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The U.S. federal appropriation is one of the most important policy processes of the federal spending, which influence the normal operation of the U.S. federal government. During the appropriations process, many political actors involve, such as the President and his OMB, the Congress and its appropriations committees. With the highest legislative power granted by the Constitution, the U.S. Congress and its appropriations committees play a key role in U.S. federal appropriations. As a representative body, Congress holds the legislative power in charge of the federal revenue and expenditure policy making, which is called "power of the purse", and considered as the source and foundation of the power held by Congress. This dissertation focused on the politics of Congressional appropriations politics, which directly affects the federal expenditures and normal operation of the federal government, known as the "zipper of the purse"
     Nowadays both chambers of the U.S. Congress respectively set up specialized standing committees for appropriations, which are considered as the key agenda in U.S. federal appropriations system. Compared with the composition of representative institutions in most other countries, such institutional arrangements are exceptional. To explain this exception, the paper traces the historical evolution of the U.S. Congressional funding legislative system. In fact, the First Congress did have no committee for appropriations. With the expansion of federal governmental financial scale, Congress should be more specific and strict to control expenditures. Because of this aim and other factors such as more partisan interests, harder work intensity and the system of checks and balances, the Appropriations Committees came into being. During the relatively stable development period of the United States, Congress and its Appropriations Committees kept the stability of federal financial situation successfully. Once war or economic crisis sweeping the country, Congress and its Appropriations Committees had no capacity for effectively controlling the federal spending, causing the frequent federal deficit. Since established in the late 19th century, because of the changing financial situation and other political reasons, the Appropriations Committees'funding jurisdiction has been split and integrated for several times, even once been shared with other authorizing committees, which caused great confusion with serious financial waste and deficit during the stable development period. The dissertation points out that, in order to maintain their power, the Appropriations Committees often cut funding request from authorizing committees, tending to "save" the money. Sine 1940 and 1950, with large spending caused by the Cold War and social welfare entitlements, the federal government financial situation fell into lasting deficit again. After 1974, the House and Senate Budget Committees were established for macrobudgeting management of the revenue and expenditure. The dissertation finds that, since the establishment of the Budget Committees and the jurisdiction of entitlements split and transferred to relative authorizing committees, the Appropriations Committees lost original legislative influence, instead they must take in charge of funding legislation under the budgetary framework in the Budget Resolution passed by the Budget Committees. To maintain influence, the Appropriations Committees appeared to change or increase spending, by creating more earmark projects, and then the committees tended to "spend" the money. Through the historical analysis, the dissertation suggests that the institutional arrangements and legislative styles of the Appropriations Committees changed with very strong historical path dependence. It is also noted that changing legislative style of the Appropriations Committees reflects the changing history of constitutional relations between President and Congress, and the changing history of the power structures of party causes and committees on Capitol Hill during more than 200 years.
     With the governmental process analysis, today's U.S. federal appropriations process fully shows the spirit of checks and balances. At the Constitutional level, there is a clear power-sharing arrangement between the President and Congress. Within the legislative power structures, the various committees in Congress shared powers. The Budget Committees in both chambers establish the baseline and other limits of federal spending to set up the scope of the Appropriations Committee legislation; the relations between authorizing committees and the Appropriations Committees follow the rule "no appropriations without authorizations", then the authorizing committees also hold a great deal of entitlements funding appropriations. Leaders of the Appropriations Committees allocate the spending ceilings with various subcommittees, limiting the scope of the funding legislation of all subcommittees. This dissertation argues that different goals of actors involved in the appropriations process set up the necessary conditions for the checks and balances among separative powers, but also created barriers for legislative efficiency. The political deadlock such as the divided government, the separation between two chambers and the polarization of Congress reduced the efficiency of the appropriations legislation and even caused to collapse of the federal appropriations.
     Through the empirical data-statistical analysis of the assignments of the Appropriations Committees in both chambers during the 108th to 110th U.S. Congress, the dissertation finds that the Appropriations Committees have gradually lost their cooperative "saver" role. In the House of Representatives, on the basic respect for the regional distribution of balance, party caucuses control the assignments of the Appropriations Committee. For rank-and-file members, the consistency with their parties, the trust with party leaders, the interests shared with party leaders and even the personal relations with party leaders determine whether they could take part in the Appropriations Committee or not. The seniority almost does not work. In the Senate, although the party control strengthens, the seniority is still considered as the most crucial qualification for the Appropriations Committee. However, the seniority plays a basic and the most important role in process of choosing leaders of the Appropriations Committees and its subcommittees for both parties in both chambers.
     The dissertation finds that, taking the overall financial effect as the point of view, U.S. federal appropriations relatively keep prudent financial principles. While stably meeting the financial needs of the executive branch, Congressional appropriations also increase slightly above the baseline of the previous fiscal year's spending. Among kinds of spending projects, the contract projects are distributed more widely, but have a small amount, which Congress has little political impact on. The assistance projects have greater amount but limited coverage, which are relatively distributed into many poorer areas. The distribution of assistance projects depends on majority party in Congress, but has no connection with membership of the Appropriations Committees. As a special kind of funding projects, earmark projects have strong links to the Appropriations Committees, partly because they are easily taken place during the appropriations process. In particular, members of the Senate Appropriations Committee seem more likely to represent for the poor states and more easily achieve more earmarks for their states. When Senators get seats in the Appropriations Committee with application and seniority, they will launch a "self-reinforcing" cycle by earmark projects, to some extent have help to the equalization of the federal financial resources. Relatively, the main goal of members of the House Appropriations Committee is not focused on earmarks for their constituencies. Instead they should follow the party leadership and be consistent with funding legislation policy position of their party, in order to achieve greater impact on policy-making. Leaders of the House Appropriations Committee and its subcommittees have larger spaces and chances for earmarks. As there is no clear connection between the House Appropriations Committee membership and the economic conditions of their constituencies, the earmark behaviors of leaders of the House Appropriations Committee and its subcommittees often have no help to the equalization of the federal financial resources, but serve for more private interests and cause federal financial wastes and corruptions.
