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Since the mid-1980s, one of the most outstanding changes in United States'foreign economic policy was that U.S. had a preference for the Regional Integration Agreements (RIAs). It raised many scholars'attention and they showed strong research interests in the changes especially confronted with the facts that the Clinton administration brought forward ambitious free trade area plan and that the George W. Bush government executed "competitive liberalization" strategy. But among so many research achievements regarding RIAs signed by U.S., most put emphasis on pure economic analysis while weakening or ignoring the function of political factors. Even some research into political motivation behind the RIAs of U.S., the opinion they hold was problematic in author's view. So it would make perfect sense both in theory and practice if the thesis could systematically uncover the political motivation behind the RIAs signed by U.S.
     The new institutionalism is applied by the thesis to explain the RIAs policy adopted by U.S. The author thinks that the multi-lateral trade institution and the RIAs are interlinked from U.S.'s point view regarding maintaining hegemony, though someone might insist that they are totally different in nature. The multi-lateral trade institution has been an indispensable part of international institution strategy U.S. executed since world war II, but it couldn't solve the challenges confronted by U.S., nor could unilateralism do. So U.S. was in need of an appropriate tactic to get rid of predicament. It is RIAs provided the feasible way out for U.S. Thus, when explaining the transformation of U.S.'foreign economic policy from multi-lateral trade institution to RIAs, the thesis emphasizes path-dependence, critical juncture and etc.
     The thesis thinks that there are two kinds of logics rooted in RIAs policy adopted by U.S. On one hand, the policy mended and made perfect the U.S.'s international institution strategy since it sought to re-institutionalize the international relations on regional level. This would lay the base for new international political economy order leading by U.S. in future. On the other hand, the policy wants to popularize "Washington Consensus", propels and locks in the economic innovation course in other country in order to prevent reversion of innovation. In long term, the economic liberal innovation would inspire domestic political transformation and re-combination of social forces in other country. New social alliance comes into existence and takes part in the process of domestic political change and this will influence a country's foreign policy.
     There are three cases selected to prove the explanation mentioned above. They are NAFTA, KORUS FTA and MEFTA. As the first RIA signed by U.S., not only did NAFTA signal the virtual breakthrough of regional economic integration in North America, but extended as an example of the new kind of hegemony to the rest of world. The KORUS FTA is the most important bilateral commercial RIA signed by U.S. during the past decades which is of political and economic significance. Proposed by George W. Bush administration, MEFTA is still inherited by Obama government though Bush went out of power in 2008. The reason lies in the fact that importance of MEFTA goes beyond anti-terrorism and MEFTA contains double consideration which includes geopolitical and geo-economic motivation of integrating the whole area into U.S.'s strategic project.
     The last part of thesis reviews and deepens the former explanation.
    2 Maurice Schiff and L. Alan Winters《区域一体化与发展》,郭磊译,北京:中国财政经济出版社,2004年版,第9页。
    8 Joseph M. Grieco, "Systemic Sources of Variation in Regional Institutionalization in Western Europe, East Asia, and the Americas," in Edward D. Mansfield and Helen V. Milner eds., The Political Economy of Regionalism (New York:Columbia University Press,1997), p.164.
    14 Anne O. Krueger, American Trade Policy:A Tragedy in the Making (Washington D.C.:The AEI Press,1995). Jagdish Bhagwati and Arvind Panagariya eds., The Economics of Preferential Trade Agreements (Washington D.C.:The AEI Press,1996). Richard Pomfret, Unequal Trade:the Economics of Discriminatory International Trade policies (New York:Basil Blackwell Inc., 1988).
    15 C. Fred Bergsten, Toward a New International Economic Order:Selected Papers of C. Fred Bergsten,1971-1974 (Lexington:Lexington Books,1975). Jeffrey J. Schott, Free Trade Areas and U.S. Trade Policy (Washington D.C.:Institute for International Economics,1989). David B.H. Denoon, Real Reciprocity:Balancing U.S. Economic and Security Policy in the Pacific Basin (New York:Council on Foreign Relations Press,1993).
    16 Robert E. Baldwin, Trade policy in a Changing World Economy (Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1988).
    17 Robert Z. Lawrence & Charles L. Schultze ed., An American Trade Strategy:Options for the 1990s (Washington D.C.:The Brookings Institution,1990).
    18 Leslie Alan Glick, Understanding the North American Free Trade Agreement:Legal and Business Consequences of NAFTA (Boston:Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers,1994).
    19 Sidney Weintraub, NAFTA:What Comes Next? (Washington D.C.:the Center for Strategic and International Studies,1994)类似著作参见C. V. Anderson ed., NAFTA Revisited (New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.,2003). Gary Clyde Hufbauer and Jeffrey J. Schott, NAFTA Revisited:Achievements and Challenges (Washington D.C.:Institute for International Economics, 2005).
    20 Karen Roberts and Mark I. Wilson eds., Policy Choices:Free Trade among Nations (Michigan: Michigan State University Press,1996).
    21 Donald Barry and Ronald C. Keith eds., Regionalism, Multilateralism, and the Politics of Global Trade (Vancouver:UBC Press,1999).
    22 Brian Hocking and Steven McGuire eds., Trade Politics:International, Domestic, and Regional Perspectives (New York:Routledge,1999).
    23 Arvind Panagariya, Regionalism in Trade Policy (Singapore:World Scientific Publishing Company,1999).
    24 Stephen C. Calleya ed., Regionalism in the Post-Cold War World (Aldershot:Ashgate,2000).
    25Jeffrey J. Schott, Prospects for Free Trade in the Americas (Washington D.C.:Institute for International Economics,2001).类似著作参见Paulo Vizentini and Marianne Wiesebron, Free Trade for the Americas? (London:Zed Books Ltd.,2004).
    26 Jeffrey J Schott, Free Trade Agreements:US Strategies and Priorities (Washington D.C. Institute for International Economics,2004).
    27 Stefan A. Schirm, Globalization and the New Regionalism:Global Markets, Domestic Politics and Regional Cooperation (Cambridge:Polity Press,2002).
    28 Charles Pearson, United States Trade Policy:A Work in Progress (Hoboken:John Wiley,2004).
    Sherrod Brown, Myths of free trade:Why American Trade Policy Has Failed (New York:The New Press,2004).
