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     引言部分,总体概括了英国法律援助制度。在现代英国,法律援助(legal aid)制度是被认为是法律服务的相关制度,包含着刑事、民事等多方面的内容。作为世界上最早实行法律援助的国家,英国不但是法律援助制度的发源地,而且也是当今世界上法律援助制度最为完善的国家之一
In the process of its development, the English modern legal aid system goes through three major stages:the period of charity, the period of rightism and the state liability, social welfare period. The justice reform from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century provided the backdrop for these changes. And the principles of "Process justice", "justice for all "and "everyone has the right to approach the justice" run throug all the time.
     This article is composed of the introduction, five main chapters and the conclusion.
     The introduction section sums up the legal aid system in England. In England, legal aid is considered as one part of the system of legal services. It includes criminal and civil litigation service and so on. As the first country to practice legal aid in the world, England is not only the cradle of legal aid system, but also thecountry with the most developed legal aid system in the world.
     This main part are separated into five chapters. Chapter one discuses the conception of legal aid and the relating theories. The legal aid in England belongs to the broad legal aid concept. But no matter in broad or narrow senses, it have the same point:legal aid is the legal assistance providing for the poor people and the people in need. In this point, legal aid system are the safeguard of achieving legislation equality and the necessity request of legislation justice.
     Chapter two introduces the development of legal aid in England before the World WarⅡ.The development of the legal aid system in England can be divided into three phases:the period of charity, the period of rightism and the state liability(social welfare) period. The former two periods seem to be of moral characteristic so as to be called charity period. In this period,the<1491 Acts> and the<1531 Acts>,started the national systen in England; and The Process of The in 1914 provided legal aid services to mare people.
     Chapter three concerns the foundation and development of modem legal aid system in England after World War II.The modern English system of legal aid was set up by in 1949. After that, many other legal aid acts and regulations were enacted, they are in 1964, in 1967, in 1972, in 1974. And finally, the were passed and became effective in 1988.
     Chapter four introduce the management and function of the modern legal aid system in England. There are a series of legislation which established the modern legal aid system after the<1949 Act>, concluding representation,advice, assistance in the types of civil legal aid, criminal legal aid and special legal aid. At first, the legal aid was provided by the Lawyer community, then after the Act of 1988 going into effect, it becomes the duty of a new founded non-government organition——the Legal Aid Board. The modern serving organizations include profitable law firms as well as non-profitable organizations like Law centers Citizens'Advice Bureaux and other legal service provisers.
     Chapter five concerns the problems of the<1988 Act> and the related legal reforms. The legal aid measures prescribed in the<1988 Act>, when carrying out, result in many problems, such as financing problems, low quality problems, the wasting problem and so on. In the circumstances, the reforms of the legal aid system take place, and the result is the act of in 1999.
     Some concluding remarks summed up the development of the British legal aid system in the last part. The modern legal aid system of England is builded upon the judicial justice and the guarantee of anyone's right to approach just. Its long history and maturity set a good example not only to the common law countries but also the civil law countries.