① Tip O'Neill and Gary Hymel, All Politics Is Local and Other Rules of the Game, NY:Times Books,1994, p.95.
    ①此类法案用于立法改变现行收支预算,与预算决议案(budget resolution)不同,此类法案需经总统签署、生效。
    ② Allen Schick, The Federal Budget:Politics, Policy, Process,3rd ed., Washington, D.C. Brookings Institution Press,2007, pp.228-230.
    ⑦沈亚平著:《行政学》(第二版),天津:南开大学出版社,2003年版,第205-206页。 Rundquist等人的《国会与国防支出:军事采购的分配政治》(Congress and Defense Spending: The Distributive Politics of Military Procurement,2002)等。
    ②即《预算过程的新政治学》。威尔达沃斯基的《预算过程的政治学》1964年出版,其后几次修订,直到威氏1993年去世。现在的《新政治学》则是在原书的基础上由其合作者内奥米·凯顿(Naomi Caiden)完成的修订版本。
    ②Louis Fisher, The Politics of Shared Power:Congress and the Executive,4th. College Station, TX:Texas A&M University Press,1998, pp.20-21.
    ③Ibid., pp.250-251.
    ①Louis Fisher,Congeressional Abdication on War & Spending,College Station,TX:Texas A&M University Press,2000,p.179.
    ③Allen Schick,Congress and Money:Budgeting Spending and Taxing,Washington,D.C.:Urban Institute Press,1980,pp.10-11.
    ②Allen Schick,Congress and Money:Budgeting Spending and Taxing,pp.569-572.
    ①Allen Schick, The Federal Budget:Politics, Policy, Process,3rd ed., p.5.
    ②Allen Schick, The Federal Budget:Politics, Policy,Process, pp.10-22.
    ③Ibid., pp.244-249.
    ① Richard Fenno, Jr, The Power of the Purse: Appropriations Politics in Congress, Boston:Little, Brown and Co.,1966, p.ⅹⅲ.
    ② Richard Fenno, Jr, "The House Appropriations Committee as a Political System", The American Political Science Review, Vol.56, No.2 (Jun.,1962), pp.310-324.
    ③ Richard Fenno, Jr, The Power of the Purse:Appropriations Politics in Congress, pp.167-180.
    ④ Ibid., pp.684-688.
    ⑤ Ibid., pp.503-504.
    ⑥ Ibid., pp.677-678.
    ① Ibid.,p.164.
    ② Richard Fenno, Jr, Congressmen in Congress, Boston: Little, Brown and Co.,1973, pp.2-3.
    ③ Richard Fenno, Jr, Congressmen in Congress, pp.15-26.
    ④ Ibid., pp.47-48.
    ⑤ Ibid., pp.142-143.
    ⑥ Ibid., p.160.
    ⑦ Joseph White, The Function and Power of the House Appropriations Committee, Ph.D dissertation, U.C.Berkeley,1989.
    ① D.Roderick Kiewiet and Mathew D. McCubbins, The Logic of Delegation:Congressional Parties and the Appropriations Process, Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1991, chapter 3 & 4.
    ② David C. Knapp, "Congressional Control of Agricultural Conservation Policy: A Case of the Appropriations Process", Political Science Quarterly, Vol.71, No.2 (Jun.,1956), pp.257-281.
    ③ John R. Gist, "Appropriations Politics and Expenditure", The Journal of Politics, Vol.40, No.1 (Feb.,1978), pp.163-178同时讨论在拨款过程中拨款委员会及其分委员会的主要论文还包括:Sarah K. Handy and Randall Strahan, "Staff Politics in the Republican House:The Case of the Appropriations Committee", Congress & The Presidency, Vol.31, No.1.Spring 2004,pp.1-19.;James D. Savage, "Saints and Cardinals in Appropriations Committee and the Fight against Distributive Politics", Legislative Studies Quarterly, Vol.16., No.3(Aug.,1991).,pp.329-347.; Herbert W. Stephens, "The Role of the Legislative Committees in the Appropriations Process:A Study Focused on the Armed Services Committees", The Western Political Quarterly, Vol.24, No.1,(Mar.,1971), pp.146-162.; Shirley M. Geiger, "The House Appropriations Committee, FY1963-82:A Micro-Budgetary Perspective", Legislative Studies Quarterly, Vol.19..No.3(Aug.,1994),pp.397-416.; Ira Sharkansky, "An Appropriations Subcommittee and Its Client Agencies:A Comparative Study of Supervision and Control' The American Political Science Review, Vol.59., No.3(Sep.,1965),pp.622-628.
    ① D. Roderick Kiewiet and Mathew D. McCubbins, "Appropriations Decisions as a Bilateral Bargain Game between President and Congress", Legislative Studies Quarterly, Vol.10.No.2 (May,1985), pp.181-201.
    ② Ira Sharkansky, "Four Agencies and an Appropriations Subcommittee: A Comparative Study of Budget Strategies", Midwest Journal of Political Science, Vol.9, No.3 (Aug.,1965), pp.254-281同时讨论立法和行政机构在拨款过程中互动关系的典型论文还包括:Lance T. LeLoup, "Appropriations Politics in Congress:The House Appropriations Committee and the Executive Agencies", Public Budgeting & Finance, Winter 1984, pp.78-98.; D. Roderick Kiewiet and Mathew D. McCubbins, "Presidential Influence on Congressional Appropriations Decisions", American Journal of Political Science, Vol.32., No.3(Aug,1988),pp.713-736.
