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WTO法(WTO Law)堪称当今世界调整国际间贸易关系的最重要的法律规则,它是一个由乌拉圭回合谈判所签署的一揽子协定以及根据这些协定所规定的若干原则、规则所组成的独立的、新型的法律体系。这样一个以国际条约为主体的规则体系当属于国际公法的范畴,但是,受GATT时期否定关贸总协定法律性质倾向的影响,WTO法的国际公法性质长期以来也一直受到质疑。一部分学者提出WTO规则并不具有法律拘束力,不是传统意义上的国际法规范。另有一些学者认为,WTO规则属于国际贸易法或国际公法的性质,但是国际贸易法或国际经济法与国际公法是建立在不同基础之上的不同制度体系,所以,WTO法也不是国际公法。还有部分学者认为WTO法是一个自给自足、自我封闭的法律体系,与国际公法等其他法律体系不发生直接的关系。针对上述观点,本文力图澄清WTO法的国际公法性质,并对WTO法与国际公法的关系进行全面系统地探讨,文章的主旨在于点明正确界定WTO法的法律性质及其与国际公法的关系对WTO法和国际公法的发展及其学术研究所具有的重要的意义。
WTO law is the most important legel system for international trade relations. It is composed of the package of all of the agreements that have been signed in the Uruguay Round and the principles and rules embedded in those agreements. WTO law mainly consists of international treaties so that it should belong to the scope of pubilic international law. But the nature of WTO law has not been correctly recoganized. Some scholars say that WTO rules are not legally binding so it will not fall into the category of pubilic international law. Other scholars believe that WTO law is of the nature of international trade law or international economic law. But they also think that international trade law or international economic law is different from international public law because of the different legal basis. According to their logic, WTO law can not be looked as a part of pubic international law. There are still some scholars who take the view that WTO law is a“self-contained”or“self-isolation”legal system and it has nothing to do with other other legal sustems including pubic international law. In response to these views, the paper sought to clarify the nature of WTO law and the relation of WTO law to pubic international law in a comprehensive and systematic way. The object of this thesis is to testify WTO law’s nature of intrnational law and analyze the legal relationship between WTO law and pubic international law.
     In structure, this thesis is divided into two parts and six chapters. The first part mainly demonstrates the nature of WTO law from a macro—perspective . This part consists of three sections. The first section briefly introduces the process of the foundation of WTO organization and elaborated the concept of“WTO law”. The second section of the charpter analyses the reasons why WTO law is being excluded from the corpus of international law .In this section the author intrduces various theories negating WTO law’s international law nature and rebuts all those views.in the third section of this charpter, the author gives several resons for testifying her point that WTO law is one branch of the bigger tree of pubic international law. These reasons are: 1, WTO law is in line with international law’s definition. 2, The agreements in WTO legal system are essentially international treaties. 3, WTO law is a“public”system or a "public" order. 4, The principle of reciprocity in WTO law reflects the“mutual”feature in the creation and application of international law. 5, WTO law not only creates new rules but also recognizes the established and accepted norms in international law. The author also points out that WTO law’s nature of international law is gaining more and more recoganition by scholars and officials in WTO organization, and in the reaserch area, reserching WTO law from the new perspective of the rules of international law become more and more popular. In the last part of the first chapter, the author points out the siganifigance of making clear of the nature of WTO law and its relation to international law.
     Chapter II of this thesis analyzes and discusses the question of sources of WTO law while refering to sources of international law. The author believes that, first of all, WTO law is part of international law so that sources of international law speculated in Article 38 of the Statute of International Court of Justice are of important reference value in determining sources of WTO law. However, sources of WTO law are not fully equivalent to sources of international law. Because it will lead to confusing WTO law with international law therefore making WTO law lose its specialty. The author brings out that the question of what are the sources of WTO law is the same question of what are the forms of rules having been made in the scope of WTO.In this charpter the author discusses whether the WTO agreement, the previous reports of the panel and the appellate body of WTO, international customary law, the decisions made by organs in WTO constitute sources of WTO law.
     In the third chapter, the author discusses the relationship between WTO law and the fundamental principles in international law. The author holds that WTO law conforms to those principles. The rules of WTO law reflect the principle of state sovereign, principle of equity, principle of coherence, principle of good faith and pinciple of resolving disputes peacefully.
     In the forth chapter, the author mainly probes the relationship between WTO law and the rules of international treaty law. The author discusses this question from three aspects: the type of the treaty, the form of tyeaty negociation and treaty interpretation. The author concludes that firstly, the treaty of WTO is a special type called mixed agreement. Secondly, the form of negociation of WTO treaty is also special because it is a packed deal. Thirdly, in the process of treaty interpretation, the panel and the appellate body have been sticking to the coustomary rules of treaty interpretation in public international law. It is a relatively foreseeable and safety way of treaty interpretation. Through this way, the treaty interpretation of WTO agreements by WTO dispute settlement body can be more acceptable. In dealing with this issue, the author compares the way of treaty interpretation by WTO DSB with that of the ICJ and the court of Europe.
     The fifth chapter compares the system of legal responsibility under WTO law with the system of legal responsibility under general international law. Through the comparision, the author finds that the system of legal responsibility under WTO law is analogous to that under international law. The author then holds the view that the system of responsibility under WTO law actually stems from the system of responsibility under international law. In this sense the the system of responsibility under WTO law can not be seen as the“self—contained regime”and the general rules of legal responsibility under international law could fill in the gaps in the WTO law under some conditions.
     The last chapter of this essay deals with three questions in the process of WTO dispute settlement that the author thinks most relevent to the tenet of international law in this respect. By analying these three questions in detail,the author makes these findings:first,WTO dispute settlement system is a part of peaceful dispute settlement system of international society.Second, according to the investigation of the practice of the DSU,the WTO law is not a“self—contained”regime, because its openness to other rules in international law.Third, the WTO dispute settlement body is part of international justice system. The author then compares the WTO dispute settlement body with the ICJ and ITLOS.
