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China's relationship with Africa is not a new variable in international relations. Relations between China and individual African states have existed for decades and have preceded the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949. Yet, relationship between the two sides has been victim of neglect and lack of attention on the part of experts on international relations. It is only recently, that experts from a wide spectrum of disciplines, including international relations, economics, history, and political science are paying critical attention to Sino-African relations. Partly, this is due to China's rise and its new strategy in engaging the African continent. Both China's rise to great power status and its new strategy to the continent have registered different interpretations from a wide range of scholars and policy makers. The interpretations have created an intense debate that is about to invalidate the international marginalization of Africa. The present thesis contributes to the debate.
     On the debate, the concept of China's rise is far from reaching the status of conventional wisdom. The least one can say is that the concept has divided analysts into two camps. Some optimistic analysts see China's rise as a benign and peaceful transformation. Other pessimistic analysts develop the theory of China's threat to interpret China's remarkable and multi-dimensional ascendancy. Likewise, China's engagement in Africa is the origin of an ongoing and contradictory debate. To many observers, China's relationship with Africa is an opportunities for the development of the continent. Others, in particular Westerners see China's presence in the Africa as a problem, a challenge to principles like Human Rights, good governance, democracy, and environmental protection.
     As a contribution to the debate, this thesis assesses China's relationship with Africa by focusing on the specific region of Sub-Saharan Africa and by emphasizing a particular context, China's rise. After defining the region of Sub-Saharan Africa and the concept of China's rise, the research examines the different aspects of Sino-Sub-Saharan African relations through an historical account to the present day.
     The research is based on an analysis of relevant international relations theories and on a description of available facts and direct observations in relation to Sino-Sub-Saharan African interactions, focusing not only on the economic aspect, but also on the political and cultural aspects of the relationship.
     As a result, the research highlights the complexity of Sino-Sub-Saharan African relations in the context of China's rise, the range of opportunities and challenges and the inevitable implications for great powers like the US, France, Britain, and Japan.
     In light of all the considerations above, the research concludes that Sino-Sub-Saharan African relationship in the context of China's rise corresponds to a win-win situation, even if the two sides have not won equally. In a final analysis, the research points out that the African side would make a better deal in its relationship with a rising China, by learning from its past experience with the former colonial powers, by finding other ways to do business with China rather than just relying on massive exports of raw material. Instead, the research suggests that the African side should put in place a competitive administrative system, capable of attracting foreign investment and based on the rule of law, good management, and anti-corruption. In addition to that, it is pointed out that Sub-Saharan African countries should create a common strategy towards China as China has its own strategy to them. Only then, a fifty-fifty win-win situation can be achieved.
1 Gerald Segal, "Does China Matter?", Foreign Affairs, Vol.78, No5 (September/October 1999), p. 24.
    2Denis M.Tull,China's engagement in Africa:Scope,Significance and Consequences,The Journal of Modern African Studies,Vol.44,No.3,Cambridge University Press,2006,p.459.
    3Chris Alden,Leveraging the Dragon:Toward "An Africa That Can Say No",Yale Global online. on September 5,2007.
    4Chris Alden,leveraging the Dragon:Towards "an African That Can Say No",Yale Global online,,March 2005.,
    5Emma Mawdsley,China and Africa:Emerging Challenges to the Geographies of Power,Blackwell publishing Ltd,2007,p.1.
    6Emma Mawdsley,China and Africa:Emerging Challenges to the Geographies of Power,p.3.
    7 He Wenping, "The Balancing Act of China's Africa Policy", China's Security, Vol.3, No.3, Summer 2007, p. 24.
    8 Li Anshan, China and Africa: Policies and Changes, China's Security, Vol. 3, No. 3, Summer 200, p. 70.
    9George B.N Ayittey,Africa Betrayed,St Martin's Press,New York,1992,p.348
    10 John J. Mearsheimer, "China's rise will not be peaceful at all",,57744,1728158%255E58
    11 " Zheng Bijian, "China's "Peaceful Rise" to Great-Power Status, Foreign Affairs, Volume 84, No 5, September/October 2005, p. 22.
