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     1) 对简单有向无环网络中任意两个结点之间的所有可能路径、最短(长)路径以及(直接)前驱后继等问题,本文提出一种新的算法A~H。该算法将一些路径信息作为每个结点的附加信息预先保存起来,并对这些信息建立Hash索引。在进行简单有向无环网络中任意两个结点之间的可能路径、最短(长)路径以及(直接)前驱后继等问题的求解时,可以利用这些预先保存的信息来降低计算的时间复杂度。
     2) 利用A~H算法提高基于本体的主体能力匹配的效率。领域本体可以模型化为一个简单有向无环网络,概念之间的包含关系可以通过A~H中的(直接)前驱后继算法来求解,而概念之间的关联度可以通过A~H中的最短路径算法来求解。相比于概念语言和描述逻辑中的推理机制,A~H提高了主体能力语义匹配的效率。
     3) 发展了基于扩展路径表达式的XML查询理论框架。Web上的主体需要具有访问XML文档的能力,访问XML文档的一个重要手段是查询。为了支持XML文档的有序性查询,本文发展了一种基于扩展路径表达式的XML查询理论框架。一方面通过在扩展路径表达式中引入通配符来降低查询表达式编写难度,提高查询的效率;另一方面提出带截止集自动机概念,进一步降低了查询计算的时间复杂度。
     4) 在委派逻辑(D1LP)的基础上,提出一种支持角色委派的逻辑D1LP-R,并将其应用于多主体系统的信任管理。在D1LP-R中,一个角色对应一些访问权限,不同的角色可以形成一个树形结构,角色树中一个结点对
Along with the fast and fierce evolution of the Internet, the need for open applications become more and more great, because Internet itself is a distributed calculating environment of high degree openness. How to develop this kind of software that can make the best of the Internet is always a great challenge in computer science since 1990s. Multi-agent system (MAS) has great potential to be the mainstream distributed computing mode on Internet. But, to make this to be reality, on one hand, we must continually develop the key technologies of MAS, such as communicating, Ontology, content language, information discovery, coordinate, trust management and so on. On the other hand, we must combine the MAS technologies and the Web technology to promote the application of MAS on the Internet. To facilitate the application of MAS on Internet and Web, this thesis addresses several key technical problems, which covers agent capability matching, trust management, integration of agent and XML document and issues concerning transparent migration of MAS from P2P to B/S. Major contributions of this thesis include:
    1) advances a new algorithm A~(H) to compute all possible paths, the shortest (longest) path and the (immediate) ancestor or descendent relation between two nodes on a simple directed acyclic network. Firstly, A~(H) save some path information for each node as add-ons and build hash index on these information, then A~(H) use these information to reduce time complexity of all computing above.
    2) enhances the efficiency of Ontology based agent capability matching by using A~(H) algorithm. Domain Ontology can be modeled a simple directed acyclic network, Subsumption relation between two concepts can be computed by the (immediate) ancestor or descendent algorithm in A~(H), Association degree between two concepts can be computed by the shortest path algorithm in A~(H). Comparing to the reasoning mechanism in concept language and description logic, A~(H) improves the efficiency of semantic matching between agent capabilities.
    3) improves the extended path expressions based XML querying theory framework. Agents on the Web need an ability to access XML documents. One important way to access an XML document is querying. To make full use of the orderliness of XML documents while querying, this thesis improves the extended path expressions based XML querying theory Framework. On one hand, extended path expressions are made simpler and more flexible by introducing wildcard into them, on the other hand, the time complexity of the algorithm is also reduced by putting forward a new kind of automata, namely automata with a stop set.
    4) advances a role delegation supported logic D1LP-R based on delegation logic(D1LP), and utilizes D1LP-R to realize trust management in MAS. In D1LP-R, a role refers to some access rights, different roles can form a tree
    structure, access rights corresponding to a node in the role tree contain all access rights corresponding to all descend nodes. If an agent has the right to delegate a role, then it has the right to delegate all sub-roles. By this method, this thesis realizes big granularity access right delegating and partial access right delegating.
    5) brings up and realizes a method which can transparently migrate P2P MAS to B/S MAS. This method realizes this by establishing a runtime environment for all agents in MAS on a server of high performance. When a user login in the MAS through a browser, the runtime environment will instantiate the responding agent and then migrate its graphic user interface to the browser as a applet by using improved RAWT technology. By this method, a user can interact with the responding agent through the browser.
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