。DCER.Volume 11, Part Ⅱ,Document 979. p.1572.
    ② DCER,Volume 11, Part Ⅱ,Document 979, p.1574.
    ④ 金在参加旧金山会议期间之6月25日与杜鲁门举行了首脑会晤。
    ① DCER,Volume 11, Part Ⅱ,Document 980, pp.1574-1575.
    ② DCER/Volume 11, Part Ⅱ,Document 981, pp.1576-1577.
    ① DCER,Volume 11, Part Ⅱ,Document 993, p.1611.
    ② DCER,Volume 11, Part II.Document 993, pp.1612-1613.
    ③ DCER.Volume 11. Part II.Document 993. p.1613.
    ④ DCER. Volume 12. Document 947.
    ⑤ DCER. Volume 12, Documents 947-999.
    ① FRUS,1946, Volume V,The British Commonwealth; Western and Central Europe, pp.53-54.
    ② FRUS,1946, Volume V,The British Commonwealth; Western and Central Europe, p.53.
    ③ 加拿大效忠英联邦的人非常痛苦。他们意识到保卫大陆就必须与美国结盟,可是又担心这样的行动会最终导致加拿大脱离英联邦。FRUS,1946, Volume V, The British Commonwealth; Western and Central Europe, p.54.
    ④ FRUS,1946, Volume V,The British Commonwealth; Western and Central Europe, p.56. ① DCER. Volume 12. Document 954.
    ② FRUS,1946, Volume V, The British Commonwealth:Western and Central Europe, p.56.
    ① DCER, Volume 12, Document 953.
    ② FRUS,1946, Volume V,The British Commonwealth; Western and Central Europe, p.56.
    ③ DCER, Volume 12, Document 946.
    FRUS,1947, Volume Ⅲ, The British Commonwealth; Europe, pp.104-105.
    ① FRUS,1947, Volume Ⅲ,The British Commonwealth; Europe, p.104.
    ② Canada/US Military Cooperative Committee的英文简称。DCER, vol.12, Document 956.
    ③ DCER, vol.12, Documents 957-961.
    ④ DCER, vol.12, Document 956.par.7.
    ⑤ DCER, vol.12, Document 957.
    ⑥ DCER, vol.12, Documents 956-57.
    ① FRUS,1946.vol. V. The British of Commonwealth, Western and Central Europe, pp.58-59
    ② 1945-60年加拿大参谋长会议主席。参谋长会议在1951年建立,1945-51年查尔斯·福克斯是总参谋长。
    ③ Joseph T. Jockel., No boundaries Upstairs,1987,p.4.
    ④ Joseph T. Jockel., No boundaries Upstairs,1987,p.120.
    ③ 纽芬兰此时还是英国殖民地,但是加拿大早已谋求获取它,美国通过与英国的租约取得该基地的使用权。
    ⑥ Joseph T. Jockel., No boundaries Upstairs,1987.pp.30-59. James Eayrs, In Defense of Canada:Growing Up Allied, Toronto: University of Toronto Press,1980, pp.243-7.
    ① John B. Mclin, Canada's Changing Defense Policy, 1957-1963. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 1967,p.28.
    ② 加拿大和美国边界的分界线大致以北纬49度线划分,只有小部分偏离该线。
    ③ 关于这些雷达预警系统的建设历史,参见Joseph T. Jockel,, No boundaries Upstairs,pp.60-90.
    ④ FRUS, 1946.vol.Ⅴ. The British of Commonwealth, Western and Central Europe, p.56.
    ⑤ FRUS, 1946. vol.Ⅴ. The British of Commonwealth, Western and Central Europe, p.60.
    ⑥ FRUS, 1946.vol.Ⅴ. The British of Commonwealth, Western and Central Europe, p.54.
    ① The Diaries of King,20. August, 1938.http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/databases/king/001059-119.02-e.php?&page_id_nbr=19313&interval=20&&&PHPSE SSID=rv8m2ipp2ogtu9a2olm66vfil5.
    ① 根据相关研究,1000多万人口的加拿大在战争期间征召和武装了100万人的部队。战争伤亡85000人,其中53000人伤、32000人亡。另外,加拿大还为其他盟国培训了大量飞行员;它还向盟国提供了大量军火和其他军事援助,这些援助还是苏联外援的重要来源。1941年,它与美国达成的军工生产协定使得加拿大能够在美国参战前,把美国的援助源源不断地转手输往英国,在英国生死存亡之际,这批军火物资发挥了至关重要的作用。Costas Melakopides, Pragmatic Idealism:Canadian Foreign Policy,1945-1995, Montreal & Kingston:McGill-Queen's University Press,1998, p.38.
    ② “1940年之前,他(指金)花了20年时间拼命抵制英国提出的英加军事同盟的种种建议,现在,他既不咨询他的同事,更别提国会了,只花了几个小时就慨然同意与美国建立持久的紧密军事关系。”Gerald M. Craig, The United States and Canada, Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1968, pp.212-213.
    ① 唐纳德·克莱顿著,山东大学翻译组译,《加拿大近百年史》,山东大学出版社,1972年版,第428-429页。
    ① 唐纳德·克莱顿著,《加拿大近百年史》,山东大学出版社,1972年版,第426-428页。
    ② 唐纳德·克莱顿著,《加拿大近百年史》,山东大学出版社,1972年版,第432页。
    ③ 唐纳德·克莱顿著,《加拿大近百年史》,山东大学出版社,1972年版,第462页。
    ④ 路易·圣劳伦特政府(1948-1957年)。1948年,外长路易·圣劳伦特接替年老多病的麦肯齐·金担任加拿大总理。
    ① 唐纳德·克莱顿著,《加拿大近百年史》,山东大学出版社,1972年版,第443页。
    ① Peter C. Newman, Renegade in Power:The Diefenbaker Years, Toronto:McClelland and Stewart Limited,1964, pp.14-15.
    ② Peter C. Newman, Renegade in Power,1964, pp.49-51.
    ③ 唐纳德·克莱顿著,《加拿大近百年史》,山东大学出版社,1972年版,第452页。
    ① “迪芬贝克怨恨美国的控制和领导,他本能地主张恢复原先的英加联盟。”唐纳德·克莱顿著,《加拿大近百年史》,山东大学出版社,1972年版,第465页。
    ② H. Basil Robinson, Diefenbaker s World:A Populist in Foreign Affairs, Toronto, Buffalo, London:University of Toronto Press,1989, pp.210-217.
    ③ Peter C. Newman, Renegade in Power:The Diefenbaker Years, Toronto:McClelland and Stewart Limited,1964,xi.
    这是一份指导50年代北美防御体系建设的纲领性文件。FRUS,1952-54.Volume Ⅵ,p,2063.
    ① DNSA,NH00411, p.7.
    ② Andrew Richter, Avoiding Armageddon:Canadian Military Strategy and Nuclear Weapons,1950-63, Vancouver:UBC Press, 2002, p.151.
    ③ 安德鲁·里克特对加拿大1950-1963年的安全战略进行研究之后得出的结论与笔者的观点完全一致。Andrew Richter, Avoiding Armageddon:Canadian Military Strategy and Nuclear Weapons,1950-63, Vancouver:UBC Press,2002.
    ④ Andrew Richter, Avoiding Armageddon:Canadian Military Strategy and Nuclear Weapons,1950-63, Vancouver:UBC Press, 2002, pp.88-104.
    ⑤ FRUS,1952-54,Volume Ⅵ,doc.954,p.2050.
    ① 该地是美国战略空军司令部和美国空防司令部所在地,后来成为NORAD所在地。
    ② Nike导弹是一种短程地对空导弹。Joseph T. Jockel, No boundaries Upstairs,1987.p.93.
    ③ 关于国会对军方的督促和批评,见Joseph T. Jockel, No boundaries Upstairs,1987,p.94.
    ④ Joseph T. Jockel, No boundaries Upstairs,1987,p.94.
    ① Joseph T. Jockel, No boundaries Upstairs,1987, p.95.
    ② Joseph T. Jockel, No boundaries Upstairs, 1987,p.96.
    ③ John B·Mclin对加拿大在多边的国际组织中维护国家主权独立的做法也深有感触,说了这么一句有趣的话,“在加拿大,这么多布鲁塞尔条约国家能发挥一种潜在的平衡作用,人们越发感觉到,就像睡在一张床上的人越多,越不可能被强奸一样。”John B·Mclin, Canada's Changing Defense Policy,1957-1963:The Problems of a middle Power in Alliance, pp.12-13.
    ④ Joseph T. Jockel, No boundaries Upstairs,1987, p.96.
    ⑤ DCER, vol.23, Document 22.
    ⑥ DCER, vol.23, Document 41.par.2(b)
    ① DCER, vol.23, Document 44.par.26.
    ② DCER, vol.23. Document 49;DCER. vol.25, Document 16.
    ③ 安德诺姆·克罗斯比的时间在6月14日,有误,Ann Denholm Crosby, Dilemmas in Defence Decision-Making:Constructing Canada's Role in NOR4D,]958-96.New York:St. Martin's Press,1998,p.26根据档案时间为6月13日。DCER. vol.23. Document 51.
    ④ H. Basil Robinson. Diefenbaker's World:A Populist in Foreign Affairs, Toronto, Buffalo. London:University of Toronto Press,1989,p.18.
    ⑤ DCER. vol.25. Document 10.
    ④ 这份备忘录是由参谋长联席会议准备,经国防部长Pearkes签署的文件。Ann Denholm Crosby Dilemmas in Defence Decision-Making:Constructing Canada's Role in NORAD,1958-96.p1998,p.29.
    ⑦ DCER. vol.25, Document 14按照加拿大政府的组成惯例,历来由总理兼任外交部长,所以迪芬贝克总理当时也兼任外长。他可以不同外交部任何成员协商,独自做出决定。
    ⑧ DCER, vol.25, Document 12.
    ⑨ DCER, vol.25, Document 14.
    ① H. Basil Robinson, Diefenbaker s World:A Populist in Foreign Affairs,1989, p.23.
