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At present, concerning the study of history, most scholars of our country put the focus of their study on the cold war period, and have not given enough attention to America’s Soviet policy during the years from 1933 to 1941. At present, concerning the study of history, most scholars of our country put the focus of their study on the cold war period, and have not given enough attention to America’s Soviet policy during the years from 1933 to 1941.In fact, America’s Soviet policy during this period plays an very important role not only in American history but in the history of the world. So to speak, the first cooperation of U.S. with the Soviet Union, a country with a different social system and different ideology as opposed to U.S, not only offered the essential base to both the forming of antifascist alliance during the World War Two and the ultimate victory of the War, but also, after this, offered strong theoretical basis and practical support for the forming and developing of America’s Soviet policy and therefore, produced far-reaching effects on both the United States and the Soviet Union.
     Making use of the declassified documents of U.S. government and on the basis of current research achievements, this paper reviews comprehensively America’s Soviet policy during the period of 1933-1941, including some aspects as the reason and process of American government’s determination to recognize Soviet Union, the fundamental establishment of the policy of using and restricting the Soviet Union made by U.S., the carrying out all around of the policy of using and restricting the Soviet Union, the ending of the policy of using and restricting the Soviet Union after the breaking out of the war between Soviet Union and Germany and the beginning of the war-time cooperation between American government and Soviet Union. Based on this, by exploring the performance, characteristics, reason and the means of America’s Soviet policy during this period, the paper reveals the developing thread of America’s Soviet policy and its influence on the process of the development of the world history. In modern society, because two different kinds of social systems—capitalism and socialism still coexist, also that the United States, as the only superpower after the collapse of the Soviet union, still regards ideology as the important factor to consider in its treating of diplomatic relations with socialist countries, as a result, the study on America’s Soviet policy and the exploration of the starting point and the essence of U.S. diplomatic policy is helpful for our government to take the right policy and countermeasure in its present foreign relations.
     Starting from the viewpoint of the dialectical materialism and historical materialism, using mainly the historical research methods and meanwhile combining the research means of politics and other subjects, this paper attempts to elucidate three issues through the combing and analysis of the declassified documents of U.S. government:(1)the policy of using and restricting the Soviet Union made by U.S., who was forced to put aside its ideological differences with the Soviet Union under the situation of internal and external predicaments, was a kind of temporary policy implemented by U.S., and it was enslaved by the strategic position and objectives of U.S of that time;(2)the policy of using and restricting the Soviet Union made by U.S. was influenced and restricted by such factors as the wrong cognition by U.S. of the Soviet Union, rigid diplomacy and the developing status of the international society; at the same time, in the formation of U.S. policy toward the Soviet Union, ideology played a potential role which can not be neglected;(3)Preventing the invasion by Germany, Japan, Italy fascist states, promoting economic recovery and the expanding of American values were the starting point and the destination of the policy of using and restricting the Soviet Union made by U.S.
    ②Michael Hunt, Ideology and the U.S. Foreign Policy, New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1987.
    ①Mary E. Glantz, FDR and the Soviet Union: the President’s Battles over Foreign Policy, Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2005, p.4.
    ①Joseph S. Nye, Jr., ed., The Making of America's Soviet Policy, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1984.
    ②George Liska, Rethinking U.S.-Soviet Relations, Oxford: B. Blackwell, 1987.
    ③Thomas B. Larson, Soviet-American Rivalry, New York: W. W. Norton, 1978.
    ④Ralph K. White, Fearful Warriors: a Psychological Profile of U.S. - Soviet Relations, New York: Collier Macmillanl, 1984.
    ⑤James K. Libbey, American-Russian Economic Relations: a Survey of Issues and References, Claremont: Regina Books, 1989.
    ⑥James K. Libbey, American-Soviet Economic Relations, 1770s-1990s, Claremont: Regina Books, 1989.
    ⑦John W. De Pauw, Soviet-American Trade Negotiations, New York: Praeger Publishers, 1979.
    ⑧Philip J. Funigiello, American-Soviet Trade in the Cold War, Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1988.
    ①Yale Richmond, U.S.-Soviet Cultural Exchanges, 1958-1986: Who Wins? Boulder: Westview Press, 1987.
    ②J. D. Parks, Culture, Conflict, and Coexistence: American-Soviet Cultural Relations, 1917-1958, Jefferson: McFarland, 1983.
    ③Nish Jamgotch, Jr., U.S.-Soviet Co-operation: A New Future, New York: Praeger, 1989.
    ④Sig Mickelson, America’s Other Voice: the Story of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty, New York: Praeger, 1983.
    ⑤K.R.M. Short, Western Broadcasting over the Iron Curtain, London: Croom Helm, 1986.
    ⑥Robert W. Piersin, The Voice of America: A History of the International Broadcasting Activities of the U.S. Government, 1940-62, New York, Arno Press, 1979.
    ①Ludmilla Alexeyeva, U.S. Broadcasting to the Soviet Union, Washington: Helsinki Watch, 1986.
    ②Norman E. Saul, Russian-American Dialogue on Cultural Relations, 1776-1914, Columbia, Mo.: University of Missouri Press, 1997.
    ③Gale Warner and Michael Schuman, Citizen Diplomats: Pathfinders in Soviet-American Relations, New York, Continuum, 1987.
    ④Benson L. Grayso, The American Image of Russia, 1917-1977, New York: Frederick Ungar Pub. Co., 1978.
    ⑤Willlian Welch, American Images of Soviet Foreign Policy, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1970.
    ⑥Stephen F. Cohen, Sovieticus: American Perceptions and Soviet Realities, New York: W. W. Norton, 1985.
    ①这几种派别的主要代表分别是:Herbert Feis, From Trust to Terror, 1945-50, New York: W. W. Norton, 1970. Carbriel and Joyce Kolko, The Limits of Power: the World and United States Foreign Policy, 1945-1954, New York: Harper & Row, 1972. John L. Gaddis, The United States and the Origins of the Cold War, 1941-47, New York: Columbia University Press, 1972.
    ②Hugh G. Mosley, The Arms Race: Economic and Social Consequences, Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, 1985. James L. Clayton ed., The Economic Impact of the Cold War, New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1970. Steven Rosen ed., Testing the Theory of the Military-Industrial Complex, Lexington, D.C.: Heath & Co., 1973.
    ③Vera Micheles Dean, The United States and Russia, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1947.
    ④O. T. Barck, Jr.,“American Russian Relations, 1781-1947, by William Appleman Williams, Rinehart & Co. Inc., 1952”, American History Review, vol. 59, No. 1, October 1953, p83.
    ①William Appleman Williams, American Russian Relations, 1781-1947, 1952.
    ②O. T. Barck, Jr.,“American Russian Relations, 1781-1947, By William Appleman Williams, Rinehart & Co. Inc., 1952,” American History Review, vol. 59, No. 1, October 1953, p83.③ John Lewis Gaddis, Russia, The Soviet Union, and the United States: an Interpretive History, New York: John Wiley andSons, Inc. 1978.①
    Mark Garrison and Abbott Gleason, Shared Destiny: Fifty Years of Soviet-American Relations, Boston: Beacon Press, 1985.
    ①Peter G. Boyle, American-Soviet Relations: from the Russian Revolution to the Fall of Communism, London: Routledge, 1993.
    ②Ibid., p. 281.
    ③Ahomas R. Maddux, Years of Estrangement: American Relations with the Soviet Union, 1933-1941, Gainesville University Presses of Florida. 1980.
    ①Thomas A. Morgan, the United States and the Soviet Union: a Report on the Controlling Factors in the Relation between the United States and the Soviet Union, New York: The American Foundation, Committee on Russian-American Relations, 1933.
    ②Joan Hoff Wilson, Ideology and Economics: U.S. Relations with the Soviet Union, 1918-1933, Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1974.
    ①Robert Paul Browder, The Origins of Soviet-American Diplomacy, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1953.
    ②Robert Paul Browder, The Russian Provisional Government of 1917: Documents, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1961.
    ③John Richman, The United States & the Soviet Union: the Decision to Recognize, Raleigh, N.C.: Camberleigh & Hall,Publishers, 1980.
    ①William Roy Keagle, The Listening Post: the United States State Department and the Soviet Union, 1928-1932, Ph. D. , University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1992.数据库:ProQuest Digital Dissertations,(hereafter cites as PQDD), AAT 9305574.
    ①M. Wayne Morris, Stalin’s Famine and Roosevelt’s Recognition of Russia, Lanham: University Press of America, 1994.
    ②参见M. Wayne Morris, Stalin’s Famine and Roosevelt’s Recognition of Russia, 1994, p.8.
    ①Donald G. Bishop, The Roosevelt-Litvinov Agreements: the American View, Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1965.
    ②Dexter Perkins,“The Roosevelt-Litvinov Agreements: the American View, by Donald G. Bishop, Syracuse University Press, 1965”, American History Review, vol. 71, No. 2, January 1966, p. 518.③ Ibid.
    ①Norman E. Saul, Friends or Foes? the United States and Soviet Russia, 1921-1941, Lawtence: University Press of Kansas, 2006.
    ①Norman E. Saul, Friends or Foes? the United States and Soviet Russia, 1921-1941, p.5.
    ②Donald E. Davis,“Norman E. Saul, Friends or Foes? the United States and Soviet Russia, 1921-1941, Lawtence: University Press of Kansas, 2006”, American Historical Review, Feb2007, Vol. 112 Issue 1, p. 234, EBSCOhost, AN 24170721.此论文中引用的一些国外学者的学术论文来自于东北师范大学图书馆的EBSCOhost系列数据库、Expanded Academic ASAP International、Academic Research Library、Periodicals Archive Online和JSTOR电子期刊等数据库,以后就不再一一注明。
    ①Frederic Lewis Propas The State Department, Bureaucratic Politics and Soviet-American Relations, 1918-1938, Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles, 1982, PQDD, AAT 8219753
    ①Mary E. Glantz, FDR and the Soviet Union: the President’s Battles over Foreign Policy, Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2005.
    ②Mary Elizabeth Glantz, "Good Neighbors and Sincere Friends": United States Policy toward the Soviet Union under Franklin D. Roosevelt, Ph.D., Temple University, 2002, PQDD, AAI3057075.
    ③Mary E. Glantz, FDR and the Soviet Union: the President’s Battles over Foreign Policy, 2005, p. 299.
    ①Dennis J. Dunn, Caught between Roosevelt & Stalin: America’s Ambassadors to Moscow, Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky, 1998.
    ①Dennis J. Dunn, Caught between Roosevelt & Stalin: America’s Ambassadors to Moscow, p. 3.②Keith David Eagles, Ambassador Joseph E. Davies and American-Soviet Relations, 1937-1941, New York: Garland Pub., 1985.
    ③Michael Cassella-Blackburn, The Donkey, the Carrot, and the Club: William C. Bullitt and Soviet-American Relations, 1917-1948, Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 2004.
    ④Michael Cassella-Blackburn, William C. Bullitt: Fear and Loathing of the Soviet Union, 1917-1948, Ph. D., Syracuse University, 1997, PQDD, AAI9820072.
    ①Mary E. Glantz, FDR and the Soviet Union: the President’s Battles over Foreign Policy, Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2005, p. 1.
    ②Mary E. Glantz, FDR and the Soviet Union: the President’s Battles over Foreign Policy, p. 1.
    ③Edward M. Bennett, Roosevelt and the Search for Security: American-Soviet Relations, 1933-1939, Wilmington: Scholarly Resource Inc., 1985.
    ④Edward M. Bennett: Roosevelt and the Search for Victory: American-Soviet Relations, 1939-1945, Wilmington: A Scholarly Resources Inc. Imprint, 1990.
    ①Thomas R. Maddux,“Edward M. Bennett, Roosevelt and the Search for Security: American-Soviet Relations, 1933-1939, Wilmington: Scholarly Resource Inc., 1985”, American History Review, vol. 91, No. 4, October 1986, p. 1013.
    ②Jonathan E. Boe, American Business: the Response to the Soviet Union, 1933-1947, New York: Garland, 1987.
    ①John Lewis Gaddis, Russia, the Soviet Union, and the United States: an Interpretive History, p. 1.
    ②Thomas A. Morgan, The United States and the Soviet Union: A Report on the Controlling Factors in the Relation between the United States and the Soviet Union, p. 21.
