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City is the center of politics, economy and culture of a nation, which not only gathers a large amount of social wealth and national elite, but also plays a great role in economical development of a country, and even determines a nation's prosperity. Political party is the core component of the national politics, which plays an important part in national politics and social development. Therefore, doing research on urban changes and development of political party has important theoretical and practical value, which not only deepens and expands the field of urban studies and political research, but also provides an important reference and inspiration for political parties and urban development of many countries. Currently, a large number of academic research on urban development and political party has already emerged and provides a better platform for the study, but the author have not yet found any topics that combines urban changes and the development of party, which presents a great challenge for this study.
     The study chooses the case of British and America, explores the development of party in the process of urban changes from the latitude of urban, and analyzes the characteristics of urban change from the dimension of political development, then doing research on the internal mechanism of urban change and political development. On the base of research done by scholars at home and abroad, this paper centers around the theme of urban changes and development of political party with six chapters, using the methods of analysis historical material, quanlitative and quantitative research, etc..
     Chapter 1:Introduction. Introduce the background and significance of the study, the methods of the research, the main content and innovation, etc. Chapter 2:Literature review. Analyze the research results of the subject, and review the concept of political parties and party-related theory, urban development and related theories on the basis of literature search. Then summarize the related research findings about urban development and political changes. Chapter 3:Explore the characteristics of urban changes and development of political party in British. Firstly, analyze the relationship between the urban changes and development of party in early days. Secondly, investigate the way of reform of political parties and its driving mechanism. Finally, analyze the factor which influences the realignment and development of political party. At the same time, explore the characteristics of the party during the period of suburbanization. Chapter 4:Analyze urban changes and development of political party of U.S.. Based on the analysis of trading city and party changes, expore the ralationship between commercial city and changes in political parties in early days. Then investigate the characteristics of the city, the rise and fall of political machine during the phase of the rapid development of the city, and analyze the geographical pattern of the party and its driving mechanism. In the phase of suburbanization, analyze the characteristics of the city, the coping strategies of the party, the challenges facing the organization and function adjustment of the political parties, etc. Finally, explore the process of geographical pattern of American Party and its inherent logic on the basis of Democrat and Republican that lead election. Chapter 5:Analyze urban changes and development of political party between British and American. Along the dimensions of urban development, study on the urban changes and development of political party comparatively from the period of rapid urbanization and suburbanization, etc. Then explore the dimensions of development in political party and the differences of political party, while analyze the factors that influence the city. Chapter 6:Conclusion. This part summarized the main ideas of the thesis and discussed the defects of the study and further research in the future.
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    5 伊本·赫勒敦(Ibn Khaldun,1332-1406)中世纪阿拉伯著名哲学家、历史学家、政治活动家。
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    4 Nicholas A. Masters, Deil S. Wright. Trends and Variations in the Two-Party Vote:The Case of Michigan[J]. American Political Science Review, December 1958.12(52),1078-1090.
    5 Edward N. Mul-ler. Cross-National Dimensions of Political Compe-tence[J]. The American Political Science Review,1970.9(64):797.
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    1 高教会派(High Churchmen)::专指英格兰教会和英国国教会中的信徒,是基督教新教圣公会派别之一。
    2 王长江,姜跃等著.现代政党执政方式比较研究[M].上海:上海人民出版社,2002:8.
    3 Robert A. Dodgshon, Robin A. Butlin. An Historical Geography of England and Wales[M]. London:Academic Press Inc,1978:191.
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    3 中等阶级的群体.主要指医生、律师、牧师、中小商人、军官、乡村教师、自由职业者以及工厂主阶层等。
    1 王觉非主编.近代英国史[M].南京大学出版社,1997:443.
    2 Ernest Barker. Reflections on Government[M]. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1967:86.
    3 阎照祥.19世纪早期英国托利主义析略[J]史学集刊,2010:70.
    1 辉格党在1939年更名为自由党,因倾向自由主义,积极支持改革,故名为“自由党”。
    2 钱乘旦,许洁明.大国通史——英国通史[M].上海社会科学院出版社,2007:252.
    3 1839年,辉格党改名为自由党.
    1 Briggs. A. History of Birmingham. Borough and city 1865-1938[M]. vol 2, London:Oxford University Press.1993:191-192; Barnsby, G. J. Birmingham working people:A history of the labour movement in Birmingham 1650-1914[M]. Wolverhampton, UK:Integrated Publishing Services,1989:225-234.
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    2 S.G.Checkland.The Rise of Industrial Society in England,1881-1885 [M].London.1964:238.