    ② 关于未经内阁安全会议讨论的问题,福克斯认为是因为迪芬贝克组阁未完成,迪芬贝克是否愿意继续保持安全会议这一机构存有疑虑。DCER, vol.25, Document 16.
    ③ John Holmes和加拿大大使对军方垄断决策很是不满。DCER, vol.25, Document 13但是迪芬贝克认为外交部是了解事情发展的进程的,Pearson是知道NORAD的制定的。DCER, vol.25, Document 25. H. Basil Robinson作为事件的亲历者感受到了外交部的不满。由于总理和国防部长的草率决定,没有考虑该决定的政治后果,为了应付在野党和民众的批评,外交部必须为此作消毒工作。见H.Basil Robinson, Diefenbaker's World:A Populist in Foreign Affairs,1989, p.20.
    ④ DCER, vol.23, Documentsl 6,22,32.
    ⑤ Ann Denholm Crosby, Dilemmas in Defence Decision-Making:Constructing Canada's Role in NORAD,1958-96.1998,p.27. DCER, vol.23, Document 41.par.22,par.28,par.31,par.38.
    ① DCER, vol.23, Document 41.par.4.par.27.par.30,par.40.
    ② DCER, vol.25, Document 10.par.4(a).
    ③ Ann Denholm Crosby. Dilemmas in Defence Decision-Making:Constructing Canada's Role in NORAD,1958-96. New York:St. Martin's Press, 1998.p.29.
    ④ John B. Mclin, Canada's Changing Defense Policy,1957-1963:The Problems of a middle Power in Alliance, Baltimore:John Hopkins University Press,1967.p.54.
    ① DCER, vol.25, Document 17.par.3.
    ② DCER, vol.25, Document 10.par.4(f).
    ③ DCER, vol.25, Document 24.par.4; Joseph T·Jockel,, No boundaries Upstairs:Canada, the United States, and the Origins of North American Defense,1945-1958,p.112.
    ④ DCER, vol.25, Document 24.par.5.
    ⑤ Joseph T. Jockel, Canada in NOARD,1957-2007:A History, Montreal:McGill-Queen's University Press,2007, p.34.
    ⑥ Joseph T. Jockel, Canada in NOARD,1957-2007:A History,2007,p.34.
    ⑧ FRUS,1958-60, vol.Ⅶ,Partl,West European Integration and Security;Canada,Document.293,p.742.
    ⑦ Joseph T. Jockel, Canada in NOARD,1957-2007:A History,2007,p.34.
    ① FRUS,1958-60,vol.Ⅶ,Part1, West European Integration and Security:Canada,pp.692-694.
    ② DCER, vol.25, Document 20.par.2关于这一点,1957年11月加拿大国会对政府的质询也充分说明了军方和政府是含糊其辞,蒙混过关的。军方不敢明确说NORAD司令是NATO司令之一,迪芬贝克说下一步目标就是让NORAD成为NATO的一部分。DCER, vol.25, Document 24.
    ③ Raymont Collection, DND, file 73/1223.vol.84. The quotation is from Ann Denholm Crosby Dilemmas in Defence Decision-Making:Constructing Canada s Role in NORAD,1958-96.1998, pp.30-31.
    ④ Raymont Collection, DND. file 73/1223,vol.84. The quotation is from Ann Denholm Crosby Dilemmas in Defence Decision-Making:Constructing Canada s Role in NORAD.1958-96.1998,p.31.
    ⑤ Raymont Collection, DND, file 73/1223,vol.84. The quotation is from Ann Denholm Crosby Dilemmas in Defence Decision-Making:Constructing Canada's Role in NORAD,1958-96.p1998,31.
    ⑥ Raymont Collection, DND, file 73/1223,vol.84. The quotation is from Ann Denholm Crosby Dilemmas in Defence Decision-Making:Constructing Canada's Role in NORAD,1958-96.1998,p.31.
    ① John B. Mclin, Canada's Changing Defense Policy,1957-1963:The Problems of a middle Power in Alliance,1967.p.222.
    ② 1957年6月22日,就职的第二天,迪芬贝克立即接见美国大使麦钱特,双方会谈内容深入、气氛很好,说“自己除了对小麦问题不满外,将致力于维护有着良好基础的两国关系”。FRUS,1955-57,Volume Ⅹ Ⅹ Ⅶ, West European Integration and Security;Canada,No.370,p.895.
    ③ 福克斯将军后来回忆说,那天下午,皮尔克斯带着文件直奔总理办公室,一个小时后,来到我的办公室,把文件扔到我的桌上,说“给你,批准了”。我惊呆了。Joseph T. Jockel,, No boundaries Upstairs,1987.p.106.
    ④ DCER, vol.23, Document 47.par.25., Document 50.
    ⑤ DCER, vol.25, Document 10.
    ① H. Basil Robinson, Diefenbaker's World:A Populist in Foreign Affairs,1989,p.19.
    ② FRUS,1955-57, vol.X X Ⅶ,Part1,Western Europe and Canada,Document.371, p.897.
    ③ DCER, vol.25, Document 17,par.3.
    ④ H. Basil Robinson, Diefenbaker s World:A Populist in Foreign Affairs, 1989,p.19.
    ⑤ DCER, vol.25. Document 20.
    ⑥ DCER, vol.25, Document 19,par.2可是军方面对国会的质询时并不如它想象的那样容易。1957年11月加拿大國会猛烈批评军方擅自行动欺骗國会,NORAD协定不符合法律程序。军方不得不托辞说NORAD协定只是一个临时的军事指挥方案,正式的书面协定还在谈判中。DCER, vol.25. Document 24.
    ① DCER, vol.25, Document 19,par.3-6.
    ② DCER, vol.25, Document 20.
    ③ DCER, vol.25, Document 20.
    ④ DCER, vol.25, Document 74,enclosure,pars.10,20.
    ⑤ DCER, vol.25, Documents 15,16,17,19.
    ⑥ DCER, vol.25, Document 16.
    ⑦ DCER, vol.25, Document 17.
    ⑧ DCER, vol.25, Document 22.
    ⑨ John B. Mclin, Canada's Changing Defense Policy,1957-1963:The Problems of a middle Power in Alliance, Baltimore:John Hopkins University Press,1967.Appendix I,NORAD AGREEMENT,pp.222-223.
    ① DCER. vol.25, Document 40.
    ② DCER, vol.25, Document 42.
    ③ Kal J. Holsti and Thomas Allen Levy, "Bilateral Institutions and Transgovermental Relations Between Canada and the United States," in Annette Baker Fox, Alfred O. Hero and Joseph S. Nye,eds., Canada and the United States:Transnational and Transgovermental Relations, New York:Columbia University Press,1976, p.287.
    ④ DCER,Vol.25, Document 63.
    ① Joseph T. Jockel,, No boundaries Upstairs:Canada, the United States, and the Origins of North American Defense, 1945-1958,1987.p.104.
    ② 对于这段历史的详细研究,见John B. Mclin, Canada's Changing Defense Policy,1957-1963:The Problems of a middle Power in Alliance, Baltimore:John Hopkins University Press,1967; Joseph T. Jockel,, No boundaries Upstairs:Canada, the United States, and the Origins of North American Defense,1945-1958, Vancouver:UBC Press,1987; Joseph T. Jockel, Canada in NOARD,1957-2007:A History, Montreal:McGill-Queen's University Press,2007
    ① 唐纳德·克赖顿著,《加拿大近百年史》,山东人民山版社,1972年,第467页。
    ② Raymont Collection, DND, file 73/1223, vol.88, as quoted in Ann Denholm Crosby Dilemmas in Defence Decision-Making: Constructing Canada's Role in NORAD.1958-96.1998.p.35.
    ① 莫里斯·贾诺维茨(1919-1988),美国著名的社会学家。
    ② DCER, vol.25, Document 74,enclosure,pars.9.
    Murray Peden, Fall of an Arrow, Toronto:Wings Publishing,1987, p.66.
    ① DCER,Volume 11,Part II,Document 957,pp.1534-1535.
    ② DCER,Volume 19,Document 671.
    ③ DCER,Volume 26,Document166.
    ④ DCER,Volume 25,Document80.
    ① FRUS.1958-1960. Volume Ⅶ. p.722.
    ① 如果放弃CF-105,好不容易建立起来的高技术人才将被迫遣散,一部分人将去美国,永远不会回来。DCER, Volume 25, Document 84.
    ② 美国同意按照加拿大承担总价值的1/3,其余有美方承担的方针向加拿大提供SAGE、Bomarc技术升级的雷达系统并且承诺让加拿大参与美国的军工项目。DCER. Volume 25, Document 135.
    ④ Richard A. Preston. Canada in World Affairs,1959-1961, Toronto:Oxford University Press,1965, p.159.
    ⑤ Edelgard Mahant and Graeme S. Mount, Invisible and Inaudible in Washington:American Policies toward Canada, Vancouver: UBC Press,1999, p.24.
    ⑥ Murray Peden, Fall of an Arrow, Toronto:Wings Publishing,1987, p.93.
    ① SAGE是semi-automatic ground environment(半自动地面跟踪打击系统)的英文缩略语,是一种集雷达识别、跟踪、目标搜索和打击于一身的军事设备,它改变了过去依靠人来判断目标、实施打击的空防作战方法。Bomarc是波音公司主导生产的一种地对空导弹。BMD是Ballistic Missile Defense(弹道导弹防御)的英文缩略语。
    ② FRUS,1958-1960, Volume VII, pp.716-718.
    ③“在武器装备、军队组织和训练和研发上,鼓励共同设计和标准化。”FRUS,1947,The British Commonwealth; Europe,p.104.
    ① 这是位于加拿大纽芬兰省的两个重要的美军基地。
    ② John B. Mclin, Canada's Changing Defense Policy,1957-1963:The Problems of a middle Power in Alliance, Baltimore:John Hopkins University Press,1967.pp.225-228.
    ① FRUS,1958-1960,Volume VII,pp.722-723.