     In the end, the author makes a concise conclsion of the whole thesis.
    3 John·H·Jackson, The Puzzle of GATT:Legal Aspects of a Surprising Institution,载《关贸总协定和世贸组织法理》,高等教育出版社2002年第2版,第21页。
    4 [美]约翰·杰克森著:《关贸总协定:国际经贸中的法律与政策》,赵维田译,海天出版社1993年版,第31页。
    1 [美]安妮·O·克鲁格编:《作为国际组织的WTO》,黄理平、彭利平、刘军等译,上海人民出版社2002年版,第57页。
    1 John·H·Jackson, The GATT and its Troubiled Origins,载《关贸总协定和世贸组织法理》,高等教育出版社2002年版,第15页。
    2 Bello, The WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding: Less is More?, American Journal of International Law, Vol.90, 1996, p.416.
    3 Ibid.,p.417.
    4 See Warren F. Schwartz and Alan O. Sykes, The Economic Structure of Renegotiation and Dispute Resolution in the World Trade Organization, The Journal of Legal Studies, Vol.31, 2002, p.179. See also Alan O.Sykes, The Remedy for Breach of Obligation under the WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding: Damages or Specific Performance? New Directions in the International Economic Law, edited by Marco Bronckers and Reinhard Quick,Kluwer Law Internatioal, 2000, p.350.
    1赞成者如芝加哥大学教授阿兰·O·塞克斯, See Alan O.Sykes, The Remedy for Breach of Obligation under the WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding: Damages or Specific Performance? New Directions in the International Economic Law, edited by Marco Bronckers and Reinhard Quick, Kluwer Law Internatioal, 2000, pp.349-351.
    2 John·H·Jackson, The WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding: Misunderstandings on the Nature of Legal Obligations, American Journal of International Law, Vol.91, 1997, p.63.
    3 Ibid., p.62.
    4 Pascal Lamy, The Place of the WTO and Its Law in the International Legal Order, European Journal of International Law, Vol.17, 2006, p.996.
    2 James Bacchus, Groping Toward Grotius: The WTO and the International Rule of Law, Harvard International Law Journal, Volume 44, 2003, p.547.
    1 [英]施米托夫著:《国际贸易法文选》,赵秀文译,中国大百科全书出版社1993年版,第264页。
    2 See Donald M.McRae, The WTO in International Law: Tradition Continued or New Frontier?, Journal of International Economic Law, Vol.3, 2000, p.29.
    3林昊:《谈WTO争端解决机制中的两个法律问题》,来源于北大法律信息网,http://www.chinalawinfo.com/xin/disxwpl.asp?code1=220&mark=3320 ( 2007年3月8日访问)
    4如1992年版的《奥本海国际法》(第9版)、伊恩·布朗利1996年版的《国际公法原理》和M.N.肖1991年版的《国际法》等著作都没有涉及GATT以及WTO的法律问题。但是一些新版的国际法著作或是在国际条约法和国际组织法的部分讨论这一问题或是使用“国际法与国际经济”、“关于国际的经济法”等措辞来介绍和讨论WTO法。如:M.N.肖的《国际法》第5版、Mark.W. Janis2003年版的《国际法概论》以及托马斯·伯根特尔、肖恩·D·墨菲合著的2004年版的《国际公法》等。
    3 WT/DS2/AB/R, p.17.
    4 Clauw-Dieter Ehlermann, Six Year on the Bench of“World Trade Court”, Journal of World Trade, Vol.36, 2002, pp.615-617.
    5 Pascal Lamy, The Place of the WTO and Its Law in the International Legal Order, European Journal of International Law, Vol.17, 2006, p.982.
    6 Ibid.
    1 James Bacchus, Groping Toward Grotius: The WTO and the International Rule of Law, Harvard International Law Journal, Volume 44, 2003, pp.540-541.
    2 Joost Pauwelyn, How Binding are WTO Rules? A Transatlantic Analysis of International Law, Presented at the University of Tuebingen, 14-16 October 2004 Conference on the Changing Patterns of Authority in the Global Political Economy. Available at http://eprints.law.duke.edu/archive/00001315/01/WTO_rules.pdf. (2007年5月31日访问).
    3 [英]詹宁斯、瓦茨修订,王铁崖、陈公绰、汤宗舜、周仁译,王铁崖校订:《奥本海国际法》第一卷,第一分册(一),中国大百科全书出版社1995年版,第3页。
    1 O’Connell, International Law, Vol.1, 2nd ed. , Oceana, 1970, p.205.
    2 See Joost Pauwelyn, The Role of Public International Law in the WTO:How Far Can We Go?, The American Journal of International Law,Vol.95, 2001, p.535.
    4 WT/DS8/AB/R, WT/DS10/AB/R, WT/DS11/AB/R, p.14.
    5 JoséE. Alvarez, Debra P. Steger, Afterword: The“Trade and…”Conundrum—A Commentary, American Journal of International Law, Vol.96, 2002, p.138.
    3 René, Reciprocity in Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, 65 BYIL(1994—1995),p.383.转引自李春林著:《国际法上的贸易与人权问题研究》,武汉大学出版社2007年版,第102页。
    1 See Joost Pauwelyn, The Role of Public International Law in the WTO:How Far Can We Go?, American Journal of International Law, Vol.95, 2001, p.543.
    3 Pascal Lamy, The Place of The WTO and Its Law in tne International Legal Order, European Journal of International Law, Vol.17, 2006, p.982.
    2 Joost Pauwelyn, How Binding are WTO Rules? A Transatlantic Analysis of International Law, Presented at the University of Tuebingen , 14-16 October 2004 Conference on Changing Patterns of Authority in the Global Political Economy. Available at http://eprints.law.duke.edu/archive/00001315/01/WTO_rules.pdf. (2007年5月31日访问)
    6 [英] J·G·斯塔克著:《国际法导论》,赵维田译,法律出版社1984年版,第32页。
    1 See David Palmeter and Petros C. Mavroidis, The WTO Legal System: Sources of Law, The American Journal of International Law, Vol.92, 1998, pp.398-399.