    ③William Appleman Williams, American Russian Relations, 1781-1947,p. 3. [苏]瓦里科夫:《苏联和美国——它们的政治关系和经济关系》,第5页。Norman E. Saul, Distant Friends: the United States and Russia, 1763-1867, Lawrence, Kan.: University Press of Kansas, 1991, p. 400.
    ④John Lewis Gaddis, Russia, the Soviet Union, and the United States: an Interpretive History, p. 2.
    ①John Lewis Gaddis, Russia, the Soviet Union, and the United States: an Interpretive History, p. 2.
    ②Norman E. Saul, Distant Friends: the United States and Russia, 1763-1867, p. 13.
    ③Vera Micheles Dean, The United States and Russia, p. 4.
    ④Norman E. Saul, Distant Friends: the United States and Russia, 1763-1867, p. 6.
    ⑤John Lewis Gaddis, Russia, the Soviet Union, and the United States: an Interpretive History, p. 2.
    ⑥[美] S. F.比密斯:《美国外交史》,第二分册,叶笃文译,北京:商务印书馆,1987年,第51页。
    ⑦Norman E. Saul, Distant Friends: the United States and Russia, 1763-1867, p. 15.
    ⑧John Lewis Gaddis, Russia, the Soviet Union, and the United States: an Interpretive History, p. .
    ⑨Vera Micheles Dean, The United States and Russia, p. 5.
    ①当时,俄国把美国看作是一个“革命的,危险的暴发户”。参见Vera Micheles Dean, The United States and Russia, p. 5.
    ②John Lewis Gaddis, Russia, The Soviet Union, and the United States: an Interpretive History, p. 3.
    ⑥Vera Micheles Dean, The United States and Russia, p. 6.
    ⑧[美] S. F.比密斯:《美国外交史》,第109页。
    ①Norman E. Saul, Distant Friends: the United States and Russia, 1763-1867, p. 28.
    ③John Lewis Gaddis, Russia, The Soviet Union, and the United States: An Interpretive History, p. 6.
    ④[美] S. F.比密斯:《美国外交史》,第125页。
    ⑤Vera Micheles Dean, The United States And Russia, 1947, p.6.
    ⑥William Appleman Williams, American Russian Relations, 1781-1947, p. 5.
    ⑦Norman E. Saul, Distant Friends: the United States and Russia, 1763-1867, p. 39.
    ⑧William Appleman Williams, American Russian Relations, 1781-1947, p. 6.
    ①John Lewis Gaddis, Russia, The Soviet Union, and the United States: an Interpretive History, p. 6.②William Appleman Williams, American Russian Relations, 1781-1947, p. 6.
    ③John Lewis Gaddis, Russia, The Soviet Union, and the United States: an Interpretive History, p. 8.
    ①Howard I. Kushner, Conflict on the Northwest Coast: American-Russian Rivalry in the Pacific Northwest, 1790-1867, Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1975, p. 34.
    ③Howard I. Kushner, Conflict on the Northwest Coast: American-Russian rivalry in the Pacific Northwest, 1790-1867, p. 35.
    ④Vera Micheles Dean, The United States and Russia, p. 6.
    ⑤William Appleman Williams, American Russian Relations, 1781-1947, p. 13.
    ⑥John Lewis Gaddis, Russia, the Soviet Union, and the United States: an Interpretive History, p. 10.
    ②John Lewis Gaddis, Russia, the Soviet Union, and the United States: an Interpretive History, p. 10.
    ③Howard I. Kushner, Conflict on the Northwest Coast : American-Russian Rivalry in the Pacific Northwest, 1790-1867, p. 54.
    ④Ernest R. May, The Making of the Monroe Doctrine, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1975, p. 191.
    ⑥Ibid., p. 199.
    ⑦Howard I. Kushner, Conflict on the Northwest Coast: American-Russian Rivalry in the Pacific Northwest, 1790-1867, p. 57.
    ①Norman E. Saul, Distant Friends: the United States and Russia, 1763-1867, p. 28.
    ③Howard I. Kushner, Conflict on the Northwest Coast: American-Russian Rivalry in the Pacific Northwest, 1790-1867, p. 61.
    ④Ibid., p.36.
    ⑤John Lewis Gaddis, Russia, The Soviet Union, and the United States: an Interpretive History, p. 8.
    ⑥Norman E. Saul, Distant friends: the United States and Russia, 1763-1867, p. 45.
    ⑦Howard I. Kushner, Conflict on the Northwest Coast: American-Russian Rivalry in the Pacific Northwest, p. 8.
    ⑧Ibid., p. 10.
    ⑩William Appleman Williams, American Russian Relations, 1781-1947, p. 7. 11 [苏]C·B·奥孔:《俄美公司》,第69页。12 Howard I. Kushner, Conflict on the Northwest Coast: American-Russian Rivalry in the Pacific Northwest, 1790-1867, p. 15. 13 William Appleman Williams, American Russian Relations, 1781-1947, p. 10.
    ①Howard I. Kushner, Conflict on the Northwest Coast: American-Russian Rivalry in the Pacific Northwest, 1790-1867, p. 26.
    ②Ernest R. May, The making of the Monroe Doctrine, p. 2.
    ④John Lewis Gaddis, Russia, the Soviet Union, and the United States: an Interpretive History, p. 9.
    ⑤William Appleman Williams, American Russian Relations, 1781-1947, pp. 11-12.
    ⑥Howard I. Kushner, Conflict on the Northwest Coast: American-Russian Rivalry in the Pacific Northwest, 1790-1867, p. 43.
    ⑦William Appleman Williams, American Russian Relations, 1781-1947, p. 16.
    ⑧Howard I. Kushner, Conflict on the Northwest Coast: American-Russian Rivalry in the Pacific Northwest, 1790-1867, p. 53.
    ⑩Vera Micheles, Dean, The United States and Russia, p. 7. 11 Norman E. Saul, Distant Friends: the United States and Russia, 1763-1867, p. 102. 12 [苏]C·B·奥孔:《俄美公司》,第76页。
    ①Howard I. Kushner, Conflict on the Northwest Coast: American-Russian Rivalry in the Pacific Northwest, 1790-1867, p. 60.
    ③Howard I. Kushner, Conflict on the Northwest Coast: American-Russian Rivalry in the Pacific Northwest, 1790-1867, p. 43.
    ④Norman E. Saul, Distant Friends: the United States and Russia, 1763-1867, p. 199.
    ⑥William Appleman Williams, American Russian Relations, 1781-1947, p. 19.
    ⑦Ibid., p.20.
    ②Vera Micheles Dean, The United States and Russia, 1947, p. 8.
    ③Edward H. Zabriskie, American-Russian Rivalry in the Far East: A Study in Diplomacy and Power Politics, 1895-1914, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1946, p. 23.
    ④Norman E. Saul, Distant Friends: the United States and Russia, 1763-1867, pp. 204-206.
    ⑤Howard I. Kushner, Conflict on the Northwest Coast: American-Russian Rivalry in the Pacific Northwest, 1790-1867, p. 62.
    ②John Lewis Gaddis, Russia, The Soviet Union, and the United States: an Interpretive History, p. 25.
    ③William Appleman Williams, American Russian Relations, 1781-1947, p. 21.
    ⑤John Lewis Gaddis, Russia, The Soviet Union, and the United States: an Interpretive History, p. 27.
    ⑥William Appleman Williams, American Russian Relations, 1781-1947, p. 23.
    ⑦John Lewis Gaddis, Russia, The Soviet Union, and the United States: an Interpretive History, p. 25.
    ⑧Norman E. Saul, Distant Friends: the United States and Russia, 1763-1867, p. 166.
    ⑨John Lewis Gaddis, Russia, the Soviet Union, and the United States: an Interpretive History, p. 25.
    ①Edward H. Zabriskie, American-Russian Rivalry in the Far East: A Study in Diplomacy and Power Politics, 1895-1914, p. 45.
    ④William Appleman Williams, American Russian Relations, 1781-1947, p. 29.
    ①Edward H. Zabriskie, American-Russian Rivalry in the Far East: A Study in Diplomacy and Power Politics, 1895-1914, p.54.
    ②Ian Nish, The Origins of the Russo-Japanese War, New York: Longman, 1985, p. 59.
    ③William Appleman Williams, American Russian Relations, 1781-1947, p. 36.
    ⑤Howard K. Baele, Theodore Roosevelt and the Rise of America to World Power, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1956, p. 263.
    ⑥Ian Nish, The Origins of the Russo-Japanese War, p. 59.
    ⑦Vera Micheles Dean, The United States and Russia, p. 9.
    ⑧Howard kennedy Baele, Theodore Roosevelt and the Rise of America to World Power, P. 256.
    ⑨Edward H. Zabriskie, American-Russian Rivalry in the Far East: A Study in Diplomacy and Power Politics, 1895-1914, p. 101.
    ⑩Vera Micheles Dean, The United States and Russia, p. 9. 11 Edward H. Zabriskie, American-Russian Rivalry in the Far East: A Study in Diplomacy and Power Politics, 1895-1914, p. 102. 12 Raymond A. Esthus, Double Eagle and Rising Sun: the Russians and Japanese at Portsmouth in 1905, p. 17. 13 Ibid., p. 103.
    ①Howard K. Baele, Theodore Roosevelt and the Rise of America to World Power, p. 265.
    ②Ian Nish, The Origins of the Russo-Japanese War, p. 204.
    ③Raymond A. Esthus, Double Eagle and Rising Sun: the Russians and Japanese at Portsmouth in 1905, Durham: Duke University Press, 1988, p. 16.
    ④Tyler Dennett, Roosevelt and the Russo-Japanese War, New York: Doubleday Page & Company, 1925, p. 165.
    ⑤Edward H. Zabriskie, American-Russian Rivalry in the Far East: a Study in Diplomacy and Power Politics, 1895-1914, p. 103.
    ⑥William Appleman Williams, American Russian Relations, 1781-1947, p. 45.
    ⑧Tyler Dennett, Roosevelt and the Russo-Japanese War, p. 327.
    ⑨Ibid., p. 332.
    ⑩Howard K. Baele, Theodore Roosevelt and the Rise of America to World Power, p. 276. 11 Raymond A. Esthus, Double Eagle and Rising Sun: the Russians and Japanese at Portsmouth in 1905, p. 17. 12 Howard K. Baele, Theodore Roosevelt and the Rise of America to World Power, p. 269. 13 Edward H. Zabriskie, American-Russian Rivalry in the Far East: a Study in Diplomacy and Power Politics, 1895-1914, p. 103. 14 William Appleman Williams, American Russian Relations, 1781-1947, p. 40.
    ①Tyler Dennett, Roosevelt and The Russo-Japanese War, p. 335.
    ②William Appleman Williams, American Russian Relations, 1781-1947, p. 42.
    ③William Appleman Williams, American Russian Relations, 1781-1947, p. 53.
    ①Norman E. Saul, Concord and Conflict: the United States and Russia, 1867-1914, Lawrence, Kan.: University Press of Kansas, 1996, p. 54.
    ②Ibid., p. 513.
    ③Herbert Croly, Willard Straight, New York: The Macmillan Company, 1924, p. 200.
    ④Ibid., p. 204.
    ⑤Ibid., p. 203.
    ⑥William Appleman Williams, American Russian Relations, 1781-1947, p. 57.
    ⑦Herbert Croly, Willard Straight, p.204.
    ①Howard K. Baele, Theodore Roosevelt and the Rise of America to World Power, p. 323.
    ②William Appleman Williams, American Russian Relations, 1781-1947, p. 59.
    ③Herbert Croly, Willard Straight, p. 299.
    ④William Appleman Williams, American Russian Relations, 1781-1947, p. 60.
    ⑤William Appleman Williams, American Russian Relations, 1781-1947, p. 68.
    ①William Appleman Williams, American Russian Relations, 1781-1947, p. 72.
    ②Ibid., p. 71.
    ③Ibid., p. 78.
    ③Roger Crownover, the United States Intervention in North Russia-1918, 1919: the Polar Bear Odyssey, Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2001, p. 33.
    ④Frederick F. Travis, George Kennan and the American-Russian Relationship, 1865-1924, Athens: Ohio University Press, 1990, p. 337.
    ⑤William Appleman Williams, American Russian Relations, 1781-1947, p. 88.
