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     其次,为了提高可靠性权重比特翻转(reliability ratio-based weighted bit-flipping,RRWBF)算法的译码速度,本文提出多比特翻转机制来加快RRWBF算法的收敛速度。具体来讲,在每次译码迭代中,根据伴随向量的重量选择合理数量的比特,然后同时翻转这些比特的硬判结果来完成迭代译码,进而有效的解决RRWBF算法中由单比特翻转造成的收敛速度慢的问题。另外,本文还提出了一种新颖的迭代提前停止机制用于消除算法译码过程中出现的无效迭代,从而进一步提高算法的收敛速度。但是,使用多比特翻转机制的RRWBF算法,译码过程中出现与单比特翻转类似的循环翻转现象,影响其译码性能。为此,本文提出一种循环翻转消除机制来破坏多比特翻转译码过程中产生的循环翻转,进而提高其译码性能。
     最后,本文针对欧氏几何LDPC码码字的循环特性以及fast weighted bitflipping (FWBF)算法的结构特点设计高速LDPC译码器。欧氏几何LDPC码具有良好的低错误平层特性,结合FWBF算法的快速译码特性,可以很好满足光通信等高速、高质量传输通信系统的要求。
Because of its near Shannon-limit performance, low-density parity-check (LDPC)codes has obtained considerable study. In order to obtain a good decoding performance,all the decoding algorithms of LDPC codes have been extensively studied. Beliefpropagation (BP) algorithm has good decoding performance but appears a high errorfloor in its decoding process. Hence, BP cannot work well in the communicationssystem requiring an extremely low error rate. The modified weighted bit flipping (WBF)algorithms can be used to design a high-speed decoder because of their lowcomputational complexity, which makes the WBF-based algorithms work well in thehigh-speed data transmission system. In this paper, we study the modified BP algorithmto lower the error floor and the enhanced WBF algorithm to implement the fastdecoding of the LDPC codes.
     Firstly, In order to improve the decoding speed of LDPC codes, a fast weighted bitflipping algorithm with parallel bit-chosen is proposed to lower the delay of choosingthe flipped bit. In this scheme, all the bits are first divided into several blocks accordingto the uniform error distribution in the received vector. And then, one bit is chosen fromeach block to form the candidate set of the flipped bits. Finally, a proper number of bitsare chosen from the candidate set and flipped to implement the flipping decoding.Furthermore, the tree sorting method is adopted to decrease the computationalcomplexity of the key module of the proposed algorithm. The proposed scheme and themethod of hardware implement can achieve significant improvement in the decodingspeed.
     Secondly, in order to improve the decoding speed of the reliability ratio-basedweighted bit-flipping (RRWBF) algorithm, we propose a multiple-bits selectionmechanism to accelerate the decoding convergence of the RRWBF algorithm.Specifically, based on the weight of syndrome vector, reasonable quantities of bits areselected to flip in each iteration. This mechanism can effectively solve the problem oflow convergence speed of single-bit flipping algorithm. In addition, a novel earlystopping criterion is also introduced which can further raise up the convergence speedof the LDPC decoding. However, the RRWBF algorithm with the multiple-bits selection mechanism will appear the bit-repeated flipping, which can impair thedecoding performance of the RRWBF algorithm. Hence, a bit-repeated flippingelimination mechanism is proposed to reduce the bit-repeated flipping in the process ofthe multiple-bits flipping decoding.
     Thirdly, in order to more exactly describe the error-floor phenomenon in the iterativedecoding of LDPC codes, a modified concept of the stable trapping set is introduced.Based on this new concept, an improved belief propagation algorithm with set-breakingmechanism is proposed to lower the error-floors of LDPC codes. Specifically, messageranking of the bit nodes in the stable trapping sets will be greatly lowered than that ofother bit nodes in the iterative decoding process. By using this characteristic to label thebit nodes in the set, their initial log likelihood ratios will be flipped to break the stabletrapping set and then restart to decode. In the decoding process of the BP algorithm, itwill appear much oscillation error, namely, the hard-decision digits of some bit nodesare always changed, which can result in decoding failure. In order to describe this typeof decoding failure, a modified concept of the unstable trapping set is introduced. Basedon this new concept, an improved belief propagation algorithm is proposed to eliminatethe oscillation error to improve the decoding performance of the LDPC codes.
     Finally, a FWBF decoder is designed to implement the high-speed decoding ofEG-LDPC codes according to their cyclic characteristic. EG-LDPC codes have a lowerror floor and FWBF has a fast decoding speed. Hence, the FWBF decoder based onEG-LDPC codes can well applied in the communications systems which require thedata is transmitted with high speed and reliablity.
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