    2 See Joel P. Trachtman, The Domain of WTO Dispute Resolution, Harvard International Law Journal, vol.40, 1999, p.333.
    1 WT/DS33/AB/R, p.19.
    1 WT/DS8/AB/R, WT/DS10/AB/R, WT/DS11/AB/R, p.14.
    2 WT/DS56/AB/R, para.43.
    3 WT/DS8/AB/R, WT/DS10/AB/R, WT/DS11/AB/R, p.15.
    4 See David Palmeter and Petros C. Mavroidis, The WTO Legal System: Sources of Law, The American Journal of International Law, Vol.92, 1998, p.402.
    5 Ibid., p.401.
    2 E. McGovern, International Trade Regulation, p.1, p.12, p.22.转引自赵维田、刘敬东编著:《WTO:解释条约的习惯规则》,河南科学技术出版社2006年版,第25页。
    3 WT/DS58/AB/RW, para.107.
    2 See Donald M.McRae, The WTO in International Law:Tradition Continued or New Frontier?, Journal of International Economic Law, Vol.3, 2000, p.40.
    3 [英]詹宁斯、瓦茨修订:《奥本海国际法》第一卷,第一分册(一),王铁崖、陈公绰、汤宗舜、周仁译,中国大百科全书出版社1995年版,第15页。
    6 See David Palmeter and Petros C. Mavroidis, The WTO Legal System: Sources of Law, American Journal of International Law, Vol.92, 1998, p.407.
    4 [英]詹宁斯、瓦茨修订:《奥本海国际法》第一卷,第一分册(一),王铁崖、陈公绰、汤宗舜、周仁译,中国大百科全书出版社1995年版,第15页。
    1 WT/DS163/R, para.7.96.
    2 WT/DS138/R, para.6.17.
    3 WT/DS138/AB/R, para.49.
    4 Nabilia Ansari, International Patent Rights in a Post—Doha World, 11—WTR Currents, Int’l Trade L. J. 57,
    64(Winter 2002),转引自李春林著:《国际法上的贸易与人权问题研究》,武汉大学出版社2007年版,第227页。
    4 John H. Jackson, The Great 1994 Sovereinty Debate: United States Acceptance and Implementantion of the Uruguay Round Results,载《关贸总协定和世界贸易组织法理》,高等教育出版社,2002年11月第2版,第379页。
    1 [比]约斯特·鲍威林著:《国际公法规则之冲突---WTO法与其他国际法规则如何联系》,周忠海、周丽瑛、马静、黄建中等译,法律出版社2005年版,第42页。
    2 John H. Jackson, The Great 1994 Sovereinty Debate: United States Acceptance and Implementantion of the Uruguay Round Results,载《关贸总协定和世界贸易组织法理》,高等教育出版社,2002年11月第2版,第378页。
    4 [英]詹宁斯、瓦茨修订:《奥本海国际法》第一卷,第一分册(一),王铁崖、陈公绰、汤宗舜、周仁译,中国大百科全书出版社1995年版,第275页。
    1 Pascal Lamy, The Place of the WTO and Its Law in tne International Legal Order, European Journal of International Law, Vol.17, 2006, p.985.
    1 Pascal Lamy, The Place of the WTO and Its Law in tne International Legal Order, European Journal of International Law, Vol.17, 2006, pp.987-988.
    1 Pascal Lamy, The Place of the WTO and Its Law in tne International Legal Order, European Journal of International Law, Vol.17, 2006, p.1014.
    2 Ibid.
    3 Ibid., pp.1014—1015.
    1 WT/DS58/AB/R, para.158.
    2郑斌著:《国际法院或法庭所适用的一般法律原则》第4章,第125页,See WT/DS58/AB/R, footnote 156.
    6 WT/DS50/AB/R, para.46.
    7 WT/DS58/AB/R, para.114.
    6如几内亚比绍诉塞内加尔(Guinea-Bissau v. Senegal),国际法院判决第48段;利比亚诉乍得(Libya v. Chad),国际法院判决第41段、拉格朗案(Germany v. United States OF America),国际法院判决第99段。
    1 John H.Jackson, The World Trading System: Law and Policy of International Economic Relations, 2nd ed. , MIT Press, 1997, p.49.
    2 Ibid.
    3 Ibid., p.343.
    4 Ibid., p.49.
    6 Supra note 1, p.122.
    1 Thomas Skouteris, Customary Rule of Interpretation of Public International Law and Interpretative Practice in the WTO Dispute Settelement System, International Trade Law on the 50th Anniversary of the Multilateral Trade System, paolo mengozzi(ed.), Milan: Dott. A. GiuffrèEditore, 1999, p.126.
    2 WT/DS2/AB/R, p.17.
    3 WT/DS8/AB/R, WT/DS10/AB/R, WT/DS11/AB/R, p.10.
    4 WT/DS50/AB/R, para.46.
    5 See James Cameron and Kevin Gray, Principles of International Law in the WTO Dispute Settlement Body, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol. 50, 2001, pp.255-256.
    1 [美]约翰·H·杰克逊著:《世界贸易体制——国际经济关系的法律与政策》,张乃根译,复旦大学出版社2001年版,第136页。
    2 Sir Ian Sinclair, The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, Manchester University Press, 2nd edition, 1984, p.153.
    1 See Gabrielle Marceau, A Call for Coherence in International Law - Praises for the Prohibition Against“Clinical Isolation”in WTO Dispute Settlement, Journal of World Trade, Vol. 33, 1999, p.119.
    2 See James Cameron and Kevin Gray, Principles of International Law in the WTO Dispute Settlement Body, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol. 50, 2001, pp.255-256.