    12 Jack Straw, British former Foreign Secretary, as quoted by Jin Jambo In "China in Africa form Capitalism to Colonialism", Asian Times Online,
    13 Chris Alden, Through African Eyes: Representations of China on the African continent, a paper presented during a Joint Science Po, Fudan University, London School of Economics Conference, Paris, Science Po, Friday 6 and Saturday 7 October 2006, p. 7.
    15 Alex de Waal, 'The Genocidal State', The Times Literary Supplement, Julyl, 1994, p. 25.
    16 John L. Hirsch, Sierra Leone: Diamonds and Struggle for Democracy, Lynne Rienner Publisher, USA, 2001, p. 25.
    17 Douglas Webb, HIV and AIDS in Africa, David Philip and University of Natal Press, Cape town, 1997,p. 106.
    18 CNN-UN: Life expectancy in Sub-Sahara Africa hit hard by AIDS, October 28, 1998, p. 2.
    19 Robert Shell, 'Halfway to the Holocaust': the economic, demographic and social implication of AIDS pandemic to the year 2010 in the Southern African region.", In Robert Shell, Kristina Quattek, Martin Schonteich and Greg Mills, HIV/AIDS: A Threat to the African Rennaissance, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Johannesburg, 2000, p. 11.
    20 Robert Shell,'Halfway to the Holocaust', p. 11.
    21 ID=1177
    22 ID=1177
    23 Paul Nugent, Africa Since Independence: A Comprehensive History, Palgrave MACMILLAN, New York, 2004, p. 367.
    24 http://www.
    25 Lee Kuan Yew, quoted by Samuel P. Huntington, The Clash of Civilization and the Remaking of World Order, Sinon and Schuter, New York, 1996, p. 231.
    28Ted C.Fishman,CHINA* INC:How the Rise of the Next Superpower Challenges America and the World,Scribner,New York,2005,p.16.
    29 Fareed Zakariah, "Does The Future Belong to China?, Newsweek Magazine, 9 May 2005, p. 3.
    30 Fareed Zakariah, "Does the Future Belong to China?, p. 14.
    31 Zheng Bijian, "China's " Peaceful Rise" to Great-Power Status, Foreign Affairs, September/ October, 2005, p. 18.
    32 China's National Bureau of Statistics' announcement as reported by China Dialy, 2006-05-23,p.l.
    33Zheng Bijian,,China's "Peaceful Rise" to Great-Power Status,p.18.
    35Joshua Cooper Ramo,"The Beijing Consensus"(London:The Foreign Policy Center,May 2004),pp.10-11.
    36According to World Bank figures,China's GDP was the fourth largest in the world behind the U.S.,Japan,and Germany.China's economy as measured by purchasing Power Parity,however,was second only to the U.S.and more than twice as large as Japan's.See July 2006 World Economic Ranking list,
    37 Richard D. Fisher, Jr," PLA AIR Force Equipment Trends", In The People's Liberation Army and China in Transition, National Defense University Press, Washington, DC, 2003, p. 140.
    38 The Guandian, Brussels, Friday, Jan 21, 2005, p. 11.
    39 Law of the PRC on National Defense, adopted at the fifth Session of the Eight National People's Congress on March 14,1997, In Foreign Broadcast Information Service, 14 March, 1997.
    40 Joseph Nye, Soft Power, Public Affairs, New York, 2004, p. 11.
    41 http://www.