    3 Devine, T. M., The Transformation of Rural Scotland, Social Change and the Agrarian Economy 1660-1815[M]. John Donald:Edinburgh,1994:152.
    4 Andrewlees, Lynn Hellenlees. Cities and the Making of Modern Europe,1750-1914[M]. New York:Cambridge University Press,2008:41,45-46.
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    3 Peter Clark. The Cambridge Urban History of Britain. Cambridge University press 1540-1840. Volume 2, 2000:466.468.
    4 Asa Briggs.Victorian Cities[M]. London:Odhams Press,1963.
    5 W D Rubinstein. Britain's Century:A Political and Social History 1815-1905[M]. London and New York:Arnold, 1998:273.
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    3 Clark, P. and Slack,P. Crisis and Order in English Towns 1500-1700[M]. London:Routledge & Kegan Paul,. 1972:263.
    4 Peter Clark. The Cambridge Urban History of Britain[C]. Cambridge University press 1540-1840. Volume 2, 2000:70.
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    2 H.C.G. Matthew. The Liberal Imperialists:The ideas and Politics of a Post-Gladstonian ElitefMl. Oxford University Press,1973.
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    3 威廉·格莱斯顿(William Ewart Gladstone):自由党领袖,曾多次组阁,在1868-1874、1880-1885、1886.2-1886.7、1892-1894和1880-1885期间担任英国首相。
    1 Henny Pelling. History of British Trade Unionism[M]. Penguin UK,1999:298.
    2 Tanner, Thane. Tiratsoo.Labour's First Century[M]. New York:Cambridge University Press,2000:2.
    3 Andrew Thorpe. A history of the British Labour Party [M].3rd edition. New York:Palgrave Macmillan 2008:59.
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    2 Andrew Thorpe. A history of the British Labour Party[M].3rd edition. New York:Palgrave Macmillan 2008:93.
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    2 王曾才,蔡百铨译.英国政党[M].国立编译馆出版,1991:31.
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    2 休·盖茨克尔(Hugh Gaitskell)和巴特勒(R. A. Butler)分别为工党财政大臣和保守党财政大臣,这两个姓拼在一起,就是“巴特茨克尔主义”。休·盖茨克尔和巴特勒任职期间,几乎执行相同的经济政策,“巴特茨克尔主义”表明工党和保守党之间经济政策的连续性。
    1 李炳南主编,胡康大著.英国政府与政治[M].扬智文化事业股份有限公司,1999:165.
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    2 钱乘旦,陈晓律等著.日落斜阳——20世纪英国[M].华东师范大学出版社,1999:23.
    1 Ian Budge, Ivor Crewe, David Mckay, Ken Newton. The new British Politics[M].2nd edition. Longman, 2001:346-347.
    2 Nicholas Abercrombie, Alan Warde. Contemporary British Society [M].3rd edition. Cambridge:Polity Press 2000:418.
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    2 Nicholas Abercrombie, Alan Warde. Contemporary British Society[M].3rd edition. Cambridge:Polity Press 2000:420.
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    4 压力集团(pressure group)又称为利益集团,是指那些致力于对政府施加压力、影响国家政策方向的社会组织或非组织的利益群体.不同于政治组织直接参与制定决策,压力集团直接从自身利益出发,影响公共政策,使政策利于本集团的利益.
    1 B.Thomas, Migration and Economic Growth. A Study of Great Britain and Atlantic Economy.2nd ed. Cambridge: University Press,1973:297-298.
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    3 David Butler, Gareth Buttler. Britishi Political Facts[M].5th edition. New York, Palgrave Macmillan,1980:353.
    1 李宝芳.英国城市复兴中的合作伙伴组织[J].城市问题,2009(12):84.
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    1 Charles Pattle. Funding the national party Changing geographies of local fund-raising for the British Conservative Party[J]. Political Geography, Vol.16.1997(5):389.
    2 工会成员一直是工党的主要力量,占工党总人数的90%以上。(来源:David Butler, Gareth Butler. British Political Face 1900-2000, Macmillan,2000:158-159.)
    3 崔树义.当代英国阶级状况[M].杭州:浙江大学出版社,2006:239.
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    2 Buter.D, Kavanagh, D. The British General Election of 1992[M]. Basingstoke:Macmillan,1992.
    3 Paul Whiteley, Patrick Seyd. Party Election Campaigning in Britain:The Labour Party. The annual meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, University of Toronto,2002(5):29-31.
