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Today, strategic alliance is very popular. It is becoming one kind of significant measure capturing competitive advantage. Managers always have a hand in various kinds of alliance, yet they over look the comprehensive regulation to these coalitions, losing control of alliance cause the business to fall into in disorderly and unsystematic network that geting out of hand. The egocentric strategic network is that the enterprise participating a series of alliances, finally constituting an alliance portfolio. By means of controling strategic network, the central firm can affect objectively network structure, finally better affect the cooperaters. The strategic network is a part of the business strategy of firms. The power of a single firm is small and weak when confronts the environment, the strategic network added this power.Chapter 1 first analyzes the motive and grain of the network theory. The network concept is originated from the social network theory, and drew into the business network by strategic learners. The business network is spontaneous, not every firm be able to enjoy the network benefit, strategy learners hence drew into the strategy element, the strategic network finally presented. Yet the strategy network analysis in the majority take one kind of collectivism analysis means moreover, the firm is just network participator, its network effect is finite. The business network is one kind of long-term division network of capability;hence strategic network is a matter of capability operation.Chapter 2 first summarizes the motive, regulation, and evolution aspects of the network theory. Secondly summarize the strategy network theory. Finally summarize the capability theory.Chapter 3 first analyzes the dark side of the objectively network and network barracks. In the long run the business capability will be subjected to the negative effect of network in many kinds of effects. It points out the significance of affecting the network. Secondly it points out that there are great limitations in the popular network analysis, the firm should transform the strategy visual angle, establish and administer the egocentric strategic network. The egocentric strategic network may be divided into the individual alliance, alliance portfolio, objectively network. Hence the internal dynamic relationship structure, the feature and strategy network border will be analyzed.Chapter 4 analyzes the dynamic relationship structure between the firm and the objective network. The effect the firm be subjected to the network architecture feature
    is differential along with its network status. First it analyzes the network architecture feature. Secondly it analyzes the network governance mechanism to objectively network (trust mechanism, reputation mechanism, and legality mechanism) . Through the time dimension analyze the embedded relationship, the network possesses four properties: social property, institutional property, capability property, and action property. There are two measurements for firm's network ecologic status: network centrality and betweenness centrality. It points out that the human network enlarges the boundary of the strategic network.Chapter 5 analyzes the essential element of strategy network-the individual alliance from process and structure respects. The process governance is originated from the alliance life cycle. There are such several phases: ready phase, formation phase, operation phase, disintegration. The governance structure is originated from the equilibrium idea, the business alliance will follow the strategy target equilibrium (profit together with cost equilibrium), the governance measure equilibrium (formally together with informal governance). First of all analyze the capability profit against the cost of the alliance. The alliance governance is based on two kinds of measure: trust and control, probe into the differential effect that they adjust the alliance strategy target.Chapter 6 probes into the administration of alliance portfolio. First of all it analyzes the room that the alliance portfolio occupies: geography dimension, marketspace dimension. Secondly through the multistage of capability life cycle it analyzes the design of the alliance portfolio based on capability. On this base it proposes the strategy network matrix: alliance-capability portfolio. There are different values among different alliances. The firm needs to choose enter, maintain, recombine, and exit alliances on the successive time dimension. Managing alliance portfolio takes capability operation idea as guide, the essence is the capability selection, development, intervene, maintain, evacuate on the successive time dimension. Thirdly analyzes the dynamic cooperation mechanism among different alliances. Managing alliance portfolio needs the support of the alliance function and business culture.Chapter 7 probes into the industrial cases of software, depict the strategic network concreting progress, 1, industrial structure analysis, 2, the industrial value distribution, the capability property of the software industry, 3, the strategy network pattern of the software industry, 4, go into strategy network constructing, 5, evaluate the networkChapter 8 is conclusion, summarize briefly main innovation point. Summarize
    the deficiency and point out the research orientation further. Innovation point:1, Consider the relationship between the network and the enterprise based on strategy, takes the capability development as the point of departure, construct the ego central strategic network enrich the network theory further.2, Point out the ego central strategic network may be divided into the element layer (individual alliance), noumenon layer (alliance portfolio), objectively network layer. Analyze capability dynamic mechanism along with three layers in the strategy network.3, Propose to individual alliance governance mechanism based on capability. The alliance will follow the strategy equilibrium target: profit together with cost equilibrium, the governance measure equilibrium (formally together with informal governance). The alliance governance is based on two kinds of measure: trust and control, probe into the different effect that they adjust the alliance strategy target.4, Propose the research framework on alliance portfolio, through the multistage of capability life cycle analyzing the design of the alliance portfolio based on business capability. On this base proposes the strategy network matrix: alliance-capability portfolio. Analyze the dynamic cooperation mechanism among alliance portfolio.
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