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自从Alvin Toffler于1970年在《Future Shock》中提出了一种以接近标准化生产的成本和时间来满足客户特定需求的创造性设想,并且Stan Davis随后在1987年首次将这种设想的生产方式称为大规模定制(mass customization)以来,大规模定制以一种近乎完美的构思令众多企业界学术界人士看好,并普遍认为这是一种战略生产模式的革新与跃迁,代表着新世纪生产制造的发展趋势。大规模定制作为继大规模生产模式后的一种新型生产模式,是大规模生产在面对个性化需求极度释放的市场环境下,企业做出的一种战略选择。理论上大规模定制生产模式将依托规模经济、范围经济以及集成经济实现对个性化需求的高效满足。然而综观企业实际,将大规模定制成功实施却并不是一件容易的事,大规模定制生产模式在具体实施过程中面临着诸如信息过载、知识约束与资源约束的困难。
    J IT集成化的推、拉结合定制流程可以有效地实现推拉式供应链的定制系统有序
In 1970 an innovative idea, that products customized were manufactured as efficiently as mass production to satisfy consumers was created by Alvin Toffler, which was defined by Stan Davis as mass customization in 1987. Mass customization was accepted generally for its perfect conceptive idea and apt to become the main manufacturing trend in the new century. As the follower of mass production mass customization is companies' strategic choice when they encounter market with extremity of personal need. In theory mass customization relies on scale economics, scope economics and integration economics to meet personal need in low cost and short responding time. But in fact, it is difficult to realize this advanced manufacturing mode, in the process of mass customization many difficulties such as over-loaded information, technology constrain and resource constrain have to be overcame.Under the same kind of circumstance, a strategic organization model supply chain was chose by companies to improve their responsive capability and extend their resource availability in market. Supply chain matches strongly with mass customization and increases the possibility of mass customization for its responsive capability and resource availability. With eyes on market characteristics targeted by mass customization an establishing measurement of mixed supply chain strategy is offered in dissertation to strengthen the responsive capability and improve the efficiency in the process of mass customization. According to the supply chain position for mass customization, an executing frame with four drivers, such as agile product design, manufacture innovation, process reengineering and organization innovation is provided to support mass customization.In the process of mass customization to make decision about the choice of customized products and design the certain products are critical to the efficiency and rapidity of customizing production. The performance in designing stage determines the value and meaning of the following activities in the certain supply chain in terms of customers' recognition. It affects strongly the supply chain's efficiency because it is critical to responsive speed, production efficiency and customers' satisfaction degree. Designing opportunity products customized is a process of cooperation-involved multi-partner. In the process of customizing product multi-technology are needed while co-partners and activities are organized effectively.A multi-stage and integrated decision-making model is provided while a new product strategy is formed based on core-competence. In this circumstance to enhance the utilization of deposited design knowledge is a good choice to improve the designing efficiency. So a product structure and configuration management model based on electronic product data in supply chain is raised to increase the efficiency and agile-ability of customizing design.A quantity model from personal need to product configuration scheme is exploited for customizing design process.After opportunity product is configured based on product data management in supply chain, the process of realization this design relies on the certain function set of supply chain. In order to customize products with low cost and high speed it is necessary to configure the supply chain's functions according the customizing process
    and integrate available social resource. The establishment of manufacturing and logistic function model is analyzed in the dissertation.According the manufacturing characteristics of opportunity products, a customization tactic that a push-pull supply chain integrated with postponed strategy is speculated, and how to take in effect is represented in detail. The key to manufacture continuously among multi-partner in supply chain to customize products is to plan the production carefully. A push and pull integration process with MRP II and JIT is likely to operate effectively. In order to control the customizing cost and time according market need it is necessary to decrease the inventory resulted form distorted demand i
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