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China is a large agricultural producing country with mainly small-scale production subjects. Improving the agricultural supply chain management is an important way to improve the competitiveness of China's agricultural products and to meet the everyday needs of the residents. However, at this stage, farmers 'small farmer' condition (small-scale production, backward mode of production, low level of organization) makes them on a disadvantage position at a long time. This weak position of farmers not only makes them to face greater risk of supply chain, but also has become the difficulty for developing the overall competitiveness of China in practice. Therefore, based on the farmers perspective in the agricultural supply chain risk identification, assessment and control studies is not only a difficult problem which each supply chain management and related problems researcher is facing, but also an import way to improve the competitiveness of agricultural products and to stabilize farmers' income.
     Base on previous studies, combined with China's agricultural supply chain development status and characteristics, this paper used interviews and questionnaire survey methods to identify the potential risk factors in the agricultural supply chain. And we constructed a supply chain risk assessment system base on the farmer perspective. Then we use F-AHP assessment model to assess the agricultural supply chain risk. At last, we proposed related risk control measures. The main content and conclusions of this paper are:
     1. Risk Identification:We carried out 16 risk factors through small-scale pre-investigation and in-depth interviews of farmers in Zhejiang Province. Then we use factor analysis to analyze 141 questionnaire, extracted four common factors from 16 risk variables. At last we classified agricultural supply chain risk into 4 risks: supply risk, production and management risk, cooperation and market risk and external environment risk.
     2. Risk assessment:We determined the supply chain evaluation index system, built an F-AHP model, used empirical data to evaluate current agricultural supply chain risk. We had the following conclusions. (1)According to the AHP method, we get the weighted risk orders:Demand risk> Production and manage risk> Supply risk> External environmental risks; (2)The overall agricultural supply chain risk level is on the high side. (3)The main 6 reasons which caused conclusions(2) are the greater degree of price volatility of production data, unreasonable daily management in production process, more serious production quality and safety problem, difficulty in dealing with market demand changes and market price fluctuations of agricultural products.
     3. Risk Control:Based on risk identification and risk assessment result, this paper proposed a government leading suggestion. We proposed we should control the four agricultural supply chain risks from four agricultural support, agricultural insurance, rural specialized cooperative organizations construction and government regulations and through risk transfer and lost control.
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