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    2 Vernon Bogdanor, What Is Proportional Representation?:a guide to the issues. Oxford:Martin Roberson, 1984:14-29.
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    2 Charles Pattle. Funding the national party Changing geographies of local fund-raising for the British Conservative Party[J]. Political Geography, Vol.16.1997(5):396.
    1 Paul L. Knox, Linda McCarthy. Urbanization:an introduction to urban geography[Ml,2nd edition. U.S. New Jersey, Upper Saddle River 2005:55.
    2 Morison, Samuel Eliot, Commager, Henry Steele, and Leuchtenburg, William E.. A Concise History of the American Republic[M]. Oxford University Press, New York:1977:11.
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    1 1836年国民共和党改名为辉格党,从此,美国大选进入民主党与国民共和党(辉格党)竞争的时期。
    2 Bardes Shelley Schmidt, American Government and Politics Today:The Essentials,2006-2007 Edition, [M]. Belmont, USA:Thomson Wadsworth 2006:254.
    1 Diana Klenbanow. Urban Legacy:The story of American Cities[M]. New York:Mentor.1974:64.
    2 主要由废奴主义者、反对奴隶制的部分辉格党和民主党人组成,主要据点时曼切斯特,支持力量主要是老一代美国人,英格兰和苏格兰后裔(descendant),爱尔兰新教徒(Protestant)等
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    2 The Bureau of the Census, the social science research council:Historical Statistics of the United States 1789-1945, 1949:289.
    3 Robert William Fogel:The fourth Great Awakening[M], Chicago and London:The University of Chicago press 2000:63.
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    1 分别是1865—1869年,1885年—1889年,1893年—1897年,1913年—1921年。
    2 The Bureau of the Census, The Social Science Research Council. Historical Statistics of the United States 1789-1945.1949:29.
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    1 U.S. Bureau of Census, Thirteenth Statistics of 1910:80// http://www.census.gov/prod/www/abs/decennial/1910.html
    2 Harvey S. Perloff, Lewdon Wingo, Jr., eds. Issues in Urban Economics[M]. Baltimore:John Hopkins University Press,1968:Table 9.
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    2 Eric E. Lampard. Historical Aspects of Urbanization//G. Porter. Encyclopedia of American Economic History. Now York,1980(3):1033.
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    4 Richard D. Bingham, David Hedge. State and Local government in a Changing Society[M].2nd edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc.1991:246.
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    1 Charles N. Grabb, A. Theodore Brown. A history of Urban America[M]. Now York:MacMillan Publishing Co., 1983:138.
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    3 Z. Miller, P. Melvin. The Urbanization of Modern America:A Brief History[M]. NewYork:Harcourt College pub, 1987:80.
    4 Howard P. Chudacoff, Judith E. Smith.. The Evolution of American Urban Society[M].5th ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J.:Prentice Hall.2000:159.
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    1 Bernard H. Ross. Urban Politics——Power in Metropolitan America[M]4th Edition. Utasca, Illinois:F. E. Peacock Publishers, Inc.1991:110.
    2 Robert William Fogel. The fourth Great Awakening[M], Chicago and London:The University of Chicago press 2000:102
    3 Robert Walter Speer(1855-1918),丹佛市市长,1904-1912年连任两届市长。
    4 George B. Cox(1855-1918),辛辛那提的政治老板,共和党党员。
    5 Richard D. Bingham, David Hedge. State and Local government in a Changing Society[M].2nd edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc.1991:245.
    1 Sibylle Schwarz:book excerpt of The Fourth Great Awakening[J] The Milken Institute Review 2000(3):53.
    2 R. White. The influence of environmental and economic factors on the urban crisis//R.E. Stren and R. White. African cities in crisis:managing rapid urban growth[M]. Boulder:Westview Press,1989:19.
    3 Howard P. Chudacoff, Judith E. Smith. The evolution of American urban society [M].3rd edition. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey:Prentice Hall,1988:151
    1 孙群郎.20世纪美国文官制度与官僚政治评介[J].美国研究,2004(2):146.
    1 Richard D. Bingham, David Hedge. State and Local government in a Changing Society[M].2nd edition. New York: McGraw-Hill. Inc.1991:222-223.
    2 James MacGregor Burns, J.W. Peltason, Thomas E. Cronin, etc. Government By the People[M].15th ed., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey:Prentice Hall, Inc.,1993:768.
    1 王旭著.美国城市经纬[M].清华大学出版社,2008:31-32.
    2 Dennis R. Judd. The Politics of American Cities:Private Power and Public Policy[M].Boston:Little, Brown and Company,1979:159.