    ② DCER,Volume 25,Documents 78-87.
    ① DCER, Volume 25, Document 88.
    ② John B. Mclin, Canada's Changing Defense Policy,1957-1963:The Problems of a middle Power in Alliance, Baltimore:John Hopkins University Press,1967.pp.225-228.
    ① 从1959年2月的内阁会议来看,迪芬贝克完全知道Bomarc只能打击远程轰炸机。DCER, Volume 26, Document 169.
    ② DCER, Volume 27, Document 302.
    ③ Kenneth Schaffel, The Emerging Shield:The Air Force and the Evolution of Continental Air Defense,1945-1960, Washington: Air Force History Office, USAF,1991, p.260.
    ④ 这是美国对战略资源的一种调整,把空军占有的资源转移一部分用于导弹的研发。John B. Mclin, Canada's Changing Defense Policy,1957-1963,1967.p.78.
    ⑤ DCER, Volume 27, Document 302.
    ⑤ SAC是Strategic Air Command (US)(战略空军司令部即美国战略核力量)的英文缩略语。
    ⑦ DNSA, Item Number:NH00411, p.10.
    ⑧ Joseph T. Jockel, Canada in NOARD,1957-2007:A History, Montreal:McGill-Queen's University Press,2007.p.45.
    ① 美国仅列入一个条目没有公开此次会议的记录。加拿大档案让我们得以知晓加美在1958年底在安全关系上的真实状况。见FRUS,1958-1960, Volume VII, p.729; DCER, Volume 25, Document 135.
    ② DCER, Volume 25, Document 101.
    ③ DCER, Volume 25, Document 133.
    ④ DCER, Volume 25, Documents 99,101.
    ⑤ DCER, Volume 25, Document 134.
    ① DCER, Volume 25, Document 135.
    ① Joseph T. Jockel, Canada in NOARD.1957-2007:A History, Montreal:McGill-Queen's University Press,2007.p.45. ② DCER, Volume 26, Documents 166,169,170.171.
    ④ DCER, Volume 26. Document 166.
    ① DCER,Volume 26,Document 168.
    DCER, Volume 26, Document 168.
    ① DCER, Volume 26, Document 169.
    ② 1960年初,皮尔克斯在一次演讲中表明了加拿大的安全政策的原则:“我们不再仅仅从我们一国,而是从整个自由世界的防御能力来考虑我们的防御。”根据这一原则,加拿大坚定地遵守它的同盟条约和它对NATO和NORAD的承诺。Richard A·Preston, Canada in World Affairs,1959-1961, Toronto:Oxford University Press,1965, pp.53-54.
    DCER, Volume 26, Document 170.
    ① J·M·麦克唐纳(J-M-Macdonald)迪芬贝克政府的不管部长。
    ② 安大略省莫尔顿市是AVRO飞机公司所在地。
    ③ DCER, Volume 26, Document 171.
    ④ John B. Mclin, Canada's Changing Defense Policy,1957-1963:The Problems of a middle Power in Alliance, Baltimore:John Hopkins University Press,1967.p.230. (see Appendix III)
    ① 马克斯·韦伯著,阎克文译,《马克斯·韦伯社会学文集》,人民出版社,2010年版,第165页。
    ② 实际上将造成AVRO公司25000人的失业。DCER, Volume 25, Document 84.
    ③ John B. Mclin, Canada's Changing Defense Policy,1957-1963,1967.pp.79-80.
    ④ FRUS,1958-1960, Volume VII, p.750.
    ⑤ Patrick Lennox, At home and Abroad:The Canadian-US Relationship and Canada's Place in the World, Vancouver:UBC Press,2009. p.59.
    ① FRUS,1958-1960, Volume VII, p.739.
    ② John B. Mclin, Canada's Changing Defense Policy,1957-1963,1967.pp.80-81.
    ③ DNSA, Item Number:NH01175,p.13.
    ④ Murray Peden, Fall of an Arrow, Toronto:Wings Publishing,1987,p.148. (see note 1)
    ① John B. Mclin. Canada's Changing Defense Policy,1957-1963,1967.p.84.
    ② Desmond Morton, A Military History of Canada, Edmonton:Hurtig Publishers,1990.P.241.
    ③ Richard A. Preston, Canada in World Affairs,1959-1961,1965, p.54.
    ④ FRUS,1958-1960, Volume VII, p.755.
    ⑤ FRUS,1958-1960, Volume VII, p.726.
    ① DCER, Volume 25, Document 135.
    ② John B. Mclin, Canada's Changing Defense Policy,1957-1963:The Problems of a middle Power in Alliance, Baltimore:John Hopkins University Press,1967.p.230. (see Appendix III)
    Joseph T·Jockel, Canada in NOARD,1957-2007:A History, Montreal:McGill-Queen's University Press,2007.p.46.
    ① Ibid,p.47.
    ② DCER,Volume 27,Document 302.
    ① Ibid,p.47.
    ② 波马克导弹是波音和密歇根航空研究中心(Boeing corporation and Michigan Aerospace Research Center)共同研发,名称来自于这两个机构的英文缩写。
    ③ Richard A. Preston, Canada in World Affairs,1959-1961, Toronto:Oxford University Press,1965, p.56.
    ① Richard A. Preston, Canada in World Affairs,1959-1961, Toronto:Oxford University Press,1965, pp.56-57.
    ① Richard A. Preston, Canada in World Affairs,1959-1961, Toronto:Oxford University Press,1965. p.57.
    ② Richard A. Preston, Canada in World Affairs,1959-1961, Toronto:Oxford University Press,1965, pp.57-58.
    ① Richard A. Preston, Canada in World Affairs, 1959-1961, Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1965, pp.56-57.
    ① Richard A. Preston, Canada in World Affairs,1959-1961, Toronto:Oxford University Press,1965. pp.59-63.
    ② FRUS,1958-1960, Western European integration and security. Canada,Volume VII, p.747.
    ③ Ibid.
    ① Ibid.
    ② Richard A. Preston, Canada in World Affairs,1959-1961, Toronto:Oxford University Press,1965, p.159.
    ① John B. Mclin, Canada's Changing Defense Policy,1957-1963,1967.p.173.
    ① United States. Dept. of State. American Foreign Policy Basic Documents,1950-55, Vol. Ⅰ, GPO,1957, pp.1403-1404.
    ② John B. Mclin, Canada's Changing Defense Policy 1957-1963,1967. pp.174-175.
    ③ John B. Mclin, Canada's Changing Defense Policy,1957-1963,1967.pp.175-176.
    ① John B. Mclin. Canada's Changing Defense Policy,1957-1963,1967,p.176.
    ② DCER, Volume 26, Document 228.
    ① John B. Mclin, Canada s Changing Defense Policy,1957-1963:The Problems of a middle Power in Alliance, Baltimore:John Hopkins University Press,1967.p.227.
    ② FRUS,1958-1960, Western European integration and security, Canada.Volume VII. p.738.
    ① 美国认为内容过于机密,没有象加拿大一样公开此次会议的记录,仅列入一个条目。加拿大档案让我们得以知晓加美在1958年底在安全关系上的真实状况。见FRUS,1958-1960, Volume VII, p.729; DCER, Volume 25, Document 135.
    ② DCER, Volume 25, Document 101.
    ③ FRUS,1958-1960, Western European integration and security, Canada,Volume VII, p.750.
    ④ FRUS,1958-1960, Western European integration and security, Canada, Volume VII, p.738.
    ② DNSA, Item Number:PR00012.
    ③ DCER, Volume 25. Documents 99,101.
    ④ DCER, Volume 25, Document 134.
    ① DCER,Volume 25,Document 101.
    ① DNSA, Item Number:PR00012.
    ② DCER, Volume 26, Document 224.
    ③ DNSA, Item Number:PR00012.
    ② Richard A. Preston, Canada in World Affairs,1959-1961,1965, p.160.
    ① DCER, Volume 26, Document 224.
    ② 普雷斯顿以为戴维营会议的日期为11月9-10日,Richard A. Preston. Canada in World Affairs,1959-1961,1965, p.161.现在根据DCER应为11月8-9日。DCER. Volume 26, Document 229.
    ③ DCER, Volume 26, Document 224.
    ④ DCER, Volume 27, Document 302.
    ① DCER, Volume 27, Document 302.
    ① Richard A. Preston, Canada in World Affairs,1959-1961,1965, pp.161-162.
    ② FRUS.1961-1963, West Europe and Canada, Volume XIII. p.1145.
    ③ Richard A. Preston, Canada in World Affairs,1959-1961.1965, p.162.
    ① Richard A. Preston, Canada in World Affairs,1959-1961,1965, p.189.
    ① Richard A·Preston, Canada in World Affairs,1959-1961,1965, pp.54-55.
    ② Richard A·Preston, Canada in World Affairs,1959-1961,1965, pp.54-55.
    ① Richard A. Preston, Canada in World Affairs,1959-1961,1965, p.163.
    ① Peyton V. Lyon, The Policy Question, A Critical Appraisal of Canada's Role in World Affairs, McClelland and Stewart Limited, 1963, p.8.
    ② 孔华润主编,《剑桥美国对外关系史》(孔华润著,王琛译,第四卷,苏联强权时期的美国),新华出版社,第308页。
    ③ 沃尔特·拉费伯尔著,牛可、翟韬、张静译,《美国、俄国和冷战》,世界图书出版公司,2011年版,第121页。
    ④ New York Times, May 15,1953, pp.8-9.
    ① DCER, Volume 27. Introduction.
    ② DCER, Volume 27, Document 504.
    ③ 唐纳德·克莱顿著,山东大学翻译组译,《加拿大近百年史》,山东人民出版社,1972年版,第485-86页。
    ④ DCER, Volume 26. Introduction; DCER, Volume 26,Document 345.
    ⑤ DCER, Volume 27, Document 504.
    ⑥ Richard A. Preston. Canada in World Affairs,1959-1961, Toronto:Oxford University Press,1965. pp.240-242.