    43 Hans Morgenthau, Politics among Nations: The Struggle for Power and Peace, Knopf, New York, 1973, p. 208.
    44 The Peking Duck, "China-Africa relations: a mixed blessing", September 30,2006, available at: http://www.
    45 Cited in Mail and Guardian, Johannesburg, http://www,, September 21, 2006.
    46 The Los Angeles Time, Africans Lash out at Chinese Employees, 6 October 2006, available at: http://www.!81C2730497AD62BA!2784.entry
    47 John. J Mearsheimer, The Tragedy of Great Power Politics, W.W. Norton & Company, New York, 2001, p. 29.
    48 Bruce Russet &Harvey Starr, World Politics: The Menu for Choice (New York: Freeman, 1989, chap 6), quoted by John .J Mearsheimer in The Tragedy of Great Power Politics, p. 57.
    49 John. J Mearsheimer, The Tragedy of Great Power Politics, p. 57.
    50 In Clinton's words: "Building Lines of Partnership and Bridges to the Fulture", New York Times, July 10, 1997, quoted by Mearsheimer in The Tragedy of Great Power Politics, p. 51.
    51 John .J Mearsheimer, The Tragedy of Great Power Politics, p. 52.
    52 F.H. Hinsley, Power and the Pursuit of Peace: Theory and Practice in the History of Relations Between States, quoted by John J Mearsheimer in The Tragedy of Great Power Politics, p. 15.
    53 John. J Mearsheimer, The Tragedy of Great Power Politics, p. 14.
    54 Joseph M. Own, "How Liberalism Produces Peace", In Debating the Democratic Peace, The MIT PRESS, Cambridge, England, 1999, p. 124.
    55 Robert O. Keohane and Joseph Nye, Power and Interdependence, Longman, New York, 2001, p. 8.
    56 Ibid, p. 7.
    57 Michael Howard, War and the Liberal Conscience, quoted by John Mearsheimer in The Tragedy of Great Power Politics, p. 16.
    58 Henry A. Kinssinger, former US Secretary of State in his speech," A New National Partnership", US Department of State's Bureau of Public Affairs, Office of Media Services, January 24, 1975, p.1.
    59 Tabo Mbeki, President of South Africa, quoted by Ambassador Liu Guijin in "China-Africa economic cooperation is mutually beneficial and win win, 19 October, 2006, available at: http://www.chinese
    60 Yan Xuetong, Head of Tsinghua University's Institute of International Studies commenting on the concept of Harmonious World reported by People's Daily, 4 February, 2007, available at: http://www. .html
    61 Jiang Zhuqing, "Hu calls for a Harmonious World at Summit", China Daily Newspapers, 16 November, 2005, available at: http://www.
    62 Begsten, Gill, Lardy and Mitchell (Center for Strategic and International Studies and the Institutes for International Economics), China: The Balance Sheet- What the World Needs to Know Now About the Emerging Superpower (New York: Public Affairs, 2006, pp. 139)
    63 Zheng Bijian, China's "Peaceful Rise to Great Power Status, Foreign Affairs, Vol.84, No.5, September/October 2005, p.21.
    64 Hu Yaoband, "Speech at the Twelfth Congress of the CPC", September 1, 1982.
    65 Tian Zengpei, ed., China's Foreign Policy after Reform and Opening up to the Outsides World, Beijing: World Affairs Press, 1993, pp.131-132.
    66 Klaus Knorr, "Threat Perception", In Historical Dimension of National Security Problems, ed, K Knoor, Lawrremce, Kansas, 1976, p. 78.
    67 David Singer, as quoted by Raymond Coen in Threat Perception in International Crisis, the University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, 1979, p 5.
    68 Raymond Coen, Threat Perception in International Crisis, the University of Wisconsin Press, Madison 1979, p. 6.
    69 Dean Pruitt, as quoted by Raymond Coen in Threat Perception In International Crisis, p. 4.
    70 Ibid, p. 4.
    71 Dean Pruit, as quoted by Raymond Coen in Threat Perception in International Crisis, p. 6.
    72 Bill Gertz, The China Threat, ,as quoted by Bill Belew, December 5,2006, available at: actions to support the china.html
    74 Law of the PRC on National Defense adopted at the fifth Session of the eighth National People's Congress on March 14, 1997, In Foreign Broadcast Information Service-China, March 14, 1997.