    ⑦Frederick F.Travis, George Kennan and the American-Russian Relationship, 1865-1924, p. 317.
    ①William Appleman Williams, American Russian Relations, 1781-1947, p. 97.
    ②Ibid., p.95.
    ④Ibid., p. 102.
    ⑦M. Wayne Morris, Stalin’s Famine and Roosevelt’s Recognition of Russia, p. 13.
    ⑧Frederick F.Travis, George Kennan and the American-Russian Relationship, 1865-1924, p. 337.
    ②William Appleman Williams, American Russian Relations, 1781-1947, p. 117.
    ③Ibid., p. 105.
    ④Frederick F. Travis, George Kennan and the American-Russian Relationship, 1865-1924, p. 350.
    ⑤John Richman, The United States & the Soviet Union: the Decision to Recognize, p. 33.
    ⑥M. Wayne Morris, Stalin’s Famine and Roosevelt’s Recognition of Russia, p.7.
    ⑧Benjamin D. Rhodes, The Anglo-American Winter War with Russia, 1918-1919 : a Diplomatic and Military Tragicomedy, New York: Greenwood Pr., 1988 p. 2.
    ⑨见William Appleman Williams, American Russian Relations, 1781-1947, p. 127.
    ④Peter G. Boyle, American-Soviet Relations: from the Russian Revolution to the Fall of Communism, p. 9.
    ⑤Vera Micheles Dean, The United States and Russia, p. 11.
    ⑥威廉姆斯认为,决定干涉苏俄内战是反革命的行动,符合伍德罗威尔逊的经济的和道德的“门户开放”外交政策;见William Appleman Williams, American Russian Relations, 1781-1947.乔治·F.凯南认为,美国干涉的目的是重建反德的俄国战场;见George F. Kennan, Russia and the West under Lenin and Stalin, Boston: Little, Brown University Press, 1956-58.
    ⑦Peter G. Boyle, American-Soviet Relations: from the Russian Revolution to the Fall of Communism, p. 7.
    ⑧Betty Miller Unterberger, America’s Siberian Expedition, 1918-1920, a Study of National Policy, Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1956.
    ①Betty Miller Unterberger, The United States, Revolutionary Russia, and the Rise of Czechoslovakia, Chapel Hill, North Carolina: University of Carolina Press, 1989.
    ②Frederick F. Travis, George Kennan and the American-Russian Relationship, 1865-1924, p. 353.戴维·S.福格尔桑认为,美国干涉苏俄开始时具有反德和反布尔什维克的双重动机,但是,在一战结束前,反布尔什维克的动机已经成为主流;见David S. Foglesong, America’s Secret War Against Bolshevism: U.S. Intervention in the Russian Civil War, 1917-1920, Chapel Hill, North Carolina: University of North Carolina Press, 1995.罗杰·克劳诺弗认为,在保护俄国西方储备的伪装下,协约国让威尔逊出兵是为了遏制布尔什维克主义和共产主义。见Roger Crownover, The United States Intervention in North Russia, 1918, 1919 : the Polar Bear Odyssey ,Lewiston, NY : Edwin Mellen Press, 2001.
    ③Ibid., p. 135.
    ④Peter G. Boyle, American-Soviet Relations: from the Russian Revolution to the Fall of Communism, p. 11. Vera Micheles Dean, The United States and Russia, p. 6.
    ⑦Benjamin D. Rhodes, The Anglo-American Winter War with Russia, 1918-1919: a Diplomatic and Military, p. 99.
    ④Peter G. Boyle, American-Soviet Relations: from the Russian Revolution to the Fall of Communism, pp.11-12.
    ⑤Frederick F. Travis, George Kennan and the American-Russian Relationship, 1865-1924, p. 355.
    ⑥Betty Miller Unterberger, America’s Siberian Expedition, 1918-1920, a Study of National Policy, p. 234.
    ⑦Frederick F. Travis, George Kennan and the American-Russian Relationship, 1865-1924, p. 355.
    ⑧Peter G. Boyle, American-Soviet Relations: from the Russian Revolution to the Fall of Communism, p. 5.
    ⑨Frederick F. Travis, George Kennan and the American-Russian Relationship, 1865-1924, p. 360.
    ⑩Katherine A.S. Siegel,“Technology and trade: Russia's pursuit of American investment, 1917-1929”,Diplomatic History, Summer 93, Vol. 17 Issue 3, p. 375. 11 [苏]瓦里科夫:《苏联和美国——它们的政治关系和经济关系》,第94页。
    ②Letter from the Secretary of State to the Italian Ambassador (Avezzana), Washington, September 10,1920, Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States(hereafter cited as FRUS), 1920, Volume III, Washington, D. C. : U.S. Government Printing Office,1920,pp.467-468. available at http://digicoll.library.wisc.edu/cgi-bin/FRUS/FRUS-idx?type= header&id=FRUS.FRUS1920v03 (January 5, 2009)
    ④Vera Micheles Dean, The United States and Russia, p. 14.
    ⑤M. Wayne Morris, Stalin’s Famine and Roosevelt’s Recognition of Russia, p. 22.
    ③M. Wayne Morris, Stalin’s Famine and Roosevelt’s Recognition of Russia, p. 23.
    ⑤Benjamin M. Weissman, Herbert Hoover and Famine Relief to Soviet Russia, 1921-1923, Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, 1974, p.Ⅺ.
    ⑥Peter G. Boyle, American-Soviet Relations: from the Russian Revolution to the Fall of Communism, p. 19.
    ⑦M. Wayne Morris, Stalin’s Famine and Roosevelt’s Recognition of Russia, p. 27.
    ⑨Vera Micheles Dean, The United States and Russia, p. 16.
    ①Katherine A.S. Siegel,“Technology and trade: Russia's pursuit of American investment, 1917-1929”, Diplomatic History, Summer 93, Vol. 17 Issue 3, p. 376.
    ②“Loans to Russia”, Saturday Evening Post, 8/26/1933, Vol. 206 Issue 9, p. 22.
    ③Katherine A.S. Siegel,“Technology and trade: Russia's pursuit of American investment, 1917-1929”, Diplomatic History, Summer 93, Vol. 17 Issue 3, p. 378.
    ①Peter G. Boyle, American-Soviet Relations: from the Russian Revolution to the Fall of Communism, p. 21.
    ②John Richman, The United States & the Soviet Union: the Decision to Recognize, p. 8.
    ③Letter from the Secretary of State to Senator William E. Borah, Washington, September 8, 1932, Foreign Relations of the United States, the Soviet Union, 1933-1939, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1933-1939, p.2. availale at http://digicoll.library.wisc.edu/cgi-bin/FRUS/FRUS-idx?type=header&id=FRUS.FRUS1933 (September 1, 2004)
    ④M. Wayne Morris, Stalin’s Famine and Roosevelt’s Recognition of Russia, p. 31.
    ⑥David Glen Singer, The United States Confronts the Soviet Union 1919-1933: the Rise and Fall of the Policy of
    Nonrecognition, Ann Arbor, Mich. : UMI, 1973, p. 188.(缩微胶片:国图,序号3189587821)
    ①美国方面认为,对俄出口的显著下降发生在1932年,原因不是由于两国间缺少外交关系,而主要是由于苏联购买力的下降。见Letter from the Secretary of State to Mr. Fred L Eberhardt, Washington, March 3, 1933, FRUS1933-1939, p. 5.
    ④David Glen Singer, The United States Confronts the Soviet Union 1919-1933: the Rise and Fall of the Policy ofNonrecognition, p. 170.(缩微胶片:国图,序号3189587821)
    ①Ibid., p. 172.
    ⑤M. Wayne Morris, Stalin’s Famine and Roosevelt’s Recognition of Russia, p. 130.
    ⑥Ibid., p.29.
    ②Ahomas R. Maddux, Years of Estrangement: American Relations with the Soviet Union, 1933-1941, p. 12.
    ③Ibid., p. 5.
    ④Edward M. Bennett, Roosevelt and the Search for Security: American-Soviet Relations, 1933-1939, p. 1.
    ⑤M. Wayne Morris, Stalin’s Famine and Roosevelt’s Recognition of Russia, p. 130.
    ⑥Leo V. Kanawada, Jr. Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Diplomacy and American Catholics, Italians, and Jews, Ann Arbor,Michgon: UMI Research Press, 1982, p. 5.
    ①M. Wayne Morris, Stalin’s Famine and Roosevelt’s Recognition of Russia, p. 130.②William E.Leuchtenburg, Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal, 1932-1940, New York: Harper & Row, 1963, p. 61.
    ③Leo V. Kanawada, Jr. Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Diplomacy and American Catholics, Italians, and Jews, p. 4.
    ④Letter from the Charge in Latvia (Cole) to the Acting Secretary of State, Riga, November 23, 1933, FRUS1933-1939, p. 44.
    ⑤William Appleman Williams, American Russian Relations, 1781-1947, p. 209.
    ③Letter from the Secretary of State to Mr. Fred L Eberhardt, Washington, March 3, 1933, FRUS1933-1939, p. 5.
    ⑤Vera Micheles Dean, The United States and Russia, p. 16.
    ⑥Peter G. Boyle, American-Soviet Relations: from the Russian Revolution to the Fall of Communism, p. 23.
    ⑨Peter G. Boyle, American-Soviet Relations: from the Russian Revolution to the Fall of Communism, p. 23.
    ⑩William Appleman Williams, American Russian Relation s, 1781-1947, p. 175.
    ②Leo V. Kanawada, Jr. Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Diplomacy and American Catholics, Italians, and Jews, p. 4.
    ③Robert Paul Browder, The Origins of Soviet-American Diplomacy, p. 175.
    ④David Glen Singer, The United States Confronts the Soviet Union 1919-1933: the Rise and Fall of the Policy of Nonrecognition, pp.194-195.(缩微胶片:国图,序号3189587821)
    ⑥The Memoirs of Cordell Hull, vol.I, New York: The Macmillan Company, 1948, p. 297.
    ②William Appleman Williams, American Russian Relations, 1781-1947, p. 184.
    ④Peter G. Boyle, American-Soviet Relations: from the Russian Revolution to the Fall of Communism, p. 31.
    ⑤William Appleman Williams, American Russian Relations, 1781-1947, p. 229.
    ②William Appleman Williams, American Russian Relations, 1781-1947, p. 179.
    ③John Richman, The United States & the Soviet Union: the Decision to Recognize, p. 4.
    ①William Appleman Williams, American Russian Relations, 1781-1947, p. 236.
    ⑤M. Wayne Morris, Stalin’s Famine and Roosevelt’s Recognition of Russia, p. 144.
    ⑥John Richman, The United States & the Soviet Union: the Decision to Recognize, p. 6.
    ⑦M. Wayne Morris, Stalin’s Famine and Roosevelt’s Recognition of Russia, p. 129.
    ⑧Joan Hoff Wilson, Ideology and Economics: U.S. Relations with the Soviet Union, 1918-1933, p. 125.
    ①Leo V. Kanawada, Jr., Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Diplomacy and American Catholics, Italians, and Jews, p. 4.
    ②M. Wayne Morris, Stalin’s Famine and Roosevelt’s Recognition of Russia, p. 152.
    ③Ibid., p. 143.
    ④George Q. Flynn, American Catholics and the Roosevelt Presidency, 1932-1936, Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 1968, p. 126.
    ⑤Leo V. Kanawada, Jr., Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Diplomacy and American Catholics, Italians, and Jews, p. 5.
    ⑥George Q. Flynn, American Catholics and the Roosevelt Presidency, 1932-1936, p. 134.
    ⑦Leo V. Kanawada, Jr., Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Diplomacy and American Catholics, Italians, and Jews, p. 1.
    ⑧Ibid. p. 4.
    ①Ahomas R. Maddux, Years of Estrangement: American Relations with the Soviet Union, 1933-1941, p. 16 .
    ③Ahomas R. Maddux, Years of Estrangement: American Relations with the Soviet Union, 1933-1941, p. 17.
    ④Leo V. Kanawada, Jr., Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Diplomacy and American Catholics, Italians, and Jews, p. 11.
    ⑤Ahomas R. Maddux, Years of Estrangement: American Relations with the Soviet Union, 1933-1941, p. 17 .