    ① Costas Melakopides对二战后加拿大在创立和平和维和行动、武器控制和裁军、对外发展援助、人权和生态坏境关注等领域的政策和行为进行研究之后得出的结论。Costas Melakopides, Pragmatic Idealism:Canadian Foreign Policy,1945-1995, Montreal & Kingston:McGill-Queen's Press,1998.
    ② Costas Melakopides认为,加拿大外交的实用的理想主义是区别于其他大多数国家的显著特征。Costas Melakopides, Pragmatic Idealism:Canadian Foreign Policy,1945-1995, Montreal & Kingston:McGill-Queen's Press,1998.p.5.
    ③ Peyton V. Lyon, The Policy Question, A Critical Appraisal of Canada's Role in World Affairs, McClelland and Stewart Limited, 1963, p.8.
    ① Richard A. Preston, Canada in World Affairs,1959-1961, Toronto:Oxford University Press,1965. p.20.
    ② DCER. Volume 24, Document 302.
    ③ 但是根据12月25日葛罗米柯外长在最高苏维埃所作的报告来看,西方的反应太过于敏感,11月27日的声明不是最后通牒。DCER. Volume 24. Document 319.
    ① 方连庆、刘金质、王炳元主编,《战后国际关系史》,北京大学出版社,1999年版,第360-361页。
    ② FRUS, 1958-1960, Volume Ⅸ, p.22.
    ③ 伊·费·伊瓦辛著,国际问题译丛编辑部译,《苏联外交简史》,世界知识出版社,1960年版,第398-400页。
    ④ DCER, Volume 24, Document 305.
    ⑤ DCER, Volume 24, Document 305.
    ⑥ 德国和柏林问题的北约直接相关方为美、英、法、德四国,负责制定西方的柏林和德国政策。
    ⑦ DCER, Volume 24, Document 305.para.5.
    ① DCER. Volume 24, Document 308.
    ② DCER, Volume 24, Document 305.para.8.
    ③ DCER, Volume 24, Document 305.para.8.
    ④ DNSA, Item Number:NH00875.
    ⑤ DCER, Volume 24, Document 309.
    ⑥ DCER. Volume 24, Document 309.
    ⑦ DCER. Volume 24, Document 324,para.3.
    ① DCER, Volume 24, Document 314.
    ② DNSA, Item Number: NH00875.
    ① FRUS,1958-1960,Ⅷ, pp.209-212.
    ② FRUS,1958-1960,Ⅷ, pp.212-213.
    ① FRUS, 1958-1960,Ⅷ, p.217.
    ② DCER, Volume 24, Document 324.para.4.
    ③ FRUS, 1958-1960,Ⅷ, pp.213-214.
    ④ DCER, Volume 24, Document 319.
    ⑤ DCER, Volume 24, Document 320.
    ⑥ FRUS, 1958-1960,Ⅷ, p.216.
    ⑦ DCER, Volume 24, Document 324.para.7.
    ⑧ Department of State Bulletin, January 19,1959.pp.79-81.
    ① FRUS, 1958-1960,Ⅷ, pp.234-236.
    ② FRUS, 1958-1960,Ⅷ, p.237.
    ③ FRUS, 1958-1960,Ⅷ, p.238.
    ① FRUS, 1958-1960,Ⅷ, p.239.
    ② 杜勒斯也认识到他的偏执和僵硬是盟国一再诟病的性格并且影响了东西方关系的和解进程。但是,思维惯性顽固地控制着杜勒斯对事物的判断。FRUS,1958-1960,Ⅷ,p.271.
    ③ FRUS, 1958-1960,Ⅷ, p.246.
    ④ FRUS, 1958-1960,Ⅷ, p.247.
    ⑤ FRUS, 1958-1960,Ⅷ, p.249.
    ⑥ FRUS, 1958-1960,Ⅷ, p.250.
    ① FRUS, 1958-1960,Ⅷ,p.253.
    ② FRUS, 1958-1960,Ⅷ,p.271.
    ③ FRUS, 1958-1960,Ⅷ, p.272.
    ④ DCER, Volume 26, Document 84.
    ⑤ FRUS, 1958-1960,Ⅷ, p.292.
    ⑥ FRUS, 1958-1960,Ⅷ,pp.292-293.
    ① FRUS,1958-1960,Ⅷ,pp.293-294.
    ② FRUS,1958-1960,Ⅷ,p.297.
    ③ DCER, Volume 26, Document 77.
    ④ 史密斯在该文件上批示:"YES"。DCER, Volume 26,Document 77.note.124.
    ⑤ DCER, Volume 26, Document 78.
    ⑥ DCER, Volume 26, Document 80.
    ① DNSA, Item Number:NH00875.
    ② FRUS,1958-1960.VIII.p.306.
    ③ DCER, Volume 26, Document 84.
    ④ DCER, Volume 26, Document 84.
    ⑤ Ibid.
    ① DCER, Volume 26, Document 86.
    ② DCER, Volume 26, Document 87.
    ③ 3月18日,麦克米伦在访美之前访问渥太华寻求加方的支持,在与迪芬贝克的会谈中明确提出上述苏联主张,为加拿大所接受。DCER, Volume 26, Document 84.
    ④ 他们使用了同一个词softness, FRUS,1958-1960,IX,p.2.
    ⑤ FRUS,1958-1960,Ⅸ,p.7.
    ⑥ FRUS,1958-1960,Ⅸ,p.7.
    孔华润,主编,《剑桥美国对外关系史》(孔华润著,王琛译,第四卷,苏联强权时期的美国),新华出版社, 第308页。
    ② 孔华润主编,《剑桥美国对外关系史》(孔华润著,工琛译,第四卷,苏联强权时期的美国),新华出版社,第345页。Richard A. Preston, Canada in World Affairs,1959-1961,Toronto:Oxford University Press,1965. p.27.
    ③ 孔华润认为只有英国热心支持与苏联进行有关德国的谈判。见孔华润主编,《剑桥美国对外关系史》(孔华润著,王琛译,第四卷,苏联强权时期的美国),新华出版社,第345页。但是,从有关档案来看,加拿大也是一直坚定支持谈判的北约重要盟国。
    ④ FRUS,1958-1960,Ⅷ,p.298.
    ⑤ Richard A. Preston, Canada in World Affairs,1959-1961, Toronto:Oxford University Press,1965, p.4.
    ① DCER, Volume 26, Document 84.
    ② Richard A. Preston, Canada in World Affairs,1959-1961, Toronto:Oxford University Press,1965, p.25.
    ③ Toronto Daily Star,9 May 1959.
    ④ DCER, Volume 26, Document 84. Montreal Star,12 May 1959.
    ⑤ Vancouver Sun,23 July 1959.
    ⑥ FRUS,1958-1960, Volume VIII, p.549.p.552.CAB-128/33/CC(59)/14,P.4. CAB-128/33/CC(59)/20,P.3.
    ⑦ Richard A. Preston, Canada in World Affairs,1959-1961, Toronto:Oxford University Press,1965, p.25.
    ⑧ FRUS,1958-1960, Volume VIII, p.542.
    ⑨ Richard A. Preston, Canada in World Affairs,1959-1961, Toronto:Oxford University Press,1965, p.27-29.
    ① Richard A. Preston, Canada in World Affairs. 1959-1961, Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1965, p.28.
    ② 阿登纳认为这封信有那么多的个人感触,显然出自赫鲁晓夫之手,不是苏联外交部代笔。FRUS,1958-1960,Ⅸ ,pp. 11-12.
    ③ FRUS, 1958-1960.IX,pp.9-10.
    ④ FRUS, 1958-1960,Ⅸ,p.l3.
    ⑤ FRUS, 1958-1960,Ⅸ,pp.22-23.
    ① 亨利·基辛格著,顾淑馨,林添贵译,《大外交》,海南出版社,1998年版,第559页。
    ② 加拿大驻北约代表Jules LEGER在该次会议上的发言。DNSA, Item Number:BC01911。
    ③ 赫鲁晓夫把柏林称之为西方的睾丸,“只要我使劲一捏,他们就会痛苦的喊叫”。Robert Bothwell, Alliance and Illusion: Canada and the World,1945-1984, Vancouver:UBC.2007, p.164.
    ① John Herd Thompson and Stephen J. Randall, Canada and the United States:Ambivalent Allies.3rd edition Montreal & Kinston:McGill-Queen's University Press.2002, p.225.
    ② 北美大陆以加美边界为界,以北为北美大陆北层,以南为北美大陆南层。
    ③ 加拿大萨斯卡切温省的首府。
    ① 这种解释比较典型的有Lawrence Martin, The Presidents and the Prime Ministers, Toronto:Doubleday,1982, pp.181-212; Knowlton Nash, Kennedy and Diefenbaker:Fear and Loathing Across the Undefended Border, Toronto:McClelland and Stewart,1990; Jamie Glazov, Canadian Policy Toward Khrushchev's Soviet Union, Montreal and Kingston:McGill-Queen's University Press,2002,pp.140-169.
    ① Canadian Embassy (Havana) Dispatch, Confidential, http://www.gwu.edu/-nsarchiv/bayofpigs/19610615.pdf.
    ② Ibid.
    ③ Robert Bothwell, Alliance and Illusion:Canada and the World,1945-1984, Vancouver:UBC.2007, p.167.
    ① Patrick Lennox, At home and Abroad,2009,p.41.
    ② Lawrence Martin, The Presidents and the Prime Ministers, Toronto:Doubleday,1982, p.187.
    ③ Robert Reford, Canada and Three Crises,Toronto:Canadian Institute of International Affairs,1968,p.164.
    ④ H·B·鲁滨逊作为亲历者,真实地记录了《罗斯托备忘录》引起的外交纷争,迪芬贝克非常信任地把这份备忘录给鲁滨逊看,鲁滨逊也随即建议迪芬贝克把它还给美方并附带一些解释。H. Basil Robinson, Diefenbaker's World:A Populist in Foreign Affairs, Toronto:University of Toronto Press,1989, pp.206-207.
    ⑤ Patrick Lennox, At home and Abroad,2009, p.42.