2 贺丹青:《论英国法律援助制度》,载《中央政法干部管理学院学报》2001年第4期。
    3 张耕主编:《法律援助制度比较研究》,法律出版社1997年版,第4页。
    4 [英]特蕾西·艾琳:《律师提供的服务——法律援助》,载《中英刑事诉讼研讨会论文集》,法律出版出2000年版,第139页。
    5 [美]E·博登海默:《法理学:法律哲学和法律方法》,邓正来译,中国政法大学出版社1999年版,第287页。
    6 [美]马丁·梅耶:《美国律师》,胡显耀译,江苏人民出版社2001年版,第274页。
    7 [美]E·博登海默:《法理学:法律哲学和法律方法》,邓正来译,中国政法大学出版社1999年版,第287页。
    8 卓泽渊:《法的价值论》,法律出版社1999年版,第514页。
    9 张文显主编:《法理学》,法律出版社1997年版,第332页。
    10 [意]朱塞佩·格罗索:《罗马法史》,黄风译,中国政法大学出版社1994年版,第370页。
    11 参见严军兴:《法律援助制度理论与实务》,法律出版社1999年版,第14页。
    12 贺丹青:《论英国法律援助制度》,载《中央政法干部管理学院学报》2001年第4期。
    13 姜士林等主编:《世界宪法从书》,青岛出版社1997年版,第1262页。
    14 段正坤主编:《法律援助原理与实务问答》,人民法院出版社2000年版,第192页。
    15 [英]戴维·M·沃克:《牛津法律大词典》,李双元等译,法律出版社2003年版,第671页。
    16 张耘主编:《中国法律援助制度诞生的前前后后》,中国方正出版社1998年版,第3页。
    17 Robert Egerton,Legal Aid.Kegan Paul,Trench,Trubner& Co.Ltd(London).1946.p.12.
    18 ibid.
    19 程汉大、李培锋:《英国司法制度史》,清华大学出版社2007年版,第493页。
    20 同上,第496页。
    21 王立宪、严军兴编:《英国普通法制度之旅》,群众出版社2002年版,第214页。
    22 中美联合编审委员会: 《简明大不列颠百科全书》,中国大百科全书出版社1985年版,第432页。
    23 Robert Egerton.Legal Aid,Kegan Paul,Trench,Trubner& Co.Ltd(London),1946,p.20.
    24 沈丽飞:《欧美法律援助制度研究——兼论“入世”对我国法律援助制度建设的影响》,载山东省法学会编:《加入WTO与新时期政法工作前瞻》,中国档案出版社2001年版,第148页。
    25 程汉大、李培锋:《英国司法制度史》,清华大学出版社2007年版,第497页。
    26 程汉大、李培锋:《英国司法制度史》,清华大学出版社2007年版,第498页。
    27 G. Slapper,D. Kelly,The English Legal System,Cavendish Publishing Limited(London.Sydeny),1999,p.446.
    28 沈丽飞:《欧美法律援助制度研究——兼论“入世”对我国法律援助制度建设的影响》,载山东省法学会编:《加入WTO与新时期政法工作前瞻》,中国档案出版社2001年版,第148—149页。
    29 G. Slapper,D. Kelly.The English Legal System,Cavendish Publishing Limited(London.Sydeny),1999,p.446.
    30 参见林莉红、孔繁华:《社会救助法研究》,法律出版社2008年版,第110页。
    31 Robert Egerton,Legal Aid,Kegan Paul,Trench,Trubner& Co.Ltd(London),1946,p.142.
    32 程汉大、李培锋:《英国司法制度史》,清华大学出版社2007年版,第499页。
    33 [英]凯伦·玛奇:《英格兰及威尔士的法律援助体制之历史变化》,载司法部司法研究所编:《中英社区法律服务研讨会论文集》,法律出版社2001年版,第134页。
    34 黄斌、李辉东:《英国法律援助制度改革及其借鉴意义——以《1999年接近正义法为中心》》,载陈光中、江伟主编:《诉讼法论丛(第10卷)》,法律出版社2005年版,第241页。
    35 S.H.Bailey,J.P.L.Ching,N.W.Taylor,The English Modern Legal System, Sweet& Maxwell(London), 2007,p.619.
    36 A.H.Manchester,A Modern Legal History of English and Walesl750-1950,Butterworths(London),1980,p.102.
    37 参见丁建定、杨凤娟:《英国社会保障制度的发展》,中国劳动社会保障出版社2004年版,第132、144-147页。
    38 G.Slapper, D.Kelly.The English Legal System, Cavendish Publishing Limited(London.Sydeny),1999,p.446.
    40 《Legal Aid Act1974》,s.15.
    39 GSlapper,D.Kelly,The English Legal System,Cavendish Publishing Limited(London.Sydeny),1999,p.446.
    41 R.J.Walker.The English Legal System,Butterworths(London),1985,pp.277-278.
    43 《LegalAidAct 1988》,s.2(2),(3),(5),(6),(7),(8).
