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     本文以美国南方女作家尤多拉·韦尔蒂的小说文本为立足点,以美国南方文化传统为参照,运用身体研究和文化研究两种主要批评方法,探讨了作用中具体的身体叙述与所发生的身体事件所隐喻的社会文化内涵。正文部分细致考察了韦尔蒂的四部长篇小说包括《强盗新郎》(The Robber Bridegroom)、《三角洲婚礼》(Delta Wedding)、《庞德之心》(The Ponder Heart)、《乐观者的女儿》(The Optimist's Daughter)和十七个短篇小说包括《钥匙》(The Key)、《珂拉,被驱赶的印第安女佣》(Keela, the Outcast Indian Maiden)、《搭便车者》(The Hitch-Hikers)、《一份记忆》(A Memory)、《老马布豪先生》(Old Mr Marblehall)、《送给玛茱莉的花》(Flowers for Marjorie)、《一个推销员之死》(Death of a Traveling Salesman)、《初次的爱》(First Love)、《丽薇》(Livvie)、《金雨》(Shower of Gold)、《六月演奏会》(June Recital)、《兔子先生》(Sir Rabbit)、《月亮湖》(Moon Lake)、《流浪者》(The Wanderers)、《我的爱,无处容身》(No Place for You, My Love)、《燃烧》(The Burning)、《声单从何处来?》(Where is the Voice Coming From?)等。全文共分五大部分,具体如下:
     第二章,身体隐喻的考察被置于神话语境之下。通过对身体隐喻的考察,首先,围绕韦尔蒂的作品关于神话人物特征的植入,论述了其作品《金苹果》(The Golden Apples)小说集中的主人公麦克莱·金(King MacLain)脱胎换骨,成为与希腊神话主神宙斯(Zeus)一样神圣并被女性顶礼膜拜的权威形象。金相似于宙斯的种种身体特征隐喻了南方社会的男权文化,这种文化的核心价值观通过金与不同个体的身体交往而得以展现,它凸显了男性在男权社会里不可置疑的优越地位。他们以一种高高在上的姿态牢牢地统治着女性的世界,使之屈服于男性的强大、阳刚和自由。但是,韦尔蒂在通过宙斯的神性身体植入来塑造南方男权形象的同时,也通过同名小说主人公老马布豪先生,使欺诈者(Trickster)的意象得到现实的外化,逐渐地消解了南方传统文化中的绅士形象和骑士精神。随后,韦尔蒂又在《月亮湖》中通过女主人公伊思特(Easter)双重迭加了以斯帖王后(Esther)和基督耶稣(Jesus Christ)的身体标识,论述了女性世界对男权文化的对抗与颠覆。总之,在神话语境中通过对韦尔蒂作品中身体隐喻的论述分析,既展示了美国南方传统文化中绅士形象的确立及男权权戚的建构,又揭示了绅士形象的摧毁与男权权威的解构;既考证了南方女性对自身屈从地位的反抗,也喻示了南方女性对既定男权文化的屈从。
     第三章,身体隐喻的考察被置于南方淑女文化之中。通过对身体隐喻的考察,首先,针对韦尔蒂的作品关于少女成长仪式的完成这一主题,描述了尚未涉世的少女——《一份记忆》中的“我”(Ⅰ)和《三角洲婚礼》中的谢莉(Shelly)对不同身体事件的态度和思考,叙写了根深蒂固的南方淑女文化对女性言行举止上的驯服与思想感情上的钳制,导致她们成为传统教条下循规蹈矩的遵从者。其次,韦尔蒂通过已婚妇女《金雨》中的思露娣(Snowdie)和《三角洲婚礼中》的艾伦(Ellen),塑造了一个个无私奉献、贤妻良母、坚韧顽强的无欲天使一般的标准南方淑女形象。最后,韦尔蒂在《六月演奏会》中成功塑了两位淑女文化的叛逆者——薇姬·瑞妮(Virgie Rainey)和艾可哈特(Eckhart)小姐,她们通过身体的张扬与感情的自然释放,勇敢地挑战着传统淑女文化对南方女性本能的压抑,虽然在拒绝同化的过程中遭到放逐、被边缘化,她们的精神依然令人敬佩。简而言之,美国南方传统淑女文化的传达,既经由不同女性的身体表现,又涉及到她们对身体的不同态度。相应地,对南方淑女文化的遵守、彰显与对这一文化的反叛、扬弃同时存在于这五部作品的研究分析之中。
     第四章,身体隐喻的考察被置于美国南方的种族文化当中。通过对身体隐喻的考察,首先,阐述了韦尔蒂作品中关于身体戕害事件所体现出的激烈的种族冲突。例如,《初次的爱》中,约耳书(Joel)回忆了父母被印第安士著杀害、自己面临同样危险时的恐惧体验。在《强盗新郎》中,作家描述了白人克莱蒙特(Clement)的家人遭到印第安人残忍屠杀的情景。在《三角洲婚礼》中,白人监工特洛伊(Troy)枪击为黑女仆品沁(Pinchy)被强奸而滋事的黑人劳力姆胡克(Root M'Hook)。再有《声音从何处来?》中,民权领导者麦德佳·艾弗斯(Medgar Evers)在暗夜被刺等。接着,韦尔蒂在《六月演奏会》中叙写了艾可哈特(Eckhart)小姐被黑人强奸后遭受南方人群体化疏离的悲剧;在《三角洲婚礼》中描写了黑女仆品沁被白人特洛伊强奸怀孕,为了南方家族的荣誉,费尔柴尔德(Fairchild)家族心照不宣地将品沁隐身化;及至作品《燃烧》,南方荣誉的顶礼膜拜推演到了极致,老小姐茜奥(Theo)和迈拉(Myra)为了维护家族荣誉,不惜听凭她们的兄弟本顿(Benton)强奸黑女仆黛利拉(Delilah),冷眼旁观他们所生的男孩菲尼(Phinny)被活活烧死。