    3 Karen M. Paget. Can cities escape political isolation?//Bruce Stine brickner:State and local government[M].9th edition. Guilford, Connecticut:Sluice Dock,2009:141.
    4 [美]保罗·约翰逊,秦传安译.美国人的历史(中)[M].中央编译出版社,2010:237.
    5 Andrew Hacker. Black and White, Separate, Hostile, Unequal[M]. New York:Ballantine Books,1992:35-38.
    1 William M. Dobriner. The Suburban Community[M]. New York:GP. Putnam's Sons,1958:24.
    2 Car Abbott, The New Urban America:Growth and Politics in Sunbelt Cities[M]. Chapel Hill, NC:The University of North Carolina Press.1987:60.
    3 Donald J. Bugue. The Population of the United States:Historical Trends and Future Projection[M]. New York: The Free Press,1985:140.
    1 Kenneth Fox, Metropolitan America:Urban Life and Urban Policy in the United States,1940—1980[M]. University of Mississippi Press,1988:34.
    2 Kenneth Fox, Metropolitan America:Urban Life and Urban Policy in the United States,1940—1980[M]. University of Mississippi Press,1988:251; US Bureau of the Census. Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1985:873.
    3 城市化区域指人口至少50,000人的非常密集的住区(无论土地是否被合法化为城市),在城市的核心区平均密度至少1000人/mi2,而在周围地区平均密度为500人/mi2(来源:[美]保罗·诺克斯,琳达·迈克卡西著,顾朝林等译.城市化[M].北京:科学出版社,2009:6).
    4 U.S. Bureau of the Census. Statistical Abstract of the United States.Washington D.C.1985. Appendix Ⅱ. Metropolitan area concept and components.
    5 David C. Saffell, Harry Basehart. State and local government politics and public polices [M].7th edition. New York:McGrew-Hill higher education.2001:17.
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    2 核心统计区Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA):http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Core_Based_Statistical_Area, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Table_of_United_States_Core_Based_Statistical_Areas
    3 U.S. Census's website:http://www. Census.gov/population/www/estimates/metroarea.html
    1 孙群郎.美国城市郊区化研究[M].北京:商务应书馆,2005:230.
    2 U.S. Bureau of Census, Census and You, Vol.26, No.4,1991.4转引自王旭.美国城市发展模式——从城市化到大都市区化[M].清华大学出版社,2006:308.
    1 Kenneth Fox, Metropolitan America:Urban Life and Urban Policy in the United States,1940-1980[M]. London: Macmillan.1985:34.
    2 Ervin Y. Galantay, ed. The Metropolis in Transition[M]. NewYork:Paragon House Publishers,1987:262.
    3 Porter Glenn, ed. Encyclopedia of American Economic History. Vol.3. New York:Scribner,1980:1030.
    4 Kenneth M. Johson. The Rural Rebound. Population Reference:reports on America[J], Vol.1,No.3, 1999(8):10-11.
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    2 王旭.美国城市发展模式——从城市化到大都市区化[M],清华大学出版社,2006:155.
    3 E.L. Ullman. Regional Development and the Geography of Concentration[M]. Papers and Proceeding of the Regional Science Associations.1958(4):197-198.
    4 Robert Estall. The Changing Balance of the Northern and Southern Regions of the United States. Journal of American Studies, Cambridge,1980.12.
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    1 Kenneth Fox, Metropolitan America:Urban Life and Urban Policy in the United States,1940-1980. London: Macmillan,1985:28.
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    3 王旭.美国城市发展模式——从城市化到大都市区化[M].清华大学出版社,2006:7.
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    4 Marshall Kaplan, Franklin James. The future of national urban and policy[M].Duke university press 1990:109
    5 Stanley D. Brunn, Jack Francis Williams, Donald J. Zeigler. Cities of the World—World Regional Urban Development[M].3rd edition. Lanham, Maryland:Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.2003:61-62.
    6 美国西部和南部地区,在北纬37度以南的地区称为“阳光地带(Sunbelt)”,大致范围是,西起太平洋沿岸的加州,东到大西洋沿岸的北卡罗来纳州,北至密西西比河中游,南到墨西哥湾沿岸的一个区域.
    1 Austin Ranney, Curing the Mischiefs of Faction--Party Reform in America [M]. Berkeley:University of California Press,1975:123.
    2 Colin Challen. Think global, talk local:Getting the party political message across in the age of the Internet [J]. Journal of Public Affairs 2001(3):257.