    ⑥John Richman, The United States & the Soviet Union: the Decision to Recognize, p. 33.
    ⑦Mary E. Glantz, FDR and the Soviet Union: the President’s Battles over Foreign Policy, p. 183.
    ⑧George F. Kennan, The Decision to Intervene, Princeton: Princeton University Press, London: Faber and Faber, 1958, p.470.
    ⑨John Richman, The United States & the Soviet Union: the Decision to Recognize, p. 34.
    ⑩M. Wayne Morris, Stalin’s Famine and Roosevelt’s Recognition of Russia, p. 27. 11 Letter from the Secretary of State to Mr. Fred L Eberhardt, Washington, March 3, 1933, FRUS1933-1939, p. 5. 12 Ahomas R. Maddux, Years of Estrangement: American Relations with the Soviet Union, 1933-1941, p. 3. 13 John Richman, The United States & the Soviet Union: the Decision to Recognize, p. 31.
    ①John Richman, The United States & the Soviet Union: the Decision to Recognize, p. 32.
    ②Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Eastern European Affairs (Kelley), Washington, July 27, 1933, FRUS1933-1939, pp.6-7.
    ③Ibid., pp.7-8.
    ④Ibid., p.10.
    ⑤Ahomas R. Maddux, Years of Estrangement: American Relations with the Soviet Union, 1933-1941, p. 17.
    ⑥The Secretary of State to President Roosevelt, Washington, September 21, 1933, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 6-11.
    ①The Secretary of State to President Roosevelt (for Moore and Bullitt), Washington, October 5, 1933, FRUS1933-1939, pp.14-17.
    ②Ibid., p.4.
    ③M. Wayne Morris, Stalin’s Famine and Roosevelt’s Recognition of Russia, p. 106.
    ④Ibid., p.146.
    ⑤Ibid., p. 154.
    ⑥John Richman, The United States & the Soviet Union: the Decision to Recognize, p. 79.
    ⑦Ibid., p. 45.
    ⑧M. Wayne Morris, Stalin’s Famine and Roosevelt’s Recognition of Russia, p. 131.
    ⑨Peter G. Boyle, American-Soviet Relations: from the Russian Revolution to the Fall of Communism, p. 28.
    ⑩John Richman, The United States & the Soviet Union: the Decision to Recognize, p. 66. 11 [苏]瓦里科夫:《苏联和美国——它们的政治关系和经济关系》,第202页。12 William Appleman Williams, American Russian Relations, 1781-1947.
    ③John Richman, The United States & the Soviet Union: the Decision to Recognize, p. 16.
    ④“Loans to Russia”, Saturday Evening Post, 8/26/1933, Vol. 206 Issue 9, p. 22.
    ⑤John Richman, The United States & the Soviet Union: the Decision to Recognize, p. 67.
    ⑥President Roosevelt to the President of the Soviet All-Union Central Execution Committee (Kalinin), Washington, October 10, 1933, FRUS1933-1939, p. 17.
    ①President of the Soviet All-Union Central Execution Committee (Kalinin) to President Roosevelt, Moscow, October 17, 1933, FRUS933-1939, p. 17.
    ②Peter G. Boyle, American-Soviet Relations: from the Russian Revolution to the Fall of Communism, p. 25.
    ③M. Wayne Morris, Stalin’s Famine and Roosevelt’s Recognition of Russia, p. 144.
    ④George F. Kennan, The decision to Intervene, p. 84 .
    ⑤Robert Paul Browder, The Origins of Soviet-American Diplomacy, p. 133.
    ⑥Robert Paul Browder, The Origins of Soviet-American Diplomacy, p. 133.
    ⑦Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Eastern European Affairs (Kelley), Washington, July 27, 1933, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 10-11.
    ⑨Peter G. Boyle, American-Soviet Relations: from the Russian Revolution to the Fall of Communism, p. 27.
    ②Peter G. Boyle, American-Soviet Relations: from the Russian Revolution to the Fall of Communism, p. 27.
    ③David Glen Singer, The United States Confronts the Soviet Union 1919-1933: the Rise and Fall of the Policy of Nonrecognition, p.100.(缩微胶片:国图,序号3189587821)
    ④Letter from the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, July 17, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, p. 118.
    ⑤Robert Paul Browder, The Origins of Soviet-American Diplomacy, p. 138.
    ⑥Ibid., p. 140.
    ①Robert Paul Browder, The Origins of Soviet-American Diplomacy, p. 139.
    ②Memorandum by President Roosevelt and the Soviet Commissar for Foreign Affairs (Litvinov), Washington, November 15, 1933, FRUS1933-1939, p. 26.
    ③Ibid., pp. 26-27.
    ④Robert Paul Browder, The Origins of Soviet-American Diplomacy, p. 140.
    ⑤William Appleman Williams, American Russian Relations, 1781-1947, p. 240.
    ②Letter from the President Roosevelt to the Soviet Commissar for Foreign Affairs (Litvinov), Washington, November 16, 1933, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 27-28.
    ③David Glen Singer, The United States Confronts the Soviet Union 1919-1933: the Rise and Fall of the Policy of Nonrecognition, p. 185.(缩微胶片:国图,序号3189587821)
    ④The memoirs of Cordell Hull, vol.I, p. 299.
    ⑤Letter from the Soviet Commissar for Foreign Affairs (Litvinov) to President Roosevelt, Washington, November 16, 1933, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 28-29.
    ⑥Robert Paul Browder, The Origins of Soviet-American Diplomacy, pp. 113-114.
    ⑦M. Wayne Morris, Stalin’s Famine and Roosevelt’s Recognition of Russia, p. 142.
    ①Letter from the Soviet Commissar for Foreign Affairs (Litvinov) to President Roosevelt, Washington, November 16, 1933, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 30-33.
    ②Robert Paul Browder, The Origins of Soviet-American Diplomacy, p. 144.
    ③Statement by the Soviet Commissar for Foreign Affairs (Litvinov), Washington, November 16, 1933, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 34-35.
    ④Joint Statement by President Roosevelt and the Soviet Commissar for Foreign Affairs (Litvinov), November 16, 1933, FRUS1933-1939, p. 37.
    ①Letter from the Soviet Commissar for Foreign Affairs (Litvinovv) to President Roosevelt, Washington, November 16, 1933, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 35-36.
    ③Letter from the Soviet Commissar for Foreign Affairs (Litvinov) to President Roosevelt, Washington, November 16, 1933, FRUS1933-1939, p. 36.
    ④Robert Paul Browder, The Origins of Soviet-American Diplomacy, p. 146.
    ⑤Peter G. Boyle, American-Soviet Relations: from the Russian Revolution to the Fall of Communism, p. 25.
    ①Robert Paul Browder, The Origins of Soviet-American Diplomacy, p. 169.
    ②Ibid., p. 171.
    ③Ibid., pp. 172-173.
    ①Robert Paul Browder, The Origins of Soviet-American Diplomacy, pp. 169-170.
    ③Letter from the Charge in Latvia (Cole) to the Acting Secretary of State, Riga, November 23, 1933, FRUS1933-1939, p. 46.
    ⑥Letter from the Charge in Latvia (Cole) to the Acting Secretary of State, Riga, November23, 1933, FRUS1933-1939, p. 46.
    ⑦Robert Paul Browder, The Origins of Soviet-American Diplomacy, p. 165.
    ⑧Ibid., p. 166.
    ①Letter from the Ambassador in Japan (Grew) to the Secretary of State, Tokyo, October 23, 1933, FRUS1933-1939, p. 20.
    ②Letter from the Chief of the Division of Far Eastern Affairs (Hornbeck), Washington, October 28, 1933, FRUS1933-1939, p. 24.
    ④Remarks of the American Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) upon the Presentation of his Letters of Credence to the President of the Soviet All-Union Central Executive Committee (Kalinin), at Moscow, December 13, 1933, FRUS1933-1939, p. 50.
    ⑤Robert Paul Browder, The Origins of Soviet-American Diplomacy, p. 163.
    ⑥Reply of the President of the Soviet All-Union Central Executive Committee (Kalinin) to the American Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt), at Moscow, December 13, 1933, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 50-51.
    ①Robert Paul Browder, The Origins of Soviet-American Diplomacy, pp. 164-165.
    ②Letter from the American Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Acting Secretary of State, On Board Steamship“Washington”, January 4, 1934, FRUS 1933-1939, p. 59.
    ③Letter from the Charge in France (Marriner) for Bullitt to the Acting Secretary of State, Paris, December 24, 1933, FRUS1933-1939, p. 54.
    ④Letter from the American Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Acting Secretary of State, On Board Steamship“Washington”, January 4, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, p. 61.
    ⑤Letter from the Charge in France (Marriner) for Bullitt to the Acting Secretary of State, Paris, December 24, 1933, FRUS1933-1939, p. 54.
    ⑥Letter from the Charge in France (Marriner) for Bullitt to the Acting Secretary of State, Paris, December 24, 1933, FRUS1933-1939, p. 53.
    ⑦Letter from the American Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Acting Secretary of State, On Board Steamship“Washington”, January 4, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, p. 62.
    ①Robert Paul Browder, The Origins of Soviet-American Diplomacy, p. 165.
    ②Letter from the Charge in Latvia (Cole) to the Acting Secretary of State, Riga, November 23, 1933, FRUS 1933-1939, p. 44.
    ③Robert Paul Browder, The Origins of Soviet-American Diplomacy, p. 203.
    ④Letter from the President Roosevelt to the Soviet Commissar for Foreign Affairs (Litvinov), Washington, November 16, 1933, FRUS1933-1939, p. 27.
    ①Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Henderson) to the Secretary State, Moscow, January 11, 1936, FRUS1933-1939, p. 284.
    ①Peter G. Boyle, American-Soviet Relations: From the Russian Revolution to the Fall of Communism, p. 30.
    ②Michael Cassella-Blackburn, William C. Bullitt: Fear and loathing of the Soviet Union, 1917-1948, Ph.D., Syracuse University, 1997, PQDD, AAI9820072.
    ③Memorandum by Mr. Edward Page, Jr. of the Division of Eastern European Affairs, Washington, October3, 1940, FRUS, 1940, The British Commonwealth, the Soviet Union, the Near East and Africa ,Vol. III, Washington,D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office,1940, p. 227. available at http://digicoll.library.wisc.edu/cgi-bin/FRUS/FRUS-idx? type=header&id= FRUS.FRUS1940v03(July 8, 2006)
    ④Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, March 28, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, p. 74.
    ⑤Peter Bridges,“George Kennan Reminisces About Moscow in 1933–1937”, Diplomacy & Statecraft, Jun2006, Vol. 17Issue 2, p285.
    ②Letter From the American Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Acting Secretary of State, On Board Steamship“Washington”, January 4, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, p. 62.
    ③Robert Paul Browder, The Origins of Soviet-American Diplomacy, p. 179.
    ④Letter From the Secretary State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt), Washington, March 17, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, p. 68.
    ⑤Letter From the Secretary State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt), Washington, April 7, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 78-79.
    ①Robert Paul Browder, The Origins of Soviet-American Diplomacy, pp. 182.
    ②Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, March 21, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, p. 69.
    ③Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, March 15, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 66-67.
    ④Robert Paul Browder, The Origins of Soviet-American Diplomacy, pp. 182-183.
    ⑤Peter G. Boyle, American-Soviet Relations: From the Russian Revolution to the fall of Communism, p. 30.
    ⑥Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, July 17, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 118-119.
    ⑦Robert Paul Browder, The Origins of Soviet-American Diplomacy, p. 183.
    ⑨Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, April 2, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, p. 75.
    ⑩Letter From the Secretary State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt), Washington, April 5, 1934,FRUS1933-1939, p. 77.
    ③Letter From the Secretary State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt), Washington, April 5, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 76-77.
    ④Memorandum by the Assistant the Secretary State (More) of an Interview Between President Roosevelt and the Ambassador of the Soviet Union (Troyanovsky) on April 30, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, p. 87.
    ⑤Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, April 8, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, p. 79.
    ⑥Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, April 17, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, p. 84.
    ⑦William Appleman Williams, American Russian Relations, 1781-1947, p. 245.
    ①Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, April 10, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, p. 83.
    ②Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, May 9, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, p. 92.
    ③Letter From the Secretary State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt), Washington, May 18, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, p. 98.
    ④Letter From the Secretary State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt), Washington, May 11, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 93-94.