    30 Heinz G. Preusse, The New American Regionalism (Northampton, Edward Elgar,2004).
    32 Seymour Patterson, The Development of Free Trade in the 1990s and the New Rhetoric of Protectionism (New York:The Edwin Mellen Press,2006).
    33 Richard E. Feinberg,"US Trade Arrangements in the Asia- Pacific," in Vinod K. Aggarwal and Shujiro Urata eds., Bilateral Trade Agreements in the Asia-Pacific (New York:Routledge,2006).
    34Jagdish N. Bhagwati, Termites in the Trading System:How Preferential Agreements Undermine Free Trade (New York:Oxford University Press,2008).他的另一本著作参见Jagdish Bhagwati, The Wind of the Hundred Days:How Washington Mismanaged Globalization (Boston:the MIT Press,2000).
    35 Daniel E. Nolle, The Canada- U.S. Free Trade Agreement:Implications, Opportunities, and Challenge (New York:New York University Press,1990).
    36Michael Hart, Decision at Midnight:Inside the Canada- U.S. Free Trade Negotiations (Vancouver:UBC Press,1994).
    37Robert Z. Lawrence, Regionalism, Multilateralism, and Deeper Integration (Washington D.C.: The Brookings Institution,1996).
    38 Ahmed Galal and Robert Lawrence eds., Building Bridges:An Egypt-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (Washington D.C.:The Brookings Institution Press,1998).
    39Ramkishen S. Rajan et al. Singapore and Free Trade Agreements:Economic Relations with Japan and the United States (Singapore:Institute of Southeast Asian Studies,2001).
    40Inhom Choi and Jeffrey J. Schott, Free Trade between Korea and the United States (Washington D.C.:Institute for International Economics,2001).
    41 Ann Capling, All the Way with the U.S.A:Australia, the U.S. and Free Trade (Sydney:UNSW Press,2005).
    42 Lee Jun-kyu and Lee Hong-shik, Feasibility and Economic Effects of a Korea-U.S. FTA (Seoul: Korea Institute for International Economic Policy,2005).
    43 Remy Jurenas, Agriculture in the U.S. Free Trade Agreements:Trade with Current and Prospective Partners (New York:Nova Science Publishers,2008).
    44 Maria Sampanis, Preserving Power Through Coalitions:Comparing the Grand Strategy of Great Britain and the United States (Westport:Praeger,2003).
    45 Walter Mattli, The Logic of Regional Integration:Europe and Beyond (Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1999).
    46 Guy Poitras and Raymond Robinson, "The Politics of NAFTA in Mexico", Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, Vol.36, No.1, Spring 1994, pp.1-35.
    47 Richard E. Feinberg," The Political Economy of United States'Free Trade Arrangements," The World Economy, Volume 26, Issue 7, July 2003, pp.1019-1040.
    48 Drusilla K. Brown, "Computational Analysis of the FTAs with Central America, Australia and Morocco," The World Economy, Volume 28, Issue 10, October 2005, pp.1441-1490.
    49 Jeffrey J. Schott, Free Trade Agreements and US Trade Policy:A Comparative Analysis of US Initiatives in Latin Amrerica, the Asia-Pacific Region, and the Middle East and North Africa, The International Trade Journal, Vol.20, No.2, Summer 2006, pp.95-138.
    50 William A. Kerr and Jill E. Hobbs, "Bilateralism-A Radical Shift in US Trade Policy:What Will It mean for Agricultural Trade? " Journal of World Trade, Vol.40, Issue 6, Dec.2006, pp.1049-1058.
    51 Simon J. Evenett and Michael Meier, "An Interim Assessment of the US Trade Policy of 'Competitive Liberalization'", The World Economy, Volume 31, Issue 1,18 Jan.2008, pp.31-66.
    52 Soo Yuen Chong and Jung Hur, "Small Hubs, Large Spokes and Overlapping Free Trade Agreements", The World Economy, Volume 31, Issue 12, December 2008, pp.1625-1665.
    3 Jong-Wha Lee et al., "Proliferating Regional Trade Arrangements:Why and Whither?" The World Economy, Volume 31, Issue 12, December 2008, pp.1525-1557.
    Jayant Menon, "Dealing with the Proliferation of Bilateral Free Trade Agreements," The World Economy, Volume 32, Issue 10, October 2009, pp.1381-1407.
    9 Cordell Hull, The Memoirs of Cordell Hull, Vol. Ⅰ (New York:The Macmillan Company,1948),p.747.引自舒建中:《多边贸易体系与美国霸权:关贸总协定制度研究》,南京大学出版社,2009年版,第27页。
    10 Robert A. Pastor, Congress and the Politics of U.S. Foreign Economic Policy,1929-1976 (Berkeley:University of California Press,1980), p.93.
    14 DAFR,Vol.Ⅲ,1940-1941, p.452转引自舒建中:《多边贸易体系与美国霸权:关贸总协定制度研究》,第35页。
    16 Rosemary Foot et al., U.S. Hegemony and International Organizations:the United States and Multilateral Institutions (New York:Oxford University Press,2003), pp.244-245.
    19 David N. Schwartz, "The Role of Deterrence in NATO Defense Strategy:Implications for Doctrine and Posture," World Politics, Vol.28, No. 1, Oct.1975, p.131.
    26 U. S., Department of State, Foreign Relations of the United States,1951, Volume Ⅵ, Part 2, p. 1500.
    29 Thomas H. Etzold ed., Aspects of Sino-American Relations since 1784 (New York:New Viewpoints,1978), pp.116-117.
    Joseph P. Lorenz, Peace, Power, and the United Nations:A Security System for the Twenty-first Century (Boulder:Westview Press,1999), p.30.
    40布鲁斯·克罗林提出了“霸权的悖论”问题,他将其称之为“角色张力”:霸权国在作为大国和体系领导者的冲突性角色中陷入了分裂。参见Bruce Cronin, "The Paradox of Hegemony:America's Ambiguous Relationship with the United Nations", European Journal of International Relations, Vol.7, No.1, March 2001, p.105.
