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On the basis of far-ranging rise of multi-discipline studies on metaphor, naturally and necessarily, a special study of scientific metaphor has become a new research area in philosophy of science. The method of metaphor analysis is transplanting into philosophy of science and forming a kind of promising research paradigm. According to the theories of metaphor in philosophy of language and philosophy of science, this dissertation try to establish a steady and rational bridge between general metaphor theory and scientific metaphor. These are in order to emphesize the essence, structure, features, fuctions and significance of scientific metaphor.
     This dissertation consists of introduction, five systematic argumentations, conclusion, appendix and postscript.
     The introduction is about the resources and sources of scientific metaphor, in order to provide a necessary preporation work for putting forward the research of scientific metaphor. At the beginning, this part deals with the concept and meaning of general metaphor, describes the basic signification of metaphor from perspectives of connotation and extension, analyses and evaluates the formal definitions proposed by some typical and classical dictionary, encyclopedia and philosophical works. Then a brief survey about history of metaphor research is given. Based on these, depicting the reason of its being veiled and historical conditions of emergeing, the arthor introduces the main point of this dissertation: scientific metaphor.
     Chapter One is named "The Essence of Scientific Metaphor". Firstly, this chapter examines the actual existence of scientific metaphor, introduces some typical examples of mathematical, physical, chemical and biological metaphors. Secondly, from the perspectives of generation, connotation and working mechanism, the essence of scientific metaphor is elaborated. After that, an analysis on the relationships between scientific metaphor and scientific analogy, scientific metaphor and scientific model are also presented.
     "The Structure of Scientific Metaphor", Chapter Two, depicts the linguistic structure of scientific metaphor, points out that scientific metaphor is a contextual union: the syntagmatic construction as its basic carrier, semantic projection as essence and pragmatic choice as creation mode. Then, in terms of conceptual metaphor and root metaphor, this part shows the conceptually cognitive structure of scientific metaphor. At last, the arthor argues that the thinking operation structure of scientific metaphor is deeply influenced by embodied thinking mode of human being and social, cultural institutions.
     Chapter Three is "The Features of Scientific Metaphor". At first, this chapter does a preliminary research on referential features of scientific metaphor from the following angles: the taxonomic logic of formation, possible worlds semantics logic of essence, fuzzy logic of truth-value, and abduction logic of inference. In the next place, the openness, indirectness and dialectics features manifested in reference of scientific metaphor are portrayed. At last, the author points out that scientific metaphor manifests vivid intentionality, contexualization and dynamics features in construction, interpretation and development of scientific theory respectively.
     Chapter Four is called "The Functions of Scientific Metaphor." This part argues that the functions of scientific metaphor are determined by its special essence, structure and characteristics: in the level of epistemology, scientific metaphor can paly the roles of cognitive suggestion, economy, constitution and mode; in the level of methodology, its function is incarnated in invention, representation, explaination and communication of scientific theories. All of these functions is united internally.
     "The Significance of Scientific Metaphor" is Chapter Five. On the one hand, the rising of scientific metaphor has its own historical logic. That is to say, by representing abundant rhetorical meaning, it has consanguineous relevancy with the rhetorical turn. On the other hand, scientific metaphor suggests a postmodern vision of science, embodied the progress of postmodern philosophy of science. And the development of study on scientific metaphor inspires profitably the headway of contemporary scientific realism.
     Summaring the main ideas presented in this dissertation, the conclusion part emphasizes that the study of scientific metaphor has very important significance for philosophy of science. In the end, the arthor points out that metaphor analysis should and must be a new paradigm in philosophy of science research.
     The appendix is "Scientific Metaphor and Philosophy of Science". It is an interview by arthor with British philosopher of science, professor Mary Hesse, at Cambridge University about the topic "scientific metaphor and philosophy ofscience".
     The postscript is an acknowledgement part.
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    ① Roger S. Jones, Physics as Metaphor, University of Minnesota Press, 1982, 4.
    ② John Searle, Metaphor, in A. P. Martinich ed., The Philosophy of Language, Oxford University Press, 1985, 417.
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    ② 遗传学术语,指把脱氧核糖核酸的一个片断转移到同一个或另外的染色体、质体或细胞的一个新位置上。
    ③ Hanua Pulaczewska, Aspects of Metaphor in Physics, Max Niemsyer Verlag Gmblt, Tubingen, 1999, 61-62.
    ① Hanua Pulaczewska, Aspects of Metaphor in Physics, Max Niemsyer Verlag Gmblt, Tubingen, 1999, 63.
    ① Hanua Pulaczewska, Aspects of Metaphor in Physics, Max Niemsyer Verlag Grnblt, Tubingen, 1999, 59.
    ① David Rummelhart, Some Problems with the Notion of Literal Meaning, in A. Ortony ed., Metaphor and Thought, 2nd Edition, Cambridge University Press, 1993, 71.
    ① Jean-Pierre Koenig ed., Discourse and Cognition Bridging the Gap, CSLI Publications, 1998, 222-225.
    ② Rafael Nunez, Conceptual Metaphor and the Embodied Mind, in F. Hallyn ed., Metaphor and Analogy in the Sciences, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000.
    ① 对于这一概念,不同的哲学家给予了不同的命名:恩斯特·卡西尔(Ernst Cassirer)将其称为“根源隐喻”(radical metaphor),史蒂芬·派珀(Stephen C.Pepper)将其称为“根隐喻”,威尔伯·厄班(Wilbur M.Urban)将其称为“基本隐喻”(fundamental metaphor),唐纳德·肖恩(Donald A.Schon)将其称为“核心隐喻”(central metaphor),阿尔伯特·曼拉比(Albert Mehrabian)比将其称为“工具隐喻”(tool metaphor),厄尔·迈克康马克(Earl R.MacCormac)将其称为“基础隐喻”(basic metaphor),赞德拉夫科·拉德曼(Zdravko Radman)将其称之为“关键隐喻”(key metaphor)。
    ② Hanua Pulaczewska, Aspects of Metaphor in Physics, Tubingen: Max Niemsyer Verlag Gmblt, 1999, 59-60.
    ① Roger S. Jones, Physics as Metaphor, University of Minnesota Press, 1982, 78-79.
    ② Ibid., 141.
    ① Stephen Pepper, Metaphor in Philosophy, The Journal of Mind and Behavior, vol. 3, nos. 3 and 4, 1982.
    ② Stephen Pepper, Concept andQuality: A World Hypothesis, Open Court, 1967, 3.
    ① Stephen Pepper, Metaphor in Philosophy, The Journal of Mind and Behavior, vol. 3, nos. 3 and 4, 1982.
    ② Hanua Pulaczewska, Aspects of Metaphor in Physics, Max Niemsyer Verlag Gmblt, Tubingen, 1999, 77.
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    ② Theodore L. Brown, Making Truth: Metaphor in Science, University of Illinois Press, 2003, 196.
    ③ Ibid., 195.
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    ② 夏佩尔.《理由与求知》.褚平、周文彰译.上海:上海译文出版社.2001.154.
    ③ Lucretius, On Nature, trans. By R. M. Greer, New York: Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1965, 45.
    ① Theodore L. Brown, Making Truth: Metaphor in Science, University of Illinois Press, 2003, 146.
    ② Frontiers in Cell Biology." Quality Control, Science, 1999(286).
    ① 保罗·利科.《作为认知、想像和情感的隐喻过程》.曾誉铭译.《江海学刊》2005年第1期.
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    ② John Stuart Mill, A System of Logic, Longmans, 1970, 28-29.
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