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There are radical changes in social development, coordination and organization recent years, this will inevitably affect the handling of natural disasters. Government, business, public, NGO are all to participate in governance and decision-making process.
     Most natural catastrophe risks are compound of the complexity, uncertainty and ambiguity compound. In the risk society, natural catastrophe has complex linkages of political, social and cultural aspect. Natural catastrophe research is entering a new phase of catastrophe risk governance from risk management.
     In recent years, social media greatly changed the way people live and disaster management. In theory, five key features of social media:Collective, connectivity, completeness, clarity, and collaboration, making it suitable for risk management. In practice, social media in disaster relief also shows great influence. Social media is not only the information tools, but also the risk of constructing tools, risk communication tool, emotional connection tools, social participation tools.
     This paper conducts a comprehensive study of social media to improve catastrophe governance, as the following aspects.
     Chapter I, Introduction section. Based on the challenges of the grim situation of catastrophe risks encountered with traditional catastrophe risk management indicating the research background, pointed out that social media in disaster relief has showed great strength, further integration of social media and catastrophe risk governance is inevitable.
     Chapter II, Literature Review. Risk itself is a multi-and interdisciplinary subjects in risk society, and therefore the introduction of risk governance framework is more suitable for analysis. This chapter thourouly check the basic concepts and basic features of risk, catastrophy risk, risk governance, catastrophe risk governance and social media. We then expand the IRGC risk governance framework to use in this paper.
     Chapter III. Mechanism of social media affects catastrophe risk governance. This chapter begins with characteristics of natural catastrophe, points out the feasibility and the principles of applying risk governance framework to natural catastrophy, we then examine the subject of social media participation in natural catastrophe risk governance, and study the general mechanism of action, the core mechanism of action, the instrumental mechanism, the participatory mechanisms, the affective mechanisms using social media in catastrophe risk governance mechanism. Finally, we discusses the governance challenges of social media brings.
     Chapter Ⅳ. The practices of social media in catastrophe risk governance. We review the practice and case of using social media in catastrophy in the United States, China and the earthquake in Haiti, Sri Lanka tsunami, earthquake in Japan.
     Next, based on risk governance framework, were investigated in accordance with the participation of the main subject of the role of social media use in catastrophe risk governance.
     Chapter V. The analysis of government involved in the catastrophe risk governance by using of social media. We treat social media as a policy tool, analyze the framework and the role of social media affects government. Point out social media is a high-efficiency, low-cost policy tools and instruments that can make catastrophy prevention, risk communication, risk culture shaping more efficient.
     Chapter VI. Focusing on the use of social media for market players,especially insurer, involved in risk governance. The interactivity, rapid, convenience and openness characteristics, build opportunities and challenges in catastrophe insurance market, we constructs a model of evolutionary game including government, insurance companies, consumer in catastrophe insurance markets, focusing on analysis of social media by acting on the consumer's perception of risk and perceived value of the product and thus the evolution of the catastrophe insurance market equilibrium, and the evolution of the equilibrium model of a detailed comparative static analysis. The results showed that the rational use of social media can influence consumers' perception of risk, the cost of the insurance company's products, claims and other aspects of efficiency, lower cost, more efficient to promote balanced catastrophe insurance market.
     Chapter VII. This Chapter analyzes the public using social media in catastrophe risk governance. Focus on the public participation, pointing out the public participation through social media is conducive to the formation of collective wisdom, and investigate several forms the public using social media in.
     Chapter VIII. Alalyze the role of social media in the risk communication of catastrophe. Risk communication has become a key component in risk construction process. This chapter analyzes the significance of risk communication, the framework, mechanisms and challenges of risk communication using social media, focusing on analysis of the mechanism of social media rumor generation and suppression.
     Chapter Ⅸ. Evaluate social media in catastrophe risk governance. Measure social media influence and role in the catastrophe governance. Since the IRGC risk governance framework has no related issue, this chapter attempts to establish a preliminary evaluation framework and indicators.
     Chapter X, the main conclusions and outlook. This chapter is a summary of the full text and supplements. Discusses the main conclusions obtained in this study, the core point of view, as well as the process of research gaps and future research prospects.
     Through the above analysis and exploration, this article has made the following progress and innovation:
     1、Fill the theoretical gaps in our catastrophe risk management by systematic analysis of the role of social media in catastrophe risk governance.
     At home and abroad, there is no systematic theoretical framework of the discipline and studies on the role of social media in catastrophe risk governance. This paper reviews major studies of social media in disaster management, expand IRGC risk governance framework, conduct a comprehensive analysis of the effect and mechanism of social media's role in catastrophe risk governance.
     2、Present new ideas for more effective use of social media by comprehensive exploration of the catastrophe risk governance.
     Based on the theoretical analysis and case practice, puts forward some ideas and suggestions on the various stages of the participating subjects and how to use social media to improve disaster catastrophe risk governance.
     3、Analyze the role of social media to improve catastrophe insurance market in an innovative way by leveraging evolutionary game theory and risk perception theory.
     Constructed an evolutionary game model, including government, insurance companies, consumer in catastrophe insurance market, analyzes the role of social media by perception and perceived value of the product in the consumer's risk, and thus study the evolution of catastrophe insurance market equilibrium.
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