    49 George F. Kennan, Realities of American Foreign Policy (Princeton:Princeton University Press,1954),p.13.转引自詹姆斯·R.施莱辛格:《国家安全的政治经济学:当代大国竞争的经济学研究》,韩亚军等译,北京理工大学出版社,2007年版,第93页。
    56 Donald G. Beane, The United States and GATT:A Relational Study (New York:Pergamon, 2000), p.56.
    58 Amrita Narlikar《权力、政治与WTO)),陈泰锋、薛荣久译,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2007年版,第168-169页。
    60 Louis Henkin, Foreign Affairs and the Constitution (New York:W.W. Norton,1975),p.132转引自孙哲:《左右未来:美国国会的制度创新和决策行为》,上海:复旦大学出版社,2001年版,第55页。
    61 John H. Jackson, Restructuring the GATT System (London:Pinter Publishers,1990), p.14.
    62 Donald G. Beane, The United States and GATT:A Relational Study, p.92.
    63 Ibid., pp.24-25.
    67 Donald G. Beane, The United States and GATT:A Relational Study, pp.61-62.
    68维诺德·阿格瓦尔:《不愿领导:变动中的美国贸易政策》,阎梁译,载《商业与政治》(Business and Politics) 2009年第3期,第4页.
    69 Judith L. Goldstein, Douglas Rivers, and Michael Tomz, "Institutions in International Relations: Understanding the Effects of the GATT and the WTO on World Trade", International Organization,Vol.61, Issue 1, Jan.2007, p.45.
    70 Kendall W. Stiles, "The Ambivalent Hegemon:Explaining the 'Lost Decade' in Multilateral Trade Talks,1948-1958", Review of International Political Economy, Vol.2, No.1, Winter 1995, pp.6-7.
    72 Robert Gilpin, Global Political Economy:Understanding the International Economic Order (Princeton:Princeton University Press,2001), p.88.
    74 Ravi Batra, The Myth of Free Trade:A Plan for America's Economic Revival (New York:C. Scribner's Sons,1993), p.143转引自张敏谦:《美国对外经济战略》,北京:世界知识出版社,2001年版,第124页。
    78 Robert W. Jerome ed., World Trade at the Crossroads:the Uruguay Round, GATT and Beyond (Lanham:Economic Strategy Institute,1992), p.240.
    86 4个框架协议是:《关于差别的和更优惠待遇、互惠及发展中国家的进一步参与》、《关于为国际收支目的采取的贸易措施宣言》、《关于为发展目的采取的保障措施》、《关于通知、协商、争端解决和监督的协议》;6个具体协议是:《反倾销协定》、《补贴与反补贴协定》、《进口许可证协议》、《政府采购协议》、《贸易技术壁垒协议》、《关税估值协定》;3个专门协议 分别是与牛肉、奶制品和民用航空器等相关的协议。
    92Statement of the Honorable Robert B.Zoellick,Testimony before the Subcommittee on Trade of the House Committee on Ways and Means,Hearing on Summit of the Americas and Prospects for Free Trade in thd Hemisphere,May 8,2001.转引自William H.Cooper,Free Trade Agreements:Impact on U.S.Trade and Implications for U.S.Trade Policy[R].CRS Report for Congress,Order Code RL31356,August 1,2006:p.6.
    93.John Ikenberry,"A World Economy Restored:Expert Consensus and the Anglo-American Postwar Settlement",Internationa,Organization,Vol.46,No.1,Winter 1992,p.292.
    2 F. V. Meyer, International Trade Policy (New York:St. Martin's,1978), p.142转引自Charles Lipson, "The Transformation of Trade:The Sources and Effects of Regime Change," in斯蒂芬·克拉斯纳主编:《国际机制》,北京大学出版社.2005年版,第235页。
    3爱德华·曼斯菲尔德和海伦·米尔纳认为历史上共出现四波地区主义浪潮:第一波发生在19世纪下半叶;第二波发生在两次世界大战之间;第三波发生在20世纪50年代末,一直持续到70年代;第四波发生在冷战结束之后。同期与欧洲经济共同体一道成为第三波典型的还有欧洲自由贸易区、经济互助委员会、安第斯条约组织、西非经济共同体及东南亚国家联盟。参见Edward D. Mansfield and Helen V. Milner, "The New Wave of Regionalism," International Organization, Vol.53, No.3, Summer 1999, pp.595-602国内学者著作参见王勇:《国际贸易政治经济学——全球贸易关系背后的政治逻辑》,北京:中国市场出版社,2008年版,第150-152页。
    4 Robert E. Baldwin, "The Changing Nature of U.S. Trade Policy since World War II," in Robert E. Baldwin and Anne O. Krueger eds., The Structure and Evolution of Recent U.S. Trade Policy (Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1984), p.7.
    5 Jeffrey J. Schott, The Uruguay Round:An Assessment (Washington D.C.:Institute for International Economics,1994), p.4.
    7 Jeffrey J. Schott ed., Free Trade Agreements:U.S. Strategies and Priorities (Washington D.C.: Institute for International Economics,2004), p.53.
    9I·戴斯勒:《美国贸易政治》,第300页。确实,美国对地区自由贸易谈判的参与意味着其对外经济政策有了更多的选择,但它是否对欧洲国家产生了促进多边贸易谈判的压力却是另一回事。无论国内、国外,都有相当多的学者认为它对欧洲国家产生了影响,然而知名学者巴格瓦蒂经过调查发现:许多欧洲国家的贸易官员并不认同这一说法。参见Jagdish N. Bhagwati, Termites in the Trading System:How Preferential Agreements Undermine Free Trade (New York:Oxford University Press,2008), p.85.
    12 Simon J. Evenett and Michael Meier, "An Interim Assessment of the U.S. Trade Policy of 'Competitive Liberalization'", The World Economy, Volume 31, Issue 1, Jan.2008, p.36.
    (17个),紧随其后的是智利(12个)、新加坡(10个)、墨西哥(9个)、日本(8个)。参见Jayant Menon, " Dealing with the Proliferation of Bilateral Free Trade Agreements", The World Economy, Volume 32, Issue 10, October 2009, p.1387.
    15 C·弗雷德·伯格斯坦主编:《美国与世界经济——未来十年美国的对外经济政策》,第31页。
    16 13条标准的具体内容参见 United States General Accounting Office (GAO), International Trade, Intensifying Free Trade Negotiating Agenda Calls for Better Allocation of Staff and Resources,2004 (Washington D.C.:GAO,2004), pp.7-9.
    17 6条标准的肯体内容参见 United States General Accounting Office (GAO), International Trade, Intensifying Free Trade Negotiating Agenda Calls for Better Allocation of Staff and Resources, pp.9-10.
    18“分而治之”的说法参见Jagdish N. Bhagwati, Termites in the Trading System:How Preferential Agreements Undermine Free Trade, p.81.
