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进入21世纪后,经济的全球化和国际化使我国的企业面临着更加激烈的市场竞争。为了培养和保持竞争优势,使企业获得长期持续的发展,很多企业设立了国际业务部(International Business Department, IBD),以参与国际化的分工,分享全球资源配置带来的机遇。然而,由于该部门的新兴性、独立性和战略性,尽管应用了先进的人力资源管理思想,但在如何将先进的人力资源管理思想转化为适合本企业特点的可操作的制度、措施和技术手段上难有突破,本研究以ZS企业IBD的绩效考核为案例,深入剖析ZS企业IBD的绩效考核状况,结合先进的绩效管理理论,全面、系统地分析了ZS企业IBD的绩效考核现状及存在的问题,找出产生问题的根源,并提出解决问题的措施。根据IBD的组织结构图,对各个层面的管理对象重新设计以业绩为基础的绩效考核体系,并分析了该体系如何与公司战略进行衔接,为这一新兴部门的高绩效运作提供了有意义的借鉴与参考。
The enterprises of China are facing more intense marketing competition because of economic globalization and internationalization after the entry of 21st century, which spurred the new department, called International Business Department, simply IBD in abbr. , for most enterprises in order to cultivate and maintain competition advantage. It facilitates the international division of labor and shares the opportunity of the optimal allocation of global resources. However, it’s hard to make great breakthrough on how to transform the advanced theory of HRM into operable system, measure and technic methods as for IBD’s start-up, independence and strategic. This paper is based on the background of performance appraisal (PA) to IBD’s employee in ZS enterprise, combined with the theory of PA and makes a full and systemic analysis and investigation about the current situation and existent problems of IBD, designs and establishes a set of PA system guided by Key Performance Index (KPI) for the related personnel according to IBD’s framework, illuminates and pictures how to adopt to company’s strategic development, provides a good use for reference for IBD’S high performance operation.
     The text comprises of six chapters: First is preface, including the introduction of macro-economic and company’s background, which indicates that the company has to face the exterior exporting pressure and interior cost-rising pressure, purpose and significance of this study. The author points out that how to make an excellent PA means greatly to enterprise, especially when marketing is becoming the lifeline, which involves exertion of positive and development of potential, and further affect the performance of the whole unit. Investigating problems, analyzing factors and providing methods will promote the improvement of performance and a good use for reference, also the meaning in practical and theoretical. The second chapter summarizes the concerned theory of PA, including history, methods, aim and meaning. Then makes generalization for the studying situation at home and abroad for department PA, also points out where is the innovation. The current situation, existent problems and the reasons why comes out these problems of PA to IBD employees are the contents in chapter 3. Chapter 4 gives the principle and procedure of the design for system, then, makes the detailed introduction on how to design the PA system according to the principle and procedure. In chapter 5, it explains how to adopt to company’s strategic development through the conduction and adjustment of variables in the system. Sum-up, conclusions and suggestions are the last contents of the text.
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