    ⑤Letter From the Secretary State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt), Washington, May 15, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, p. 96.
    ①Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, May 9, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, p. 109.
    ②Letter From the Secretary State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt), Washington, May 11, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 93-96.
    ③Letter From the Secretary State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt), Washington, May 16, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, p. 97.
    ④Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, May 21, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, p. 99.
    ①Letter From The Department of State to the Embassy of the Soviet Union, FRUS1933-1939, p. 122.
    ②Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, July 9, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, p. 115.
    ③Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Eastern European Affairs (Kelley), Washington, September 5, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, p. 141.
    ④Memorandum of Conversation by the Chief of the Division of Eastern European Affairs (Kelley), Washington, August 3, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 127-128.
    ①Memorandum of Conversation by the Chief of the Division of Eastern European Affairs (Kelley), Washington, August 10, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 129-132.
    ②Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Eastern European Affairs (Kelley), Washington, August 10, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 130-131.
    ③Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Eastern European Affairs (Kelley), Washington, August 24, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, p. 135.
    ④Robert Paul Browder, The Origins of Soviet-American Diplomacy, p. 185.
    ⑤Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Eastern European Affairs (Kelley), Washington, July 27, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 136-137,141.
    ⑥Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Eastern European Affairs (Kelley), Washington, August 24, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 135-136.
    ⑦Statement Read at Press Conference by Under Secretary of State (Phillips), August 24, 1934, p. 137.
    ①Robert Paul Browder, The Origins of Soviet-American Diplomacy, p. 186.
    ②Letter From the Assistant Secretary State (Moore) to President Roosevelt, Temporarily at Hyde Park, New York, Washington, August 29, 1934, F FRUS1933-1939, p. 138.
    ③Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Eastern European Affairs (Kelley), Washington, September 5, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 140-141.
    ④Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, September 15, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, p. 148.
    ⑤Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, September 27, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, p. 150.
    ⑥Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, October 5, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, p. 155.
    ⑦Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, September 27, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, p. 150.
    ⑧Letter From the Secretary State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt), Washington, October 2, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, p. 154.
    ①Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, September 27, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, p. 152.
    ②Letter From the Secretary State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt), Washington, October 8, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, p. 157.
    ③Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, October 10, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 158-159.
    ⑤Memorandum by the Secretary State of a Conversation With the Ambassador of the Soviet Union (Troyanovsky), Washington, January 28,1935, FRUS1933-1939, p. 167.
    ⑥Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Eastern European Affairs (Kelley),Washington, January 31, 1935, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 170-171.
    ⑦Letter From the Secretary State to the Charge in the Soviet Union (Wiley), Washington, January 31, 1935, FRUS1933-1939, p. 172.
    ①Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Wiley) to the Secretary State, Moscow, February 3, 1935, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 174-175.
    ②Robert Paul Browder, The Origins of Soviet-American Diplomacy, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1953, p. 190.
    ③Ibid., p. 189.
    ④Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Wiley) to the Secretary State, Moscow, February 3, 1935, FRUS1933-1939, p. 175.
    ⑤Ibid., p. 176.
    ⑥Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Wiley) to the Secretary State, Moscow, February 11, 1935, FRUS1933-1939, p. 182.
    ⑦Robert Paul Browder, The Origins of Soviet-American Diplomacy, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1953, p. 189.
    ①David Glen Singer, The United States Confronts the Soviet Union 1919-1933: the Rise and Fall of the Policy of Nonrecognition, p. 191.(缩微胶片:国图,序号3189587821)
    ②Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Wiley) to the Secretary State, Moscow, February 14, 1935, FRUS1933-1939, p. 182.
    ③Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Wiley) to the Secretary State, Moscow, February 3, 1935, FRUS1933-1939, p. 174.
    ④Robert Paul Browder, The Origins of Soviet-American Diplomacy, p. 192. Vera Micheles Dean, The United States And Russia, p. 19.
    ⑤Letter From the Secretary State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt), Washington, May 18, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, p. 98.
    ⑥Letter From the Secretary State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt), Washington, May 15, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, p. 97.
    ⑦John Richman, The United States & The Soviet Union: The Decision To Recognize, Raleigh, N.C.: Camberleigh & Hall, Publishers, 1980, p. 84.
    ⑧Letter From the Secretary State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt), Washington, May 23, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, p. 100.
    ⑨John Richman, The United States & The Soviet Union: The Decision To Recognize, Raleigh, N.C.: Camberleigh & Hall, Publishers, 1980, p. 103.
    ①Letter From the Assistant Secretary State (Moore) to the Assistant Secretary State (Sayre), July 19, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, p. 120.
    ②John Richman, The United States & The Soviet Union: The Decision To Recognize, p. 103.
    ③Ibid., p. 104.
    ④Robert Paul Browder, The Origins of Soviet-American Diplomacy, p. 185.
    ⑤Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Eastern European Affairs (Kelley), Washington, August 24, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, p. 136.
    ⑥Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Eastern European Affairs (Kelley), Washington, August 15, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, p. 135.
    ⑦Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt), to the Secretary State, Moscow, March 15, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, p. 66.
    ⑧Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Eastern European Affairs (Kelley), Washington, August 10, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, p. 131.
    ⑨David Glen Singer, The United States Confronts the Soviet Union 1919-1933: the Rise and Fall of the Policy of Nonrecognition, p. 79.(缩微胶片:国图,序号3189587821)
    ⑩Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, September 13, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, p. 144.
    ①Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, July 9, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 115-116.
    ②Letter From to the Secretary State, Washington, February 6, 1935, FRUS1933-1939, p. 179.
    ③Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, May 21, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, p. 99.
    ④Letter From the Secretary State to the Charge in the Soviet Union (Wiley), Washington, February 5, 1935, FRUS1933-1939, p. 177.
    ⑤Memorandum by the Secretary State, Washington, March 26, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, p. 71.
    ⑥Letter From to the Secretary State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union, Washington, October 8, 1935, FRUS1933-1939, p. 157.
    ⑦Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, May 21, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, p. 100.
    ⑧Letter From the American Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Acting Secretary of State, On Board Steamship“Washington”, January 4, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, p. 62.
    ⑨Robert Paul Browder, The Origins of Soviet-American Diplomacy, p. 191.
    ①Memorandum by Mr. Edward Page, Jr. of the Division of Eastern European Affairs, Washington, October 3, 1940, FRUS1940, Vol. III, pp. 226-227.
    ③Robert Paul Browder, The Origins of Soviet-American Diplomacy, p. 176.
    ⑤Letter From the Secretary State to the Charge in the Soviet Union (Wiley), Washington, March 27, 1935, FRUS1933-1939, p. 192.
    ⑥Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Wiley) to the Secretary State, Moscow, April 5, 1935, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 193-194.
    ⑦1932年,12,640,891美元,1933年,8,997,307美元,1934年,14,866,515美元。见Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Eastern European Affairs(Kelley), Washington, April 6, 1935, FRUS1933-1939, p. 194.
    ①Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Wiley ) to the Secretary State,Moscow, April 10, 1935, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 194-195.
    ②Letter From the Secretary State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt), Washington, April 22, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, p. 197.
    ③Letter From the Secretary State to the Charge in the Soviet Union (Wiley), Washington, April 20, 1935, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 196-197.
    ④Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, April 16, 1935, FRUS1933-1939, p. 199.
    ⑥Letter From the Secretary State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt), Washington, May 27, 1934, FRUS1933-1939, p. 200.
    ①Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, June 19, 1935, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 202-204.
    ②Letter From the Secretary State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt), Washington, July 1, 1935, FRUS1933-1939, p. 205.
    ④Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, July 4, 1935, FRUS1933-1939, p. 206.
    ⑤Letter From the Secretary State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt), Washington, July 6, 1935, FRUS1933-1939, p. 207.
    ①Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, July 8, 1935, FRUS1933-1939, p. 209.
    ②Letter From the Secretary State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt), Washington, July 11, 1935, FRUS1933-1939, p. 210.
    ④Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Henderson) to the Secretary State, Moscow, June 9, 1936, FRUS1933-1939, p. 327.
    ⑤Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, July 19, 1935, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 215-217.
    ⑥Peter G. Boyle, American-Soviet Relations: From the Russian Revolution to the fall of Communism, 1993, p. 33.
    ①Memorandum by the Assistant Chief of the Division of Eastern European Affairs (Packer), Washington, November 30, 1935, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 217-218.
    ③Roger Crownover, The United States Intervention in North Russia, 1918, 1919: the Polar Bear Odyssey, p. 84.
    ②M. Wayne Morris, Stalin’s Famine and Roosevelt’s Recognition of Russia, Lanham: University Press of America, 1994, p. 19.
    ③Roger Crownover, The United States Intervention in North Russia, 1918, 1919: the Polar Bear Odyssey, p. 92.
    ④Peter G. Boyle, American-Soviet Relations: From the Russian Revolution to the fall of Communism, 1993, p. 13.
    ⑤Roger Crownover, The United States Intervention in North Russia, 1918, 1919: the Polar Bear Odyssey, p. 94
    ⑥Peter G. Boyle, American-Soviet Relations: From the Russian Revolution to the fall of Communism, 1993,p. 13.
    ⑦Roger Crownover, The United States Intervention in North Russia, 1918, 1919: the Polar Bear Odyssey, p.96.
    ②Peter G. Boyle, American-Soviet Relations: From the Russian Revolution to the fall of Communism, 1993, p. 32.
    ③Peter G. Boyle, American-Soviet Relations: From the Russian Revolution to the fall of Communism, 1993, p. 27.
    ④Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, July 20, 1935, FRUS1933-1939, p. 230.
    ①Letter From the Secretary State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt), Washington, August 14, 1935, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 132-133.
    ②Robert Paul Browder, The Origins of Soviet-American Diplomacy, p. 150.
    ③Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt), to the Secretary State, Moscow, November 9, 1935, FRUS1933-1939, p. 265.
    ④Letter From the Secretary State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt), Washington, July 3, 1935,FRUS1933-1939, p. 265.
    ①Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, July 8, 1935, FRUS1933-1939, p. 222.
    ②Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, August 2, 1935, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 234-235.
    ③Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, July 29, 1935, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 230-231.
    ④Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, August 15, 1935, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 239-241.
    ①Peter G. Boyle, American-Soviet Relations: From the Russian Revolution to the Fall of Communism, 1993, p. 31.
    ②Press Release Issued by the Department of State, August 25, 1935, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 250-251.
    ④Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, August 27, 1935, FRUS1933-1939, p. 252.
    ①Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, August 21, 1935, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 244-247.
    ②Memorandum by Mr. Edward Page, Jr. of the Division of Eastern European Affairs, Washington, October 3, 1940, FRUS1940,Vol. III, p. 225.
    ③Statement by the Secretary State, August 31, 1935, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 257-259.
    ④Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, November 9, 1935, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 264-265.
    ⑤Letter From the Secretary State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt), Washington, August 28, 1935, FRUS1933-1939, p. 253.
    ①Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, August 21, 1935, FRUS1933-1939, p. 247.
    ②Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, August 21, 1935, FRUS1933-1939, p. 245.
    ③Ibid., p. 246.
    ④Ibid., p. 247.
    ⑤Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, November 9, 1935, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 264-265.
    ⑥Memorandum by the Assistant Chief of the Division of Eastern European Affairs (Packer), Washington, October 9, 1935, FRUS1933-1939, p. 261.
    ①Michael Baron,“FDR's lessons for Clinton”, U.S. News & World Report, 4/17/95, Vol. 118, Issue 15, p. 35.
    ①Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Davies) to the Secretary State, Moscow, February 19, 1937, FRUS1933-1939, p. 373.
    ①Memorandum by Under Secretary State (Welles) of a Conversation With the French Ambassador (Saint-Quentin), Washington, March 23, 1938, FRUS1933-1939, p. 541.
    ②The Memoirs of Cordell Hull, vol.I, New York: The Macmillan Company, 1948, p. 595.
    ①Vera Micheles Dean, The United States and Russia, p. 20.
    ④Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Henderson) to the Secretary State, Moscow, November 16, 1936, FRUS1933-1939, p. 312.
    ①Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Henderson) to the Secretary State, Moscow, January 16, 1936, FRUS1933-1939, p. 286.
    ②Ibid., p. 286.
    ③Ibid., p. 285.