    ¨维诺德·阿瓦格尔认为,美国推行地区贸易政策是由于“他们(指美国政府、商业领袖和政策分析者)只是缺乏对贸易政策政治经济学的了解”所致,参见维诺德·阿格瓦尔:《不愿领导:变动中的美国贸易政策》,阎梁译,载《商业与政治》(Business and Politics),2009年第3期,第1页。
    20参见" Agreement on the Establishment of a Free Trade Area between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Israel", Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol.15, No. 2, Winter 1986, pp.119-131.
    21 Jeffrey J. Schott ed., Free Trade Agreements:U.S. Strategies and Priorities, p.54.
    28种观点的具体内容参见Robert Z. Lawrence & Charles L. Schultze eds., An American Trade Strategy:Options for the 1990s (Washington D.C.:The Brookings Institution,1990), pp.68-194.
    Glenn P. Hastedt and Anthony J. Eksterowicz, "Presidential Leadership in the Post-Cold War Era", Presidential Studies Quarterly, Vol.23, No.3,1993, pp.445-458转自Robert L. Paarlberg, Leadership Abroad Begins at Home:U.S. Foreign Economic policy after the Cold War (Washington D.C.:The Brookings Institution,1995), p.26.
    39 Robert Z. Lawrence, "Toward an Egypt-U.S. Free Trade Agreement:A U.S. Perspective," in Ahmed Galal and Robert Z. Lawrence eds., Building Bridges:An Egypt-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (Washington D.C.:Brookings Institution Press,1998), p.41.
    41亨利·基辛格:《基辛格:美国的全球战略》,胡利平等译,海南出版社,2009年版,第 84页。
    42 1996年美国国会通过的《赫尔姆斯-伯顿法》又被称为《古巴自由与民主巩固法案》,该法案实为1994年反古(巴)措施的汇总,其目的是对销售与古巴有关的产品(包括原材料占一定比例的制成品)、对古巴进行投资或发生贸易往来以及对古巴发放贷款的个人或组织进行惩罚,同时鼓励美国人对古巴进行起诉。同年通过的《达马托法》又被称为《伊朗-利比亚制裁法》,其目的是对那些在伊朗年度投资超过4000万美元或违反联合国对利比亚禁运规定的组织和个人进行制裁。这两个法案都因为其强烈的治外法权色彩而受到其他国家和人民的普遍抨击。
    43 Mary Jane Bolle, "U.S.-Jordan Free Trade Agreement", in Arnold S. Miller ed., Free Trade: Current Issues and Prospects (New York:Novinka Books,2004), pp.91-92.
    44弗雷德·伯格斯坦首先在20世纪70年代对这一问题作了初步探讨,巴格瓦蒂则在1988年将其称为“自行车理论’'(bicycle theory) 参见 C. Fred Bergsten, Toward a New International Economic Order:Selected Papers of C. Fred Bergsten,1971-1974 (Lexington:Lexington Books, 1975), pp.219-220. Jagdish Bhagwati, Protectionism (Cambridge:Massachusettes Institute of Technology Press,1988), p.41.
    45Jonathan Mahler, "After the Imperial Presidenc http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/09/magazine/09power-t.html
    46 Donald R. Wolfensberger, "The Return of the Imperial Presidency?" Wilson Quarterly, Vol.26, No.2, Spring 2002, pp.36-42转引自李巍:《制度变迁与美国国际经济政策》,第259页。
    47 I·戴斯勒:《美国贸易政治》,第280页。
    48 C. Fred Bergsten, "A Renaissance for U.S. Trade Policy?" Foreign Affairs, Vol.81, No.6, Nov/ Dec 2002, pp.86-98.
    50 Robert B. Zoellick, Remarks by Ambassador Robert B. Zoellick, United States Trade Representative (Washington D.C.:Office of the US Trade Representative,2002), p.81.转引自I. M. Destler, American trade politics (Washington D.C.:Institute for International Economics,2005), pp.299-300.至于学者们对竞争性自由化理论的研究,可参见C. Fred Bergsten, "Competitive Liberalization and Global Free Trade:A Vision for the Early 21st Century", Working Paper 96-15, Institute for International Economics,1996; Richard H. Steinberg, "Great Power Management of the World Trading System:A Transatlantic Strategy for Liberal Multilateralism", Law and Policy in International Business, Vol.29, No.2,1998, pp.205-256.
    52 Barbara Stallings, "Chile:A Pioneer in Trade Policy", in Mireya Solis et al. eds., Competitive Regionalism:FTA Diffusion in the Pacific Rim (New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2009), p.123.
    53 William H. Cooper, "The U.S.-Australia Free Trade Agreement:Provisions and Implications", CRS Report for Congress, Order Code RL32375, January 12,2005, p.1.
    54起初,布什选择摩洛哥作为双边贸易谈判对象的决定超出大部分人的预料,甚至受到商业部官员的质疑。因为首先美国与摩洛哥之间并没有太多的贸易往来;其次从经济利益考虑的话,同样作为中东国家的埃及和土耳其更适宜作为谈判对象。参见Raymond J. Ahearn, "Morocco-U.S. Free Trade Agreement", CRS Report for Congress, Order Code RS21464, May 26,2005, p.3.
    55海湾合作委员会国家(即海湾阿拉伯国家合作委员会,简称“海合会”,包括沙特阿拉伯、阿曼、阿拉伯联合酋长国、科威特、卡塔尔和巴林)在上世纪90年代结成了抵制与以色列进行直接贸易的统一阵线。巴林与美国签署了自由贸易协定以后,退出了统一阵线,关闭了相关的组织机构。参见Kenneth Katzman, "Bahrain:Reform, Security, and U.S. Policy", CRS Report for Congress, Order Code 95-1013, October 17,,2008, p.6.
    56 J. F. Hornbeck, "The U.S.-Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA):Challenges for Sub-Regional Integration", Report for Congress, Order Code RL31870, April 25,2003, Summary.
    57杨志敏:《解析备受争议的“美国中美洲多米尼加自由贸易协定”》,载《拉美调研》,2005 年第21期,第5页。http://ilas.cass.cn/uploadfiles/cn/xslt/%7B06AB2445-8BEA-4AD4-95FF-B609B927FDF2%7D.p df
    60具体国家名单参见Mary Jane Bolle, "Proposed U.S.-Oman Free Trade Agreement", CRS Report for Congress, Order Code RL33328, August 1,2006, pp.1-2.
