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Objective: For Corps relevant departments to seize the current level of reproductive health knowledge and the status of health education of women of reproductive age, to develop a tar- geted promotion of reproductive health knowledge and health education planning,improving family planning / reproductive health services, such as efficiency in the use of resources to pro- vide the basis rationalization proposals.
     Methods:This study hierarchical cluster taken, the four stages, probability of random sampling method, a sample taken from 8 divisions, 27 two samples missions, 135 even three samples, investigated a total of 7,333 women of reproductive age.Adopted home face-to-face interviews to collect information. We use SPSS13.0 statistical packages, single factor analysis usingχ2 test, multiple factor analysis using non-conditional logistic regression analysis.
     Results:1.Investigated a total of 7,333 women of reproductive age, the average age 35.97±6.919 years old; 25.75% women of city and 74.25% women of village; 88.01% women of the Han and 11.99% women of the Minority; samples of the population and the Corps population was anastomosis. 2.IUD, female sterilization awareness of 94.95%,92.83%; awareness of EC for 47.77%; STD awareness for 86.13%; AIDS awareness for 96.24%; folic acid awareness for 31.37%; awareness in place of residence and ethnic composition of the differences were statistically significant(P<0.01) and both with the increase in the level of education increased significantly(P<0.01). 3.Reproductive health knowledge of women of reproductive age comes from radio- television(81.13%), books-newspapers-magazines(57.55%), and promotional activities(49.95%); the past two years, 35.62% of women have received family planning / reproductive health propaganda materials. 4. Multi-factor analysis showed that living the city, Han nationality, high level of education, non-agriculture, high family income, high frequency of waching TV, high frequency of watching newspapers and magazines, received publicity materials, the overall level of reproductive health knowledge of women of reproductive age also higher.
     Conclusion:1.Corps reproductive health of women of reproductive age on the overall level of knowledge than other parts of the country and the findings, but still satisfactory distance. 2.Knowledge of reproductive health of women access to the main radio and TV, newspapers and magazines, show that the publicity activities, such as the school population consisting mainly of family planning/reproductive health promotion and health education needs to be strengthened. 3. Place of residence, nationality, education, work, ecomomic status, access to information and accept the situation of women is the level of reproductive health knowledge factor. 4. Should uphold reproductive health concepts, positive change working methods, increase family planning/reproductive health and the work of the input, and step up promotion and health education, reproductive health goals for population control the old model centre for the security and stability of the Corps population and improving the quality of the population to make unremitting efforts.
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