    1 Gy? Haraszti, Some Fundermental Problems of The Law of Treaties, Akadémiai KiadóBudapest, 1973, p.85.
    2 WT/DS202/AB/R, footnote162.
    3 WT/DS202/AB/R, para.163.
    4 WT/DS70/AB/R, para.187, footnote120.
    6 WT/DS70/AB/R, para.153.
    7 WT/DS108/AB/R, para.129.
    2 James Cameron and Kevin Gray, Principles of International Law in The WTO Dispute Settelment Body, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol. 50, 2001, p.255.
    3 WT/DS8/AB/R, WT/DS10/AB/R, WT/DS11/AB/R, p.21—22.
    4 WT/DS160/R, para6.45.
    1 WT/DS160/R, para6.46.
    2 Michael Lennard, Navigating By The Stars:Interpreting The WTO Agreements, Journal of International Economic Law, Vol.5, 2002, p.22.
    3 Ian Sinclair, The Vienna Convention and the Law of Treaties, 2nd ed., Manchester University Press, 1984, pp.129-130.
    4 Supra note 2.
    5 WT/DS8/AB/R, WT/DS10/AB/R, WT/DS11/AB/R, p.20.
    6 WT/DS58/AB/R, para.114-117.
    7 Ian Sinclair, The Vienna Convention and the Law of Treaties, 2nd ed., Manchester University Press, 1984, pp.130-131.
    1 Michael Lennard, Navigating By The Stars:Interpreting The WTO Agreements, Journal of International Economic Law, Vol.5, 2002, p.24.
    2 Ibid., p.23.
    4 ILC Final Draft Articles and Commentary on The Vienna Convention on The Law of Treaties(1969),in Sir Arthur Watts, KCMG, QC: The International Law Commission(1949-1998),Volume Two:The Treaties, partⅡ,Oxford University Press Inc.,1999,p.689.转引自张东平著:《WTO司法解释论》,厦门大学出版社2005年版,第37页、第91页。
    5 Ian Sinclair, The Vienna Convention and the Law of Treaties, 2nd ed, Manchester University Press, 1984, p.136.
    2 ILC Final Draft Articles and Commentary on The Vienna Convention on The Law of Treaties(1969),in Sir Arthur Watts, KCMG, QC: The International Law Commission(1949-1998),Volume Two:The Treaties, partⅡ,Oxford University Press Inc., 1999, p.689.转引自张东平著:《WTO司法解释论》,厦门大学出版社2005年版,第37页、第96页。
    3 Michael Lennard, Navigating By The Stars:Interpreting The WTO Agreements, Journal of International Economic Law, Vol.5, 2002, p.34.
    4 Ibid., p.35.
    5参见陈喜峰:《国际法不成体系中的WTO法》,资料来源:中国法院网,http://www.chinacourt.org/html/article/200601/09/191517.shtm (2008年1月15日访问)
    6 Gabrielle Marceau, A Call for Coherence in International Law - Praises for the Prohibition Against“Clinical Isolation”in WTO Dispute Settlement, Journal of World Trade, Vol. 33, 1999, p.125.
    2 See Michael Lennard, Navigating By The Stars:Interpreting The WTO Agreements, Journal of International Economic Law, Vol.5, 2002, p.30.
    3作者认为这种情形几乎不可能发生在解读WTO协定时,因为公认的强行法规则是有限的,如禁止种族灭绝、禁止海盗行为、禁止贩卖奴隶等,并且这些规则在最近的将来没有扩大到与WTO法相关的迹象。See Michael Lennard, Navigating By The Stars:Interpreting The WTO Agreements, Journal of International Economic Law, Vol.5, 2002, p.86, footnote317.
    2 [英]詹宁斯、瓦茨修订:《奥本海国际法》(第一卷、第一分册),王铁崖、陈公绰、汤宗舜、周仁译,中国大百科全书出版社1995年版,第15页。
    3 WT/DS163/R, para7.96.
    4 Ibid.
    5 WT/DS26/AB/R, WT/DS48/AB/R, para28.
    6 VCLT第28条(条约不溯及既往)规定:除条约表示不同意思,或灵境确定外,关于条约对以当事国生效之日以前所发生质任何行为或事实或已不存在之任何情势,条约之规定不对该当事国发生拘束力。
    1 See Gabrielle Marceau, A Call for Coherence in International Law - Praises for the Prohibition Against“Clinical Isolation”in WTO Dispute Settlement, Journal of World Trade, Vol. 33, 1999, p.124.
    2 See David Palmeter and Petros C. Mavroidis, The WTO Legal System: Sources of Law, American Journal of International Law, Vol.92, 1998, p.411.
    3 WTO上诉机构在“欧共体-荷尔蒙”案中阐述了这样的条约解释方法。
    4 WT/DS62/AB/R, para.84.
    3其中有“已判事项不重开”(resjudicata)、诚信原则/善意原则(bona fide)、信守约定(pacta sunt servanda)、禁止反言(estoppel)、禁止滥用权利(jus abutendi)、行使自己权利不得损害他人(qui jure sus utitur, neminin facit injuriam)、不法行为不产生权利(exinjuria jus non oritur)。参见邵津主编:《国际法》,北京大学出版社2000年版,第14页,脚注①。
    1 See Michael Lennard, Navigating By The Stars:Interpreting The WTO Agreements, Journal of International Economic Law, Vol.5, 2002, p.73, footnote135.
    5 Marco C. E. J. Bronckers, More Power to The WTO, Journal of International Economic Law, Vol.4, 2001, p.56.
    6 WT/DS58/AB/R, para158, footnote156.
    7 WT/DS33/AB/R, p.14.
    8 WT/DS56/R, footnote176.
    9 WT/DS56/R, footnote184.
    10 WT/DS56/R, footnote185.
    11 WT/DS50/AB/R, footnote26.
    12 WT/DS50/AB/R, footnote26, footnote28.
    13 WT/DS50/AB/R, footnote52.
    3 Pieter Jan Kuper, The Law of GATT as a Special Field of International Law, Netherland Yearbook of International Law, Vol.35, 1994, p.229.