    ① John H. Aldrich and David W. Rhode, "The Republican Revolution and the House Appropriations Committee", The Journal of Politics, Vol.62, No.1 (Feb.,2000), pp.1-33.
    ② Bryan W. Marshall, Brandon C. Prins and David W. Rohde, "Fighting Fire With Water: Partisan Procedural Strategies and the Senate Appropriations Committee", Congress and The Presidency, Vol.26, No.2 (Fall.1999), pp.113-132同时讨论拨款过程中政党政治影响典型论文还包括:Eric Schickler and John Sides, "Intergenerational Warfare:The Senate Decentralizes Appropriations", Legislative Studies Quarterly,Vol.25,No.4,(Nov.,2000),pp.551-575.; Barry Bozeman, "The Effect of Economic and Partisan Change on Federal Appropriations", The Western Political Quarterly, Vol.30., No.1 (Mar.,1977),pp.112-124.
    ③ D. Roderick Kiewiet and Mathew D. McCubbins, "Congressional Appropriations and the Electoral Connection", The Journal of Politics, Vol.47., No.1 (Feb.,1985), pp.59-82.
    ④ E. Scott Adler "Constituency Characteristics and the'Guardian'Model of Appropriations Subcommittees,1959-1998", American Journal of Political Science, Vol.44., No.1. (Jan., 2000), pp.104-114.
    ⑤ James A. Thurber, "Congressional Budget Reform:Impact on the Appropriations Committees", Public Budgeting & Finance, Fall 1997, pp.62-73.
    ⑥ John R. Gist, "'Increment'and'Base'in the Congressional Appropriations Process", American Journal of Political Science, Vol.21., No.2 (May,1977), pp.341-352其他涉及拨款政治的典型文献包括:Elias Huzar, "American Government and Politics:Congress and the Army: Appropriations", The American Political Review, Vol.37.,No.4 (Aug.,1943), pp.661-676.; Christopher Wlezien, "The Political Economy of Supplemental Appropriations", Legislative Studies Quarterly, Vol.18, No.1. (Feb.,1993), pp.51-76.; Dalmas H. Nelson, "The Omnibus Appropriations Act of 1950", The Journal of Politics, Vol.15., No.2.(May., 1953),pp.274-288.;John R. Gist, "The Impact of Annual Authorizations on Military Appropriations in the U.S. Congress", Legislative Studies Quarterly, Vol.6., No.3(Aug., 1981),pp.439-454.; Elias Huzar, "Military Appropriations,1933-1942", Military Affairs, Vol.7, No.3(Autumn,1943),pp.141-150.; Gerald Auten, Barry Bozeman and Robert Cline, "A Sequential Model of Congressional Appropriations", American Journal of Political Science,
    ③相关著作如孙哲著:《左右未来:美国国会的制度创新和决策行为》,上海:复旦大学出版社,2001年版;孙哲著:《美国国会与中美关系:案例与分析》,北京:时事出版社,2004年版;孙哲著:《崛起与扩张:美国政治与中美关系》,北京:法律出版社,2004年版;孙哲等著:《美国国会研究Ⅰ》,上海:复旦大学出版社,2002年版;孙哲等著:《美国国会研究Ⅱ》,上海:复旦大学出版社,2003年版;赵可金著:《营造未来:美国国会游说的制度解读》,上海:复旦大学出版社,2005年版;信强著:《“半自主”国会与台湾问题:美国国会外交行为模式》,上海:复旦大学出版社,2005年版;蒋晓燕、信强著:《美国国会与美国对华安全决策》,北京:时事出版社,2005年版;倪峰著:《国 会与冷战后的美国安全政策》,中国社会科学出版社,2004年;周琪:《国会与美国外交政策》,上海:上海社会科学院出版社,2006年版;张光、刁大明主编:《美国国会研究手册(2007-2008)》,上海:复旦大学出版社,2008年版;等。
    ②[美]James Mahoney,[美]Celso M. Villegas:《历史分析与比较政治》,《浙江社会科学》,2008年第3期,第12-19页。
    ① Joseph P. Harris, Congressional Control of Administration, Washington, D.C:The Brookings Institution,1964, p.64.
    ① Mancur Olson, "Dictatorship, Democracy, and Development", The American Political Science Review, Vol.87, No.3, Sep.,1993, pp.567-576.
    ⑤中共中央马恩列斯著作编译局编: 《马克思恩格斯全集》第六卷,北京:人民出版社,1961年版,第303-304页。
    ①Mancur Olson, "Dictatorship, Democracy, and Development", pp.567-576.
    ③ Nelson W. Polsby, Congress and the Presidency,4th ed., NJ:Prentice-Hall,1986, p.206.
    ④ James L. Sundquist, "Needed:A Political Theory for the New Era of Coalition Government in the United States," Political Science Quarterly, Vol.103, No.4 (1988) p.614. ⑤V.O. Key, Jr., Politics, Parties, and Pressure Groups,5th ed., New York:Crowell,1964, p.688.
    ③相关研究参见[美]David R. Mayhew著:《分立政府:1946-1990年期间之政党控制、立法与调查》,吴重礼译,台北:五南图书出版公司,1992年版。
    ①[美]David R. Mayhew著:《分立政府》,第258页。
    ② Morris P. Fiorina, Divided Government, NY:MacMillan Publishing Co.,1992, p.14-18.
    ③ Roger Davidson, and Walter Oleszek, Congress and Its Members,9th ed., Washington DC Congressional Quarterly,2004, p.193.
    ① Ibid., p.130.