    3 Ascensi'on Andina-D'iaz:Reinforcement vs. change:The political influence of the media [J].Public Choice 2007(131):65-81.
    4 林拓,李惠斌,陈强.执政与认同——西方某些政党处理党群关系的做法与特点[J].马克思主义与现实,2005(1):25.
    1 L. Harmon Zeigler. Interest Groups in the States//Virginia Gray, Russell L. Hanson. Politics in the American States:a comparative analysis [M].2004:97.
    2 Stanley P. Berard, Norman. Southern Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives[M].University of Oklahoma Press.2001:95.
    3 Morehouse. State Politics parties & Policy[M]. Belmont, California:Wadsworth Publishing,1981:115-119.
    1 Richard D. Bingham, David Hedge. State and Local government in a Changing Society [M].2nd edition. New York:McGraw-Hill, Inc.1991:85.
    1 Harry M. Scoble. Organized Labor in Electoral Politics:Some Questions for the Discipline.//Robert H. Salisbury. Interest Group Politics in America. New York:Harper & Row,1970:317.
    2 Richard D. Bingham, David Hedge. State and Local government in a Changing Society [M].2nd edition. New York:McGraw-Hill, Inc.1991:81-82.
    1 Stanley P. Berard, Norman:Southern Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives[M]. University of Oklahoma Press,2001:90.
    2 王庆兵.从历史制度主义路径看英、美两国政党认同的转换[J].经济社会体制比较,2004(4):80.
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    2 Everett Carll Ladd. The American Polity:The People and Their Government[M],5th ed., New York:W.W. Norton & Co.,1993:376.
    3 Eddie Mahe, Xandra Kayden. The Party Goes on[M]. New York:Basic Books,1987; David E. Price. Bringing Back the Parties[M]. Congressional Quarterly,1985.
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    2 Robert Weissberg. Understanding American Government[M].New York:Holt, Rinehart and Winston,1980:203.
    3 西奥多·怀特.美国的自我探索[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,1985:194.
    4 共和党网站主页. http://www.nrcc.org/
    5 民主党网站主页http://www.dccc.org/
    1 James L. Gibson et al. Whither the Local Parties? A Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Analysis of the Strength of Party Organizations. San Diego, CA:Annual meeting of Western Political Science Association.1982(3):P25-27
    2 Reichley. The Life of the Parties:A History of American Political parties[M].New York:Free Press,1992:390.
    3 冯利.透视美国的选举文化[J].西南民族大学学报·人文社科版,2005(2):269.
    4 Politics Online. Online Fundraising Continues to Skyrocket,2000.2. www.politicsonline.com/onlinefundraising/rp.shtml
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    1 Bardes Shelley Schmidt, Anerican Government and Politics Today:The Essentials,2006-2007 Edition[M]. Belmont, USA:Thomson Wadsworth 2006:260.
    2 美国银行家、政治家,美国共和党成员,曾任堪萨斯州州长(1933年-1937年),1936年大选,作为共和党候选人参加竞选,但最终输给富兰克林.D.罗斯福.
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    1 William Nisbet Chambers, The Democrats1789-1964[M]. New York,1964:80.
    2 C. Dykstra. Our Cities:Their role in the National Economy. Washington, D.C.:Committee on Urbanization, National Resources Committee, U.S. Department of the Interior,1937.
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    1 Daniel J. Elazar. Building Cities in America—Urbanization and Sunurbanizationg in a Frontier Society[M]. Boston Way Lanham, MD. Hamilton Press,1987:160.
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    1 Karen M. Paget. Can cities escape political isolation?//Bruce Stine brickner. State and local government 9'h edition. Guilford, Connecticut. Sluice Dock,1999:141.
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    1 Stanley P. Berard, Norman:Southern Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives[M]. University of Oklahoma Press.2001:84-85.
    2 V.O. Key, Jr., Southern Politics in State and Nation, New York:Vintage Books,1949:15-18.
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    2 U. S. Senate Committee on Banking Housing and Urban Affairs:Hearings, U. S. Government Printing Office, 1993:108.
    3 Karen M. Paget. Can cities escape political isolation?//Bruce Stine brickner. State and local government[M].9th edition. Sluice Dock, Guilford, Connecticut:McGraw-Hill/Dushkin,1999:141.
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    6 U. S. Senate Committee on Banking Housing and Urban Affairs:Hearings, U. S. Government Printing Office, 1993:.108.
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    2 Bardes Shelley Schmidt. Anerican Government and Politics Today:The Essentials,2006-2007 Edition.Thomson Wadsworth 2006:22.
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