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在过去的几十年中,各种各样的单光子探测器件和技术在量子光学和传统光学中都有着广泛的应用,为基础物理的研究和应用光学的发展都做出了积极的贡献。不同的单光子探测器有这个各自的优缺点,其中基于雪崩光电二极管(Avalanche Photodiode APD)的单光子探测器在这一领域有着举足轻重的地位。虽然该种探测器已凭借其具有的高探测效率、大动态范围、低偏置电压、低功耗和结构简单等优点在量子光学、量子信息学、超灵敏激光雷达系统、超灵敏光谱、生物和医学光子学等领域获得了广泛应用,但是其仍有许多性能上的突破空间和应用可能性需要更进一步的探索研究。本论文基于高速APD单光子探测器的新性能研发,围绕着“探索APD单光子探测和光子数可分辨探测技术的新应用”这一主线,拓展APD单光子探测器在量子光学、量子信息学和超灵敏激光雷达领域的应用。通过理论和实验研究验证了高速APD单光子探测器在量子密钥分发、量子随机数、激光测距与成像中的独特优势。
     1.研究并验证了正弦门驱动的铟镓砷/铟磷(InGaAs/InP) APD单光子探测器的准连续探测模式,使InGaAs/InP APD单光子探测器兼具了门驱动模式的优势和连续探测的性能。进一步深入研究了其时间特性,分析了造成其时间抖动的原理,并提出了门信号幅度与滤波器优化配合的解决方案。该种1GHz正弦波驱动技术实现了InGaAs/InP APD单光子探测器在准连续工作模式下达到4.7%的探测效率和180ps的时间抖动。
     2.首次采用准连续InGaAs/InP APD单光子探测器,实现了1550nm激光测距实验。在32m的实测距离和日光辐射背景下得到了3cm的最小表面分辨率,基于实验数据推算了该系统只需0.26nJ的每脉冲能量就可以达到300m的最大工作距离,为实现机载和星载平台的远距离人眼安全激光测距系统提供了实验基础。
     3.通过实验验证了在使用Si APD单光子探测器的测距系统中,工作在1036nm波长的激光测距系统与工作在1064nm波长的激光测距系统相比,探测效率可以从4.3%提升为9.7%,并在32m的实测距离和日光辐射背景下得到了15cm的最小表面分辨度。此外,基于实验数据拟合验证了该系统只需1μJ的每脉冲能量就可以达到14.3km的最大工作距离,为远距离近红外激光遥感和激光雷达系统提供了更优的选择可能。
     4.利用1.5GHz正弦波驱动的高速InGaAs/InP APD单光子探测器实现了1550nm扫描型3D激光成像实验,该实验系统实现了工作在1550nm的3D激光成像,对32m距离的四个方体目标的成像实验验证了该眼安全波段超灵敏3D激光成像系统在日光背景下工作的可行性。
     6.深入研究Counterfactual Quantum Key Distribution (QKD)方案的理论模型和可行性,提出了改良方案。在国际上首次在12.5km的光纤量子信道中实现了Counterfactual QKD,并针对不同的窃听方案分析了该方案的通讯安全性。
The past decades have seen a dramatic increase of interest in various kinds of new single-photon detectors (SPDs) technologies and their wide application, including quantum optics and classi optics. These detectors have served as indispensable key devices in both basic and application physics research. Although different SPDs have their own advantages and disadvantages, the SPDs based on Avalanche Photo-Diode (APD) are one of the most important detectors. Among all kinds of detectors, APD based SPDs have some special advantages, such as high detection efficiency, large dynamic range, relatively low bias voltage, low power consumption;and relatively simple system-structure. Thus, they have been widely used in quantum optics, quantum information, ultra-sensitive spectroscopy, bio-photonics and medical-photonics. However, there are still lots of potential technical breakthrough and new application waiting for us to discover. My works in this thesis mainly focus on the development and new application of high speed APD-based single-photon detectors and photon-number-resolving detectors. Besides, I theoretically and experimentally verified the applications of SPD in quantum-key-distribution, quantum-random-number-generator, laser ranging and3D imaging system. And I am trying to expand the application possibilities of APD-based photon-counting detectors in quantum optics and lidar system.
     The works demonstrated in this thesis include:
     1. A deeper study on GHz sine-wave gated InGaAs/InP APD indicated that it can be operated in a quasi-continuous mode. The research also showed that the APD, operating in the sine-wave gating mode, combined both advantages of gate mode and countinue mode. We tested its timing performance and found out the key influencing factor. The optimized1-GHz sine-wave gated InGaAs/InP SPD could offer4.7%detection efficiency and180-ps timing jitter.
     2. We demonstrated a single-photon laser ranging system at1550nm with an optimized1-GHz sine-wave gated InGaAs/InP APD SPD. By using a time-of-flight TCSPC approach, we achieved3cm depth resolution at32m distance in daylight environment. It provides a simple way to build an ultra-high sensitive1550nm laser ranging system at eye-safe spectral region. Benefiting from low power consumption of the devices used in this system, it is promising to be a mobile single-photon range finder for long-distance application.
     3. We demonstrated a laser ranging experiment obtained with a Geiger-mode silicon avalanche photodiode (Si GAPD). The surface-to-surface resolution of15cm was achieved with TCSPC. In the experiment, a mode-locked Yb-doped fiber laser at1036nm was applied, which made the detection efficiency of Si APD increased from4.3%to9.7%, comparing with1064-nm laser-source ranging system. And the system could measure the non-cooperated object longer than14.3km far away with1μJ per pulse laser output theoretically, which was tested through inserting the optical loss. It presented a potential for hundreds-of-kilometer laser ranging at low-light level.
     4. We demonstrated a3D laser imaging system at1550nm with an optimized1.5-GHz sine-wave gated Geiger-mode InGaAs/InP APD single-photon detector. Two computer-controlled galvanometer mirrors steered the laser beam over the target and scanned in a pixel-by-pixel raster-scanning pattern. Meanwhile the time-of-flight measurement on the arriving photons provided the distance information of the targets, thereby achieving3D laser imaging. This system has shown a potential of low-energy and eye-safe fast3D laser imaging system for long-distance measurement.
     5. We demonstrated a high-efficiency quantum random number generator which takes inherent advantage of the photon number distribution randomness of a coherent light source. This scheme was realized by comparing the photon flux of consecutive pulses with a photon number resolving detector. The random bit generation rate could reach2.4MHz with a system clock of6.0MHz, corresponding to random bit generation efficiency as high as40%.
     6. For the first time to our knowledge, we realized the counterfactual QKD experiment in a round-way unbalanced Mach-Zehnder interferometer of12.5km fiber length. The counterfactual QKD protocol provides a powerful security proving method by monitoring the photon distribution of each detector. Despite7.2%of error rate on Bob's data, the security of the system is guaranteed that there is no intercept-resend attack according to the unchanged photon distribution of each detector used in the QKD system. And secret keys could be obtained preventing the passive PNS attack. The counterfactual QKD scheme was implemented with currently available technologies, promising a robust and practical quantum cryptography system toward global secure communication.
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