    ④Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Henderson) to the Secretary State, Moscow, January 11, 1936, FRUS1933-1939, p. 283.
    ⑤Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Henderson) to the Secretary State, Moscow, November 16, 1936, FRUS1933-1939, p. 312.
    ⑥Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Henderson) to the Secretary State, Moscow, January 11, 1936, FRUS1933-1939, p. 283.
    ①Memorandum by the First Secretary of Embassy in the Soviet Union (Henderson), Moscow, July 2, 1938, FRUS1933-1939, p. 586.
    ②“George Kennan”, Economist, 3/26/2005, Vol. 374 Issue 8419, p85.
    ③Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, April 20, 1936, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 292-295.
    ④Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union(Davies)to the Secretary State, Moscow, June 6, 1938, FRUS1933-1939, p. 565.
    ⑤Memorandum by the Assistant Secretary State(Messersmith)to the Secretary State, Washington, January 3, 1938, FRUS1933-1939, p. 504.
    ①Mary E. Glantz, FDR and the Soviet Union: the President’s Battles over Foreign Policy, p. 299.
    ②Letter From the Ambassador in Belgiun(Davies)to the Secretary State, BRUSSELS, January 17, 1939, FRUS1933-1939, p. 594.
    ④Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union(Henderson)to the Secretary State, Moscow, August 20, 1937, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 388-389.
    ⑤Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union(Davies)to the Secretary State, Moscow, January 19, 1937, FRUS1933-1939, p. 358.
    ⑥Peter G. Boyle, American-Soviet Relations: from the Russian Revolution to the Fall of Communism, p. 36.
    ⑦Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union(Davies)to the Secretary State, Moscow, June 6, 1938, FRUS1933-1939, p. 564.
    ①Eduard Mark, October or Thermidor?“Interpretations of Stalinism and the Perception of Soviet Foreign Policy in the United States, 1927-1947”, American Historical Review, Oct89, Vol. 94 Issue 4, p. 940.
    ②Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Davies) to the Secretary State, Moscow, June 6, 1938, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 553-559.
    ③Ibid., pp. 565-566.
    ④Memorandum by the Ambassador of the Soviet Union (Davies), June 5, 1938, FRUS1933-1939, p. 572.
    ⑤Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Henderson) to the Secretary State, Moscow, February 18, 1938, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 514-518.
    ⑥Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Davies) to the Secretary State, Moscow, April 1, 1938, FRUS1933-1939, p. 542.
    ⑦Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Davies) to the Secretary State, Moscow, March 4, 1938, FRUS1933-1939, p. 531.
    ①Memorandum by the Secretary State of a Conversation With the Ambassador of the Soviet Union (Troyanovsky), Washington, June 7, 1938, FRUS1933-1939, p. 566.
    ②Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Davies) to the Secretary State, Moscow, June 6, 1938, FRUS1933-1939, p. 564.
    ③Memorandum by the Assistant Secretary State (Sayre), January 14, 1936, FRUS1933-1939, p. 323.
    ④Letter From the Acting Secretary State to the Charge in the Soviet Union (Henderson), Washington, June 15, 1936, FRUS1933-1939, p. 328.
    ⑤Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Henderson) to the Secretary State, Moscow, June 9, 1936, FRUS1933-1939, p. 327.
    ⑥Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, April 27, 1936, FRUS1933-1939, p. 324.
    ①Letter From the Secretary State to the Charge in the Soviet Union (Henderson), Washington, June 4, 1936, FRUS1933-1939, p. 325.
    ②Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Henderson) to the Secretary State, Moscow, June 9, 1936, FRUS1933-1939, p. 327.
    ③Ibid., p. 326.
    ④Ibid., p. 327.
    ⑤Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Henderson) to the Secretary State, Moscow, June 17, 1936, FRUS1933-1939, p. 330.
    ⑦Ibid., p. 331.
    ⑧Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Henderson) to the Secretary State, Moscow, June 17, 1936, FRUS1933-1939, p. 333.
    ①Letter From the Acting Secretary State to the Charge in the Soviet Union (Henderson), Washington, June 24, 1936, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 333-335.
    ②Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Henderson) to the Secretary State, Moscow, July 3, 1936, FRUS1933-1939, p. 335.
    ③Ibid., p337.
    ④Ibid., pp337-338
    ①Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Henderson) to the Secretary State, Moscow, June 9, 1936, FRUS1933-1939, p. 327.
    ②Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Henderson) to the Secretary State, Moscow, July 3, 1936, FRUS1933-1939, p. 336.
    ④Letter From the Acting Secretary State to the Charge in the Soviet Union (Henderson), Washington, June 15, 1936, FRUS1933-1939, p. 328.
    ⑤Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Henderson) to the Secretary State, Moscow, June 9, 1936, FRUS1933-1939, p. 327.
    ①Letter From the Acting Secretary State to the Charge in the Soviet Union (Henderson), Washington, June 15, 1936, FRUS1933-1939, p. 329.
    ②Letter From the Acting Secretary State to the Charge in the Soviet Union (Henderson), Washington, June 24, 1936, FRUS1933-1939, p. 335.
    ④Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Henderson) to the Secretary State, Moscow, June 17, 1936, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 331-332.
    ⑤Letter From the Acting Secretary State to the Charge in the Soviet Union (Henderson), Washington, June 15, 1936, FRUS1933-1939, p. 329.
    ⑥Letter From the Acting Secretary State to the Charge in the Soviet Union (Henderson), Washington, July 10, 1936,FRUS1933-1939, pp. 342-343.
    ①Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Henderson) to the Secretary State, Moscow, June 17, 1936, FRUS1933-1939, p. 332.
    ③Memorandum by the Soviet Embassy to the Secretary State, FRUS1933-1939, p. 405.
    ④Letter From the Secretary State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Davies), Washington, May 15, 1937, FRUS1933-1939, p. 406.
    ⑤Letter From the Acting Secretary State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Davies), Washington, June 23, 1937, FRUS1933-1939, p. 407.
    ①Letter From the Secretary State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Davies), Washington, July 1, 1937, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 409-410.
    ②Ibid., p. 410.
    ③Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Davies) to the Secretary State, Moscow, July 6, 1937, FRUS1933-1939, p. 412.
    ①Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Davies) to the Secretary State, Moscow, July 9, 1937, FRUS1933-1939, p. 417.
    ②Ibid., p. 413.
    ③Ibid., pp. 412-413.
    ④Letter From the Secretary State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Davies), Washington, July 10, 1937, FRUS1933-1939, p. 420.
    ⑤Letter From the Secretary State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Davies), Washington, July 12, 1937, FRUS1933-1939, p. 424.
    ①Letter From the Secretary State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Davies), Washington, July 8, 1937, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 414-417.
    ②Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Davies) to the Secretary State, Moscow, July 25, 1937, FRUS1933-1939, p. 435.
    ③Letter From the Secretary State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Davies), Washington, July 17, 1937, FRUS1933-1939, p. 428.
    ④Letter From the Secretary State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Davies), Washington, July 20, 1937, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 431-432.
    ①Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Henderson) to the Secretary State, Moscow, July 31, 1936, FRUS1933-1939, p. 436.
    ②Letter From the Secretary State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Davies), Washington, July 8, 1937, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 415-416.
    ③Letter From the Secretary State to the Charge in the Soviet Union (Henderson), Washington, August 1, 1937, FRUS1933-1939, p. 439.
    ④Letter From the Secretary State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Davies), Washington, May 15, 1937, FRUS1933-1939, p. 406.
    ⑤Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Davies) to the Secretary State, Moscow, July 10, 1937, FRUS1933-1939, p. 419.
    ⑦Memorandum by Mr. George F. Kennan of the Division of European, Washington, November, 24, 1937, FRUS1933-1939, p. 449.
    ⑧Letter From the Secretary State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Davies), Washington, July 14, 1937, FRUS1933-1939, p. 426.
    ①Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Henderson) to the Secretary State, Moscow, July 31, 1937, FRUS1933-1939, p. 437.
    ②Letter From the Secretary State to the Charge in the Soviet Union (Henderson), Washington, August 1, 1937, FRUS1933-1939, p. 439.
    ③Memorandum by Mr. George F. Kennan of the Division of European, Washington, May 11, 1938, FRUS1933-1939, p. 604.
    ⑤Ibid., p. 603.
    ⑥Letter From the Secretary State to the Charge in the Soviet Union (Kirk), Washington, June 9, 1938, FRUS1933-1939, p. 605.
    ①Letter From the Secretary State to the Charge in the Soviet Union (Kirk), Washington, July 30, 1938, FRUS1933-1939, p. 612.
    ②Letter From the Secretary State to the Charge in the Soviet Union (Kirk), Washington, July 28, 1938, FRUS1933-1939, p. 608.
    ③Letter From the Secretary State to the Charge in the Soviet Union (Kirk), Washington, July 30, 1938, FRUS1933-1939, p. 612.
    ①Letter From the Secretary State to the Charge in the Soviet Union (Kirk), Washington, July 24, 1938, FRUS1933-1939, p. 606.
    ②Letter From the Secretary State to the Charge in the Soviet Union (Kirk), Washington, July 30, 1938, FRUS1933-1939, p. 613.
    ③Ibid., p. 611.
    ④Letter From the Secretary State to the Charge in the Soviet Union (Kirk), Washington, August 2, 1938, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 614-615.
    ①Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Kirk) to the Secretary State, Washington, August 3, 1938, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 616-617.
    ②Letter From the Secretary State to the Charge in the Soviet Union (Kirk), Washington, August 4, 1938, FRUS1933-1939, p. 617.
    ③Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Kirk) to the Secretary State, Washington, August 5, 1938, FRUS1933-1939, p. 619.
    ④Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Kirk) to the Secretary State, Moscow, August 6, 1938, FRUS1933-1939, p. 622.
    ①Letter From the Secretary State to the Charge in the Soviet Union (Kirk), Washington, August 2, 1938, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 615-616.
    ②Letter From the Secretary State to the Charge in the Soviet Union (Kirk), Washington, August 6, 1938, FRUS1933-1939, p. 620.
    ③Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Davies) to the Secretary State, Moscow, June 6, 1938, FRUS1933-1939, p. 563.
    ④Memorandum by the Assistant Secretary State, Washington, December 16, 1936, FRUS1933-1939, p. 190.
    ①Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Davies) to the Secretary State, Moscow, April 1, 1938, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 369-372.
    ②Memorandum by the Ambassador of the Soviet Union (Davies), June 5, 1938, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 573-577.
    ③Memorandum by the Secretary State of an Conversation With the Ambassador of the Soviet Union (Troyanovsky),Washington, June 7, 1938, FRUS1933-1939, p. 566.
    ①Memorandum by the Ambassador of the Soviet Union (Davies), Moscow, June 6, 1938, FRUS1933-1939, p. 582.
    ②Memorandum by the Ambassador of the Soviet Union (Davies), Moscow, June 8, 1938, FRUS1933-1939, p. 581.
    ①The President of the Council of People’s Commissars (Molotov) to the Ambassador of the Soviet Union (Davies), Moscow, June 9, 1938, FRUS1933-1939, p. 599.
    ②Memorandum by the Ambassador of the Soviet Union (Davies), June 10, 1938, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 578-580.
    ③Letter From the Ambassador in Belgium (Davies) to the Secretary State, BRUSSELS, January 17, 1938, FRUS1933-1939, p. 597.
    ④Letter From the Ambassador in Belgium (Davies) to the Secretary State, BRUSSELS, January 17, 1938, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 594-596.
    ⑤Memorandum by the Ambassador to Belgium (Davies), June 5, 1938, FRUS1933-1939, p. 599.
    ③Vera Micheles Dean, The United States And Russia, p. 21.
    ④Memorandum by the Assistant Chief of the Division of Eastern European Affair (Henderson), Washington, July 22, 1939, FRUS1933-1939, p. 773.
    ①Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Kirk) to the Secretary State, Moscow, March 13, 1939, FRUS1933-1939, p. 743.
    ③Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Kirk) to the Secretary State, Moscow, March 17, 1939, FRUS1933-1939, p. 782.
    ⑤Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Steinhardt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, August 16, 1939, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 776-779.
    ⑥Vera Micheles Dean, The United States And Russia, p. 21.
    ①Vera Micheles Dean, The United States And Russia, p. 739.
    ②Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Kirk) to the Secretary State, Moscow, March 30, 1939, FRUS1933-1939, p. 749.