从以上所述的强奸事件的前因后果出发,本节细致分析了身体事件的隐喻内涵,指出一切皆根源于南方文化中维护家族荣誉的传统思想。最后,韦尔蒂在《珂拉,被驱赶的印第安女佣》中描写了南方白人如何通过“畸形秀”(Freak Show)来驯服、弱化黑人的主体意识以便于更强有力的统治他们,但随着历史的变迁最终要为自己的罪与过寻求谅解;在《三角洲婚礼》中,乔治·费尔柴尔德(George Fairchild)为武斗中的两个黑人劝架,并为受伤流血的黑人包扎伤口,体现了南方传统文化中的白人家长式作风;同样在此作品中,借劳拉(Laural)的视角,文本叙写了白人和黑人同乘“黄狗”(The Yellow Dog)号列车的情形,体现了民权运动的发展所带来的种族融合。所有这些事例表明,白人与黑人之间由于身体不同的属性所引发的隔阂在消减,亲和将逐渐代替隔离。本章将韦尔蒂作品中的身体隐喻置于南方种族文化考察的大背景之中,揭示了南方社会种族冲突与种族融合相行并存特征,而种族融合势必成为发展的总趋势。
     第五章,身体隐喻的考察被置于社会转型的历史文化语境中。通过对身体隐喻的考察,首先,分析论述了韦尔蒂长篇小说《三角洲婚礼》和《庞德之心》中阶级地位不同的三对婚姻伴侣——达芙妮(Dabney)和特洛伊(Troy)、乔治(George)和萝碧(Robbie)以及丹尼尔(Daniel)和邦妮迪(Bonnie Dee),指出随着南北战争和工业化的入侵,虽然转型时期的阶级差别意识逐渐淡漠、阶级界限日渐淡化,但是,地位悬殊的联姻同时受到来自不同文化背景的习惯、思想、生活方式的冲击。其次,韦尔蒂在《一个推销员之死》和《搭便车者》两部作品中描写了身体物化为商品的流浪者——推销员鲍曼(Bowman)和哈里斯(Harris)缺乏交流的困境,以及最终成为工业化之牺牲品的不幸遭遇。在另一部短篇小说《我的爱,无处容身》里,两名互有好感的男女主人公,流浪在新奥尔良一整天却无法找到深入交流的机会,更为深刻地揭示了工业文明熏陶下人们情感世界的荒芜和贫瘠。最后,韦尔蒂在《送给玛茱莉的花》,中描述了大萧条时期,怀孕的妻子被失业之后精神崩溃的丈夫霍华德(Howard)刺死;在《乐观者的女儿》中叙写了自私、冷酷、拜物教主义者——麦克瓦(McKelva)法官的妻子菲(Fay),完全置亲情于不顾而耽于自我享乐;在《丽薇》中,工业化社会商品的诱惑使丽薇(Livvie)的性意识复苏,导致了她抛弃年迈的丈夫所罗门(Solomon),与年轻力壮的佃工卡实(Cash)另结新欢。这三部作品中人物的身体成长经历都明显地表露出转型时期南方传统的家庭观念已经丧失,以往的和谐正在慢慢地消逝。通过分析韦尔蒂作品中转型时期身体形式的隐喻,展现了工业化带来的有利一面,同时也揭露了商品社会的弊病所在。
Man's body always serves as both the subject and object by means of vision. The visual subject establishes certain kind of culture through man's experience, meanwhile man's existence is conditioned by such culture. Since the second half of the last century, the philosophers like Friedrich Nietzsche. Michel Foucault. who were the pioneers of the Body Turn in philosophical realm, released mute body from its millenarian imprisonment, and let it cheer, leap, and dance to man's heart's content. This kind of existential rather than epistemological body awareness makes the writing, reading, and criticizing of texts deviate from the traditional way. Body awareness smashes the status of rationality, sets its metaphysical hegemony aside and explains the world from a new perspective by itself. Eudora Welty is not only a modernist or postmodernist writer, but also a photographer, and so she pays close attention to body narration through her visual acuity. In her most works, body consciousness harmoniously interweaves with the expression of Southern American culture. To some extent, by means of body narration, such kind of cultural expression changes the traditional Southern literary writings.