    4 WT/DS8/R, WT/DS10/R, WT/DS11/R, para6.16, footnote87.
    5 WT/DS8/AB/R, WT/DS10/AB/R, WT/DS11/AB/R, p19.
    6 Jeff Waincymer, WTO Litigation, Procedural Aspects of Formal Dispute Settlement, Cameron May Ltd., 2002, p.483.
    1 WT/DS114/R, para67.15.
    2 Pascal Lamy, The Place of the WTO and Its Law in the International Legal Order, European Journal of International Law, Vol.17, 2006, p.982.
    3 Brown and Jacobs: The Court of Justice of the European Communities, 5th ed., Sweet & Maxwell, 2000, p.339.
    2 H. Lauterpacht, The Function of Law in the International Community, 1933, pp.319-320.转引自杨泽伟著:《国际法析论》,中国人民大学出版社2003年版,第230页。
    3 Claus-Dieter Ehlemann, Reflection on the Appellate Body of the WTO, Journal of International Economic Law, Vol.6, 2003, p.699.
    1 James Crawford, Jacqueline Peel , Simon Olleson , The ILC’s Articles on Responsibility of States for International Wrongful Acts: Completion of the Second Reading, Eourpean Jornal of International Law, Vol.12, 2001, p.988.
    3参见[英]蒂莫西·希利尔( Timothy Hillier)著:《国际公法原理》,曲波译,中国人民大学出版社2006年版,第155页。
    4 (1927)《常设国际法院出版物》,Series A , no. 9 , p.21.资料来源:国际法院网站http://www.icj-cij.org/pcij/serie_A/A_09/28_Usine_de_Chorzow_Competence_Arret.pdf (2007年12月3日访问)
    1 John H. Jackson, The WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding—Misunderstanding on the Nature of a Legal Obligation, American Journal of International Law, Vol. 91, 1997, pp. 60—63.
    2 Petros C. Mavroidis, Remedies in the WTO Legal System: Between a Rock and a Hard Place, European Journal of International Law, Vol. 11, 2000, p.782.
    3 Bello,The WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding: Less is More, American Journal of International Law, Vol.90, 1996,p.417.
    5 Judith H.Bello, Book Reviews:The Jurisprudence of GATT& the WTO:Insight on Treaty Law and Economic Relations, American Journal of International Law, Vol.95, 2001, p.988.
    1 [美]约翰-H-杰克逊著:《GATT/WTO法理与实践》,张玉卿等译,新华出版社2002年版,第202页。
    2张新宝:《侵权责任的构成要件·绪论》,资料来源:中国民商法网http://www.civillaw.com.cn/article/default.asp?id=31941 (2007年12月15日访问)
    3 [英] J·G·斯塔克著:《国际法导论》,赵维田译,法律出版社1984年版,第253页。
    2 Petros C. Mavroidis, Remedies in the WTO Legal System: Between a Rock and a Hard Place, European Journal of International Law, Vol. 11, 2000, p. 792.
    3 WTO成员方包括加入WTO组织的主权国家和单独关税区政府。因此,严格来讲,WTO框架下的法律责任不能等同于国家责任或国际责任。但是在实践中,也许正如《建立WTO协定》在解释性说明中所言,本协定和多边贸易协定中使用的“国家”一词应理解为包括任何单独关税区成员。对于WTO单独关税区成员,如本协定和多边贸易协定中的措辞被冠以“国家(的)”一词,则此措辞应理解为与该单独关税区有关,除非另有规定。因此,本文除特别指出外,在论述时一般也不对上述概念进行区分,并且也是在这一意义上将WTO法之下的法律责任与一般国际法上的法律责任进行类比。
    5 Petersmann, Violation and Non-Violation in Public International Trade Law, German Year Book of Internaitonal Law, Vol.34, 1991, p.175.
    1欧共体曾威胁要提起该类案件,即日本生活方式案(Japanese way of life case),但最终并没起诉。See Petros C. Mavroidis , Remedies in the WTO Legal System: Between a Rock and a Hard Place, European Journal of International Law, Vol. 11, 2000, p. 791.
    3 (b)项的条文措辞虽是“不论其是否与本协定相冲突”,但是有(a)项的规定在先,应推定(b)项中所规定的措施(行为)是排除了违反WTO规则或WTO义务的措施(行为)。
    5 E. U. Petersmann, The GATT/WTO Dispute Settlement System, Kluwer Law International Ltd., 1997, p. 136.
    2 E. U. Petersmann, The GATT/WTO Dispute Settlement System, Kluwer Law International Ltd., 1997, p. 137.
    1 Robert E. Hudec , Broadening the Scope of Remedies in the WTO Dispute settlement , available at: http://www.worldtradelaw.net/articles/hudecrmedies.pdf , p.9. This article was originally published in FRIEDL WEISS & JOCHEM WIERS , eds., Improving WTO Dispute settlement Procedures , (Cameron May Publishers 2000) pp. 345—376.
    2 See Petros C. Mavroidis, Remedies in the WTO Legal System: Between a Rock and a Hard Place, European Journal of International Law, Vol. 11, 2000, p. 775.
    1 GPR.DS2/R, para.4.17.
    2 GPR.DS2/R, para.5.2.
    3 Allan Rosas, Implementation and Enforcement of WTO Dispute settlement Findings: An EU perspctive, Journal of lntemationa] Economic Law, Vol.4, 2001, p.l40.
    2 Carlos M. Vazquez and John H. Jackson, Symposium Issue on WTO Settlement Compliance: Some Reflections on Compliance with WTO Dispute Settlement Decisions, Law and Policy in International Business, Vol.33, 2002, p.561.
    1 UN Doc EPCT/A/PV/6(1947),p.4,转引自赵维田著:《世贸组织(WTO)的法律制度》,吉林人民出版社2000年版,第447页。
    1 Bello, The WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding: Less is More, Anmerican Journal of International Law, Vol.90, 1996, pp.416—417.