    44 程汉大、李培锋:《英国司法制度史》,清华大学出版社2007年版,第168页。
    45 《LegalAidAct 1988》,s.2(7),(8),(10).
    46 英国的每一财政年度为当年的3月31日到下一年的3月31日。
    47 《LegalAidAct 1988》.5(1),(2),(3),s.42.
    48 齐树洁主编:《英国司法制度》,厦门大学出版社2007年版,第138页。
    49 《LLegalAidAct 1988》.s2(2).
    50 《LLegalAidAct 1988》, s.9,s.15,s.21,s.28,s.29.
    51 Terence Ingman,The English Legal Process,Blackstone Press Limited,2000,p.71.
    52 S.H.Bailey,J.P.L.Ching,N.W.Taylor,The English Modern Legal System, Sweet& Maxwell(London), 2007,p.619.
    53 ibid,p.620.
    54 齐树洁主编:《英国民事司法改革》,北京大学出版社2004年版,第218页。
    55 G. Slapper,D.Kelly,The English Legal System,Gavendish Publishing Limited(London-Sydeny),1999,p.418
    57 齐树洁主编:《英国民事司法改革》,北京大学出版社2004年版,第218页。
    58 A.H.Manchester,A Moderm Legal History of English and Wales 1750-1950,Butterworths(London),1980,p.152.
    59 S.H.Bailey,J.P.L.Ching,N.W.Taylor,The English Moderm Legal System, Sweet& Maxwell(London), 2007,p.625.
    62参见《Legal Advice and Assistance》.Memorandum of the
    63 《Legal Advice and Assistance Act 1972》,s.21.
    64 这一数字在每年大法官提交的《Legal Aid Annual Reports》,都有说明。该统计数字亦见于S.H.Bailey,J.P.L.Ching,N.W.Taylor,The English Modern Legal System, Sweet& Maxwell(London),2007,p.626.
    65 "What do Law Centres do?"at http://www.lawcentres.org.uk/lawcentres/detail/history-and-funding-of-law-centres/,浏览日期:2008年3月17日。
    66 关于这一条件,可浏览"Minimum criteria for LCF Membership",at http://www.lawcentres.org.uk/uploads/Minimum_Criteria_for_LCF_Membership.doc.浏览日期:2008年3月17日。
    67 齐树洁主编:《英国民事司法改革》,北京大学出版社2004年版,第219页。
    68 Citizens Advice, Annual Report and Accounts 2005/6,p.3.
    69 J.Richards,Inform. Advise and Support:50 Years of the Citizens Advice Bureau(1989).
    70 Citizens Advice, Annual Report and Accounts 2005/6,p.5.
    71 ibid.
    72 “大不列颠国民咨询联盟”,Advice U K,formerly the Federation of Independent Advice Centres.founded in 1979.",athttp://www.adviceuk.org.uk/DisplayPage.asp?pageid=9040 浏览日期:2008年3月18日.
    73 "History of Advice ",at http://www.adviceuk.org.uk/DisplayPage.asp?pageid=9040.浏览日期:2008年3月18日。
    74 S.H.Bailey,J.P.L.Ching,N.W.Taylor,The English Modem Legal System, Sweet& Maxwell(London), 2007,p.624.
    75 主要依据法律援助委员会的《1998-1999年法律援助指南》(Legal Aid Handbook 1998-1999)总结。
    76 《Legal Aid and Advice Act 1949》,s.23.