    ② Barry R. Weingast, "Regulation, Reregulation and Deregulation:The Political Foundations of Agency Clientele Relationship", Law and Contemporary Problems,44(Winter),1981, pp.147-177.
    ④ Kiewiet and McCubbins, The Logic of Delegation: Congressional Parties and the Appropriations Process, pp.27-34.
    ① Tim Groseclose, and Charles Stewart Ⅲ, "The Value of Committee Seats in the House, 1947-1991," American Political Science Review,42,1998, p.463以及Charles Stewart Ⅲ, and Tim Groseclose, "The Value of Committee Seats in the United States Senate,1947-1991," American Journal of Political Science,43 (3),1999,967.
    ② Weingast and William J. Marshall, "The Industrial Organization of Congress; or, Why Legislatures, Like Firms, Are Not Organized as Markets", The Journal of Political Economy, 1988, vol.96, no.1;Barry Weingast, "A Rational Choice Perspective on Congressional Norms," American Journal of Political Science,32,1979, pp.245-62; Kenneth Shepsle, and Barry Weingast, "The Institutional Foundations of Committee Power," American Political Science Review,81 (1),1987, pp.85-104.
    ① Weingast, and Marshall, "The Industrial Organization of Congress," p.144.
    ② Keith Krehbiel, Information and Legislative Organization, Ann Arbor:The University of Michigan Press,1994.pp.105-150.
    ③ Ibid., pp.105-150.
    ② Richard Fenno, Jr, Congressmen in Congress, pp.47-48.
    ③ John H. Aldrich, "A Model of a Legislature with Two Parties and a Committee System,' Legislative Studies Quarterly, No.14,1994, pp.313-339.
    ① John H. Aldrich, "A Model of a Legislature with Two Parties and a Committee System," pp. 313-339.
    ② Gary Cox and Mathew McCubbins, Legislative Leviathan: Party Government in the House, Berkeley: University of California Press,1993; Gary Cox and Mathew McCubbins, "Bonding, Structure, and the Stability of Political Parties:Party Government in the House," Legislative Studies Quarterly,19,1994, pp.215-31.
    ③ Cox and McCubbins, Legislative Leviathan, p.278.
    ④ Cox and McCubbins, Legislative Leviathan以及David Rohde, Parties and Leaders in the Post Reform House, Chicago and London, University of Chicago Press,1991.
    ① Cox and McCubbins, "Bonding," p.222.
    ②Richard Fenno, Jr, Congressmen in Committees,1973, p.1.
    ③[美]David R. Mayhew著:《事关选举:美国国会的政治解读》,蒋昌建译,上海:复旦大学出版社,2001年版,第9页。
    ① Candice J. Nelson, "The Effect of Incumbency on Voting in Congressional Elections, 1964-1974", Political Science Quarterly, Vol.93, No.4. Winter,1978-1979, pp.665-678.
    ② Charles Stewart Ⅲ, Budget Reform Politics: The Design of the Appropriations Process in the House of Representatives,1865-1921, NY: Cambridge University Press,1989,p.19
    ③ Michael J. Sodaro, Comparative Politics:A Global Introduction,2nd ed., Boston:McGraw Hill, 2004, p.242.
    ① John Mark Hansen, Gaining Access: Congress and the Farm Lobby,1919-1981, Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1991, p.5.
    ② Richard Hall and Frank Wayman, "Buying Time:Moneyed Interests and the Mobilization of Bias in Congressional Committee," American Political Science Review,33,1990, p.815.
    ③ Jeffery M. Berry, The Interest Group Society,2nd ed., Glenview,Ⅲ, Scotland:Foresman,1989, p.72 & p.195.
    ④Robert M. Stein and Kenneth N. Bickers, Perpetuating the Pork Barrel: Policy Subsystems and American Democracy, NY: Cambridge University Press,1995.,p.30.
    ① Herbert M. Kritzer, "Ideology and American Political Elites," The Public Opinion Quarterly, 42(2),1978:485. pp.484-502.
    ② Ole R. Holsti and James N. Rosenau, "The Structure of Foreign Policy Beliefs Among American Opinion Leaders-After the Cold War," Millennium,22,Summer 1993, p.248.
    ③ James McCormick and Neil Mitchell, "Commitments, Transnational Interests, and Congress: Who Joins the Congressional Human Rights Caucus?" Political Research Quarterly,60 (4), 2007, pp.579-592.
    ① D. Robert Kiewiet and Mathew D. McCubbins, "Appropriations Decisions as a Bilateral Bargaining Game between President and Congress", Legislative Studies Quarterly, Vol.10, No.2,May,1985, pp.181-201.
    ① Allen Schick, The Federal budget: Politics, Policy, Process,3rd ed., pp.8-9.
    ① James L. Roark etc, The American Promise: A History of The United States, Vol.1, Boston: Bedford Books,1998, p.A-48.
    ③ James L. Roark etc, The American Promise: A History of The United States, Vol.1, p. A-52.
    ① Harold W. Stanley and Richard G. Niemi, The Vital Statistics on American Politics 2007-2008, Washington, D.C:CQ Press,2008, p.272.
    ② James L. Roark etc, The American Promise: A History of The United States, Vol.1, p. A-49
    ① Joseph A. Pika & Richard A. Watson, The Presidential Contest,5th ed., Washington, D.C.:CQ Press,1996. p.3.
    ② Joseph P. Harris, Congressional Control of Administration, p.48.
    ③ Julian E. Zelizer, The American Congress: The Building of Democracy, New York:Houghton Mifflin Company,,2004, pp.29-30.
    ④ George B. Galloway, History of the House of Representatives, New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company,1969, pp.13-14.
    ⑤ Richard Spohn and Charles McCollum, The Revenue Committees, New York: Viking Press, 1975. p. 218.
