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This article explores managerial work of senior managers using grounded theory method. Combining qualitative and quantitative studies, the present article identifies and categorizes managerial work activities and cognitive models used by senior managers regarding the nature of their work, which can potentially open new avenues for future research. After exploratory factor analysis and content validity test, this paper also proposes the antecedent variables of managerial work from individual, organization and environment perspectives, then, taking an empirical research examining the influence mechanism of managerial work on career achievement and organizational performance.
     Explanations for three major research questions, empirical method and research findings are as below.
     First of all, the present article produces managerial work patterns and cognitive models. Based on literature review, the paper establishes 12 managerial work patterns and 3 cognitive models through semi-structured survey, data coding and content analysis. Content validity of work patterns and cognitive models is tested by interview. Compared to Western findings, this article addresses unique dimensions on managerial work content and time distribution. The article further develops managerial work questionnaire and confirms the validity and reliability of managerial work study.
     Secondary, the article explores the antecedent variables of managerial work from individual, organization and environment perspectives. Ownership, position, function and environment uncertainty are used to test the effects on managerial work. This study adopts regression analysis to examine the impacts of the antecedent model by STATA 10.0(SE version) software because antecedent variables are category variables such as ownership, position and functin. The hypotheses of antecedence have been confirmed.
     Finally, the article explores the effects of managerial work on career achievement and organizational performance. In present, the executive research is focusing on executive leadership behavior which has flourished some important theories in the relationship of leadership behavior and organizational performance. There is few studies has been taken on the relationship of managerial work behavior and organizational performance. The senior managers are an integrated identity of both leadership behavior and managerial behavior. The present article explores the influence by using 5 dimensions of managerial work on product performance, managerial performance and financial performance regarding to the organization. Meanwhile, the article also analyzes the influence of managerial work on career achievement comparing the research results with existed Western findings. The impact of cognitive models on organizational performance has also been checked empirically. The results show that internal-external cognitive model has significant impact on organizational performance.
     The contributions of this article mainly concentrated on the following three aspects: (1) This study is a basic research on managerial work in the Chinese context. On the basic logic of analysis on managerial work and internal assumptions, this study brings out 12 managerial work behaviors and 3 cognitive models and establishes a clear definition and interpretation examples for the patterns of managerial work and cognitive models. EFA and content validity already confirms the effectiveness of both of it. (2) This study explores the antecedent variables from individual, organization and environment perspectives, better interpreting the differences of senior managers' behavior. (3) This study also explores the influence of managerial work behavior and cognitive models on career achievement and organizational performance.
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