    ① Richard A. Preston, Canada in World Affairs.1959-1961. Toronto:Oxford University Press,1965, p.28.
    ② Thompson, John Herd, and Randall, Stephen J., Canada and the United States:Ambivalent Allies. Montreal & Kinston: McGill-Queen's University Press.1994.p.222.
    ③ G. John Ikenberry, eds., American Foreign Policy:Theoretical Essays,3rd ed, New York:Longman,1999, p.444.
    ④ John Warnock, Partner to Behemoth:The Military Policy of Satellite Canada, Toronto:New Press,1970, p.158.
    ⑤ G. John Ikenberry, eds., American Foreign Policy:Theoretical Essays,3rd ed, New York:Longman,1999, p.446.
    ⑥ Ibid, pp.422-424.
    ① Timothy Naftall and Philip Zelikow, eds., The Presidential Recordings, John F. Kennedy:The Great Crises, Vol.2, New York: Norton,2001, p.405.
    ② Patrick Lennox, At home and Abroad,2009, p.44.
    ① Joseph T. Jockel, Canada in NOARD,1957-2007:A History, Montreal:McGill-Queen's University Press,2007, p.55.
    ② The American Presidency Project,http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=8986&st=&stl=
    ③ Ibid.
    ④ DNSA, Item Number:CC00906.
    ⑤ Peyton V. Lyon, Canada in World Affairs,1961-1963, Toronto:Oxford University Press,1968. p.34.
    ⑥ Ibid, p.35.
    ① DNSA, Item Number:CC00999.
    ② John J. Kirton, Canadian Foreign Policy in a Changing World, Toronto:Thompson-Nelson,2006, p.23.
    ③ Jamie Glazov, Canadian Policy Toward Khrushchev's Soviet Union,2002, p.142.
    ④ Defence condition的缩写,是衡量美国军队活跃度和备战状态的等级。DEFCON 3指示战争一触即发,军队做好战争的一切准备。
    ⑤ Peyton V. Lyon, Canada in World Affairs,1961-1963,1968, p.36.
    ⑥ Ibid.
    ⑦ Desmond Morton, A Military History of Canada, Edmonton:Hurtig Publishers,1990.P.247.
    ① Peyton V. Lyon, Canada in World Affairs,1961-1963,1968. p.59.
    ② Ibid. p.30.
    ③ Ibid. p.55.
    ④ DNSA, Item Number:CC01001.
    ① Robert Reford, Canada and Three Crises,1968, p.190.
    ② Ibid, p.194.
    ③ 迪芬贝克内阁的商业和贸易部长。
    ④ Patrick Lennox, At home andAbroad,2009, p.50.
    ⑤ Peyton V. Lyon, Canada in World Affairs,1961-1963,1968, pp.45-46.
    ⑥ John G. Diefenbaker, One Canada:The Tumultuous Years,1962-1967, Vol.3, Toronto:Macmillan,1977, p.88.
    ⑦ Peyton V. Lyon, Canada in World Affairs,1961-1963,1968, p.45.
    ⑧ DNSA, Item Number:CC01394.
    ⑨ Peyton V. Lyon, Canada in World Affairs,1961-1963,1968, pp.46-47.
    ① Patrick Lennox, At home and Abroad.2009, p.51.
    ② Patrick Lennox. At home and Abroad.2009, pp.51-52.
    ③ Peyton V. Lyon, Canada in World Affairs,1961-1963,1968. p.50.
    ④ Patrick Lennox, At home and Abroad.2009, pp.51-52.
    ⑤ Robert Reford, Canada and Three Crises,1968, p.191.
    ⑥ 10月28日迪芬贝克通过电视发表的关于古巴问题的声明。DNSA, Item Number:CC01678.
    ① Peyton V. Lyon, Canada in World Affairs,1961-1963,1968, p.58.
    ② Patrick Lennox, At home and Abroad,2009, p.53.
    ③ Peyton V. Lyon, Canada in World Affairs,1961-1963,1968,p.37, p.59.
    ④ Patrick Lennox, At home andAbroad,2009, p.53.
    ⑤ Robert Bothwell, Alliance and Illusion:Canada and the World,1945-1984, Vancouver:UBC Press,2007.p.178.
    ⑥ 方连庆、刘金质、王炳元主编,《战后国际关系史》,北京大学出版社,1999年版,第234-36页。
    ① 1959年2月19日,外长史密斯建议迪芬贝克总理,利用加拿大在西方和苏联都有良好关系的优势,尽量使德国问题获得整体解决,但是如果英法美苏无法达成一致,就应向四国提出单独解决柏林问题。DCER. Volume 26, Document 83.3月18 日,迪芬贝克利用英国首相访问加拿大的机会又一次对柏林问题和德国统一问题施加影响,了解盟国立场,阐明加方观点。DCER, Volume 26, Document 84. 在DCER, Volume 26, Chapter II, Part 2里,有大量的档案都证明加拿大以自己的方式影响着事件的进程。
    ② 孔华润认为在二战后的40年里,1958-62年的紧张形势可谓无出其右者。国内外的冷战史学者对此没有异议。见孔华润主编,《剑桥美国对外关系史》(孔华润著,王琛译,第四卷,苏联强权时期的美国),新华出版社,第342页。徐蓝:《国家大战略与对外政策的调整—20世纪40-60年代冷战态势的演变》,《浙江学刊》,2003年第6期。
    ① Peyton V. Lyon, Canada in World Affairs,1961-1963,1968, p.57.
    ② Michael Hart, A Trading Nation:Canadian Trade Policy from Colonialism to Globalization, Vancouver:UBC Press,2002.
    ③ 唐纳德·克莱顿:《加拿大近百年史》山东大学出版社,1972年版,第486页。
    ① Peyton V. Lyon, Canada in World Affairs.1961-1963,1968, p.502.
    ② John Herd Thompson and Stephen J. Randall, Canada and the United States:Ambivalent Allies.3rd edition Montreal & Kinston:McGill-Queen's University Press.2002, p.225.
    ① DCER,vol.26,Document.199.
    ② DCER, vol.26,Document.204.
    ③ DCER, vol.26,Documents.200,204.
    ④ 该条款规定:“受各自政府之命,NORAD制定的任何计划或安排都应该由军方提交给相关部门审查并进行政府间协调。" Andrew Richter, Avoiding Armageddon:Canadian Military Strategy and Nuclear Weapons,1950-63, Vancouver:UBC Press,2002,P.97.Appendix, "NORAD AGREEMENT",P.223.Para.6.
    ⑤ 副外长约翰w·霍尔姆斯在得到加驻美大使馆报告后向外交部长霍华德·格林报告了此事。DCER, vol.26, Document199.
    ⑥ DCER, vol.26, Document 200.
    ⑦ H. Basil Robinson的旁批:"Seen by Prime Minister". DCER, vol.26, Document 199.Note 405.
    ① DCER把赫鲁晓夫访美的时间注释为9月19日-27日有误,实际上是9月15日-27日,FRVS,1958-60, vol. Ⅶ,Part1,Docuemnts 303.Note 3.P.763.
    ② DCER. vol.26, Document 200.par.11 (b)
    ③ DNSA, Item Number:NH00875.
    ④ DCER, vol.26, Document 200.par.12.
    ⑤ FRUS,1958-60.vol.Ⅶ, Part1.Docuemnts 303. PP.763-764.
    ⑥ 加拿大外交事务归属国务院欧洲司。
    ① 希尼对总统意图的推测是正确的。艾森豪威尔根据外交磋商的进程把演习时间从原定的8月推迟到赫鲁晓夫访美结束后的10月,其实就有不愿在会谈前刺激苏联的政治考量。DCER, vol.26, Documents 204,
    ② FRUS,1958-60,vol.Ⅶ,Partl,Docuemnts 303. P.764. DCER, vol.26, Documents 201,202.par.2.1958年12月,在第二次柏林危机紧张时刻,加拿大也主张NORAD不要举行军演以免刺激苏联,其意图在缓和东西方关系。DNSA, Item Number: NH00875.
    ③ Andrew Richer, Avoiding Armageddon:Canadian Military Strategy and Nuclear Weapons,1950-63. Vancouver:UBC Press,2002,pp.78-79.
    ① 9月2日艾森豪威尔致迪芬贝克的亲笔信也证明了美国利用军演意在向苏方施压的观点。Louis Galambos, ed., The Papers of Dwight David Eisenhower, The Presidency:Keeping the Peace, vol. XX, Part Ⅷ, Baltimore and London:the Johns Hopkins University Press,2001, Document 1302.p.1647.
    ② FRUS,1958-60.vol.Ⅶ,Part1,Docuemnts 303.Note 5. P.764. DCER, vol.26, Document 202.
    ③ DCER, vol.26, Documents 204.
    ④ 档案直接引用了美国大使的原话“快要疯掉了(mad as hell)"。这句话可理解为(美国人说)加拿大简直疯了。但是,从外交礼仪上讲,美国大使不可能当着加拿_大总理的面说这种无礼的话,因此是说美国人自己要疯掉了。DCER, vol.26, Documents 204.
    ① "determined not to have Canada'put on the tail of the United States'"。DCER, vol.26, Document 206.
    ② DNSA, Item Number:NH01364.
    ③ FRUS,1958-60,vol.Ⅶ,Partl,Docuemnts 304. PP.765-766.
    ④ Louis Galambos, ed,The Papers of Dwight David Eisenhower, The Presidency:Keeping the Peace, vol. XX, Part Ⅷ, Document 1302.Baltimore and London:the Johns Hopkins University Press,2001,p.1647.
    ⑤ DCER, vol.26, Document 208.
    ⑥ 美国军方和国务院无法按照加方建议在不停飞民航的前提下实施天鹰军演,不得不建议总统取消或推迟军演。DNSA, Item Number:NH01364.
    ① The Papers of Dwight David Eisenhower, The Presidency: Keeping the Peace, vol. ⅩⅩ, Part Ⅷ , Document 1314. p. 1661.Note 2.
