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载脂蛋白 H(apolipoproteinH,简称ApoH)是一种属于载脂蛋白家族的血浆
Apolipoprotein H (ApoH) is a plasma glycoprotein belonging to the family of
     apolipoprotein. Hitherto, the biological function of ApoH is not very clear. Since it is
     known that the in vivo physiological and pathogenic roles of ApoH are closely related
     to its interaction with the phospholipid membrane, a more profound understanding on
     the interaction mechanism, as well as on the membrane-bound conformation of ApoH
     may have not only theoretically but also practically beneficial consequence.
     In the dissertation, the interaction of ApoH with phospholipid membranes and
     the conformation of membrane-bound ApoH was studied by using different model
     systems of lipid monolayer, liposome and an organic solvent contain water and
     Firstly, with the method of phospholipid monolayer at air/water interface, we
     proved for the first time that ApoH is an amphiphilic protein which is capable of
     insertion into negatively charged lipid monolayer. The membrane insertion depth of
     ApoH is about 2± A. In the process of ApoH insertion into membranes, both the
     electrostatic and the hydrophobic interactions between protein and the lipid are
     evidently involved.
     Secondly, we combined techniques of fluorescence and circular dichroism
     spectroscopy to study the conformation of membrane-bound ApoH. The experimental
     results showed that after binding to the negatively charged liposome, the secondary
     structure of ApoH will be significantly changed and some a-helix structure can be
     induced. By changing the composition of phospholipid in vesicles and the ionic
     strengths in the buffer, we found that the membrane-bound ApoH molecules can
     adopt two conformations at the membrane surface. Under conditions of low ionic
     strength, the water-soluble ApoH will bind to the negatively charged lipid vesicles
     with most of its tryptophan residues adsorbing on the membrane surface and a small
     part of them inserting into the membrane. Under conditions of high ionic strength, the
     membrane-bound ApoH will have a different conformation with its non-inserted
     tryptophan residues mainly separated from the membrane surface, and its membrane-
     inserted ones still maintained their association with the membrane. The
     conformational change of ApoH upon binding to the membrane may provide
     important structural bases for the protein's biological function, e.g. in clearing the
     negatively charged liposome in plasma, and in the autoimmune diseases such as
     systemic lupus erythematosus.
     Thirdly, we studied the correlation between the membrane insertion ability and
     the membrane-bound conformation of ApoH with the model system of water-
     methanol mixed solvent at moderately low pH that mimics the micro-
     physicochemical environment near the membrane surface. In a buffer of 57%
     methanol, ApoI-I can be induced to adopt a special conformation just the same as that
     bound to the negatively charged membrane. On the other hand, it is observed that the
     membrane insertion ability of the conformational changed ApoH increased, too. With
     the method of capillary electrophoresis, it is found that in this case, there are more
     ApoH molecules adsorbing on the monolayer surface. The above experiments suggest
     the close relationship between the membrane insertion ability and the membrane-
     bound conformation of ApoH.
     In all, we partially revealed the molecular mechanism of the interaction of
     ApoH with phospholipid membranes and obtained a model for the membrane
     insertion and conformational change of ApoH at the membrane surfa
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