    75 People's Daily, "Year render: China- Africa relations advanced to a new stage in 2006, accessed at:
    76President Abdoulaye Wade,in a written interview with Xinhua News,November 3,2006,accessed at:
    77Xinhuanet,S Africa's Mbeki defends China-Africa relations,November 11,2006,available at:
    78 Robert Mugabe, President of Zimbabwe, cited in Financial Times, London, February 28, 2006.
    79 http://www.
    80 Ch-Ih-ch'ao, "The Revolutionary Struggle of the African People", Chung-Kuo Ching.nien, No. 1-2 (Feb.1, 1965), pp. 32-33.
    81 Chou En Lai quoted by Bruce D. Larkin in China and Africa 1949- 1970, p. 19.
    82 Lu Ting-en , Zhongguo Yu Feizhou (中国与非洲) , Beijing University Press, Beijing, 2000, p. 6.
    83 Zhou En Lai in his speech during his first visit to Africa, quoted by Lu Ting-en in Zhongguo Yu Feizhou, p. 6.
    84 Bruce D. Larking, China and Africa 1949-1970, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1971, p. 39.
    85Chou En Lai during the Afro-Asian Peoples' Solidarity Conference in Cairo,1958 as quoted by Bruce D.Larking in China And Africa 1949-1970,p.34.
    85 George T. Yu, China's Failure in Africa, Asian Survey, Vol.6, No.8, August, 1966, p. 468.
    87 Bruce Larking, China and Africa: 1949-1970, pp. 99-100.
    88 Bruce Larking, China and Africa: 1949-1970, p. 93.
    89 Yung-lo Lin, Peking's African Policy in the 1980s, Issues and Studies, Vol.25, No.4, April 1989, p.11.
    90 Ian Taylor, Africa in International Politics: External Involvement on the Continent, Routlege, London, 2004, p. 85.
    91 Huang Zequan, Executive Vice Chairman of the China Society for Research on African issues, in an interview by Beijing Review, http://www.
    92 Premier Lipeng in his visit to Africa, quoted by He Wenping in "China-Africa Relations Facing the 21~(st) Century" available, 10/1/2006.
    93 China View, June 21,2005, p. 4.
    94 Ian Taylor, "China's Foreign Policy towards Africa in the 1990s", The Journal of Modern African Studies, Cambridge University Press, Vol.36, No.3, p. 459.
    95 David Zweig and Bi Jianhai, "China's Global Hunt for Energy", Foreign Affairs, Vol.84, No.5,September/October 2005, p. 27.
    96 Robert E. Ebel, "Hearing on China's Energy Needs and Strategies", Testimony presented to the US- China Economic and Security Review Commission, October 30,2003.
    97 David Zweig and Bi Jianhai,, "China's Global Hunt for Energy", P. 26.
    98 Ian Taylor, "China's Oil Diplomacy in Africa", International Affairs, Vol.82, No5,2006, p. 941.
    99 http://www. 30-1-2007...1/30/2007
    100Jeune Afrique,"Faut-il Avoir Peur de la Chine",Novemberl 2-18,2006,p.68.
    101BBC Monitoring,7-8,2005,author's interview,Yaoude,Western Diplomat,May,2005.
    104Africa-China Trade & Investment(中国-非洲贸易与投资),p.75.
    105 Elizabeth C. Economy, "The Perils of Beijing's Africa Strategy", International Herald Tribune, November2, 2006, p. 2.
    106 Huang Zequan:in an interview with Beijing Review, October 5, 2006, p. 1.
    107 Department of Policy Planning, Ministry of Foreign Affairs People's Republic of China, China's Foreign Affairs .World Affairs Press, Beijing, 2004, p. 102.
    108 Ian Taylor, China's Foreign Policy Towards Africa in the 1990s, The Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol.36, No.3, p. 460.
