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    主义政策体系进行分析。笔者首先对“家长制种族主义”中aternalistic racism)的含义
     第三章“制度化种族主义”(institutional racism)主要探讨十九世纪末至二十世纪
    论的流行以及大迁徙之后黑人对白人在社会资源方面构成的“威胁” 组成了支持制度
Racial problem has been one of the most thorny social problems in American history. Up till now, most of the research and studies on American racial problem can be divided into two categories: historical and sociological. Historical studies focus on the descriptions and analysis of important historical events and periods concerning with African-Americans, which include some attempts from the perspective of political science as well, thus accumulating abundant materials for further study. Research from sociological perspective is usually associated with ethnic studies. It puts more emphasis on contemporary events and on theoretical studies in order to analyze the constants and variables concerned to put up more adaptable theoretical frameworks.
    Though this dissertation is not totally based on the criticism of the studies mentioned above, yet a thorough literature review reveals that neither of them gives much concern to government policies. Therefore, the author here tries to build the theoretical framework of American racial policy in order to find out the dynamics of policy changing and to give a more persuasive explanation to the making and reforming of federal racial policies through history. This will be done from both anthropological and sociological perspectives. The dissertation includes six parts.
    The introduction gives a literature review and a brief account to the reason of taking up the studies of American racial problems, the viewpoint, and methodology and the materials used in the dissertation.
    Since history cannot be separated from the ideology in which it grows, the first chapter gives an introduction to racist ideology in American history. The concept of "race" and "racism", the origins of racist ideology and the controversies concerned are presented as well. The conclusion is that the American racial policies have been based on racist ideology since the colonial times, even though two different kinds of ideology serve at different periods, namely biological racism and cultural racism.
    The following three chapters are specifically devoted to the three periods in the development of American racial policies-paternalistic, institutional and laissez-faire racism. Chapter two dwells on the first period. Race relations and racial policies in
    paternalistic period are compatible with agricultural, pastoral or handicraft economy, to be specific, with plantation economy in colonial times and early American history. Racial roles and statuses are sharply defined so that there is little possibility of social mobility. Spatial segregation is minimal since the wide status gap allows close but unequal contact. Whites are inclined to adopt an attitude of benevolent despotism towards blacks, treating them as perpetual children, lovable but ought to keep in line. In American history, the government racial policies and race relations of the period from colonial times up to the end of the Civil War bear the characteristics of paternalistic racism. The system starts with the implementation of such laws and regulations as prohibiting interracial marriage and depriving African-Americans of civil and political rights, and becomes institutionalized with the promulgation of Negro codes and the enslavement of free blacks. It comes to an end with the issuing of several constitutional amendments and laws concerned during and after the civil war. Through studying the history of that period, the author comes to the conclusion that the founding of paternalistic racism is mainly depended on ideological and economical factors, while its collapse is brought up by more elements such as the rapid development of capitalistic manufacture, the social movements of abolitionists and the conflicts between the Democratic and Republican parties.
    Chapter three focuses on the system of institutional racism that covers the nearly-a-century-span from the end of 19th century to 1980s. The system is mainly devoted to racial segregation, depriving blacks of political rights and racial discrimination. The narrowing of social distance betwee
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