    ② DCER. vol.26. Document 213. FRUS.l958-60.Vol.Ⅶ,Partl,Document 306.P.768.
    ③ Costas Melakopides, Pragmatic Idealism: Canadian Foreign Policy, 1945-1995,Montreal:McGill-Queen"s University Press,1998.pp.3-9.
    ④ 加拿大内阁成立战后问题委员会,由其负责对战后问题进行调研和政策调整。1945年2月,经过外交部和军方以及其他内阁部门反复讨论的最终报告递交内阁,它对当前及今后一段时期的国际形势进行了预测,对加拿大的安全政策提出了相应建议。DCER .Volume 11, Part Ⅱ,Document 978, pp.1567-1573.
    ⑤ Stewart, Gordon T,对加拿大对美国的安全威胁的担忧的研究很深,见Stewart, Gordon T., The American Response to Canada since 1776. East Lansing: Michigan State University press. 1992.
    ⑧ John B·Mclin对加拿大利用国际组织维护国家主权独立的做法也深有感触,说了这么一句有趣的话,“在加拿大,这么多布鲁塞尔条约国家能发挥一种潜在的平衡作用,人们越发感觉到,就像睡在一张床上的人越多,越不可能被强奸一样。”John B·Mclin, Canada's Changing Defense Policy, 1957-1963: The Problems of a middle Power in Alliance, pp.12-13.
    ① FRUS,1958-60,vol.Ⅶ,Partl,Docuemnts 320. P.804. Document 304.p.765“加拿大外交部不能允许美国对加拿大利益为所欲为。”Andrew Richter, Avoiding Armageddon:Canadian Military Strategy and Nuclear Weapons,1950-63, P.97.
    ② 8月9日,美国官员和皮尔克斯详细讨论此次军事演习,皮尔克斯向美方澄清,加拿大政府还未批准这次拟定的演习,美方官员对皮尔克斯不能独自做出决定很是吃惊。DCER, vol.26, Document 200.
    ③ 必须注意到,加拿大在二战后以公正、和平的形象出现在世界舞台,典型的事例有参加印度支那监督委员会;苏伊士运河危机中协调并首创维和部队维护中东和平,皮尔逊外长还因此荣获了1956年的诺贝尔和平奖。1959年,霍华德·格林出任迪芬贝克的第二任外交部长,其外交理念也是推动世界裁军和无核化,为世界和平作重要贡献.Kim Richard Nossal, The Politics of Canadian Foreign Policy,2nd ed.Scarborough, Ontario:Prentice-Hall Canada Inc.,1989,p.5O.
    ④ John W. Holmes, Life with Uncle:the Canadian-American Relationship, pp.32-33.
    ⑤ 在DCER和FRUS的文件中,二战后,特别是圣劳伦特政府后期以及迪芬贝克政府时期,加美争议最多的问题之一就是加不断增加对苏小麦贸易的问题。
    ⑥ Andrew Richter, Avoiding Armageddon:Canadian Military Strategy and Nuclear Weapons,1950-63, P.97.
    ⑦ DCER, vol.26, Document 200.par.11 par.11 (b)
    ⑧ Louis Galambos, ed,The Papers of Dwight David Eisenhower, The Presidency:Keeping the Peace, vol. XX, Part V III, Document 1314. p.1661.
    ⑨ DCER, vol.26, Documents 203.par.7.
    ① DCER, vol.26. Document 200.Par.11(b), Document 201.
    ② DCER, vol.26. Document 205.
    ③ DCER, vol.26, Document 204.
    ④ FRUS,1958-60,vol.Ⅶ,Part1,Docuemnts304.p.765.
    ⑤ Andrew Richter, Avoiding Armageddon:Canadian Military Strategy and Nuclear Weapons,1950-63. p.57.p.97.
    ⑥ 关于这份备忘录的时间,H·巴兹尔·鲁滨逊的口期是9月11日,有误,应是9月22日。一是艾森豪威尔决定取消天鹰行导致加拿大总理的亲笔信是9月15日,天鹰事件最终尘埃落定。在此之前,希尼还谈不上总结该事件的教训问 题;二是DCER显示该备忘录的时间是9月22。DCER, vol.27, Document 211.
    ① H. Basil Robinson, Diefenbaker's World: A Populist in Foreign Affairs, P110.
    ② FRUS, 1958-6Q,vol.Vn,Partl,Docuemnts 320. p.804. Document 307. pp.769-772.
    ③ 这一点特别令人费解,因为自1958年12月15日加美在巴黎举行部长级安全联系会议以来,加拿大就对NORAD的军演颇有微词,对携带核武器的美军飞机的跨境飞行非常敏感。1959年2月27日,麦钱特在与希尼的对话中就已经知道,加拿大不赞成在柏林形势严峻之时频繁举行军演.关于加拿大对美国的军事政治的态度问题,麦钱特3月2日还专门向狄龙汇报过。DNSA, Item Number: NH00875.
    ④ FRUS, 1958-60,vol.W,Partl,Docuemnts 320. P.804. Document 308.p.772.
    ⑤ 加拿大的相关档案很详细。DCER, vol.26, Document 229.
    ⑥ Stewart, Gordon T., The American Response to Canada since 1776.
    ⑦ 迪芬贝克在后期不肯与美合作,甚至采取反美的立场:其一、加拿大始终不肯同意在加拿大领土部署核武器;其二、在古巴导弹危机期间,加拿大没有响应美国的建议,与美国步调一致的进入一级战备状态。H. Basil Robinson, Diefenbaker s World: A Populist in Foreign Affairs.
    ⑧ 肯尼迪派出自己总统竞选的智囊团为反对党皮尔逊出谋划策。H. Basil Robinson, Diefenbaker's World: A Populist in
    Foreign Affairs,pp.304-315.
    ① John B. Mclin, Canada's Changing Defense Policy,1957-1963:The Problems of a middle Power in Alliance,1967,p.124.
    ② Leonard Beaton and John Maddox, The Spread of Nuclear Weapons, London:Chatto and Windus,1962, pp.98-108.
    ③ Michael Hart, A Trading Nation:Canadian Trade Policy from Colonialism to Globalism, Vancouver:UBC Press,2002.
    ④ George F. G. Stanley, Canada's Soldiers:The Military History of Unmilitary People, Toronto:Macmillan of Canada,1960,p. I. Quoted on John B. Mclin. Canada's Changing Defense Policy.1957-1963:The Problems of a middle Power in Alliance, 1967.p.124.
    ⑤ James Eayrs. Northern Approaches:Canada and the Search for Peace, Toronto:University of Toronto Press.1961. p.40.
    ⑥ Peyton V. Lyon. Canada in World Affairs.1961-1963, Toronto:Oxford University Press,1968. p.46.p,120.
    ⑦ Melvin Conant, "Canada and Continental Defence:An American View", International Journal, X V (Summer,1960).p.227.
    ① Melvin Conant,"Canada and Nuclear Weapons:An American View", International Journal, X V III(Spring,1963),pp.207ff.
    ② John B. Mclin, Canada's Changing Defense Policy,1957-1963:The Problems of a middle Power in Alliance,1967.p.126.
    ③ John B. Mclin, Canada's Changing Defense Policy,1957-1963:The Problems of a middle Power in Alliance,1967,p.126.
    ④ James Eayrs, Northern Approaches:Canada and the Search for Peace,p.43.. Quoted on John B. Mclin, Canada s Changing Defense Policy,1957-1963:The Problems of a middle Power in Alliance,1967,p.126.
    ⑤ The American Presidency Project, http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=11884&st=&stl.
    ① 麦乔治·邦迪著,褚广友,盛冰等译,《美国核战略》,世界知识出版社,1991年版,第338页。
    ② DCER自1949年始出现关于纽芬兰的档案,此前没有相关档案。
    ③ 1864年的魁北克会议是各殖民地一次讨论成立加拿大自治领的重要会议,该会议讨论了未来政府的组成和政治体制等问题,并且达成了重要共识。
    ① 唐纳德·克赖顿,《加拿大近百年史》,济南,山东人民出版社,1972年,第411-413页。
    ② 这是1949年3月17日,加拿大外长和防长根据1949年2月12日两国元首会晤的精神向美国大使作的口头声明。DCER.Volume 15.Document.890.
    ③ Ibid..
    ④ DCER, Volume 15,Document.888,
    ⑤ DCER, Volume 15,Document.870; FRUS,1949, Volume Ⅱ,p.395.
    ① FRUS,1949,Volume II,p.401.
    ② 根据1949年6月22日在加拿大埃德蒙顿举行的PJBD会议,美国军方向加拿大方面表示:在和平时期交出基地的民事和刑事审判权,但加拿大保证战时,给于美军《外军法》所赋予的同等特权;在双方满意的基础上解决邮政权;不愿意交出海关权和免税权。DCER, Volume 15,Document.891.
    ③ FRUS,1949,Volume Ⅱ, p.402.note 3; DCER, Volume 15,Document.891.
    ④ FRUS,1949,Volume II,pp.401-402.
    ⑤ DCER, Volume 16, Document 826.
    ① FRUS,1949,Volume Ⅱ,p.396,note 3.
    ② DCER, Volume 16. Document 829.para.9.
    ③ 《1941年租借协定》第19款:“美军根据特殊安排取得的军事基地享受根据租借取得的基地同等地位的权利。”实际上,美国因此取得了在纽芬兰根据战略需要自行建立军事基地的权利。DCER, Volume 16. Document 826.
    ④ DCER, Volume 16. Document 826.
    ① DCER, Volume 18, Document 728,para.3.; DCER, Volume 16, Document 829.para.10.
    ② DCER, Volume 16, Document 830.
    ③ DCER, Volume 16, Document 826.
    ④ DCER, Volume 16,Introduction.
    ⑤ DCER, Volume 18, Document 728,para.3.
    ⑥ DCER, Volume 18, Document 728.
