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Over the years, "San-Nong" (refer in particular to agriculture, rural areas and farmers issues) problem has hindered the development of China's agricultural modernization. To relate researchers, those issues about "San-Nong" problem would always be the hot research areas researchers, which could find the Chinese agricultural sustainable development way.
     However, some studies still focuses on some independent Special Topics about "San-Nong" problem, such as industrial "feedback" agriculture, the rural public goods supply, rural labor employment in local areas and agriculture income resettlement. Specially, the research standpoints and conclusions will have one-sidedness consequences unavoidably, if we study "San-Nong" problem in isolation.
     Therefore, this dissertation researches the organization framework of agriculture industrialization development in china at first. It verifies that agricultural leading enterprise could be the primary leadership to develop moderate degree high-efficiency industrial agriculture and form agricultural capital deepening effectually, when the rural comprehensive cooperatives were established under the leadership of modern rural enterprise, which could drive the Transition Procedure of Rural Micro-Organizational Structure.
     Meanwhile, by making the agriculture organization innovation as a breakthrough and planning "San-Nong" problem as a whole plan, the organization framework of "leading enterprise+ comprehensive cooperative" should achieve the "package" solutions to solve the problems of rural quasi-public products supply, rural surplus labor employment, community comprehensive treatment and land rational circulation.
     By Constructing the "hyper-market contract" performance environment, agricultural production organization structure innovation could drive the agricultural production efficiency improvement. At the same time, all questions would be solved as a whole by putiing rural quasi-public product construction, farmers' income increase and labor employment issues into comprehensive agricultural cooperative organization. However, the primary key to solving all problems is to determine the dominant power of agricultural modernization.
     Owning of special entrepreneurial spirit, agricultural leading enterprises have the Evading capability to deal with market risk and operational risk in agriculture, have more powerful Organizational Advantages to seize business opportunities and to construct agricultural markets than formal peasants. Therefore, this dissertation believes the development of modernization agriculture should reinforce the dominant role of leading enterprise in agricultural industry, operate agricultural industry utilizing entrepreneurship.
     Nevertheless, the Profit target of business operation have different destination with long-term development in agriculture. The results generate that complete industrial scale construction based on leading enterprises in agriculture could not think about peasant's interest and the synchronous development of rural community completely.
     With regards to this consideration, based on the framework of rural comprehensive cooperative leaded by agricultural leading enterprises, this dissertation suggests "enterprise+cooperatives" should be the dominant force in agricultural development and the rural construction. endowing "entrepreneur spirit" with "enterprise+cooperatives" organization mode, rural comprehensive cooperatives,which are leaded by agricultural leading enterprises, could achieve high-efficient agriculture, organize farmers to generate "unified economies of scope" (cooperation economic model), and to emerge appropriate large-scale production formation. Based on typical cases of comprehensive cooperatives, it draw the outline of rural comprehensive cooperatives directed by leading enterprise in agriculture could finish the transformation of agriculture industry structure, which employ the methods of literature review and mathematical model design.
     The mechanism research of organization structure stability, which could achieve the successful formation of "enterprise+cooperative+farm households" trilateral cooperation and common interest, guided by agriculture leading enterprise, comprehensive cooperatives and peasants, should be the core content in this dissertation. In this part of study, in accordance with the typical cases, it utilizes mathematical model analysis to prove that the key to the success in rural comprehensive cooperatives, leaded by agricultural enterprises, is depended on strong endogenous confidential commitments.
     Enterprises participate in the construction of agricultural comprehensive cooperatives, help cooperatives to provide implementation of rural quasi-public products services, capital and technology investments, and labor employment, use the strategic intention of long-term investment in agriculture to exchange the positive participation of local farmer households. Through the development of the agriculture industry base on small farmers to moderate scale management, the method could ensure the accommodation of raw material to agricultural kernel enterprises. Cooperatives will apply a portion of the profits to expand production of "enterprises +cooperatives", could increase the credible commitment between the agricultural enterprise and comprehensive cooperatives, which use surplus to peasants as a form of return. Also, these systems ensure the mutual benefit in comprehensive cooperative framework.