    112 China Daily, Monday, November 6,2006, Vol. 23, No. 8286, p. 1.
    113 He Yafei, Assistant Foreign Minister of the Peoples' Republic of China gave briefing on Premier Wen Jiabao's visit to seven African countries at an international press conference in Beijing, June 9, 2006.
    114 Alusegun Ogassanjo, President of Nigeria, during his meeting with President Hu as quoted by Antonio Garcia, RFI envoy in Nigeria, http://www.
    115 Daily Nation, Nairobi, April 29, 2006, p. 3.
    116 Raphael Tuju, Kenyan Foreign Affairs Minister, read a Sino-Kenyan joint communique in Nairobi as quoted by Daily Nation, April 29, 2006.
    117 Martyn Davies, head of the Center for China Studies at Stellenbosh University in South Africa,as reported by Los Angeles Times, February 1, 2007, p. 5.
    118 Li Anshan ," China and Africa: Policy and Changes", China Security, Vol.3, No. 3, Summer 2007, p.74.
    119 Extract from the full text: China's African policy, available at:
    120 Paul Mooney, China's African Safari, YaleGlobal, January 3, 2005, p. 3.
    121 Bates Gill, Chin-hao Huang & J.S. Morrison, Assessing China's Growing Influence in Africa, China Security, Vol.3, No.3, Summer 2007, p. 12.
    122 Li Anshan, "China and Africa: Policies and Changes", P. 74.
    123 The International Monetary Fund, as reported by Jeune Afrique, No 2392, November 12-18,2006, p. 59.
    125 http:///www.
    126Jeune Afrique,'Faut-il Avoir Peur de la Chine',No 2392,November 12-18,2006,p 60.
    127 Ellen Lammers, How will the Beijing Consensus benefit Africa? The Broker, issue 1, April 2007 .Accessed on September 10, 2007.
    128 Xinhua News Agency, Dec 8, 2006, P. 5.
    129 World Report, China in Africa, February 04, 2007, p. 5.
    130 Reuters, January 31,2007, http://www.platform.blogs.corn/passionofthepresent/2007/01/china_hu_visit.html
    131 President Hu Jintao, during his state visit to Liberia, as reported by The Analyst, February 2, 2007, p. 2.
    132 http://www.
    133 http://www.
    134 Pana- African News Wire, February9, 2007, p. 4.
    135 Pana-Africa News Wire, p. 4.
    136 Pana-Africa News Wire, p.5.
    137 Denis M. Tull, China's engagement in Africa: Scope, Significance and Consequences, Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol. 44, No. 3, 2006, p. 476.
    138 http://www.
    139 http://www.
    140 http://www.
    141 China's Foreign Affairs, 2004 Edition, p. 281.
    143 africa and oil.html. Accessed on January 26.2007.
    144 Chris Alden, "Through African Eyes: Representations of China on the African continent" a paper presented in a Joint Science Po, Fudan University, London School of Economics Conference, Paris, Friday6 and Saturday 7 October 2006, p. 3.
    145 art_cle= LIN 28095d... 9/26/2007.
    147 Ibid.
    148 Pan-African News Wire: "China-Mozambique Issue Joint Communique to Uplift Ties", Accessed on February 9. 2007.
    149 Liu Guijin, the Chinese Ambassador to South Africa in an interview with Pretoria's media during President Hu 12-days African tour, as reported by "Los Angeles Times", January 31, 2007, p. 8.
    150 Cameroonian National Shippers' Council gives a report to APA. Available at: Accessed on October 7. 2007.
    151' China's Hu visits Cameroon, pledges $ 100 million/ Available at: the Present Accessed on January 1,2007.
    152 Ivo Ngome, "Cameroonian Perception of the Chinese Invasion", At Issue Ezine, Vol.6/ August-November, 2007. Available at: Accessed on October 7. 20007.
    153 Ivo, Ngome," Cameroonian Perception of the Chinese Invasion"
    154 China's Hu visit Cameroon, pledges $ 100 million/ the present/2007/01 /chinas_hu_visit.html
    155 Ambassador Liu, as reported by " Los Angeles Times", January 31, 2006, p.8.
    156 David M. Tull, China's engagement in Africa: Scope, Significance and Consequences, Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol.44, No.3, 2006, pp. 472-473.