    ① John B·Mclin对加拿大在多边的国际组织中维护国家主权独立的做法也深有感触,“在加拿大,这么多布鲁塞尔条约国家能发挥一种潜在的平衡作用,人们越发感觉到,就像睡在一张床上的人越多,越不可能被强奸一样。”John B·Mclin, Canada's Changing Defense Policy,1957-1963:The Problems of a middle Power in Alliance, pp.12-13.
    ② Joseph T·Jockel,. No boundaries Upstairs,p.96.
    ③ DCER, vol.23, Document 41.par.2(b)
    ④ DCER, vol.23, Document 44.par.26.
    ⑤ DCER. vol.23, Document 49. DCER, vol.25, Document 16.
    ⑥ 在导弹技术没有突破的情况下,核弹是靠远程重型轰炸机这个运载系统来投放的。这里的发射系统就是指远程重型轰炸机。
    ① DCER, vol.23, Document 41.par.18.
    ② DCER, vol.23, Document 41.par.18.
    ③ John B. Mclin, Canada's Changing Defense Policy,1957-1963:The Problems of a middle Power in Alliance, 1967,pp.130-131.
    ④ DCER, vol.25, Document 80.
    ⑤ DCER, vol.25, Documents 94,135.
    ① John B. Mclin, Canada s Changing Defense Policy,1957-1963:The Problems of a middle Power in Alliance, Baltimore:John Hopkins University Press,1967,p.132.
    ② Jbid,p.132.
    ③ Robert Bothwell, Alliance and Illusion:Canada and the World,1945-1984. Vancouver:UBC,2007, p.162.
    ④ Ibid,p.133.
    ⑤ DCER, vol.25. Document 135.
    ① Ibid,p. 135, Appendix I.
    ② John B. Mclin, Canada's Changing Defense Policy, 1957-1963: The Problems of a middle Power in Alliance, Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 1967,pp.l33-134.
    ③ Ibid, p.134.
    ① Peyton V. Lyon, Canada in World Affairs,1961-1963. Toronto:Oxford University Press.1968, p.81.
    ② John B. Mclin, Canada's Changing Defense Policy,1957-1963:The Problems of a middle Power in Alliance. Baltimore:John Hopkins University Press,1967, p.136.
    ③ Ibid, pp.136-137.
    ① Peyton V. Lyon, Canada in World Affairs,1961-1963, Toronto:Oxford University Press,1968, p.83.
    H. Basil Robinson, Diefenbaker's World:A Populist in Foreign Affairs, Toronto:University of Toronto Press,1984.p.86.
    H·B·鲁宾逊没有提到会议的具体日期,根据DCER为4月28日,该档案也印证了H·B·鲁宾逊的著作的真实程度。DCER, vol.25 Document 55.
    ③ John B. Mclin, Canada s Changing Defense Policy,1957-1963:The Problems of a middle Power in Alliance, Baltimore:John Hopkins University Press,1967, p.137.
    ④ Ibid. p.137.
    ⑥ 格林表示,加拿大政府原则上同意,根据NORAD原则,允许美国在古斯贝储存供美军使用的核武器,同意完成政府
    间外交照会互换的程序。加拿大政府认为古斯贝的这些武器和储存在加拿大的任何核武器应该共同控制。DCER, vol.26, Document 229.
    ⑥ DCER, vol.26, Document 230.
    ① John B. Mclin, Canada s Changing Defense Policy.1957-1963:The Problems of a middle Power in Alliance, Baltimore:John Hopkins University Press,1967. p.138.
    ② Ibid., p.138.
    ① Ibid.,p.140.
    ② VOW在1960年成立,很快就成为加拿大社会反对核武器的主要力量。Peyton V. Lyon, Canada in World Affairs, 1961-1963, Toronto:Oxford University Press,1968, p.88.
    ③ Peyton V. Lyon, Canada in World Affairs,1961-1963, Toronto:Oxford University Press,1968, pp.86-89.
    ④ FRUS.1961-1961. West Europe and Canada. Volume ⅩⅢ. pp.1146-1147.
    ⑥ John B. Mclin, Canada's Changing Defense Policy,1957-1963:The Problems of a middle Power in Alliance, Baltimore:John
    ⑤ H. Basil Robinson, Diefenbaker's World:A Populist in Foreign Affairs, Toronto:University of Toronto Press,1984.P.298. Hopkins University Press,1967, p.143.
    ① 1960年11月24日,迪芬贝克在渥太华加拿大人俱乐部的讲演。Peyton V. Lyon, Canada in World Affairs,1961-1963, Toronto:Oxford University Press,1968. p.83.
    ② John B. Mclin, Canada's Changing Defense Policy.1957-1963:The Problems of a middle Power in Alliance, Baltimore:John Hopkins University Press,1967. p.142.
    ① 唐纳德·克莱顿:《加拿大近百年史》山东大学出版社1972年版,第450-455页。
    ② Peter C. Newman, Renegade in Power:The Diefenbaker Years, Toronto:McClelland and Stewart Limited,1964.
    ① 唐纳德·克莱顿:《加拿大近百年史》山东大学出版社1972年版,第469-470页。
    ② Peter C. Newman, Renegade in Power:The Diefenbaker Years, Toronto:McClelland and Stewart Limited,1964.
    ① H. Basil Robinson. Diefenbaker's World:A Populist in Foreign Affairs. Toronto:University of Toronto Press,1984. p.317.
    ② 唐纳德·克莱顿:《加拿大近百年史》,山东大学出版社,1972年版,第475-479页。
    ① John B. Mclin, Canada's Changing Defense Policy,1957-1963:The Problems of a middle Power in Alliance,1967,p.152.
    ② DNSA, NH01342.
    ① 双锁控制方案是指由核武器的所有国和使用国共同控制该武器的监控、储存、移动以及投放的方案。
    ② John B. Mclin, Canada s Changing Defense Policy,1957-1963:The Problems of a middle Power in Alliance,1967, pp.152-153.
    ① Ibid., p.154.
    ② Ibid., pp.154-155.
    ③ FRUS,1961-1963, West Europe and Canada, Volume XIII, p.1168.
    ④ FRUS,1961-1963, West Europe and Canada, Volume XIII, pp.1146-1147.
    ① FRUS. 1961-1963, West Europe and Canada, Volume ⅩⅢ, pp.1157-1158.
    ② FRUS. 1961-1963. West Europe and Canada. Volume ⅩⅢ, pp. 1160-1161.
    ③ H. Basil Robinson, Diefenbaker s World: A Populist in Foreign Affairs, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1984.p.229.
    ① FRUS, 1961-1963, West Europe and Canada, Volume ⅩⅢ, pp.1162-1163.
    ② FRUS,1961-1963, West Europe and Canada, Volume ⅩⅢ, p.l147. note 1.
    ① FRUS, 1961 -1963, West Europe and Canada, Volume ⅩⅢ, pp. 1163-1164.
    ② FRUS,1961-1963, West Europe and Canada, Volume ⅩⅢ, pp.1165-1167.
    ③ FRUS,1961-1963, West Europe and Canada, Volume ⅩⅢ, pp.1167-1168.
    ④ FRUS,1961-1963, West Europe and Canada, Volume ⅩⅢ, p. 1171.
    ⑤ FRUS,1961-1963, West Europe and Canada, Volume XIII, p.1172.
    ⑥ Peter Stursberg, Lester Pearson and the American Dilemma, Toronto: Doubleday Canada Limited. 1980. pp. 181-182, note 1.
    ⑦ H. Basil Robinson, Diefenbaker s World: A Populist in Foreign Affairs. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 1984.p.278.
    ⑧ FRUS,1961-1963, West Europe and Canada, Volume ⅩⅢ, pp. 1184-1187.
    ⑨ FRUS,1961-1963, West Europe and Canada, Volume ⅩⅢ, p. 1189: H. Basil Robinson. Diefenbake'rs World: A Populist in Foreign Affairs, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1984.p.279.
    ① H. Basil Robinson, Diefenbaker's World,1984.pp.297-298.
    ② H. Basil Robinson, Diefenbaker's World,1984.p.298.
    ③ H. Basil Robinson, Diefenbaker's World,1984.pp.298-299.
    ① H. Basil Robinson. Diefenbaker's World,1984.p.299.
    ② H. Basil Robinson. Diefenbaker's World,1984.p.299.
    ③ H. Basil Robinson. Diefenbaker's World,1984.pp.299-300.
    ① H. Basil Robinson, Diefenbaker's World,1984. pp.300-302.
    ② H. Basil Robinson, Diefenbaker's World,1984. p.301.
    ③ Peyton V. Lyon, Canada in World Affairs,1961-1963, Toronto:Oxford University Press,1968, p.503.
    ④ H. Basil Robinson, Diefenbaker's World,1984.p.302.
    ① Peyton V. Lyon. Canada in World Affairs,1961-1963.1968, pp.130-134.
    ② Peyton V. Lyon, Canada in World Affairs,1961-1963,1968, p.137.
    ① Peyton V. Lyon, Canada in World Affairs,1961-1963,1968, p.134.
    ② 加拿大自由党的一个地方分部。
    ① Peyton V. Lyon. Canada in World Affairs,1961-1963,1968, pp.139-140.
    ② Peyton V. Lyon. Canada in World Affairs.1961-1963,1968, p.140.
    ③ Peyton V. Lyon. Canada in World Affairs,1961-1963,1968. pp.145-146.
    ① Peyton V. Lyon, Canada in World Affairs,1961-1963,1968, pp.146-151.
    ② FRUS,1961-1963, West Europe and Canada, Volume XIII, p.1194.
    ③ 唐纳德·克莱顿:《加拿大近百年史》山东大学出版社1972年版,第489页。
    ① FRUS,1961-1963, West Europe and Canada. Volume XIII. p.1196.
    ② Robert Bothwell, Alliance and Illusion:Canada and the World,1945-1984, Vancouver:UBC Press.2007.p.177.
    ① FRUS,1961-1963, West Europe and Canada, Volume ⅩⅣ, pp.1195-1196.
    ② H. Basil Robinson, Diefenbaker's World,1984.pp.306-307.
