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     本文首先对密近双星磁活动的基本分析方法进行了简要的介绍。然后重点对RS CVn型密近双型光变特性、黑子活动和W UMa型密近双星的光变特性、轨道周期变化与磁活动之间的联系进行了研究,我们的主要结果如下:
     3.使用Wilson-DevInney方法分析了RS CVn型食双星BH Virginis 1953年至1991年的光电测光资料,获得了BH Virginis的基本轨道参数和逐年黑子活动参数,发现BH Virginis 1953-1954年1963-1964年次子星光球表面上存在大面积低温黑子活动区,通过对1953-1954年的兰光光变曲线和1977年、1986年的光变曲线分析,发现BH Virginis 1953-1954年、1977年和1986年可能存在光学耀发事件;同时还发现BH Virginis1984年的黑子活动参量与1991年的黑子活动参量非常接近。通过分析逐年黑子活动区面积,发现BH Virginis低温黑子活动区总面积从1953年到1991年存在着明显的变化,总面积最大发生在1953-1954年和1963-1964年,总面积最小发生在1957年、1977年和1986年,这种观测分析结果说明BH Virginis可能存在周期性黑子活动,其活动周期为10年左右,与Qian等人通过对BH Virginis进行轨道周期分析得出的磁活动周期一致。
     4.对W UMa型相接双星RZ Com进行了B波段CCD测光观测,获得了5个光变极小时刻,其中2个主极小和3个次极小。用最新版本的Wilson-Devinney程序求解了RZ Com的基本轨道参数,结果显示:RZ Com是一个W次型相接双星系统,其质量系数为q=m_2/m_1=2.226±0.013,次子星光球表面温度T_2=4842±8K,略低于主子星光球表面温度T_1。从光变曲线分析,没有发现磁活动现象。
     5.对UMa型相接双星V714 Monocerotis进行了BV两色CCD测光观测,获得了
The magnetic activities of the close binaries mainly refer to the form of a series special movement of the material in the close binaries under the force of strong magnetic field, or when drastic changes have been taken place in magnetic fields. It can cause a series of observation effects, such as star-spot activity, optical flare events, the uneven distribution of the chemical element abundances, stellar wind, the changes of the orbital period and the chromospherically activities.
    In the present thesis, we first of all introduce the basic methods of analyzing the magnetic activity of close binaries. And then, we study the light change characteristic, star-spot activities of the RS CVn-type close binaries, and the relation among the light change characteristic, the orbital period changes and magnetic activities of W UMa-type binaries. The main results are the following :
    1. According to tow main observation methods in study of stellar active regions, the photoelectric observation and Doppler Imaging process and by using the solutions of Milne-Eddington approximation and the gray atmosphere model, we have discussed the Doppler Imaging of rotating stellar basing on analyzing function of spectral line broadening. It is suggested that the local profile function can be given by Φ(v,M,Ψ) = K(v) * G_M (v), here K(v)is Voigt function; G_M(v) is called as the local rotation profile function. After obtaining the local profile function Φ(v,M,Ψ), we have then calculated the local line depth and analyzed Doppler Imaging procedure of star-spots, abundance of the element and magnetic field of the star surface.
    2. Taking the magnetic structure of the spotted active region as the magnetic mirror field and using magnetic-hydrodynamic theory we have analyzed the interaction between magnetically-confined plasma and the magnetic waves in the spotted active regions. The result shows that there is energy transport from the particles to the waves of plasma in the spotted active region. Since the magnetic wave receives the energy from the plasma, the magnetic wave's instability increases while the plasma temperature decrease. Thus the low temperature spotted region is formed.
    3. The photoelectric light curves of BH Virginis in 4650(A|°) and 5550(A|°) bands observed by
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