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Physical and chemical characteristics of continuous cropping soil were determined in order to establish an estimate modle on soil health. Vermicompost and two antagonistic microbia were applied into continuous cropping soil to regulate soil ecosystem. Study was conducted under pot experiment and field. Data shows:
     (1) Investigation on differents years of ginger continuous cropping soil showed that soil enzyme activity, such as catalase, invertase, phosphatase, decreased with increase of continuous cropping years. So did the soil pH and soil organic matter content. Soil protozoa abundance increased such as amoebae or decreased such as flagellate. Bactervores numbers was decreased for positive correlation with soil enzyme activity, as invertase, urease, e phosphatase, and pH. Total number of nematode was decreased with years of continuous cropping.
     (2) Appropriate content of vermicompost and antagonistic microbia applied increased soil pH, soil organic matter conten, and soil enzyme activity, especially catalase, invertase, phosphatase in continuous cropping ginger soil under pot experiment. Ciliate abundance of soil increased with vermicompost content. Actinomycetes in vermicompost stimulated protozoa total abundance in soil afer harvesting, while Trichoderma harzianum in vermicompost added into soil stimulaion on protozoa total abundance in seedling soil of ginger.
     (3) Vermicompost containing antagonistic microbia applied into continuous cropping ginger soil stimulated soil enzyme activity, as catalase, invertase, phosphatase, espeicially in T2treatment, vermicompost containing Trichoderma harzianum, under field condition. And vermicompost treatments increased soil organic matter content, pH up to6.5, ginger plant adsorption for nitrogen, and available P and available K. The stimulation on soil characteristics and plant growth was obviously in third year after improved by vermicompost with antogonistic microbia. Photosynthesis rate and chlorophyll fluorescence were better in verimicompost treatements than control without vermicompost.
     Amoebae was mainly protozoa in CK ginger soil in field condition. Amoebae was mainly protozoa in ginger seedling soil of Tl containg vermicompost only in2011and2012, and ciliate and flagellate were maily protozoa in2013under field condition. The mainly protozoa of T2which containg vermicompost and Trichoderma harzianum changed from amoebae to flagellate in field. T3treatment which containing vermicompost and actinomycetes and Trichoderma harzianum mainly protozoa in ginger soil changed from amoebae to flagellate and amoebae. During three years in field, soil mainly nematode in T1, T2, and T3were fungivores, bactervores and fungivores, and bactervores respectively. The control soil nematode was bactervores and plant parasites, plant parasites was most in harvesting soil in2011and2013. Shannon Weiner index and evenness of T2soil was best in three vermicompost treatments.
     (4) Conventional management of ginger continuous cropping soil was suspected for mild or serious diverging from health soil, which will increase the disease instance. Vermicompost with Trichoderma harzianum will improve the health of soil for Trichoderma harzianum resistance for soil pathogen. Vermicompost with two antagonistic microbia improvement on continuous cropping soil need more time maybe for the two microbes requirement for resouces.
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