    ① FRUS,1961-1963, West Europe and Canada. Volume ⅩⅢ, p.1194.
    ② H. Basil Robinson, Diefenbaker's World,1984.p.307.
    ③ Peyton V. Lyon, Canada in World Affairs,1961-1963,1968, p.215.
    ④ DNSA, Item Number:NH01194.
    ① Peyton V. Lyon, Canada in World Affairs,1961-1963,1968, p.171.
    ② H. Basil Robinson, Diefenbaker's World:A Populist in Foreign Affairs, Toronto:University of Toronto Press,1984.p.307.
    ③ FRUS,1961-1963, West Europe and Canada, Volume ⅩⅢ, pp.1198-1199.
    ④ 加拿大史学家P V莱昂不相信这份国务院声明的意图是干涉加拿大的内政,认为它不过是澄清美加核谈判的一些事实,即使对加拿大内政有影响,影响也不会很大。Peyton V. Lyon, Canada in World Affairs,1961-1963,1968, pp.219-221.
    ⑤ FR US,1961-1963, West Europe and Canada, Volume ⅩⅢ, p.1197.
    ① Peyton V. Lyon. Canada in World Affairs,1961-1963,1968. pp.173-176.
    ② Robert Bothwell. Alliance and Illusion:Canada and the World,1945-1984, Vancouver:UBC Press.2007. p.171.
    ③ Peyton V. Lyon, Canada in World Affairs,1961-1963,1968, p.180.
    ① 唐纳德·克莱顿:《加拿大近百年史》山东大学出版社1972年版,第490页。H. Basil Robinson, Diefenbaker's World: A Populist in Foreign Affairs, pp.304-315.
    ② Peyton V. Lyon, Canada in World Affairs,1961-1963,1968, p.506.
    ③ 1961年5月17日,肯尼迪回访加拿大,总统安全事务助理帮办罗斯托(Walt W. Rostow)把一份为总统准备的会谈备忘录遗失在了会议室,工作人员清扫房间时发现后交给了迪芬贝克,备忘录包括“Push the Canada towards an increased commitment…"(迫使加拿大做出更多的承诺…)的语句。"Push"一词很粗鲁、强横,让迪芬贝克很反感。这份备忘录按照外交惯例应该立即交给美方,可迪芬贝克藏匿了它并以此要挟肯尼迪。这让肯尼迪感到很厌恶。罗斯托备忘录成了加美外交冲突的一根导火索. H. Basil Robinson, Diefenbaker's World:A Populist in Foreign Affairs, pp.206-207. 科斯塔斯·梅拉科佩达斯把当时罗斯托的职务搞成了副国务卿,实为错误,见Costas Melakopides, Pragmatic Idealism:Canadian Foreign Policy,1945-1995,1998根据FRUS,此时罗斯托为总统安全事务助理帮办,麦乔治·邦迪的副手。FRUS, West Europe and Canada,1961-1963, Vol.ⅩⅢ, p.1154.
    ④ Peyton V. Lyon, Canada in World Affairs,1961-1963,1968, p.204.
    ① FRUS,1961-1963. West Europe and Canada. Volume XIII, p.1198.
    ② H. Basil Robinson. Diefenbaker's World,1984.p.310.
    ③ FRUS,1961-1963, West Europe and Canada, Volume XIII. pp.1199-1200.
    ④ Peyton V. Lyon, Canada in World Affairs,1961-1963.1968. pp.203-206.
    ① 加拿大大使巴特沃斯2月3日向国务院建议:国务院和其他相关部门除了坚定地支持1月30日的声明外继续保持彬
    ② Peyton V. Lyon, Canada in World Affairs,1961-1963,1968, Note 346. pp.210-211.彬有礼,不要对大选结果有任何表态。FRUS,1961-1963, West Europe and Canada, Volume XIII, p.1199.
    ③ Peyton V. Lyon, Canada in World Affairs,1961-1963,1968, p.210.
    ④ FRUS,1961-1963, West Europe and Canada, Volume XIII, p.1200.
    ⑤ H. Basil Robinson, Diefenbaker's World,1984.p.310.
    ⑥ Peyton V. Lyon, Canada in World Affairs,1961-1963,1968, p.510.
    ① Lawrence Martin, The Presidents and the Prime Ministers:Washington and Ottawa Face to Face:The Myth of Bilateral Bliss, 1867-1982. Toronto:Paperjacks,1983. p.180.
    ② H. Basil Robinson. Diefenbaker s World,1984.
    ③ 到了1962年,迪芬贝克身边的上作人员越来越担心他的身体状况,因为迪芬贝克显得越来越疲惫,力不从心。H.BasilRobinson. Diefenbaker s World,1984.p.2681962年12月17 日,美国大使向国务院报告迪芬贝克患上了帕金森氏症,健康状况大不如前。Robert Bothwell, Alliance and Illusion:Canada and the World,1945-1984, Vancouver:UBC Press,2007.p.171. H. Basil Robinson, Diefenbaker s World,1984.p.318.
    ① 加拿大人在说自己是北美人时是指他的北美认同,而中大西洋人是指传统的英帝国认同。
    ② H. Basil Robinson, Diefenbaker s World1984.p.318.
    ③ Costas Melakopides, Pragmatic Idealism:Canadian Foreign Policy,1945-1995,1998.p.55.
    ④ Ibid.
    ① George Grant, Lament For A Nation:The Defeat of Canadian Nationalism. Ottawa:Carleton University Press,1988, p.1
    ② 1911年加拿大人民高举民族主义旗帜在大选中击败了主张与美国缔结《1911年加美互惠协定》的自由党洛里埃政府。张华,《试论1911年加美互惠协定缔结失败的原因》,见徐蓝主编《近现代国际关系史研究》(第二辑),人民出版社,2012年,第60-75页。
    ① 罗伯特·博思韦尔的研究结论与笔者的相同。Robert Bothwell, Alliance and Illusion:Canada and the World,1945-1984,2007.p.175.
    ① H. Basil Robinson, Diefenbaker's World,1984.p.310.
    ② DDRS, Document Number:CK3100131745.
    ① DDRS, Document Number:CK3100131743.
    ② DDRS, Document Number:CK3100131743.
    ③ FRUS,1961-1963, West Europe and Canada, Volume XIII, p.1201.
    ④ 这恰恰也是皮尔逊政府竭力要避免的效果。DDRS, Document Number:CK3100042039.
    ① 这份档案显示为“加拿大政府资产,请于1963年10月31日前归还部长,绝密,抄件9。① DNSA, Item Number:NH01196.
    ② DNSA, Item Number:NH01196.
    ① Peyton V. Lyon, Canada in World Affairs,1961-1963,1968, pp.139-140.
    ① Peyton V. Lyon, Canada in World Affairs,1961-1963,1968, p.140.
    ② H. Basil Robinson,Diefenbaker's World,1984.p.310.
    ③ FRUS,1961-1963, West Europe and Canada, Volume XIII, p.1194.
    DDRS. Document Number:CK3100131743:CK3100042060:CK3100131745.
    ① DNSA, Item Number:NH01195.
    ② DDRS, Document Number:CK3100108612.
    ③ 正因如此,在加拿大1960年之后的外交档案没有解密的情况下,我们才能从美国NSC解密的档案看到这份迄今为止唯一的珍贵的加拿大档案。DNSA,Iem Number:NH01196.
    ① FRUS,1961-1963, West Europe and Canada, Volume ⅩⅢ, pp.1202-1203.
    ② 约翰H.汤普逊和斯蒂芬J.兰德尔认为,皮尔逊政府在10月达成了第二份协议,但是根据FRUS和DDRS,时间为9月28 日和30日,两国政府互换备忘录达成了协议。John Herd Thompson and Stephen J. Randall. Canada and the United States:Ambivalent Allies.3rd edition Montreal & Kinston:McGill-Queen's University Press.2002. p.228. FRUS,1961-1963, West Europe and Canada, Volume ⅩⅢ, p.1221. Note.2. DDRS,Document Number:CK3100468059.
    ① 詹姆斯·多尔蒂,小罗伯特·普法尔茨格拉夫著,阎学通、陈寒溪等译,《争论中的国际关系理论》,世界知识出版社,2003年版,第574-575页。
    ① John W. Holmes, " Canada and the United States in World Politics ", Foreign Affairs, Vol.40, No.1,1961 (October) pp.105-117.
    ① Andrew Richter, Avoiding Armageddon.2002.
    ② Peyton V. Lyon, Canada in World Affairs,1961-1963,1968, pp.187-188.
    ① FRUS.1961-1963, West Europe and Canada, Volume ⅩⅢ, pp.1198-1199.
    ② http://www.norad.mil/about/index.html.
    ③ John W. Holmes, Life with Uncle:The Canadian-American Relationship, Toronto:University of Toronto Press,1984.
    ④ Desmond Morton. A Military History of Canada. Edmonton:Hurtig Publishers,1990.P.250.
    'Desmond Morton, A Military History of Canada.1990.P.249.
    ⑥ 尽管加拿大人以自己经常批评美国的内外政策和自己海外维和的经历声称自己不是美国的附属国,但是世界各国却因为加拿大对美国安全战略的亦步亦趋的作法并不认同加拿大的观点。Bryan D. Palmer, Canada's 1960s:The Ironies of Identity in a Rebellious Era, Toronto:University of Toronto Press.2009, p.52.
    ① “双重基地”指美国崽联邦德国驻军的每一个师必须有两个旅返回美国本土基地,另一个旅则留在德国基地。该旅将与美国国内基地的两个旅进行轮换,但全师仍处于战斗戒备状态,承担北约义务。
    ② 刘绪贻,杨生茂主编,《美国通史(第六卷·上)》,人民出版社,2005年版,第288-289页。
    ① 塔德·肖尔茨著,邓辛等译,《和平的幻想:尼克松外交内幕》,下册,商务印书馆,1982年版,第45页。
    ② 塔德·肖尔茨著,邓辛等译,《和平的幻想:尼克松外交内幕》,下册,1982年版,第46页。
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