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嵌入式系统正朝着复杂化、大规模化和智能化的方向发展,对功能、性能、功耗和成本等方面提出了更多的要求和约束。如何在不同的要求和约束之间取得平衡是未来嵌入式系统设计所必须面对的挑战。平台化设计(Platform-Based Design)是应对这一挑战,在嵌入式系统诸多要求和约束中取得平衡的有效方法之一。平台化设计是一种系统级的设计方法,既包括软件平台化也包括硬件平台化,其核心一方面是强调软硬件的可复用性和可编程性从而实现对不同应用的灵活性,另一方面是强调硬/软件协同设计从而实现设计的优化。针对实时和中小型嵌入式系统,以实时操作系统(Real-Time Operating System, RTOS)为中心的平台化设计是一种更为合适的选择。本文对以实时操作系统为中心的嵌入式系统平台化设计进行了详细研究,围绕开放实时嵌入式系统软件平台TOPPERS(Toyobashi OPen Platform of Embedded Real-timeSystem)提出并实现了一个面向中小型嵌入式系统软硬件全可编程的快速原型开发平台,具体应用在工业测量仪器仪表、移动机器人和运动控制等领域中。适当放宽成本和功耗约束后,改进和扩展后的平台也适用于高端嵌入式系统。本文工作主要贡献如下。
     本文将平台化设计与所实现的基础平台具体应用于移动机器人领域,提出了一种新型混合实时移动机器人平台(Hybrid Real-time Mobile Robot Platform, HRMRP),实时、异构和组件化是其主要特点。该平台在结构上包含三层,数据层负责外设接口和硬件加速,实时控制层负责实时控制,高性能层负责高级复杂的功能。HRMRP在硬件上进一步提升了核心器件的性能,在软件上针对移动机器人的特点设计了更多的中间件并引入了机器人分布式系统框架ROS(Robot Operating System),从而实现了一个更加完整的应用平台。
In recent years, with increasing needs and demands, embedded systems are becomingmore and more complicated, large-scale and smart, and have many constraints whichalways conflict with each other, such as features, performance, power and cost. How tomake a good balance among different requirements and constraints is a great challenge ofembedded system design in the future. Corresponding to this challenge, Platform-BasedDesign (PBD) is an appropriate method to make a trade-off among different requirementsand constraints. Platform-based design is a system level design methodology where the coreone hand is the programmability and reusability in both software and hardware to guaranteethe flexibility for different applications, the other hand is the hardware/software co-designto optimize the design. For real-time and small-to middle scale embedded systems, theReal-Time Operating System (RTOS)-centric platform based design is a more appropriateapproach. In this thesis, a detailed research on it is presented. A hardware&software allprogrammable rapid protype platform for small-to middle-scale embedded system isconstructed above on Toyobashi OPen Platform for Embedded Real-time System(TOPPERS), and applied in different fields such as motion control system, instrument andmeter and mobile robot. The main contributions of this thesis are as follow.
     As the core and base of platform based design in this thesis, the features of RTOS suchas performance, memory footprint, and scalability have a great impact on the wholeplatform. A detailed qualitative and quantitative evaluation of representative open sourceRTOSs is presented. The differences, advantages and disadvantages of selected RTOSs arediscussed. The key criterias of RTOS and the corresponding benchmark methods are alsoproposed, and are useful for the selection, application, design and improvement of RTOS.Through evaluation and comparison, TOPPERS is chosen as the core and base,
     The details of RTOS-centric platform-based design are researched. A hardware and software all programmable rapid protype platform is proposed and implemented. Inhardware, this platform has hybrid architecture of processor-programmable logic; Insoftware, this platform is constructed on TOPPERS software components. An RTOS-centrichardware/software co-design approach is also proposed for this platform, including theconstruction of a hardware/software co-simulation environment. The evaluation results andthe real application show that this platform is all programmable in hardware and software,and makes a balance among cost, features and performance.
     As a specific application of the previous platform, a Hybrid Real-time Mobile RobotPlatform (HRMRP) is proposed and has the features of hybrid, real-time and component.There are3layers in HRMRP, data layer for sensors and actuators, real-time layer forreal-time control of mobile robot’s behavior, and high performance layer for more advancedand complex operations. In hardware, the performance of core devices is enhanced; Insoftware, more middlewares are designed and the adoption of Robot Operating System(ROS) makes the platform more complete for mobile robot application.
     Finally, for more complex high-end embedded systems, we propose the correspondingimprovements based on a heterogeneous multi-core all-programmable System on Chip(SoC). Although the constraints on power and cost are loosen, the improvements on features,performance and flexibility are obvious. The dual-OS virtualization of RTOS andGeneral-Purpose Operating System (GPOS) in multi-core system is implemented. TheRTOS and GPOS are isolated from each other through hardware security mechanism, so thefunctionality of GPOS and the real-time and reliability of RTOS are guaranteed together.
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