    157 Chris Alden, "Through African Eyes: Representations of China in the African continent", p. 7.
    158 China's Africa Safari, Fortune (Asia edition), February 20, 2006,
    159 He Wenping,'The Balancing Act of China's Africa Policy", China Security, Vol.3. No.3, Summer 2007, p. 35.
    160 Klaus Knorr, "Threat Perception", in Historical Dimensions of National Security Problems, p. 78.
    161 Jerry Harris, "Emerging Third Word Powers: China, India and Brazil", Race and Class, Vol.46. No3, 2005, pp. 7-27.
    163 Condeliza Rice, US Foreign Secretary State, as quoted by Linda Thomas -Greenfield in "US Foreign Policy Priorities in Africa for 2007", February 15,2007, Washington , Dc, available at: Accessed . March 10,2007.
    164,accessed 10 March,2007.
    165Salih Booker & Ann-Louise Colgan,"Africa Policy Out 2004",Foreign Policy in Focus,
    166Salih Booker and Ann-Louise Colgan,"Africa Policy Out 2004"
    167Africa at Risk or Rising? The Role of Europe,North America,and China on the continent,a paper published jointly by Stanley Foundation and Aspen Atlantic Group.The paper is a brief of the primary findings of the Berlin international conference on the role of Europe,North America and China in Africa,May 4-6,2007.p.10.
    168 Henry Kissinger, Does American Needs a Foreign Policy, Touchstone, New York, 2001, p. 17.
    169 Emma Mawdsley, China and Africa: Emerging Challenges to the Geographies of Power, Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2007, p. 12.
    170 Sahr Jonny, Ambassador of Sierra Leone in Beijing quoted Granta 92: The View from Africa, available at: http://www.
    171 Africa at Risk or Rising? The Role of Europe, North America, and China on the continent. P. 11.
    172 Emma Mawdsley, China and Africa: Emerging Challenges to the Geographies of Power, p. 3.
    173 Africa at Risk or Rising? The Role of Europe, North America and China on the continent, p. 9.
    174 Paul Williams," Britain and Africa after the Cold War: Beyond damage Limitations?", In Africa in International Politics: External Involvement on the Continent, Routledge, London, 2004, pp. 2-60.
    175 Daniel Kroslack, "France's Policy towards Africa" In African in International Politics: External Evolvement on the Continent, p. 71.
    176 Daniel Kroslak, "France's Policy towards Africa: Continuity or Change?", In Africa in International Politics, p. 74.
    177 Scarlett Cornelissen and Ian Taylor, The political economy of China and Japan's relationship with Africa: a comparative perspective, the Pacific Review, Vol. 13, No.4, 2000: 615-633, p. 620.
    178 Scarlett Cornelissen and Ian Taylor, The Political economy of China and Japan's relationship with Africa: a comparative perspective, p. 624.
    179 Ethiopian Prime Minister, Meles Zenawi, Africa Recovery, Vol. 8, April 1, 2004, p. 4.
    180 Japanese Prime Minister, Yoshi Mori, South Africa Independent, January 14, 2001 .p. 8.
    181 Africa Recovery, Vol.8, April, 2004, p. 11.
    182 Accessed on May 10, 2007.
    183 Yukihiko Ikeda, Japanese former Foreign Minister in his speech at the luncheron in honor of the Ministers of Southern African Development Community, May 1, 1996, Johannesburg.
    184 Scarlett Cornelissen and Ian Taylor, The Political economy of China and Japan's relationship with Afriac: a comparative perspective, p. 1.
    185 Chris Alden, Leveraging the Dragon: "Toward Africa That Can Say No", Yale Global online, p. 12.
    186 Chris Alden, Leveraging the Dragon: "Toward Africa That Can Say No", Yale Global online, p. 12
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