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The 21st century is an era of pluralism of information, In the face of humanity's material cultural heritage notion of values and the way what inherit and transmission heritage with the development of the times are constantly expanded and improve. Now, digital technique has a number of characteristics of a record of preservation, access, read, search, share, recovery, simulation, rebuilding and so on, this new technique for the display of intellectual and emotional, it is no doubt in dig out our rich and varied material cultural, inherit and transmission of art of material cultural heritage play a revolutionary role.
     "Pan-animation" The 21st significant figures of art, with a strong, fresh vitality to infiltrate the various fields of human much attention and love. Animation will be the "life and soul" with the idea of "pan-animation" in the field of technology into inherit and transmission of material cultural heritage, To give fresh vitality of material cultural heritage of these and more human, In the revitalization of the local culture while promoting global development of cultural diversity, as well as in the traditional culture based on the creation of new cultural values and an opportunity. In the real cultural heritage to show digital animation art charm and modern digital means of material cultural heritage will be refreshing to show the world the face of the promotion of intangible cultural heritage in the information age to the survival and development.
     The papers from the digital transmission theory and the world's intangible cultural heritage Fujian earth dwellings practice of digital inherit and transmission project elaborated on the use of the "pan-animation" in the field of digital inherit and transmission and means of innovation. Theoretical aspects of intangible cultural heritage from the standpoint of digital transmission and digital transmission of the "activation" of the times, extensive, four artistic features of digital answer why choose the way of inherit and transmission of the material cultural heritage.
     From the practice of the world material cultural heritage Fujian earth dwellings digital inherit and transmission implementation of the program, the specific point of research, design research projects, research results are expected to be discussed in detail." Fujian earth dwellings " by the YongDing, Nanjing, HuaAn's group of six on the fourth floor of the" composition of the earth storied total of 46. Fujian earth dwellings is one of the world's only large-scale residential construction, unique style, size and structure of singularity to the rich culture and unique way of living, reasonable layout and the natural environment and integration with the idea of the site has attracted worldwide attention. The thesis mainly on how to demonstrate three-dimensional animation and simulation animation, earth dwellings database, demonstrations of virtual reality systems, "Pan-animation" in the form of intervention in the area of game development and so on to build a mutual promotion and development cycle of digital transmission chain, To the effective inherit and transmission to Fujian earth dwellings in the form of the carrier has a long history of the Hakka, Ming Nan culture.
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