    2 Alan O Skyes, The Remedy for Breach of Obligation under WTO Dispute Setlernem Understanding: Damages or Specific Performance?, New Directions ln international Economic Law, Marco Bronckers and Reinhard Quick (eds.), Kluwer law International, 2000, p.349.
    1 John H. Jackson, International Status of WTO Dispute Settlement Report: Obligation to Comply or Option to “buy out”?, American Journal of International Law, Vol.98, 2004, pp.117—119.
    1 Robert E. Hudec, Broadening the Scope of Remedies in the WTO Dispute Settlement, available at: http://www.worldtradelaw.net/articles/hudecrmedies.pdf , p.17. (访问日期2007年12月18日)
    2 New Zealand—Imports of Electrical Transformers from Finland ,GATT, BISD , 32 second Supp.55-70(1986).
    1 Robert E. Hudec, Broadening the Scope of Remedies in the WTO Dispute Settlement, available at: http://www.worldtradelaw.net/articles/hudecrmedies.pdf , p.18. (访问日期2007年12月18日)
    3 Supra note 1, p.12 , footnote 31.
    4 Ibid., p.16.
    5 Ibid., p.17 , footnote 31.
    2 See Petros C. Mavroidis, Remedies in the WTO Legal System: Between a Rock and a Hard Place, European Journal of International Law, Vol. 11, 2000, p. 789.
    3 WT/DS156/R, para 9.7.
    4 WT/DS165/R, para.6.106.
    5 WT/DS27/RW/ECU, para. 6.105.
    6 WT/DS126/RW, 12 January 2000 , para 6.31.
    8 WT/DS70/RW, para. 5.48.;WT/DS46/RW, footnote17.
    1 [英]詹宁斯、瓦茨修订:《奥本海国际法》第一卷,第一分册(二),王铁崖、陈公绰、汤宗舜、周仁译,中国大百科全书出版社1995年版,第415页。
    3 BISD 34/S/136, p.158. Cited from E. U. Petersmann, The GATT/WTO Dispute Settlement System, Kluwer Law International Ltd., 1997 , p. 141.
    4 WT/DSB/M/75.转引自张军旗:《多边贸易关系中的国家主权问题》,人民法院出版社2006年版,第161页。
    1根据1994年美国国会通过的《乌拉圭协议法》规定,对尚未清结的与GATT规则不符而征收的(反倾销、反补贴或其它保障税收的)税款可以返还,而对已经清结的税款则不能退回或返还。See Robert E. Hudec , Broadening the Scope of Remedies in the WTO Dispute Settlement , available at: http://www.worldtradelaw.net/articles/hudecrmedies.pdf , p.18 , footnote 32.
    1 G. Arangio Ruiz, Fourth Report on State Responsibility, in ILC Yearbook (1992), Vol.Ⅱ, Part One, p.42, See Bruno Simma and Dirk Pukowski, Of Planets and the Universe: Self—contained Regimes in International Law, The European Journal of International Law, Vol.17, 2006, p.520.
    2 See Bruno Simma and Dirk Pukowski, Of Planets and the Universe: Self—contained Regimes in International Law, The European Journal of International Law, Vol.17, 2006, p.522.
    2 Hugo Grotius, the Law of War and Peace (1925 translate by Francis W. Kelsey), Oxford : at the Clarendon Press, p.5.转引自张乃根:《论WTO争端解决机制的几个主要国际法问题》,载《法学评论》,2001年第5期,第52页。
    1 [美]约翰·H·杰克逊著:《世界贸易体制——国际经济关系的法律与政策》,张乃根译,复旦大学出版社2001年版,第14—15页。
    1 Pascal Lamy, The Place of the WTO and Its Law in the International Legal Order, European Journal of International Law, Vol.17, 2006, p.993.
    1 P. Nichols, GATT Doctrine, Virginia Journal of Internationa Law, Vol.36, 1996, p.380.
    2 Pascal Lamy, The Place of the WTO and Its Law in tne International Legal Order, European Journal of International Law, Vol.17, 2006, p.992.
    2 PCIJ,,Ser. A. No.1,p.23.
    3 ICJ Reports(1980),3 at para. 86.
    4 W·里普哈根:《联合国国际法委员会关于国家责任的特别报告员第四次报告》,YBILC 1982, Vol.2, p.202, para.16.
    1 See Bruno Simma and Dirk Pukowski, Of Planets and the Universe: Self—contained Regimes in International Law, The European Journal of International Law, Vol.17, 2006, pp.493—494.
    5 Supra note 1, p.505.
    6 Ibid.
    2 Joe1 P.Trachtman, The Domain of WTO Dispute Resolution, Harvard international law journal, Vol.40, 1999, p.342.
    3 Ibid.
    4 Ibid., p.343.
    1 Donald McRae, Clause—Dieter Ehlemann’s Presentation on the Role and Record of Dispute Settlement Panels and the Appellate Body of WTO, Journal of International Economic Law, Vol.6, 2003, pp.712—p.713.
    2 Ibid., p.715.
    3 See Joost Pauwelyn, Bridging Fragmentation and Unity: International Law as a Universe or Inter—connected Islands, Michigan Journal of international law, Vol.25, 2004, p.906.
    4 Ibid., p.911.
    1 See Joost Pauwelyn, Bridging Fragmentation and Unity: International Law as a Universe or Inter—connected Islands, Michigan Journal of international law, Vol.25, 2004, pp.911—912.