     Based on Welty's fictional works, this dissertation sets traditional Southern American culture as an access to the cultivation of body metaphors through body theories and cultural studies. In the research, there will be many specific analyses of Welty's four novels including The Robber Bridegroom, Delta Wedding, The Ponder Heart and The Optimist's Daughter, and seventeen short stories including The Key, Keela, the Outcast Indian Maiden, The Hitch-Hikers, A Memory, Old Mr Marblehall, Flowers for Marjorie, Death of a Traveling Salesman, First Love, Livvie, Shower of Gold, June Recital, Sir Rabbit, Moon Lake, The Wanderers, No Place for You, My Love, The Burning, Where is the Voice Coming From? etc.
     Chapter one offers several reasons for the research of Eudora Welty's works. Based on the collected data, the research situation concerning Welty's works is comprehensively classified and analyzed. And then, the key words such as body, metaphor, Southern American culture etc. are particularly explained. Otherwise, certain methods or theories such as close reading, body theory and cultural studies have been respectively exhibited. Finally, both difficulties and innovations for this dissertation are explained, so as to make clear the academic valuation of the present study.
     In chapter two, the investigation of body metaphors is carried on from the perspective of mythology. In The Golden Apples, Welty identifies her protagonist King with Zeus, which helps King establish his idol image and certain kind of sacred authority admired by Southern Belle. The similarities between Zeus and King in terms of body marks implicate patriarchal culture of Southern American society. The critical value of this culture is embodied through body interactions between King and different individuals. Such interactions express the superiority of masculine culture. Its strength, freedom and masculinity stiffly govern women's world. However, Welty successfully deconstructs the myth of Southern chivalry and gentleman image by the description of old Marbelhall in the short story with the same title. Finally, in Moon Lake, Welty continues to deconstruct the patriarchal system by portraying the female world in Morgana and analyzing Easter's complex identity of Keen Esther and Jesus Christ. But unfortunately, women must compromise and adapt to patriarchal culture in the end. So,this chapter, through the exploration of body metaphors, shows both the establishment and deconstruction of patriarchal authority, the revolt and submission of masculine culture.
     Chapter three explores body metaphors relevant to Southern Belle culture. Welty leads us to the reflection of body metaphors through some innocent girls in A Memory and Delta Wedding. By means of initiation, those works exhibit the discipline and restriction of Southern Belle culture concerning manners and thoughts, which shapes traditional images of submissive women. In Golden Shower and Delta Wedding, Welty portrays Snowdie and Ellen as the perfect Southern Belles who are unselfish, stoic like angels. Finally, in June Recital, two rebellious female protagonists Virgie Rainey and Miss Eckhart bravely challenge traditional Southern Belle culture and make efforts to highlight their own life through natural expression of body. Although people in Morgana exile and marginalize them, their strong-willed spirits are greatly admired. It can be seen that Southern Belle culture is transmitted through different attitudes and representation of body behaviors, so there coexist both the promotion and revolt of such Southern tradition.