    77 高贞等编译:《部分国家、地区法律援助制度介绍》,载肖扬主编:《探索有中国特色的法律援助制度》,法律出版社1996年版,第226—227页。
    78 本文所说的周收入或者是可支配收入都是指税后的收入(disposable income).本文的相关数据如无特别说明,均为1999年4月的数据。
    79 [加]戴维·克里勒:《法律援助的跨法域研究》,载司法部法律援助中心组织编译:《各国法律援助理论研究》,中国方正出版社1999年版,第68页。
    80 G. Slapper,D.Kelly,The English Legal System.Cavendish Publishing Limited(London-Sydeny),1999,p.450
    81 ibid,p.449之所以限定服务时限,是因为法律援助委员会是根据律师提供服务的时间来给律师报酬的,这也是避免虚报服务时限导致司法资源浪费的措施。该内容亦见于齐树洁主编:《英国司法制度》,厦门大学出版社2007年版,第140—141页。
    82 Legal Aid Board,Annual Rrport,1992-193,p.110.
    83 《1948年国家救助法》(National Assistance Act 1948),其第47条适用于由于各种原因需要照顾的人,规定对这些人给予援助的前提条件可以适当放宽。
    84 G. Slapper,D.Kelly,The English Legal System,Cavendish Publishing Limited(London-Sydeny),1999,p.450;齐树洁主编:《英国民事司法改革》,北京大学出版社2004年版,第220—221页;齐树洁主编:《英国司法制度》,厦门大学出版社2007年版,第141—142页。
    85《LegalAidAct 1988》s.15.
    86 G. Slapper,D.Kelly,The English Legal System,Cavendish Publishing Limited(London-Sydeny),1999,p.450.
    88 G. Slapper,D.Kelly,The English Legal System,Cavendish Pubishing Limited(LondonSydeny),1999,p.451.
    89 《LegalAidAct1988》,s.15.
    90 [英]丹宁勋爵:《法律的未来》,刘庸安、张文镇译,法律出版社1999年版,第111页。
    91 《LegalAidAct 1988》,s.17,s.18;also in G Slapper,D.Kelly,The English Legal System,Cavendish Publishing Limited(London-Sydeny),1999,p.451.
    92 王立宪、严军兴编:《英国普通法制度之旅》,群众出版社2002年版,第217页。
    93 Widgery Committee,后Lord Widgery成为英格兰和威尔士的最高法院首席大法官。
    95 《Legal Aid Act 1974》,s.23.
    96 贺丹青:《论英国法律援助制度》,载《中央政法干部管理学院学报》2001年第4期。
    97 G Slapper,D.Kelly,The English Legal System,Cavendish Publishing Limited(LondonSydeny),1999,p.452.
    98 Duncan Matheson,Legal Aid:The New Framework, Butterworths(London),1988,p.109.
    99 "interests of justice", 《Legal AidAct 1988》,s.21.
    100 《LegalAidAct 1988》,s.21 (2):"......The factors to be taken into account by a competent authority in determining whether it is in the interests of justice that representation be granted for the purposes of proceedings to which this section applies to an accused shall include the following:(a) the offence is such that if proved it is likely that the court would impose a sentence which would deprive the accused of his liberty or lead to loss of his livelihood or serious damage to his reputation;(b) the determination of the case may involve consideration of a substantial question of law;(c) the accused may be unable to understand the proceedings or to state his own case because of his inadequate knowledge of English, mental illness or other mental or, physical disability;(d) the nature of the defence is such as to involve the tracing and interviewing of witnesses or expert cross-examination of
    a witness for the prosecution;(e) it is in the interests of someone other than the accused that theaccused be represented......."