    64 Ian F. Fergusson & Bruce Vaughn, "The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement", CRS Report for Congress, R40502, June 25,2010, p.2.
    64在一些专家眼里看来,这只是欧洲出于缓和伊拉克战争造成的美欧双边关系中的紧张气氛以及对亚洲经济快速崛起的担忧而做出的权宜之计,跨大西洋自由贸易区根本就不可能实现。著名经济学家Gary Hufbauer就坚持这一看法。
    69 Douglass C. North, "Institutions and Economic Theory", American Economist, Vol.36, No.l, Spring 1992, p.5.
    70 Robert H. Bates, "Contra Contractarianism:Some Reflections on the New Institutionalism' Politics & Society Vol.16, No.2-3, June 1 1988, p.393.
    73典型的例子就是美以自由贸易协定。协定实施后,美国对以色列贸易的顺差格局被逐渐扭转,1994年后美国对以贸易一直维持逆差,同时美国试图通过协定抗衡欧共体(欧盟前身)在以色列市场上主导地位的意图也没有实现。与约旦、新加坡的自由贸易协定在实施后的情形也差不多。参见Howard Rosen, "Free Trade Agreements as Foreign Policy Tools:The US-Israel and US-Jordan FTAs," in Jeffrey J. Schott ed., Free Trade Agreements:US Strategies and Priorities, pp.56-58, pp.64-65.
    76 Kathleen Thelen, "How Institutions Evolve:Insights from Comparative Historical Analysis," in James Mahoney and Dietrich Rueschemever eds., Comparative Historical Analysis in the Social Science, New York:Cambridge University Press,2003.转引自朱天飚:《比较政治经济学》,第149页。
    77 Stephen Krasner, "Approaches to the State:Alternative Conceptions and Historical Dynamics", Comparative politics, Vol.16, No.2, Jan.1984, pp.240-244当然这一理论的问题在于,它似乎 认为制度能够解释一切现象,直到它什么也不能解释为止。当其崩溃之时,这一理论的逻辑就由“制度塑造政治”变成了“政治塑造制度”。参见凯瑟琳·西伦、斯温·斯坦默:《比较政治学中的历史制度主义》,载何俊志等编译:《新制度主义政治学译文精选》,天津人民出版社,2007年版,第160页。
    94 Robert E. Baldwin, Trade Policy in a Changing World Economy (Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1988), p.20.
    Anne O. Krueger, American Trade Policy:A Tragedy in the Making (Washington D.C.:The AEI Press,1995), p.87.
    100 Paul Wonnacott and Mark Lutz, "Is There a Case for Free Trade Areas?"in Jeffrey J. Schott ed., Free Trade Areas and U.S. Trade Policy (Washington D.C.:Institute for International Economics, 1989), p.74.
    102David B.H. Denoon, Real Reciprocity:Balancing U.S. Economic and Security policy in the Pacific Basin (New York:Council on Foreign Relations Press,1993), pp.2-4.
    103 Robert L. Paarlberg, Leadership Abroad Begins at Home:U.S. Foreign Economic Policy after the Cold War (Washington D.C.:The Brookings Institution,1995).
    104 Anne O. Krueger, American Trade Policy:A Tragedy in the Making (Washington D.C.:The AEI Press,1995). Jagdish Bhagwati and Arvind Panagariya, The Economics of Preferential Trade Agreements (Washington D.C.:The AEI Press,1996).
    105Stephen D. Cohen et al., Fundamentals of U.S. Foreign Trade Policy:Economics, Politic Laws, and Issues (Boulder:Westview Press,1996), p.277.
    106John E. Peters, The U.S. Military:Ready for the New World Order? (Westport:Greenwood Press,1993), p.58.
    110 Times, November 20,2000转引自宋玉华:《美国新经济研究——经济范式转型与制度演化》,北京:人民出版社,2002年版,第295页。
    117巴瑞·波森认为克林顿与小布什虽然都采取了霸权战略,但两者之间存在差异:克林顿采取的是“选择性干预”战略,小布什则是“主导性支配”战略。参见Barry R. Posen, "Command of the Commons:The Military Foundation of U.S. Hegemony", International Security, Vol.28, No.1, Summer 2003, pp.5-46.
    120 Joan Edelman Spero & Jeffrey A. Hart, The Politics of International Economic Relations (New York:St. Martin's Press,1997), p.216.
    127 Joan Edelman Spero & Jeffrey A. Hart, The Politics of International Economic Relations,p.231.
    128 Joan Edelman Spero & Jeffrey A. Hart, The Politics of International Economic Relations,p.237.
    135 Laurent Cohen-Tanugi, An Alliance at Risk:The United States and Europe since September 11 (Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,2003), p.63.
    148 John Williamson,"From Reform Agenda to Damaged Brand Name:A Short History of the Washington Consensus and Suggestions for What to Do Next, Finance & Development, Volume 40, Number 3, September 2003, pp.10-13.
    150 Yumiko Okamoto, "The Reluctant Bilateralist:Malaysia's New Trade Policy," in Vinod K. Aggarwal & Shujiro Urata eds., Bilateral Trade Agreements in the Asia-Pacific:Origins, Evolution, and Implication (New York:Routledge.2006), p.241.
    152 Maurice Schiff and L. Alan Winters《区域一体化与发展》,第70-71页。
    153 Ronald Rogowski, Commerce and coalitions:how trade affects domestic political alignments (Princeton:Princeton University Press,1990).
    155杰弗里·A.弗里登、罗纳德·罗戈斯基:《国际经济对国家政策的影响》,载罗伯特·基 欧汉、海伦·米尔纳主编:《国际化与国内政治》,姜鹏、董素华译,北京大学出版社,2003年版,第27-52页。
    1Walter Mattli, The Logic of Regional Integration:Europe and Beyond (New York:Cambridge University Press,1999), pp.179-180.
    3 Walter Mattli, The Logic of Regional Integration:Europe and Beyond, p.188.
    4 Peter Coffey et al., NAFTA-Past, Present and Future (Boston:Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999), pp.42-43.
    9 Gary Clyde Hufbauer and Jeffrey J. Schott, Western Hemispheric Economic Integration (Washington D.C.:Institute for International Economics,1994), p.3.