    ① Allen Schick, The Federal Budget: Politics, Policy, Process,3rd ed, p.10.
    ② Thad Hall, Authorizing Policy, Columbus:Ohio State University Press,2004, p.38.
    ② Lucius Wilmerding, The Spending Power:A History of The Efforts of Congress to Control Expenditures, New Haven:Yale University Press,1946, p.39.
    ③ Ibid., p.48.
    ② Spohn and McCollum, The Revenue Committees, p.220.
    ③ Joseph P. Harris, Congressional Control of Administration, p.50.
    ① Joseph P. Harris, Congressional Control of Administration, p.51.
    ② Steven S. Smith and Christopher J. Deering, Committee in Congress,2nd ed., Washington, D.C: CQ Press,1990, p.28.
    ③ Robert E. Dewhirst and John David Rausch, Jr., ed., The Encyclopedia of The United States Congress, New York:Facts on File Inc,2007, p.212.
    ①Spohn and McCollum,The Revenue Committees,p.220.
    ②Spohn and McCollum,The Revenue Committees,pp.220-221.
    ① Charles Stewart Ⅲ, Budget Reform Politics:The Design of the Appropriations Process in the House of Representatives, pp.82-83.
    ② Robert V. Renimi, The House: The History of the House of Representatives, New York: HarperColins,2006, pp.85-111.
    ④ Dewhirst and Rausch,Jr., ed., The Encyclopedia of The United States Congress, p.16.
    ① Thad Hall, Authorizing Policy, p.38.
    ② Joseph P. Harris, Congressional Control of Administration, p.51.
    ③ Louis Fisher, Congressional Abdication on War and Spending, p.23.
    ① Charles Stewart Ⅲ, Budget Reform Politics: The Design of the Appropriations Process in the House of Representatives, pp.237-238.
    ② Charles Stewart Ⅲ, "Does Structure Matter? The Effects of Structural Change on Spending Decisions in the House,1871-1922", American Journal of Political Science, Vol.31, No.3, Aug.,1987, pp.584-605.
    ① Richard B. Cheney and Lynne V. Cheney, Kings of the Hill: Power and Personality in the House of Representatives, NY: Touchstone Book,1996, pp.102-103.
    ② Charles Stewart Ⅲ, Budget Reform Politics: The Design of the Appropriations Process in the House of Representatives, pp.133-171.
    ③ David Brady and Mark A. Morgan, "Reforming the Structure of the House Appropriations Process:The Effects of the 1885 and 1919-20 Refoms on Money Decisions", in McCubbins and Sullivan eds., Congress: Structure and Politics, New York: Cambridge Press,1987, p.235.
    ① Allen Schick, The Federal Budget: Politics, Policy, Process,3rd ed, p.14.
    ②刘绪怡、杨生茂主编: 《美国通史》(第四卷),北京:人民出版社,2001年版,第203页。
    ③ Jun Ma and Yilin Hou, "Budgeting for Accountability:A Comparative Study of Budget Reforms in the United States during the Progressive Era and in Contemporary China", Public Administration Review, Vol.69, Issue sl, Oct.2009, pp.53-59.
    ② Jun Ma and Yilin Hou, "Budgeting for Accountability:A Comparative Study of Budget Reforms in the United States during the Progressive Era and in Contemporary China", pp. 53-59.
    ②[美]候一麟: 《预算平衡规范的兴衰:探究美国联邦赤字背后的预算逻辑》,张光、刁大明译, 《公共行政评论》,2008年第2期,第1-37页。
    ① E.E. Naylor, The Federal Budget System in Operation, Washington, D.C:Columbus University Press,1941, pp.17-19.
    ③ John Marini, The Politics of Budget Control: Congress, The Presidency and the Growth of the Administrative State, Washington, D.C:Crane Russak,1992, p.62.
    ① Louis Fisher, The Politics of Shared Power: Congress and the Executive, p.223.
    ② E.E. Naylor, The Federal Budget System in Operation, pp.26-27.
    ③ Government Accountability Office, "About GAO", http://www.gao.gov/about/index.html,2009年08月31日访问。
    ② John Marini, The Politics of Budget Control: Congress, The Presidency and the Growth of the Administrative State, pp.64-75.
    ③ E.E. Naylor, The Federal Budget System in Operation, p.33.
    ① Committee on House Rules, History of the United Stales House of Representatives,1789-1994, House Document No.103-324,1994, p.222.
    ② History of the United Stales House of Representatives,1789-1994, p.222
    ① James V. Saturno, "Appropriations Subcommittee Structure:History of Changes from 1920-2007", CRS Report for Congress, Order Code RL31572, January 31,2007.
    ② Richard Fenno, Jr., Congressmen in Committees, p.95.
    ① Nelson W. Polsby, "The Institutionalization of the U.S. House of Representatives", The American Political Science Review, Vol.62, No.1. (Mar.,1968), pp.144-168.
    ② Joseph P. Harris, Congressional Control of Administration, p.70.
    ③ Allen Schick, "The Three-Ring Budget Process:The Appropriations, Tax, and Budget Committees in Congress", in Thomas E. Mann and Norman J. Ornstein, The New Congress, Washington, D.C:American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research,1981, p.297.
    ④ Joseph P. Harris, Congressional Control of Administration, p.70.
    ⑤ Allen Schick, "The Three-Ring Budget Process:The Appropriations, Tax, and Budget Committees in Congress", p.300.
    ① Robert V. Remini, The House:The Histoiy of the House of Representatives, pp.272-275
    ② Ronald M. Peters, Jr., The American Speakership: The Office in Historical Perspective,2nd ed., Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,1997, p.92
    ③ Smith and Deering, Committees in Congress,2nd ed., p.45.
