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     2.为了评价CT灌注和CTA技术应用于颈动脉闭塞性病变的可行性,探讨多层螺旋CT多序列成像的临床应用价值,我们首先探讨了多层螺旋CT头颈部血管成像的技术。针对16排多层螺旋CT扫描速度快的特点,评价了低剂量对比剂血管成像的可行性(75ml 12例,55ml 8例),并对重建技术进行了对比评价。然
    Stroke is the most common life-threatening neurological disease and remains the major cause of disability among adults. In recent years, imaging studies have focused on the diagnosis of hyperacute stroke, and those studies have improved the treatment and reduced the mortality of stroke. But there will be of more clinical significance if we could predict the occurrence of stroke and take prophylactic treatment for patients with higher risk of stroke. It has been proved that severe carotid occlusive disease is the major factor of ischemic stroke. The degree of carotid stenosis, plaque characteristics, and the cerebral hemodynamic impairment are all relative to the occurrence of stroke .With the advanced multi-slice CT, it has become possible to evaluate those variables in one-time CT examination.
    Aims of the thesis
    1. The overall aim is to improve the diagnosis and prediction of stroke in patients with severe carotid occlusive diseases in clinical MSCT analysis.
    2. To investigate the hemodynamic risk factors for stroke using proper animal models.
    3. To evaluate CT perfusion in animal models with chronic cerebral hypoperfusion.
    4. To evaluate the combination of CTP and CTA in patients with symptomatic carotid occlusive disease.
    Materials and Methods
    Animal experiment
    1. the rat model was carried out on male Sprague-Dawley rats (300-350g in body weight). The bilateral vertebral arteries were occluded by electrocoagulation,then the right common carotid artery was ligated 1 hours later.
    2. One control group (false operative, n=10) and two rat model groups (n=10 for each
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