    ③Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Kirk) to the Secretary State, Moscow, April 6, 1939, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 750-751.
    ④Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Kirk) to the Secretary State, Moscow, March 30, 1939, FRUS1933-1939, p. 750.
    ⑤Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Grummon) to the Secretary State, Moscow, June 6, 1939, FRUS1933-1939, p. 765.
    ①Letter From the Ambassador in Belgium (Davies) to the Secretary State, BRUSSELS, May 4, 1939, FRUS1933-1939, p. 759.
    ②Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Kirk) to the Secretary State, Moscow, March 11, 1939, FRUS1933-1939, p. 740.
    ③Vera Micheles Dean, The United States And Russia, p. 5.
    ④Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Steinhardt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, August 16, 1939, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 778-779.
    ⑤Ibid., p. 777.
    ⑥Vera Micheles Dean, The United States And Russia, p. 21.
    ⑦Peter G. Boyle, American-Soviet Relations: From the Russian Revolution to theFall of Communism,p. 34.
    ③Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Steinhardt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, September 9, 1939, FRUS1933-1939, p. 780.
    ④Letter From the Secretary State to the Charge in the Soviet Union (Thurston) Moscow, March 29, 1940, FRUS 1940, Vol. III, p. 192.
    ⑤Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Steinhardt) to the Secretary State, Washington, May 11,1940, FRUS 1940, Vol. III, the Soviet Union, p. 210.
    ①Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Steinhardt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, November 1, 1939, FRUS1933-1939, p. 788.
    ⑤Letter From the Secretary State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Steinhardt), Moscow, December 1, 1939, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 799-800.
    ⑥Letter From the Secretary State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Steinhardt), Washington, December 4, 1939, FRUS1933-1939, p. 801.
    ⑦Letter From the Secretary State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Steinhardt), Washington, December 24, 1939, FRUS1933-1939, p. 807.
    ⑧Vera Micheles Dean, The United States And Russia, p. 21.
    ①Peter G. Boyle, American-Soviet Relations: From the Russian Revolution to the Fall of Communism, p. 36.
    ②Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Steinhardt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, September 25, 1940, FRUS1940, Vol. III, p. 224.
    ③Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Thurston) to the Secretary State , Moscow, April 1, 1940, FRUS 1940,Vol. III,p. 194.
    ④Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Thurston) to the Secretary State , Moscow, July 6, 1940, FRUS 1940, Vol. III,p. 204.
    ①Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Thurston) to the Secretary State , Moscow, September 13, 1940,FRUS 1940, Vol. III, p. 219.
    ②Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Thurston) to the Secretary State , Moscow, August 1, 1940, FRUS 1940, Vol. III, p. 208.
    ④Memorandum of Conversation, by the Secretary State, Washington, February 5, 1941, FRUS1941, General, The Soviet Union, Vol. I, Washington,D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1941, p. 604. available at http://digicoll.library.wisc.edu/cgi-bin/FRUS/FRUS-idx?type=header&id=FRUS.FRUS1941v01(September 21, 2007)
    ⑤Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Steinhardt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, September 26, 1940, FRUS1940, Vol. III, p. 223.
    ①Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Eastern European Affairs (Atherton), Washington, September 25, 1940, FRUS1940, Vol. III, p. 221.
    ②Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Eastern European Affairs (Atherton), Washington, September 25, 1940, 1940, Vol. III, p. 222.
    ③Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Steinhardt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, September 25, 1940, 1940, Vol. III, p. 223.
    ④Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Steinhardt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, November 8, 1940, 1940, Vol. III, pp. 235-236.
    ⑤Memorandum of Conversation, by the Under Secretary State (Wells), Washington, November 27, 1940, FRUS1940, Vol. III, p. 237.
    ①Memorandum of Conversation, by the Assistant the Secretary State (Henderson), Washington, December 17, 1940, FRUS1940, Vol. III, p. 238.
    ②Memorandum of Conversation, by the Assistant the Secretary State (Henderson), Washington, December 17, 1940, FRUS1940, Vol. III, p. 238.
    ③Ibid., pp. 238-239.
    ④Memorandum of Conversation, by the Secretary State, Washington, February 5, 1941, FRUS1941, Vol. I, p. 603.
    ⑤Ibid., p. 604.
    ⑥Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Steinhardt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, May 7, 1941, FRUS1941, Vol. I, p. 614.
    ①Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Steinhardt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, January 6, 1941, FRUS1941, Vol. I, p. 597.
    ②Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Steinhardt) to the Secretary Stat, Moscow, October 24, 1940, FRUS1940, Vol. III, p. 234.
    ③Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Steinhardt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, January 6, 1941, FRUS1941, Vol. I, p. 597.
    ④Memorandum by Mr. Edward Page, Jr. of the Division of Eastern European Affairs, Washington, October 3, 1940, FRUS1940, Vol. III, p. 229.
    ①Memorandum by Mr. Edward Page, Jr. of the Division of Eastern European Affairs, Washington, October 3, 1940, FRUS1940, Vol. III, pp. 229-230.
    ③Eduard Mark, October or Thermidor?“Interpretations of Stalinism and the Perception of Soviet Foreign Policy in the United States, 1927-1947”, American Historical Review, Oct89, Vol. 94 Issue 4, p. 945.
    ④Ibid., p. 229.
    ⑥Peter G. Boyle, American-Soviet Relations: From the Russian Revolution to the Fall of Communism, p. 37.
    ⑦Memorandum of Conversation, by the Acting the Secretary State, Washington, June 26, 1941, FRUS1941, Vol. I, pp. 769-770.
    ⑧Memorandum of Conversation, by the Acting the Secretary State, Washington, June 26, 1941, FRUS1941, Vol. I, p. 770.
    ①Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union(Steinhardt)to the Secretary State, Moscow, July 13,1941, FRUS1941,Vol. I, p. 628.
    ②Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Steinhardt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, July 29, 1941, FRUS1941, Vol. I, p. 774.
    ③Memorandum of Conversation, by the Acting the Secretary State, Washington, July 10, 1941, FRUS 1941, Vol. I, p. 788.
    ⑤Memorandum of Conversation, by the Secretary State, Washington, September 11, 1941, FRUS1941, Vol. I, p. 832.
    ⑥Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Steinhardt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, August 5, 1941, FRUS1941, Vol. I, p. 634.
    ⑦Ibid., p. 789.
    ⑧Letter From the Assistant the Secretary State Assistant the Secretary State to the to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Steinhardt), Washington, July 27, 1941, FRUS 1941,Vol. I, pp. 797-798.
    ⑨Memorandum by Mr. Harry L. Hopkins, Personal Representation of President Roosevelt, Moscow , July 30, 1941,FRUS1941,Vol. I, p. 803.
    ①Memorandum by Mr. Harry L. Hopkins, Personal Representation of President Roosevelt, Moscow , July 31, 1941, FRUS1941,Vol. I, p. 812.
    ②Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Steinhardt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, August 1, 1941, FRUS1941, Vol. I, p. 814.
    ③Letter From the Acting Secretary State to the Ambassador of the Soviet Union (Umansky), Washington, July 27, 1941, FRUS 1941, Vol. I, pp. 797-798.
    ④Memorandum of Conversation, by the Secretary State, Washington, August 8, 1941, FRUS1941, Vol. I, p. 818.
    ⑤Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Steinhardt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, August 7, 1941, FRUS1941, Vol. I,pp. 637-638.
    ⑥Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Steinhardt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, August 17, 1941, FRUS1941, Vol. I, p. 639.
    ①Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Steinhardt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, August 17, 1941, FRUS1941, Vol. I, p. 639.
    ③Ibid., p. 640.
    ④Ibid., p. 641.
    ⑤Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Steinhardt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, September 4, 1941, FRUS1941, Vol. I, p. 646.
    ⑦Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Steinhardt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, October 3, 1941, FRUS1941, Vol. I, p. 841.
    ①Memorandum by the Assistant Chief of the Division of Eastern European Affairs(Henderson)to Mr.White Thomas of the Division of Exports and Defense Aid, Washington, December 26,1941, FRUS1941,Vol. I, p. 865
    ②Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Steinhardt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, October 29, 1941, FRUS1941, Vol. I, p. 653.
    ③Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Steinhardt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, November 3, 1941, FRUS1941, Vol. I, p. 653.
    ④Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Steinhardt) to the Secretary State, Moscow November 8, 1941, FRUS1941, Vol. I, p. 655.
    ⑥President Roosevelt to the President of the Soviet All-Union Central Execution Committee( Kalinin), Washington, November 7, 1941, FRUS1941, Vol. I, p. 654.
    ⑦Remarks by the Ambassador of the Soviet Union(Litvinov)on the Occasion of the Presentation of Letters of Credence toPresident Roosevelt, Washington, December 8,1941, FRUS1941,Vol. I, p. 662.
    ②Ibid., p. 663.
    ③Memorandum of Conversation, by the Under the Secretary State (Wells), Washington, December 16, 1941, FRUS1941, Vol. I, p. 665.
    ④Letter From the Secretary State to the Charge in the Soviet Union (Grummon), Washington, June 22, 1939, FRUS1933-1939, p. 815.
    ⑤Letter From the Secretary State to the Charge in the Soviet Union (Grummon),Washington, July 6, 1939, FRUS1933-1939, p. 824.
    ⑥Memorandum by the Assistant Chief of the Division of Eastern European Affairs (Henderson), Washington, June 29, 1939, FRUS1933-1939, p. 818.
    ①Letter From the Acting Secretary State to the Charge in the Soviet Union (Grummon), Washington, August 1, 1939, FRUS1933-1939, p. 830.
    ②Letter From the Secretary State to the Charge in the Soviet Union (Grummon), Washington, June 22, 1939, FRUS1933-1939, p. 814.
    ④1936年,美国从苏联进口649,300镑的锰,占美国全部进口的37%。1937年,美国从苏联进口860镑的锰,占全部进口的49%。1938年,美国从苏联进口372,000镑的锰,占全部进口的34%。见Memorandum by Mr. Edward Page, Jr., of the Division of Eastern European Affairs to the Secretary State, Washington, June 28, 1939, FRUS1933-1939, p. 816.
    ⑤Memorandum by the Assistant of the Division of Eastern European Affairs (Henderson), Washington, June 29, 1939, FRUS1933-1939, p. 819.
    ⑥Memorandum by the Secretary State, Washington, June 29, 1939, FRUS1933-1939, p. 817.
    ①Memorandum by the Secretary State, Washington, June 29, 1939, FRUS1933-1939, p. 817.
    ②Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Grummon) to the Secretary State, Moscow, July 22, 1939, FRUS1933-1939, p. 825.
    ④Letter From the Secretary State to the Charge in the Soviet Union (Grummon), Washington , July 27, 1939, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 826-827.
    ⑤Letter From the Secretary State to the Charge in the Soviet Union (Grummon), Washington , July 6, 1939, FRUS1933-1939, p. 824.
    ①Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Grummon) to the Secretary State, Moscow, August 7, 1939, FRUS1933-1939, p. 836.
    ②Ibid., p. 835.
    ③Memorandum by Mr.Leander B.Lovell of the Division of Trade Agreements, Washington, June 14, 1940, FRUS1940, Vol. III, p. 442.
    ⑤Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Thurston) to the Secretary State, Moscow, March 29, 1940, FRUS1940, pp. 191-192.
    ⑥Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Thurston) to the Secretary State, Moscow, July 6, 1940, FRUS1940, Vol. III, p. 443.
    ⑦Memorandum by Mr.Leander B.Lovell of the Division of Trade Agreements, Washington, June14, 1940, FRUS1940, Vol. III, p. 442.
    ①Memorandum by Mr.Leander B.Lovell of the Division of Trade Agreements, Washington, June14, 1940, FRUS1940, Vol. III, p. 443.
    ②Letter From the Secretary State to the Charge in the Soviet Union (Thurston), Washington, July 10, 1940, FRUS1940, Vol. III, p. 445.
    ③Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Thurston) to the Secretary State, Moscow, July 30, 1940, FRUS1940, Vol. III, p. 447.
    ④Ibid., p. 448.
    ⑤Letter From the Secretary State to the Charge in the Soviet Union (Thurston), Washington, August 1, 1940, FRUS1940, Vol. III, p. 453.
    ①Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Thurston) to the Secretary State, Moscow, July 31, 1940, FRUS1940, Vol. III, pp. 449-451.