    ④ Nelson W. Polsby; Miriam Gallaher; Barry Spencer Rundquist, "The Growth of the Seniority System in the U. S. House of Representatives", The American Political Science Review, Vol. 63, No.3. (Sep.,1969), pp.787-807.
    ⑤ Richard Fenno, Jr., Congressmen in Committees, pp.2-5.
    ⑥ Allen Schick, "The Three-Ring Budget Process:The Appropriations, Tax, and Budge Committees in Congress", p.296.
    ① Richard Fenno, Jr., Congressmen in Committees, p.48.
    ② Richard Fenno, Jr., The Power of the Purse:Appropriations Politics in Congress, p.72.
    ③ Richard Fenno, Jr., Congressmen in Committees, p.143.
    ④ Joseph P. Harris, Congressional Control of Administration, pp.71-72.
    ⑤ Lance T. LeLoup, The Fiscal Congress:Legislative Control of the Budget, Westport, CT: Greenwood Press,1980, p.122.
    ① Norman J. Ornstein, Thomas E. Mann, and Michael J. Malbin, Vital Statistics on Congress, Washington, D.C:Brookings Institute Press,2008, pp.113-114.
    ① Lewis H. Kimmel, Federal Budget and Fiscal Policy,1789-1958, Washington, D.C:Brookings Institute,1959, p.320.
    ① Louis Fisher, The Politics of Shared Power:Congress and the Executive, pp.225-226.
    ① Roger H. Davidson, Walter J. Oleszek and Frances E. Lee, Congress and Its Members,12th ed., Washington, D.C:CQ Press,2009, p.433.
    ② James L. Sundquist, The Decline and Resurgence of Congress, Washington, D.C:Brookings Institute Press,1981, p.201.
    ③ James L. Sundquist, The Decline and Resurgence of Congress, p.204.
    ④ Howard E. Shuman, Politics and the Budget:The Struggle between the President and the Congress,3rd ed., Englewood Cliffs, NJ:Prentice Hall,1992, pp.223-226.
    ⑤ James L. Sundquist, The Decline and Resurgence of Congress, p.6.
    ① Aaron Wildavsky and Naomi Caiden, The New Politics of the Budgetary Process,5th ed., Beijing: Peking University Press,2004, p.90.
    ① Walter J. Oleszek, Congressional Procedures and The Policy Process,6th ed., Washington, D.C: CQ Press,2004,pp.60-61.
    ②Louis Fisher, Constitutional Conflicts between Congress and the President,5th ed., Lawrence, KS:University Press of Kansas,2007, p.205.
    ③ Lance T. LeLoup, "Appropriations Politics in Congress:The House Appropriations Committee and the Executive Agencies", Public Budgeting & Finance, Winter 1984, pp.78-98.
    ④ Walter J. Oleszek, Congressional Procedures and The Policy Process,6th ed.,p.57.
    ⑤ Dennis S. Ippolito, "The Power of the Purse:Congressional Participation", in Albert C. Hyde, ed., Government Budgeting: Theory, Process, and Politics,3rd ed., Beijing:Peking University Press,2002, p.165.
    ① Committee on House Rules, History of the United States House of Representatives,1789-1994, House Document No.103-324,1994,p.228.
    ② Daniel P. Franklin, Making Ends Meets: Congressional Budgeting in the Age of Deficits, Washington, D.C:CQ Press,1993, pp.46-47.
    ③ Smith and Deering, Committees in Congress,2nd ed., p.51.
    ① Sean M. Theriault, Party Polarization in Congress, NY: Cambridge University,2008, pp.23-28.
    ② Smith and Deering, Committees in Congress,2nd ed., p.51.
    ③ Allen Schick, "The Three-Ring Budget Process:The Appropriations, Tax, and Budget Committees in Congress", p.299.
    ④ Allen Schick, Congress and Money: Budgeting, Spending and Taxing, p.434.
    ⑤ Diana Evans, "Appropriations in the Republican Era", Extensions, Spring 2007, pp.1-7
    ⑥ Allen Schick, "The Three-Ring Budget Process:The Appropriations, Tax, and Budget Committees in Congress", pp.300-301.
    ① Allen Schick, Congress and Money:Budgeting, Spending and Taxing, p.429.
    ② Lance T. LeLoup, "Appropriations Politics in Congress:The House Appropriations Committee and the Executive Agencies", pp.78-98.
    ③ Allen Schick, Congress and Money:Budgeting, Spending and Taxing, p.411.
    ④ Lance T. LeLoup ed., "Appropriations Politics in Congress:The House Appropriations Committee and the Executive Agencies", pp.78-98.
    ⑤ Allen Schick, The Federal Budget:Politics, Policy, Process,3rd ed., pp.236-237.
    ① Norman J. Ornstein, Thomas E. Mann, and Michael J. Malbin, Vital Statistics on Congress, pp.113-114.
    ② James V. Saturno, "Appropriations Subcommittee Structure:History of Changes from 1920-2007", CRS Report for Congress, Order Code RL31572, January 31,2007.
    ③ John H. Makin and Norman J. Ornstein, Debt and Taxes: How America Got into Its Budget Mess and What to Do About It, NY: Times Books,1994, pp.12-13.
    ⑤ Louis Fisher, The Politics of Shared Power: Congress and the Executive, p.229.
    ① Lance T. LeLoup, Barbara Luck Graham, and Stacey Barwick, "Deficit Politics and Constitutional Government: The Impact of Gramm-Rudman-Hollings", in Albert C. Hyde, ed., Government Budgeting: Theory, Process, and Politics,3rd ed., Beijing: Peking University Press, 2002,pp.198-200.