    101 G Slapper,D.Kelly,The English Legal System.Cavendish Publishing Limited(LondonSydeny),1999,p.452.
    102 [英]麦高伟、杰弗里·威尔逊主编:《英国刑事司法程序》,姚永吉等译,法律出版社2003年版,第131页。
    103 齐树洁主编:《英国司法制度》,厦门大学出版社2007年版,第146页。
    104 [英]麦高伟、杰弗里·威尔逊主编:《英国刑事司法程序》,姚永吉等译,法律出版社2003年版,第132页。
    105 李长喜:《英国法律援助制度概述》,载《中外法学》1998年第5期。
    106 G. Slapper,D.Kelly,TheEnglish Legal System,Cavendish PublishingLimited(LondonSydeny),1999,p.447.
    107 [英]凯伦·玛奇:《英格兰及威尔士的法律援助体制之历史变化》,载司法部司法研究所编:《中英社区法律服务研讨会论文集》,法律出版社2001年版,第138页。
    108 Erhard Blankenburg, "The Lawyer's Lobby and the Welfare Staterthe Political Economy of Legal Aid",in Francis Regan etc,The Transformation of Legal Aid,London:Oxford University Press,1999,pp.124-128转引自程汉大、李培锋:《英国司法制度史》,清华大学出版社2007年版,第505页。
    109 Catherine Elliott and Frances Quinn,English Legal Systerm.Pearson Education Limited,2000,pp.205-206转引自齐树洁主编:《英国民事司法改革》,北京大学出版社2004年版,第223页。
    110 Catherine Elliott and Frances Quinn,English Legal Systerm.Pearson Education Limited,2000,p.205转引自齐树洁主编:《英国民事司法改革》,北京大学出版社2004年版,第224页。
    111 Advice and Assistance at Police Stations and the 24 Hour Duty Solicitor Scheme.Lord Chancellor's Department,1989.
    112 Jan McCormick-Watson,Essential English Legal System,武汉大学出版社2004年版(影印版法学基础系列),第122页。
    113 宫晓冰主编:《外国法律援助制度简介》,中国检察出版社2003年版,第3页。
    114 [英]丹宁勋爵:《法律的未来》,刘庸安、张文镇译,法律出版社1999年版,第97页。
    115 Robert Egerton, Legal Aid, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner& Co.Ltd (London),1946, p.1.
    6、黄斌、李辉东:《英国法律援助制度改革及其借鉴意义——以《1999年接近正义法为中心》》,载陈光中、江伟主编:《诉讼法论丛(第10卷)》,法律出 版社2005年版。
    1、 Robert Egerton, Legal Aid, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner& Co.Ltd (London),1946
    2、 G. Slapper, D. Kelly, The English Legal System, Cavendish Publishing Limited(London · Sydeny),1999
    3、 S. H. Bailey, J. P. L. Ching, N.W.Taylor, The English Moderm Legal Svstem, Sweet& Maxwell (London),2007
    4、 A. H. Manchester, A Moderm Legal History of English and Wales1750-1950, Butterworths(London),1980
    5、 R. J. Walker, The English Legal System, Butterworths (London), 1985
    6、 Terence Ingman, The English Legal Process, Blackstone Press Limited,2000
    7、Jan McCormick-Watson, Essential English Legal System,武汉大学出版社2004年版(影印版法学基础系列)。
    1、《Legal Aid Act 1974》
    2、《(LegalAidAct 1988》
    3、《Legal Aid and Advice Act 1949》
    4、《Legal Advice and Assistance》.Memorandum of the Council of the Law Society(1969).
    5、《Legal Advice and Assistance Act 1972》
    6、 Citizens Advice, Annual Report and Accounts 2005/6.
    7、 Legal Aid Board, Annual Rrport,1992-193.
    8、《National Assistance Act 1948》
    9、 Advice and Assistance at Police Stations and the 24 Hour Duty Solicitor Scheme, Lord Chancellor's Department,1989.
    J. Richards, Inform. Advise and Support:50 Years of the Citizens Advice Bureau(1989).
    1、 "What do Law Centres do?", at http://www. lawcentres. org. uk/lawcentres/detail/history-and-funding-of-law-centres/. Mar,17,2008.
    2、"Minimum criteria for LCF Membership", at http://www. lawcentres. org. uk/uploads/Minimum_Criteria_for_LCF_Members hip. doc.Mar,17,2008.
    3、 "Advice UK.formerly the Federation of Independent Advice Centres, founded in 1979. ", at http://www. adviceuk. org. uk/DisplayPage. asp?pageid=9040. Mar,18,2008.
    4, "History of AdviceU K ", at http://www. adviceuk. org. uk/DisplayPage. asp?pageid=9040. Mar,18,2008.

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