     In the next chapter, this dissertation discusses that the framework of "enterprise+ comprehensive cooperatives" piloted by leading enterprises can enforce the capability that leading enterprises provide rural quasi-public goods. This research employs the typical case that the comprehensive cooperatives leaded by Yantai Rong-Chang pharmaceutical company in Shandong Province, which provide quasi-public products for long-term agriculture investment. The research does empirical analysis by using complete cooperative survey data of local peasants in local village. This study confirms rural quasi-public product construction and its funding accommodation have strong relationship with rural industry scale size of comprehensive cooperatives navigated by entrepreneurs, also with the income level of peasants when they enter into cooperatives, and the re-employment of local rural labor capital; simultaneously, the amount of quasi-public goods provided initiatively by Cooperatives is positively bounded up with peasant's participation in cooperative business. The most important thing is the "three linked" pattern to develop overall rural resources created by leading entrepreneurs, really can effectively increase agricultural production scale, improve the farmer income level, provide enough construction funds to rural quasi-public products as well.
     The study also employs the research method of literature review and theoretical analysis at beginning, and analyses the case of "Tian-Niang Agriculture Company", which applies the capital of agriculture back-feeding from industry to production power and development advantages. It confirms that the cooperative management method, advocated by the enterprise leadership, employs high-level agricultural development strategy to achieve rural infrastructure construction investment, to serve new type of rural development, and to increase "enterprise+cooperatives" production and operation efficiency.
     Meanwhile, this study also provides that the "leading enterprise+agricultural comprehensive cooperatives" organizational framework can become the important receptor, and use specially industrial "feedback" capital, technology and policy supporting, coming from government and other societal forces to form great leap-frog development of high-efficiency agriculture. It also confirms that agricultural cooperative can be the important ways and platform to act as correct receptor of "feedback" capital, emerge reasonable environment, based on "hyper-market agreement" between enterprises and local peasants. Also, this study realizes that the framework can provide the guarantee of benefit and labor effective employment of local peasants, generate the balanced development of agriculture production, rural enterprise development and the countryside modernization.
     The agricultural innovation and industrialization development in china should be formed with the moderate scale of agriculture generated by both labor-intensive and technological capital deepening. Based on family farms as the basic unit, the formation of this production mode assimilates technology, capital and labor triple input, and achieves fine agriculture (efficient agriculture high-level agricultural industrialization) development. According to this mode, it can undertake local agricultural labor force employment, and brings about agricultural productivity enhancement.
     Based on three typical successful cases in Chang-Shu(Jiangsu), Pu-Tian(Fujian) and Peng-Lai (shandong), demonstrates the "enterprise+cooperatives+farm households" mode can undertake the duty of farmers' employment, agricultural rejuvenation and income-level growth of agricultural human resource., the comprehensive cooperatives leaded by Enterprise can be reinforced through effective investment at the same time, realize enterprise development as agriculture industry target, determines cooperative as backbone of modern agriculture. Finally, this study is the inevitable choice that " agricultural cooperation business mode " leaded by enterprise engenders moderate scale of agricultural production mode.
     How to solve logic problem of collective actions between agriculture leading enterprise and agricultural cooperative, agricultural cooperative and cooperative members, and agricultural cooperation organization, is the kernel factor that the type "enterprise+ +farm households" organization leaded by agricultural enterprises will become form excellent development in agriculture. Based on the principal-agent model analysis framework, it utilizes agricultural cooperative as the agent of agricultural enterprises, also designs agricultural cooperative as principal character of labor-intensive and capital intensive agricultural production process. It also confirms that the success of the principal-agent relationship can be determined by the mutual trust between enterprise and cooperative. Meanwhile, this kind of principal-agent model can organize local peasant households, and reduces the organization cost between peasants and cooperatives.
     In the development process, this pattern of comprehensive agricultural cooperative can enforce agricultural moderate scale effectively, completes agricultural capital deepening based on technological innovation. According to mechanism design, this study develops the supply channel of rural public product, increases rural labor employment, and improves back-feeding absorbing performance. Therefore, the integrated service functions of comprehensive overlap with the organization functions of rural community. Through typical case as the breakthrough, this study analyses the feasibility that the rural economic operation and management strategy can form "incentive compatibility" with the rural long-term development goals.
     Rural cooperatives Construction should be the major power that the economic organization pattern of comprehensive agricultural cooperation serve as rural development, and balance the power of rural quasi-public goods and rural infrastructure construction. According to this reason, this study uses route study method to prove that the pattern of rural comprehensive cooperatives can form brand-new force to develop rural economy, and achieve harmonious development among rural economy construction, community management and local party politics construction.
     Finally, through the "party construction, political reform, social innovation, and economy development" four-in-one management mode, this dissertation believes that rural development should exercise the party's advanced nature of the communist party to restrict the behavior of elites in rural community and design the dynamic programming to finish the orderly development of rural autonomous administration.
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