    3 WT/DS170/AB/R, paras. 71—74.
    4 WT/DS69/AB/R, para.79;WT/DS44/R, para.10.65;WT/DS26/AB/R, para. 51.
    5 WT/DS34/R, para. 9.181.
    6 WT/DS163/R, para. 7.123—7.126.
    7 WT/DS69/AB/R, para.79.
    8 WT/DS46/AR/R, para. 3.10
    1 WT/DS170/AB/R, para. 72.
    2 WT/DS163/R, para. 7.123.
    3 WT/DS46/AB/R, para. 3.10
    4 WT/DS27/R, para. 10.
    5 WT/DS50/AB/R, para. 65.
    6 WT/DS136/AB/R, para. 54, footnote 30.
    7 WT/DS33/AB/R, para. 14.
    8 WT/DS58/AB/R, paras. 102—110.
    9 WT/DS33/AB/R, Section VI.21.
    1 WT/DS27/R, para.10.
    2 WT/DS50/AB/R, paras. 65—66..
    3 WT/DS46/AR/R, para. 3.44
    1 WT/DS2/AB/R, paras.16—17.
    4 M. Koskenniemi, Study on the Founction and Scope of the Lex Specialis Rule and the Question of“Self—Contained Regisms”, UN DOC.ILC(LVI)/SG/FIL/CRD.1/Add.1(2004).
    2 Eyal Benvenisti, Exit and Voice in The Age of Golablization, Michigan Law Review, Vol. 98, 1999, p.169.
    3 See Bruno Simma and Dirk Pukowski, Of Planets and the Universe:Self—contained Regimes in International Law, The European Journal of International Law, Vol.17, 2006, p.486, footnote 10.
    5 WT/DS27/AB/R.
    1 See Anja Lindroos amd Michael Mehling, Dispelling the Chimera of“Self—Contained Regimes”International Law and the WTO, European Journal of International Law, Vol.16, 2005, p.869.
    2 WT/DS163/R, para. 7.96.
    1 See Robert Hudec, GATT or GABB? The Future Design of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, The Yale law Journal, Vol.80, 1971, footnote10.
    3 Supra note 2.
    4 GATT Doc. W.7/20 (1952).
    5 J. Jackson,World Trade and the Law of GATT(1969),p.174.转引自赵维田著:《世贸组织(WTO)的法律制度》,吉林人民出版社2000年版,第449页。美国另一位国际贸易法专家罗伯特·胡德克也将GATT专家组称为“解决争端的法庭”(dispute settlement tribunal), See Robert Hudec, GATT or GABB?The Future Design of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, The Yale law Journal, Vol.80, 1971, p.1303.
    6 Robert·E·Hudec, The GATT Legal System: a Diplomat’s Jurisprudence?,Journal of World Trade Law, Vol.4, 1970, p.615.
    2 DSU第6条第1款、第16条第4款、第17条第18款、第22条第6款。
    5 DSU第8条第5款。
    6 DSU第8条第1款。
    7 DSU第8条第3款。
    8 DSU第11条、DSU第7条第1款、DSU第7条第2款。
    2 DSU第8条第3款。
    3 DSU第17条第6款、DSU第17条第13款。
    5 See Cesare P. R. Romano, The Proliferation of International Tribunals:Piecing Together the Puzzle, NYU Journal of International Law and Politics, Vol.31, 1999, p.713—714.
    1 See Cesare P. R. Romano, The Proliferation of International Tribunals:Piecing Together the Puzzle, NYU Journal of International Law and Politics, Vol.31, 1999, p.715.
    3 [美]戴维·帕米尔特、[希腊]佩特罗斯·C·马弗鲁第斯著:《WTO中的争端解决:实践与程序》,罗培新、李春林译,北京大学出版社2005年版,第185页。
    1 See Firew Kekede Tiba, What Caused the Multiplicity of International Courts and Tribunals? Gonzaga Journal of International Law, Vol.10, 2006, p.202.
    3 See Firew Kekede Tiba, What Caused the Multiplicity of International Courts and Tribunals? Gonzaga Journal of International Law, Vol.10, 2006, p.202.
    2 ILC认为,尽管不同国际司法机构对国际法的不同解释是导致国际法不成体系的重要因素,但是,ILC在研究国际法不成体系的问题时决定不就各国际司法机构间的关系提出建议,因为ILC认为其任务只在于研究造成国际法不成体系的实体法的问题。See Christan Leathley, An Institutional Hierarchy to Combat the Fragmentation of Law: Has the ILC Missed an Opportunity? New York Journal of International Law and Politics, Vol.40, 2007, pp.259—260.
    2 DSU第23条第1款规定:“各成员在寻求纠正违反涵盖协议规定的义务或抵消或损伤规定的利益时,或阻碍涵盖协议任何目标的实现时,它们应求助于并遵守本谅解的规则与程序。”DSU第23条第2款进一步要求: (1)各成员在处理争端的过程中,除按本谅解的规则与程序诉诸争端解决外,不得另行通过其他争端解决程序作出诸如已发生违法、利益受抵消或损伤、涵盖协议目的受到妨碍等认定,也不得另行通过其他争端解决程序作出与已获WTO争端解决机构通过的专家组或上诉机构报告或按DSU作出的仲裁裁决相背离的任何认定;(2)应遵循DSU中规定的程序来确定当事方成员执行建议与裁决的合理期限;(3)应遵循第22条规定的程序,来确定中止减让或其他义务的水平,并按这些程序在中止涵盖协议规定的减让或其他义务之前得到DSB的批准,以作为有关成员方在合理期限内未执行建议与裁决的回应。
    2 See Firew Kekede Tiba, What Caused the Multiplicity of International Courts and Tribunals? Gonzaga Journal of International Law, Vol.10, 2006, p.206.
    1 G. Jaenicke, International Trade Conflicts before the Permanent Court of Internatinal Justice and the International Court of Justice”,in Petersmann and Jaenicke(n.26),p44. See Ernst—Ulrichpetersmann, Dispute Settlement in the International Economic Law—Lessons for Strenthening International Dispute Settlement in Non—Economic Areas, Journal of International Economic Law, 1999, Vol.2, p.202.