    ②Letter From the Secretary State to the Charge in the Soviet Union (Thurston), Washington, August 1, 1940, FRUS1940, Vol. III, p. 452.
    ①Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Thurston) to the Secretary State, Moscow, August 2, 1940, FRUS1940, Vol. III, p. 452.
    ②Ibid., p. 453.
    ③Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Thurston) to the Secretary State, Moscow, August 5, 1940, FRUS1940, Vol. III, p. 454.
    ④Ibid., p. 455.
    ⑤The Acting Secretary of State to the Charge in the Soviet Union (Thurston), August 5, 1940, FRUS1940, Vol. III, p. 459.
    ⑥Memorandum of Conversation, by the Assistant S Chief of the Division of Eastern European Affairs (Henderson), Washington, March 28, 1941, FRUS1941, Vol. I, p. 918.
    ①Letter From the Secretary of State to Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Steinhardt), Washington, March 12, 1941, FRUS 1941, Vol. I, p. 915.
    ④Memorandum of Conversation, by the Assistant S Chief of the Division of Eastern European Affairs (Henderson), Washington, March 28, 1941, FRUS1941, Vol. I, p. 917.
    ⑤Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Steinhardt) to the Secretary State, Moscow March 19, 1941, FRUS1941, Vol. I, p. 916.
    ⑥Memorandum of Conversation, by the Assistant S Chief of the Division of Eastern European Affairs (Henderson), Washington, March 28, 1941, FRUS1941, Vol. I, p. 917.
    ⑦Memorandum by Mr. Edward page, Jr., of the Division of Eastern European Affairs, Washington, May 15, 1941, FRUS 1941, Vol. I, p. 919.
    ①Memorandum by Mr. Edward page, Jr., of the Division of Eastern European Affairs, Washington, May 15, 1941, FRUS 1941, Vol. I, p. 920.
    ②Memorandum by Mr. C.Thayer White of the Division of Commercial Treaties and Agreements to the Acting Chief of the Division of Eastern European Affairs (Atherton), Washington, July 3, 1941, FRUS 1941,Vol. I, p. 921.
    ④The Acting Secretary of Stateto Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Steinhardt), Washington, July 3, 1941, FRUS 1941,Vol. I, p. 922.
    ⑤Memorandum of Conversation, by the Acting the Secretary State, Washington, June 17, 1941, FRUS 1941, Vol. I, p. 923.
    ①Memorandum by the Assistant the Chief of the Division of Eastern European Affairs (Henderson) to the Assistant Secretary State (Acheson), Washington, July 19, 1941, FRUS 1941,Vol. I, p. 923.
    ②Letter From the Secretary of State to Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Steinhardt), Washington, August 4, 1941, FRUS 1941, Vol. I, p. 925.
    ③Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Steinhardt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, August 7, 1941, FRUS1941, Vol. I, p. 638.
    ①Joseph S. Nye, Jr. ed., The Making of America’s Soviet policy, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1984, p.ⅶ.
    ②Peter G. Boyle, American-Soviet Relations: From the Russian Revolution to the fall of Communism, p. 29.
    ①Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Henderson) to the Secretary State, Moscow, November 16, 1936, FRUS1933-1939, p. 309.
    ②Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Kirk) to the Secretary State, Moscow, March 11, 1939, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 739-740.
    ①Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Steinhardt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, May 7, 1941, FRUS1941, Vol. I, p. 615.
    ②Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Kirk) to the Secretary State, Moscow, June 22, 1938, FRUS1933-1939, p. 584.
    ③Memorandum by the Assistant Chief of the Division of European Affairs (Henderson), Washington, July 22, 1939, FRUS1933-1939, p. 773.
    ④Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, April 20, 1936, FRUS1933-1939, p. 292.
    ⑤Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Henderson) to the Secretary State, Moscow, November 16, 1936, FRUS1933-1939, p. 311.
    ⑥Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, August 21, 1935, FRUS1933-1939, p. 247.
    ⑦Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, August 21, 1935, FRUS1933-1939, p. 246.
    ①Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Henderson) to the Secretary State, Moscow, November 16, 1936, FRUS1933-1939, p. 314.
    ②Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union(Kennan)to the Secretary State, Moscow, February 22, 1946 FRUS1946, Eastern Europe, the Soviet Union, Volume VI, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1946, p. 697. available at http://digicoll.library.wisc.edu/cgi-bin/FRUS/FRUS-idx?type=goto&id =FRUS.FRUS1946v06&isize=L&page=673(May 1, 2009)
    ③Letter From the Charge in Latvia (Cole) to the Acting Secretary of State, Riga, November23, 1933, FRUS1933-1939, p. 44.
    ④Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Steinhardt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, September 22, 1939, FRUS1933-1939, p. 784.
    ⑤Memorandum by Mr. George F. Kennan of the Division of European, Washington, May 11, 1938, FRUS1933-1939, p. 604.
    ⑥The Assistant Chief of the Division of Eastern European Affair (Henderson) to the Adviser on the International Economic Affairs (Feis), Washington, July 7, 1939, FRUS1933-1939, p. 773.
    ①Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Kirk) to the Secretary State, Moscow, March 9, 1939, FRUS1933-1939, p. 811.
    ③Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, April 20, 1936, FRUS1933-1939, p. 292.
    ④Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Henderson) to the Secretary State, Moscow, November 16, 1936, FRUS1933-1939, p. 310.
    ⑤Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, April 20, 1936, FRUS1933-1939, p. 294.
    ⑥Ibid., p. 295.
    ⑦Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Kirk) to the Secretary State, Moscow, November 25, 1938, FRUS1933-1939, p. 592.
    ①Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Kirk) to the Secretary State, Moscow, November 25, 1938, FRUS1933-1939, p. 245.
    ②Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, August 21, 1935, FRUS1933-1939, p. 245.
    ③Ibid., p. 247.
    ④Ibid., p. 245.
    ⑤Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, April 20, 1936, FRUS1933-1939, p. 294.
    ⑦Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, August 21, 1935, FRUS1933-1939, p. 245.
    ①Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt) to the Secretary State, Moscow, April 20, 1936, FRUS1933-1939, p. 295.
    ④Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Henderson) to the Secretary State, Moscow, February 18, 1938, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 514-518.
    ①The memoirs of Cordell Hull, vol.I, New York: The Macmillan Company, 1948, p. 296.
    ②Letter From the Charge in the Soviet Union (Kennan) to the Secretary State, Moscow, February 22, 1946, FRUS1946, Volume VI, p. 699.
    ③Ibid., p. 697.
    ④Ibid., pp. 697-700.
    ①Letter From the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Davies) to the Secretary State, Moscow, June 6, 1938, FRUS1933-1939, pp. 555-557.
    ②Ibid., pp. 565-566.
    [1] Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, 1920, Volume III, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1920. ( http://digicoll.library.wisc.edu/cgi-bin/FRUS/FRUS-idx?type=header&id=FRUS.FRUS1920v03)
    [2] Foreign Relations of the United States, the Soviet Union, 1933-1939, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1933-1939. (http://digicoll.library.wisc.edu/cgi-bin/FRUS/FRUS-idx?type=header&id=FRUS.FRUS1933.)
    [3] Foreign Relations of the United States Diplomatic Papers, 1940. Volume III, The British Commonwealth, the Soviet Union, the Near East and Africa, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1940 (http://digicoll.library.wisc.edu/cgi-bin/FRUS/FRUS-idx?type=header&id= FRUS.FRUS1940v03)
    [4] Foreign Relations of the United States Diplomatic Papers, 1941. Volume I, General, The Soviet Union Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1941 (http://digicoll.library.wisc.edu/cgi-bin/FRUS/FRUS-idx?type=header&id=FRUS.FRUS1941v01)
    [5] Foreign relations of the United States, 1946, Eastern Europe, the Soviet Union, Volume VI, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1946. http://digicoll.library.wisc.edu/cgi-bin/FRUS/FRUS-idx?type=goto&id=FRUS.FRUS1946v06&isize=L&page=673
    [1] The Soviet Union, 1933-1939, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1952.
    [2] Harold J. Goldberg ed., Documents of Soviet-American Relations, volume 3, Diplomatic Relations Economic Relations, Propaganda International Affairs, Neutrality, 1933-1941, USA: Academic International Press, 1998.
    [3] Edgar B.Nixon ed., Franklin D. Roosevelt and Foreign Affairs, volume I: January 1933-February 1934, Cambridge, Mass.: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1969.
    [4] Edgar B.Nixon ed., Franklin D. Roosevelt and Foreign Affairs, volume II: March 1934-August 1935, Cambridge, Mass.: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1969.
    [5] Edgar B.Nixon ed., Franklin D. Roosevelt and Foreign Affairs, volume III: September 1935-January 1937, Cambridge, Mass.: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1969.
    [6] Samuel I. Rosenman, The Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt, vol.Ⅱ, New York: Random House, 1938.
    [7] Samuel I. Rosenman, The Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt, vol.Ⅲ, New York: Random House, 1938.
    [8] Samuel I. Rosenman, The Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt, vol.Ⅳ, New York: Random House, 1938.
    [9] Samuel I. Rosenman, The Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt, vol.Ⅴ, New York: Random House, 1938.
    [10] Samuel I. Rosenman, The Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt, vol.Ⅵ, New York: Harper and Brothers, 1950.
    [11] Samuel I. Rosenman, The Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt, vol.Ⅶ, New York: Harper and Brothers, 1950.
    [12] Samuel I. Rosenman, The Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt, vol.Ⅷ, New York: Harper and Brothers, 1950.
    [1] Amos Perlmutter, FDR and Stalin: A Not So Grand Alliance, Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press, 1993.
    [2] Andre Fontaine, History of the Cold War: from the October Revolution to the Korean War, 1917-1950, New York: A Division of Random House, 1968.
    [3] Ahomas R. Maddux, Years of Estrangement: American Relations with the Soviet Union, 1933-1941, Gainesville University Presses of Florida. 1980.
    [4] American Russian Institute, The U.S.S.R. in Reconstruction: a Collection of Essays, New York: American Russian institute, inc., 1944.
    [5] American Foundation Committee on Russian-American Relations, The United States and The Soviet Union: A Report on the Controlling Factors in the Relation between the United States and the Soviet Union, New York: The American Foundation, Committee on Russian-American Relatons, 1933.
    [6] Betty N. Hoffman, Jewish hearts: a Study of Dynamic Ethnicity in the United States and the Soviet Union, N.Y.: State University of New York Press, 2001.
    [7] Betty Miller Unterberger, The United States, Revolutionary Russia, and the Rise of Czechoslovakia, Chapel Hill, North Carolina: University of Carolina Press, 1989.
    [8] Benjamin M. Weissman, Herbert Hoover and Famine Relief to Soviet Russia, 1921-1923, Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press.
    [9] Cornelis A. van Minnen and John F.Sears, FDR and his Contemporaries: Foreign Perceptions of An American President, New York: St. Martin’s Press, Inc., 1992.
    [10] David F. Winkler, Cold War at Sea: High-Seas Confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union, Annapolis, Md.: Naval Institute Press, 2000.
    [11] David S. Foglesong, America’s Secret War Against Bolshevism: U.S. Intervention in the Russian Civil War, 1917-1920, Chapel Hill, North Carolina: University of North Carolina Press, 1995.
    [12] Don. Oberdorfer, From the Cold War to a New Era: the United States and the Soviet Union, 1983-1991, Baltimore, Md: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1998.
    [13] Dennis J. Dunn, Caught between Roosevelt & Stalin: America’s Ambassadors to Moscow, Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky, 1998.
    [14] Don. Oberdorfer, The Turn: from the Cold War to a New Era: the United States and the Soviet Union, 1983-1990, New York: Poseidon Press, 1991.
    [15] Dan. Caldwell, American-Soviet Relations: From 1947 to the Nixon-Kissinger Grand Design, Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1981.
    [16] Donald G. Bishop, The Roosevelt-Litvinov Agreements: The American View, Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1965.
    [17] Edward M. Bennett: Roosevelt and the Search for Victory: American-Soviet Relations, 1939-1945, Wilmington: A Scholarly Resources Inc.Imprint, 1990.
    [18] Edward M. Bennett, Roosevelt and the Search for Security: American-Soviet Relations, 1933-1939, Wilmington: Scholarly Resource Inc., 1985.
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