    ② Committee on House Rules, History of the United States House of Representatives,1789-1994, House Document No.103-324,1994,p.229.
    ③ James A. Thurber, "Congressional Budget Reform:Impact on the Appropriations Committees", Public Budgeting & Finance, Fall 1997, pp.62-73.
    ④ Roger H. Davidson and Walter J. Oleszek, Congress and Its Members,10th ed., Washington,D.C:CQ Press,2005, p.444.
    ① Charles Stewart Ⅲ, "Budget Reform as Strategic Legislative Action:An Exploration", The Journal of Politics, Vol.50, No.2, May,1988, pp.292-321.
    ① Osbin L. Ervin, "Appropriating Vs. Budgeting: A Comparison of Municipal Fiscal Process". Public Budgeting & Finance, Winter 1988, pp.45-53.
    ① Bill Heniff, Jr., "The Spending Pipeline:Stages of Federal Spending", CRS Report for Congress, June 17,2008.
    ② Sandy Streeter, "The Congressional Appropriations Process:An Introduction", CRS Report for Congress, February 22,2008.
    ① Robert Keith, "Introduction to the Federal Budget Process", CRS Report for Congress, November 20,2008.
    ① Allen Schick, The Federal Budget: Politics, Policy, Process, p.94.
    ② Robert Keith, "Introduction to the Federal Budget Process", CRS Report for Congress, November 20,2008.
    ㈢参见FY2010 Budget, http://www.gpoaccess.gov/usbudget/,2009年12月01日访问。
    ② Robert Keith, "Introduction to the Federal Budget Process", CRS Report for Congress, November 20,2008.
    ① Robert Keith, "The'Deeming Resolution':A Budget Enforcement Tool", CRS Report for Congress, November 14,2008.
    ② Bill Heniff, Jr, "Budget Resolution Enforcement", CRS Report for Congress, August 12,2008.
    ③ Bill Heniff, Jr, "Functional Categories of the Federal Budget", CRS Report for Congress, August 19,2008.
    ① Philip G. Joyce, "Congressional Budget Reform:The Unanticipated Implications for Federal Making", Public Administration Review, Vol.56,No.4, July.-Aug.,1996, pp.317-325.
    ② Davidson and Oleszek, Congress and Its Members,10th ed., p.444.
    ①Bill Heniff, Jr, "Budget Resolution Legislation:Development and Consideration", CRS Report for Congress, August 12,2008.
    ① Robert Keith.,"The Budget Reconciliation Process:The Senate's'Byrd Rule'", CRS Report for Congress, April 7,2005.
    ① Bill Heniff, Jr., "Overview of the Authorization-Appropriations Process", CRS Report for Congress, June 17,2008.
    ① D.Andrew Austin and Mindy R. Levit, "Trends in Discretionary Spending", CRS Report for Congress, December 23,2008.
    ① Walter Kravitz, American Congressional Dictionary,3rd ed., Washington, D.C.:Congressional Quarterly Press,2001, pp.15-16.
    ① Bill Heniff, Jr, "Allocation and Subdivisions in the Congressional Budget Process", CRS Report for Congress, June 17,2008.
    ①Walter Oleszek, Congressional Procedures and the Policy Process,6th ed., p.125
    ① James V. Saturno, "Points of Order in the Congressional Budget Process", CRS Report for Congress, June 1,2009.
    ① Walter Kravitz, American Congressional Dictionary,3rd, p.206.
    ③ Sandy Streeter, "The Congressional Appropriations Process:An Introduction", CRS Report for Congress, December 2,2008.
    ① Michael H. Crespin, Charles J. Finocchiaro, and Emily O. Wanless, "Perception and Reality in Congressional Earmarks", The Forum, Vol.7, Issue 2,2009, Article 1,
    ① CRS Appropriations Team, "Earmarks in Appropriation Acts:FY1994, FY1996, FY1998, FY2000, FY 2002, FY2004, FY2005", CRS Report for Congress, January 26,2006.
    ① Robert Keith, "Federal Budget Process Reform in the 110th Congress:A Brief Overview", CRS Report for Congress, November 20,2008.
    ① "Pelosi, Hoyer and Obey Announce Further Earmark Reforms", http://appropriations.house.gov/pdf/EarmarkAnnouncement3-11-09.pdf,2009年11月10日访问。
    ② Robert Keith, "Introduction to the Federal Budget Process", CRS Report for Congress, November 20,2008.
    ① Sandy Streeter, "The Congressional Appropriations Process:An Introduction", CRS Report for Congress, December 2,2008.
    ② Robert Keith, "Introduction to the Federal Budget Process", CRS Report for Congress, November 20,2008.
    ① D. Robert Kiewiet and Mathew D. McCubbins, "Presidential Influence on Congressional Appropriations Decision", American Journal of Political Science, Vol.32, No.3, Aug.,1988, pp.731-736.
    ② Ed Gillespie and Bob Schellhas, ed., Contract With America:The Bold Plan By Rep. Newt Gingrich, Rep. Dick Armey, And The House Republicans To Change The Nation, NY:Times Books,1994,p.23.
    ③ Robert Keith, "Introduction to the Federal Budget Process", CRS Report for Congress, November 20,2008.
    ④ Ibid.
    ① Allen Schick, Congress and Money: Budgeting Spending and Taxing, p.6.
    ① Davidson. Oleszek and Lee, Congress and Its Members,12th ed., p.64.
    ② Ibid., p.215
    ① How Congress Works,4th ed., Congressional Quarterly Press,2008, p.171.
    ① How Congress Works,4th ed.,pp.174.175.
    ③ How Congress Works,4th ed.,p.174.
    ① Davidson, Oleszek and Lee, Congress and Its Members,12th ed., p.213
    ② How Congress Works,4th ed., p.175.