    2 See I. H. Courage—Van Lier, Supervision within the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, in P. van Dijk(General Editor), Supervisory Mechanism in International Economic Organizations, Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, 1984, p.72.转引自张军旗著:《多边贸易关系中的国家主权问题》,人民法院出版社2006年版,第139页。
    3 WT/DS2/AB/R, p.17; WT/DS8/AB/R, WT/DS10/AB/R, WT/DS11/AB/R, p.10.
    4 WT/DS8/AB/R, WT/DS10/AB/R, WT/DS11/AB/R, p.10.
    5 WT/DS58/AB/R, p.62, footnote156.
    6 WT/DS33/AB/R, p14.
    7 Ernst—Ulrich Petersmann, From the Hobbesian International Law of Coexistence to Modern International Law: the WTO Dispute Settlement System, Journal of International Economic Law, Vol.1, 1998, p.196.
     1 See Firew Kekede Tiba, What Caused the Multiplicity of International Courts and Tribunals? Gonzaga Journal of International Law, Vol.10, 2006, pp.208—209.
    3 See John Shamsey, ITLOS vs. GOLIATH: The International Tribunal For The Law of The Sea Stands Tall with the Appellate Body in the CHLIEAN—EU Swordfish Dispute, Transnational Law and Contemporary Problems, Vol.12, 2002, p.516.
    6 See John Shamsey, ITLOS vs. GOLIATH: The International Tribunal For The Law of The Sea Stands Tall with the Appellate Body in the CHLIEAN—EU Swordfish Dispute, Transnational Law and Contemporary Problems, Vol.12, 2002, p.517.
    1箭鱼案案情参见唐旗:《从箭鱼争端看“贸易与环境之争”的新动向》,载《武汉大学学报》,2007年第1期,第57—59页; See also John Shamsey, ITLOS vs. GOLIATH: The International Tribunal For The Law of The Sea Stands Tall with the Appellate Body in the CHLIEAN—EU Swordfish Dispute, Transnational Law and Contemporary Problems, Vol.12, 2002, p.519.
    2 Pascal Lamy, The Place of the WTO and Its Law in tne International Legal Order, European Journal of International Law, Vol.17, 2006, p.983.
    3 Piet Eeckhout, Conflict of Norms in Public International Law: How WTO Law Relates to Other Rules of International Law. by Joost Pauwelyn, Cambridge University Press, 2003 ( Book Review), Journal of International Ecnomic Law, Vol.8, 2005, p.583.
    1 Ernst—Ulrich Petersmann, Dispute Settlement in the International Economic Law—Lessons for Strenthening International Dispute Settlement in Non—Economic Areas, Journal of International Economic Law, 1999, Vol.2,p.194.
    1 James Bacchus, Groping Toward Grotius: The WTO and the International Rule of Law, Harvard International Law Journal, Volume 44, 2003, p547.
    2 Thomas L. Friedman, Foreign Affairs: the Two Wangs, N. Y. TIMES, Apr.10, 2001, at A21 (quoting Michael Mandelbaum), in James Bacchus, Groping Toward Grotius: The WTO and the International Rule of Law, Harvard International Law Journal, Volume 44, 2003, p544.
    13、[英] J·G·斯塔克著:《国际法导论》,赵维田译,法律出版社1984年版。
    1、林昊:《谈WTO争端解决机制中的两个法律问题》,http://www.chinalawinfo.com/xin/disxwpl.asp?code1=220&mark=3320 ,(访问日期:2007年3月8日)。
    2、《纪念〈联合国海洋法公约〉开放供签署二十周年》, http://www.un.org/chinese/ga/57/law_sea.html,(访问日期:2007年10月27日)。
    4、陈喜峰:“国际法不成体系中的WTO法”,http://www.chinacourt.org/html/article/200601/09/191517.shtm ,(访问日期:2008年1月15日)。
    5、张新宝:《侵权责任的构成要件·绪论》, http://www.civillaw.com.cn/article/default.asp?id=31941, (访问日期:2007年12月15日)。
    2、Thomas Cotteier,Krista N. Schefer:《WTO中的善意及合法期望之保护》(韩秀丽译),载《国际经济法学刊》第12卷,2005年第3期。
    WT/DS8/AB/R, WT/DS10/AB/R, WT/DS11/AB/R.
    WT/DS8/AB/R, WT/DS10/AB/R, WT/DS11/AB/R.
    WT/DS8/AB/R, WT/DS10/AB/R, WT/DS11/AB/R.
    WT/DS8/AB/R, WT/DS10/AB/R, WT/DS11/AB/R.
    WT/DS8/AB/R, WT/DS10/AB/R, WT/DS11/AB/R.
    WT/DS8/AB/R, WT/DS10/AB/R, WT/DS11/AB/R.
    WT/DS26/AB/R, WT/DS48/AB/R.
    WT/DS8/R, WT/DS10/R, WT/DS11/R.
    WT/DS8/AB/R, WT/DS10/AB/R, WT/DS11/AB/R.
    PCIJ,Ser. A. No.1.
    ICJ Reports(1980).
    WT/DS69/AB/R, WT/DS44/R, WT/DS26/AB/R.
    WT/DS2/AB/R, WT/DS8/AB/R, WT/DS10/AB/R, WT/DS11/AB/R.
    WT/DS8/AB/R, WT/DS10/AB/R, WT/DS11/AB/R.
    1、J. L. Brierly, The law of nations, Oxford University Press, 1955.
    2、John H.Jackson, The Jurisprudence of GATT & the WTO—Insights on Treaty Law and Economic Relations (关贸总协定和世贸组织法理),高等教育出版社2002年版。
    3、John H.Jackson, The World Trading System: Law and Policy of International Economic Relations, 2nd ed., MIT Press, 1997.
    4、Sir Ian Sinclair, The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, 2nd edition, Manchester University Press, 1984.
    5、Gy? Haraszti, Some Fundermental Problems of The Law of Treaties, Akadémiai KiadóBudapest, 1973.
    6、Jeff Waincymer, WTO Litigation, Procedural Aspects of Formal Dispute Settlement, Cameron May Ltd., 2002.
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