    10 Peter Coffey et al., NAFTA-Past, Present and Future, p.119.
    12 Walter Mattli, The Logic of Regional Integration:Europe and Beyond, p.184.
    20 Inter-American Development Bank, Integration and Trade in the Americas:Periodic Note (December 2000), p.115转引自罗伯特·帕斯特:《走向北美共同体——新世界应从旧世界汲取的教训》,第74页。
    22Kevin C. Kennedy, ed., The First Decade of NAFTA:the Future of free Trade in North America (New York:Transnational Publishers, Inc.,2004), p.2.
    25具体分析参见Michael Hart, "A Matter of Synergy:The Role of Regional Agreements in the Multilateral Trading Order", in Donald Barry and Robald C. Keith eds., Regionalism, Multilateralism and the Politics of Global Trade (Vancouver:UBC Press,1999), p.30.
    26Don Munton and John Kirton, " Beyond and beneath the nation-state:province-state interactions and NAFTA ", Papers Presented to the Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association, San Diego, April 1996, p.18.转引自Andrew F. Cooper, "NAFTA and the Politics of Regional Trade", in Brain Hocking and Steve McGuire, eds., Trade Politics:International, Domestic and Regional Perspectives (New York:Routledge,1999), p.235.
    29Seven W. Arndt, "Introduction:Wither NAFTA?" North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Volume 6, Issue2, Autumn 1995, p.85.
    Ronald J. Wonnacott, "Trade and Investment in a Hub and Spoke System Versus a Free Trade Area", The World Economy, Volume 19, Issue 3, May 1996, pp.240-241.
    31Dorval Brunelle, "The US, the FTAA, and the Parameters of Global Governance", in Paulo Vizentini and Marianne Wiesbron eds., Free Trade for the Americas? The United States'Push for the FTAA Agreement (New York:Zed Books,2004), p.35.
    32 Gary Clyde Hufbauer and Ben Goodrich, "Lessons from NAFTA", in Jeffrey J. Schott ed., Free Trade Agreements:U.S. Strategies and Priorities, p.40.
    34 Isidro Morales, Post-NAFTA North America:Reshaping the Economic and political Governance of a Changing Region (New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2008), p.183.
    35 Andrew F. Cooper, "NAFTA and the Politics of Regional Trade", in Brain Hocking and Steve McGuire, eds., Trade Politics:International, Domestic and Regional Perspectives, p.242.
    Joseph A. Mckinney, "Mexico in a North American Free Trade Area", in Khosrow Fatemi ed., North American Free Trade Agreement:Opportunities and Challenges (New York:St. martin' Press,1993), p.137.
    Sidney Weintraub, A Marriage of Convenience Relations Between Mexico and the United States (New York:Oxford University press,1990), pp.118-120.黑心引自孙若彦《经济全球化与墨西哥对外战略的转变》,第79页。
    45 Guy Poitras and Raymond Robinson, "The Politics of NAFTA in Mexico", Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, Vol.36, No.1, Spring 1994, p.6.
    47 Barbara Hogenboom, Mexico and the NAFTA Environment Debate:The Transnational Politics of Economic Integration (Utrecht:International Books,1998), p.43.
    48 Guy Poitras and Raymond Robinson, "The Politics of NAFTA in Mexico", p.17关于两者之间亲密关系的进一步描述,参见Strom C. Thacker, "NAFTA Coalitions and the Political Viability of Neoliberalism in Mexico", Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, Vol. 41, No.2, Summer,1999, pp.57-89.
    61 Jeffrey J. Schott. Scott C. Bradford, and Thomas Moll. "Negotiating the Korea-United States Free Trade Agreement", in Institute for International Economics, Policy Briefs in International Economics, (JUNE,2006), p.1.
    62http://www.wto.org/english/tratop e/tariffs e/tariff profiles 2006 e/kor e.pdf
    63 William H. Cooper, Remy Jurenas, The Proposed U.S.-South Korea Free Trade Agreement (KORUS FTA):Provisions and Implications[R], Congressional Research Service,7-5700, March 24,2009:p.12.
    64 William H. Cooper, Mark E. Manyin, and Vivian C. Jones, The Proposed U.S.-South Korea Free Trade Agreement (KORUS FTA):Provisions and Implications[R], CRS Report for Congress, Order Code RL34330, January 22,2008:p.13.
    65 William H. Cooper, Mark E. Manyin, and Vivian C. Jones, The Proposed U.S.-South Korea Free Trade Agreement (KORUS FTA):Provisions and Implications, CRS Report for Congress, Order Code RL34330, October 17,2008:p.3.
    66外国在韩汽车市场占有率从2000年不到1%上升到2005年的3%,其中美国仅占0.294%。相关数据见William H. Cooper, Mark E. Manyin, and Vivian C. Jones, The Proposed U.S.-South Korea Free Trade Agreement (KORUS FTA):Provisions and Implications, CRS Report for Congress, Order Code RL34330, October 17,2008:p.17.
    67Nam Sang-yirl, " Implications of Liberalizing Korea-U.S. Trade in the Automobile Sector: Potential Impact of the Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement", in Korea Economic Institute, Academic Paper Series, Vol.3, No.1, February 2008, p.5.
    68 http://speaker.house.gov/newsroom/pressreleases?id=0235
    69 William H. Cooper, Mark E. Manyin, and Vivian C. Jones, "The Proposed U.S.-South Korea Free Trade Agreement (KORUS FTA):Provisions and Implications", CRS Report for Congress, Order Code RL34330, October 17,2008:p.19.
    70 Cha Victor D, "Korea's Place in the Axis", Foreign Affairs, May/Jun,2002, Vol.81, Issue 3.
    71 Selig S. Harrison, "Time to Leave Korea?" Foreign Affairs, Vol.80, Issue 2, Mar/Apr,2001, p. 66.
    73 Selig S. Harrison, "Time to Leave Korea?" Foreign Affairs, Vol.80, Issue 2, Mar/Apr,2001, p. 67.
    74 Lee Sook-jong, "The Roots of Anti-Americanism in Korean Society", in The Korea Economic Institute, The United States and South Korea:Reinvigorating the Partnership, Volume 14,2004, p.192.
    82 Claude Barfield, Korea in Asia:Korea s Development, Asian Regionalism and U.S.-Korea Economic Relations (Washington D. C.:Korea Economic Institute,2003), p.1.