     Chapter four makes an assessment of body metaphors concerning racial culture. Firstly. Welty shows us the violent conflicts between the white and the black in various stories, such as Joel's terrible memories of his parents being murdered by Indians in First Love, the cruel murder of the Clements by Indians in The Robber Bridegroom, the physical violence between Troy and Root M'Hook in Delta Wedding, and the assassination of Civil Rights leader Medgar Evers in Where is the Voice Coming From?. Secondly, there is the story of Miss Eckhart's rape by a nigger in June Recital and her isolation by Morgana people. Also in Delta Wedding, Pinchy, a black maiden, got raped and pregnant by Troy (a white man), and is unfortunately treated as an invisible object on behalf of Fairchild's family honor. In Burning, such kind of honor worship reaches to its utmost. Miss Theo and Miss Myra let Phinny burned deliberately, just because he was given birth to by Delilah (also a black maiden) raped by her master Benton. All of those rape accidents cause different consequences which stem from traditional thoughts of family honor. Finally, in Keela, the Outcast Indian Maiden, Welty portrays how the White make the Black docile through Fake Show in order to waken their self-consciousness and govern them easily. But with time passing by, the White catch their guilty and ask for the Black's forgiveness. In Delta Wedding. George Fairchild holds back the fight between two niggers and bandages their wounds, which embodies traditional Southern paternalism. Also in Delta Wedding, from Laural's perspective, she tells the fact that the Black can travel by the same train named the Yellow Dog with the White, which shows the tendency of racial amalgamation since the development of Civil Rights Movement. From all of those body accidents, we can make a conclusion that the gap between the White and the Black caused by skin diversity is getting smaller and smaller, and racial intimacy will take place of racial discrimination although racial conflicts still exist. Racial amalgamation should be the inevitable trend.
     In chapter five, the study of body metaphors is carried on in perspective of historical cultural context. First, it is stated that, even though the consciousness of class discrimination becomes more and more indistinct with the end of Civil War and the intrusion of industrialization, the marriage based on different habits, thoughts, cultures and classes is still confronting with severe problems, which are fully embodied in the marriage between Dabney and Troy, George and Robbie in Delta Wedding, Daniel and Bonnie Dee in The Ponder Heart. Secondly, in Death of a Traveling Salesman and Hitch-Hikers, Bowman and Harris, they are materialized, and get into communication dilemma, finally died of loneliness. In Welty's another work No Place for You, My Love, a man and a woman, they hold good feelings for each other, but find no chance to deepen such relationship. That shows the barrenness and infertility of people's affectional world under the industrial civilization. Thirdly, in Flowers for Marjorie, during Great Depression, the pregnant wife is thrust to death by unemployed Howard in his breakdown. In The Optimist's Daughter, selfish, cold, material-worshipping wife throws away kinship, ignores his badly-sick husband and immerges herself into body carnival. In Livvie, some industrial commodities waken up Livvie's sex consciousness and result in her betray of her old husband, finally leading to her adultery with their family manager Cash. All these body experiences obviously represent the fading of traditional Southern family values and the loss of previous harmony. That's to say, industrialism in the transitional period holds both good and bad sides.
     In short, based on Eudora Welty's works, this dissertation analyzes multi-leveled body metaphors in perspective of traditional Southern American culture. By means of close reading, body theories and cultural studies, it interprets the constant transformation of traditional Southern American Culture. From those meticulous investigations, we can draw a conclusion that during the process of inheriting and innovating the traditional culture, certain dichotomies such as construction and deconstruction, abidance and revolt, conflict and integration, harmony and disorder, etc. must be generated accordingly with that constantly-changing cultural situations. Such kind of opposition and unification comprehensively embodies the multiplicity and complexity of people's real existence in Southern America. Meanwhile, it expresses Welty's typical poetic pursuit. She adheres to Eliot's theory of impersonality and puts philosophy into literary creation, which makes her works not only objectively realistic but also profoundly metaphorical. So, she is entitled as one of the greatest Southern American writers after William Faulkner.
①Ruth M.Vande Kieft. Eudora Welty. New York:Twayne Publishers Inc.,1962. P.ⅶ.
    ②Louis D. Rubin. The History of Southern Literature. Baton Rouge:Louisiana State U.P..1985. P.86.
    ③Frederick J.Hoffman. The Art of Southern Fiction:A Study of Some Modern Novelists. Carbondale. Illinois:Southern Illinois U. P.,1969. P.142.
    (?) Albert J. Devlin. Eudora Welty's chronicle:A Story of Mississipi Life. Jackson Mississipi:U.P. of Mississipi,1979. P.234.
    (?)Charles T. Bunting."'The Interview World':An Interview with Eudora Welty." Southern Review Ⅷ (October. 1972):723-726.