    ① Richard Fenno, Jr, "The House Appropriations Committees as a Political System:The Problem of Integration", The American Political Science Review, Vol.56, No.2, Jun.,1962, pp.310-324.
    ② Richard F. Fenno, Jr., Congressmen in Committees, pp.15-16.
    ③ Ibid., p.84.
    ① Richard F. Fenno, Jr., Congressmen in Committees, p.1.
    ② Ibid., p.139.
    ③ David Rohde and Kenneth A. Shepsle, "Democratic Committee Assignment in the House of Representatives:Strategic Aspects of a Social Choice Process", American Political Science Review, No.67,1973, p.905.
    ④ Edward I. Sidlow, Freshman Orientation: House Style and Home Style, Washington.D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Press,2007,pp.60-63.
    ⑤ Smith and Deering, Committees in Congress,2nd ed., p.97.
    ① D. Roderick Kiewiet and Mathew D. McCubbins, "Congressional Appropriations and the Electoral Connection", The Journal of Politics, Vol.47. No.1 (Feb.,1985), pp.59-82.
    ② Smith and Deering, Committees in Congress,2nd ed., p.67.
    ① Hook, "The Influence Committees:Money and Issues", Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report, January 3,1987, p.22.
    ② Diana Granat, "House Appropriations Panel Doles Out Cold Federal Cash, Chafes at Budget Procedures", Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report, June 18,1983, p.1209.
    ③ Smith and Deering, Committees in Congress,2nd ed., pp.84-85.
    ④ Kenneth A. Shepsle, The Giant Jigsaw Puzzle: Democratic Committee Assignment in the Modern House, Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1978, p.238.
    ① Smith and Deering, Committees in Congress,2nd ed., p.73.
    ① Smith and Deering, Committees in Congress,2nd ed., p.106.
    ② Cox and McCubbins, Legislative Leviathan: Party Government in the House, pp.174-175.
    ① Scott A. Frisch and Sean Q. Kelly, Committee Assignment Politics in the U.S. House of Representatives, Norman, OK:University of Oklahoma Press,2005, pp.87-88.
    ② Bryan W. Marshal, Brandon C. Prins, and David W. Rohde, "Fighting Fire With Water: Partisan Procedural Strategies and the Senate Appropriations Committees", Congress and The Presidency, Vol.26, No.2, Fall 1999, pp.113-132.
    ③ Richard F. Fenno, Jr., Congressmen in Committees, p.84.
    ① Keith T. Poole & Howard Rosenthal, Congress: A Political-Economic History of Roll Call Voting, New York: Oxford University Press,1997.
    ② http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steny_Hoyer,2009年12月8日访问。
    ① http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrie_Meek,2009年12月8日访问。
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    ④ Michael Barone and Richard E. Cohen, The Almanac of American Politics 2008, Washington, D.C.:National Journal Group,2007, p.468.
    ⑤ Barone and Cohen, The Almanac of American Politics 2008, p.134.
    ① Barone and Cohen,The Almanac of American Politics 2008,p.426.
    ② Ibid.,p.526.
    ③ Ibid.,pp.1560.1561.
    ④ Ibid.,p.566.
    ⑤ Ibid.,pp.400-401.
    ① Barone and Cohen, The Almanac of American Politics 2008, pp.729-730.
    ② Damon M. Cann, Sharing the Wealth: Member Contributions and the Exchange Theory of Party Influence in the U.S. House of Representatives, Albany, NY: State University of New York Press,2008, p.80.
    ① Barone and Cohen, The Almanac of American Politics 2008, p.191& p.206.
    ③Barone and Cohen, The Almanac of American Politics 2008, p.1320.
    ④ Ibid., p.768.
    ⑤ Ibid., pp.438-439.
    ⑥ Ibid., p.1137.
    ⑦ Ibid.., p.700.
    ⑧ Ibid., pp.1600-1601.
    ① Barone and Cohen, The Almanac of American Politics 2008, p.1055.
    ② http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Tester,2009年12月9日访问。
    ① Steven D. Levitt and James M. Snyder Jr., "Political Parties and the Distribution of Federal Outlays", American Journal of Political Science, Vol.39, No.4, Nov,1995, pp.958-980.
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    ① Martin L. Wattenberg, The Rise of Candidate Centered Politics, Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press,1991.
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    ③ Kenneth N. Bickers and Robert M. Stein, "The Congressional Pork Barrel in a Republican Era", The Journal of Politics,Vol.62, No.4, Nov,2000, pp.1070-1086.
    ① John A. Ferejohn, Pork Barrel Politics: Rivers and Harbors Legislation,1947-1968, Stanford, CA:Stanford University Press,1974, pp.49-51.
    ② Diana Evans, Greasing the Wheels: Using Pork Barrel Projects to Build Majority Coalitions in Congress, NY: Cambridge University Press,2004.
    ③ Steven D. Levitt and James M. Poterba, "Congressional Distributive Politics and State Economic Performance", Public Choice, No.1/2,1999, pp.185-216.
    ④ William R. Hauk, Jr., and Romain Wacziarg, "Small States, Big Pork", Quarterly Journal of Political Science, No.2,2007, pp.95-106.
    ①Brian Kelly, Adventures in Porkland:How Washington Wastes Your Money and Why They Won't Stop, NY:Times Books,1993, p.ⅹⅱ.
    ①Richard F. Fenno, Jr., Congressmen in Committees, pp.2-4.
    ②John H. Aldrich and David W. Rohde, "The Republican Revolution and the House Appropriations Committee", The Journal of Politics, Vol.62, No.1(Feb.,2000), pp.1-33.
    ① Barone and Cohen, The Almanac of American Politics 2010, p.1291.
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