    83 Ibid., p.8.
    85 R. R. Krishnan, "South Korean Export Oriented Regime:Context and Characteristics", Social Scientist,Vol.13, No.7/8, Jul.-Aug.1985, p.101.
    Kim Dong-hyun and Yearn H. Choi, "Korea-U. S. Trade Friction:Content Analysis of Newspapers in Korea and U.S.", Korea Journal, August,1989, p.32.
    88 John Spanier and Steven W. Hook, American Foreign Policy since World War Ⅱ (Washington D. C.:Congressional Quarterly Inc.,1998),14th Edition, p.124.
    89这可能与两国的实力对比有关,1980年,韩国的国内生产总值仅相当于美国的1/45,其对美出口值相当于本国国内生产总值的7%,而美国对韩出口值仅相当于美国国内生产总值的0.18%。韩国出口对美国经济的影响几乎可以忽略不计。参见John S. Odell,"The Outcomes of Interna2tional Trade Conflicts:The U. S. and South Korea,1960-1981 ", International Studies Quarterly, Vol.29, No.3, Sep.,1985, p.274.
    90美国对韩国的经济援助从1945年到1980年一直没有间断过。参见Ki-Hoon Kim,"The Development of Contemporary U. S.-RO K Economic Relations", in Tae Hwan Kwak, et al eds., U. S.-Korean Relations,1882-1982 (Seoul:Kyungnam University Press,1982), p.327.
    91有人认为美韩关系一直存在军事和经济两个支柱。但笔者认为,为推行遏制战略,美国在冷战时期对韩国的经济援助只是希望其具备相应的经济实力,能够承担起对抗所谓“共产主义威胁”的职责。一旦韩国经济强大到对美出现巨额贸易顺差的时候,却并非美国所愿——80年代双方围绕贸易赤字问题的争执即是明证。因此,与其说美韩之间存在着一个经济支柱,倒不如说它只是美韩军事联盟的副产品。同时鉴于冷战已进入末期,80年代两国经济关系的加强对联盟的支柱作用实在值得令人怀疑。另一个颇能说明问题的是,与军事上诸多的协定协议相比,除了50、60年代签订了几个对韩经济援助的协定之外,美韩经济关系此后一直在GATT的多边框架内运行,双边性的协定协议签署极为少见。关于存在两个支柱的说法,参见Lee Hyun-ju, "Korea-U. S. Economic Relations in 2003:A View from Seoul ", in KEI, Koreas Economy 2004, Volume 20, p.61.
    93 Victor D. Cha, "Korea's Place in the Axis", Foreign Affairs, Vol.81, Issue 3, May/Jun.,2002.
    95 Selig S. Harrison, "Time to Leave Korea?" Foreign Affairs, Vol.80, Issue 2, Mar/Apr,2001, p. 66.
    96 Ibid.,p.67.
    97 Lee Sook-jong,"The Roots of Anti2Americanism in Korean Society", in The KEI, The Un States and South Korea:Reinvigorating the Partnership, Volume 14,2004, p.192.
    Marcus Noland, "How Bush Risks Losing Korea", Op-ed in the Financial Times, January 22, 2004.
    102 Yun Duk Min, "Future Directions for the RO K-U. S. Strategic Alliance in the 21st Century" in IFANS, Policy Brief No.2008-8, December 2008, p.9.
    103 Scott Snyder, "The Beginning of the End of the U. S.-ROK Alliance?" PacNET. August 26, 2004.
    Carin Zissis and Youkyung Lee, The U. S.-South Korea Alliance, in Council on Foreign Relations, Backgrounders, April 14,2008.
    105 2006年6月8日美国布鲁金斯学会研究员黄靖在中国社会科学院美国研究所做的演讲。转引自王缉思等主编:《美国在东亚的作用:观点、政策及影响》,第113页。
    106 Yun Duk Min, "Future Directions for the RO K-U.S. Strategic Alliance in the 21st Century" in IFANS, Policy Brief No.2008-8, December 2008, pp.7-10.
    108 Jeffrey J. Schott, Scott C. Bradford, and Thomas Moll, "Negotiating the Korea-United States Free Trade Agreement", in Institute for International Economics, Policy Briefs in International Economics, (JUNE,2006), p.1.
    109 Winder:The Korea-U. S. FTA:Prospects and Implications for the Bilateral Strategic Relationship, p.3.110这三大挑战是国内入口老龄化趋势严重、国外中印迅速崛起带来的竞争压力、以及未来与朝鲜统一的影响。参见James Lister, "Korea's Economy:Decent Short-run Outlook but Long-run Challenges", Korea Insight,Volume 9, Number 3, March 2007.
    111 Jeffrey J. Schott, et al, "Negotiating the Korea-United States Free Trade Agreement", in HE policy Brief, August 2007, p.1.
    112有关双方获得经济利益的各种评估,参见Cheong Inhyo, "East Asian Economic Integration: Implications of A U. S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement", in KIEP, Korea's Economy 2007, Volume23,p.65.至于两国具体部门的获益情况,参见Renan Zhuang and Won W. Koo,"Implications of the U. S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement:A General Equilibrium App roach", in Korea Economic Institute, Static and Dynamic Consequences of a KORUS FTA, May 1,2007.
    113 Park Tong-whan, "From Collective Defense to Security Co-Management", in KEI, The United States and South Korea:Reinvigorating the Partnership, Volume 14,2004, p.22.
    114参见Hahm Chaibong,"South Korea's Progressives and the U. S.-ROK Alliance", in KEI, Joint US.-Korea Academic Studies, Volume 17,2007.
    115 http://www.hanguo.net.cn/?m=2&mid=7&job=v&no=22&start=30.
    116 Yun Duk Min, "Future Directions for the RO K-U. S. Strategic Alliance in the 21st Century", in IFANS, Policy Brief No.2008-8, December 2008, p.2.
    117Lee Myung-bak, "Korea-US Alliance:Time to Take It to the Next Level", Presentation at the Brookings Institution, March 14,2006, p.5.
    118 Mo Jongryn, "Cultural Integration between the United States and Korea:Looking beyond the Free Trade Agreement", in KEI, Joint U. S.-Korea Academic Studies, Volume 18,2008.
    120 http://www.speaker.gov/newsroom/pressreleases?id=0173
    121 http://waysandmeans.house.gov/media/pdf/NewTradePolicy.pdf
    123 http://www.nytimes.com/2002/10/20/magazine/20INEQUALITY. html?pagewanted=all&position:=top
    124 C.弗雷德·伯格斯坦:《美国与世界经济:未来十年美国的对外经济政策》,第313-314页。
    125例如《美澳自由贸易协定》签署的一个重要原因是由于澳大利亚支持并参加了美国发动的伊拉克战争。与之形成对比的是,美国拒绝了与之同样有着重要经济关系的新西兰所提出的进行双边自由贸易谈判的请求,因为新西兰政府对美国发动的伊拉克战争持批评态度。See Andrew L. Stoler, "Australia-US Free Trade:Benefits and Costs of an Agreement," in Jeffrey J. Schott ed., Free Trade Agreements:US Strategies and Priorities (Washington DC:Institute for International Economics,2004), p.96.
    126 I. M. Destler, "American Trade Politics in 2007:Building Bipartisan Compromise", in HE, Policy Brief, May 2007, p.8.
    128 Charles Rangel, "The Wrong Approach to Trade," Financial Times, November 14,2001.
    129例如李明博就主张要将签订《美韩自由贸易协定》视为升级联盟的好机会。See Lee Myung-bak, "Korea-US Alliance:Time to Take It to the Next Level," Presentation at the Brookings Institution, March 14,2006, p.5.
    130如前所述,推进反恐战略在小布什实施自由贸易协定政策的过程中占据了主导地位。就实际经济收益而言,美国签署的大多数自由贸易协定所取得的成果实在乏善可陈。相反,出 于对外交、国内政治的种种考虑,美国政府有时不得不做出经济上的妥协来换取其他国家的政治支持,或者做出巨大的让步来迎合国会。经济学家对自由贸易协定可能带来的收益往往重在进行纯经济学分析,而有意无意地弱化或忽略了政治因素的作用。
    131 Cited from William H. Cooper et al, "The Proposed U.S.-South Korea Free Trade Agreement (KORUS FTA):Provisions and Implications," CRS Report for Congress, June 17,2009, p.17.
    132Levin Details Problems with Korea FTA at Hearing of the International Trade Commission, June 20,2007, http://www.house.gov/apps/list/press/mi12_levin/PR062007.shtml
    133 Committee on Ways and Means, Hearing on the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement Negotiations, March 20,2007, http://waysandmeans.house.gov/Hearings/transcript.aspx?NewsID=10265
    135 Mary Jane Bolle, "Middle East Free Trade Area:Progress Report", CRS Report for Congress, July 3,2006, pp.4-6.
    138 2002年,中东穆斯林国家的工业出口总额只有400亿美元,只接近芬兰一国的水平,中东地区的经济总量还不及西班牙一国。参见闫文虎:《美国对中东“民主化”改造战略》,载《西亚非洲》,2005年第1期,第48页。
    139 Ron Kirk, "Joint Statement on the 25th Anniversary of the United States-Israel Free Trade Agreement", October 18,2010, http://www.ustr.gov/node/6225
    140 Jeffrey J. Schott ed., Free Trade Agreements:U.S. Strategies and Priorities, p.62.
    141 Mary Jane Bolle, "Proposed U.S.-Oman Free Trade Agreement", CRS Report for Congress, August 1,2006, p.3.
    142 Antonia Juhasz, The Bush Agenda:Invading the World, One Economy at a Time (New York: ReganBooks,2006), pp.268-269.
    143 Mary Jane Bolle, "U.S.-Jordan Free Trade Agreement," in Arnold S. Miller ed., Free Trade: Current Issues and Prospects (New York:Novinka Books,2004), p.94.
    144 Mary Jane Bolle, "Proposed U.S.-Oman Free Trade Agreement", pp.2-3.
    148 Antonia Juhasz, The Bush Agenda:Invading the World, One Economy at a Time, p.282.
    151 Antonia Juhasz, The Bush Agenda:Invading the World, One Economy at a Time, p.285.
    155 Nina Camp, Michael O'Hanlon, and Amy Unikewicz, "The State of Iraq:An Update," New York Times, December 20,2006转引自戴维·S·梅森:《美国世纪的终结》,倪乐雄、孙运峰等译,上海辞书出版社,2009年版,第131页。
    163Anoushiravan Ehteshami,Globalization and Geopolitica in the Middle East:Old Games,New Rules(New York:Routledge,2007),p.52.
    164Laura Drake,"Arab-Israel Relations in a New Middle East Order:the politics of e cooperation,"in J.W.Wright,Jr.ed.,The Political Economy of Middle East Peace:the impact of competing trade agendas(New York Routledge,1999),p.16.
    165Jeffrey J.Schott ed.,Free Trade Agreements:U.S.Strategies and Priorities,p.56.
    166至于双方对与中东地区国家建立何种关系问题上的分歧,参见Barry Buzan and OleWaever,Regions and Powers:The Structure of International Security(Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2003),p.215.
    169在美国学界,对将北非和传统意义上的中东地区联系起来进行研究是最近几十年来学术研究的热点之一,出现了大量的相关著作。具体参见Bernard Reich ed.,Handbook of Political Science Research on the Middle East and North Africa(Westport:Greenwood Press,1998).
    171 《美公布“五年出口翻番”详细战略》,《参考消息》2010年9月18日,第4版。
    3 Susan C. Schwab, "Statement of U.S. Trade Representative Susan C. Schwab before the U.S. Senate Finance Committee", Thursday, March 6,2008, p.2.
    5 Arthur A. Stein, "The Hegemon's Dilemma:Great Britain, the United States, and the International Economic Order," International Organization, Vol.38, No.2, Spring 1984, p.366.
    9“隔岸平衡战略”与“离岸平衡战略”的英文表达形式都是“offshore balancing strategy”莱恩的观点参见克里斯托弗·莱恩:《和平的幻想:1940年以来的美国大战略》,第297-342页。
    16 Robert Z. Lawrence & Charles L. Schultze eds., An American Trade Strategy:Options for the 1990s, p.64.
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    23 Stephen C. Calleya ed., Regionalism in the Post-Cold War World (Aldershot:Ashgate,2000), p.233.
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    34Jagdish Bhagwati,"From Seattle to Hong Kong:Are We Getting Anywhere?"Global Economy Journal,Vol.5,Iss.4,December 2005,p.11.转引自Rodney D.Ludema,"Allies and Friends: The Trade Policy Review of the United States,2006,"The World Economy,Volume 30,Issue 8, August 2007,p.1220.
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