    ①罗兰·巴特:《S/Z》,屠友祥译。上海: 上海人民出版社,2000年。第208页。
    (?)Eudora Welty. Stories, Essays and Memoir. The U.S.A.:The Library of America,1980.P.810.
    (?)John Storey. Cultural Theory and Popular Culture:A Reader. Athens:The U. of Georgia P..1998. P.48.
    (?)Eudora Welty. Stories, Essays ans Memoir. The U.S.A.:The Library of America,1980. P.812.
    1 Peggy Whitman Prenshaw. Conversations with Eudora Welty. Mississipi:U. P. of Mississipi,1996.P.137.
    ②荣格:《荣格性格哲学》,李德荣译。泉州: 九州岛出版社,2003年。第16页
    ③诺思洛普·弗莱:《世俗的经典》,孟祥春译。上海: 上海人民出版社,2010年。第132页。同上。第179页。
    (?)Joseph Campell. The Hero With a Thousand Faces. New Jersey:Princeton U.P.,1968. P.34.
    (?)Eudora Welty. Stories,Essays and Memoir. The U.S.A.:The Library of America.1980. P.846.
    ① William F. Buckley. "The Southern Imagination:An Interview with Eudora Welty and Walker Percy." The Mssissippi Quarterly 26 No.4 (Fall 1973):510-515.
    ②Eudora Welty. Stories, Essays and Memoir. The U.S.A.:The Library of America,1980. P.785.
    (?)Thomas L,McHaney. "Eudora Welty and the Multitudinous Golden Apples." Mississippi Quarterly 26 (Fall 1973):592-622.
    (?)Eudora Welty. The Golden Apples. New York:Harcourt. Brace and World, Inc.,1947. P.8.
    (?)Ibid. P.13.
    (?)Ibid. P.15
    ①Eudora Welty. The Golden Apples. New York:Harcourt,Brace and World,Inc.,1947. P.98.
    ②Carol S.Manning. With Ears Openning Like Morning Glories:Eudora Welty and Love of Storytelling. Westport: Greenwood Press.1985. P.67.
    1 Eudora Welty. Stories, Essays and Memoir. The U.S.A.:The Library of America,1980. P.319.
    2 Ibid. P.321
    3 Marjoric Tallman. Dictionary of American Folklore. New York:Philosophical Library. Inc..1959. P.4.
    4 Eudora Welty. Stories, Essays and Memoir. The U.S.A.:The Library of America,1980. P.326
    1 Eudor Welty. Stories, Essays and Memoir. The U.S.A.:The Library of America,1980. P.313.
    2 Ibid. P.313.
    3 Ibid. P.420.
    (?)Eudora Welty. Stories, Essays and Memoir. The U.S.A.:The Library of America,1980. P.111.
    (?)Ibid. P.112
    (?)Ibid. P.112
    (?)Ibid. P.112
    (?)Ibid. P.112
    (?)Ibid. P.114
    1 Eudora Welty. Stories, Essays and Memoir. The U.S.A.:The Library of America,1980. P.112.
    2 Ibid. P.111
    3 Ibid. P.111
    4 Ibid. P.115.
    5 Ibid. P.112
    6 Ibid. P.118
    7 Ibid. P.113
    8 Ibid. P.114
    9 Ibid. P.112.
    1 Eudora Welty.Stories,Essays and Memoir.The U.S.A.:The Library of America,1980.P.113.
    2 Ibid.P115
    1 Eudora Welty. Stories,Essays and Memoir. The U.S.A.:The Library of America,1980. P.322.
    2 C.G. Jung. Symbols of Transformation. Trans. R.P.C.Hull.(2 vols. Torchbook). New York:Harper & Brothers,1962.
    3 Ibid. P.185.
    1 Chester E. Eisinger. "Traditionalism and Modernism in Eudora Welty." Eudora Welty:Critical Essays. Ed. Peggy Whitman Prenshaw. Mississippi:U. P. of Mississippi.1979. P.18.
    2 Patricia S.Yacger. "The Case of the Dangling Signifier:Phallic Imagery of in Eudora Welty's 'Moon Lake'." TCL 28(1982):431.
    3 Ibid. P.431.
    ① Maria Leach and Jerome Fried. eds. Funk and wagnalls Standard Dictionary of Folklore:Mythology and Legend. (2vols). New York:Funk and Wagnalls Co.,1950.PP.744-745.
    ② Eudora Welty. Stories. Essays and Memoir. The U.S.A.:The Library of America,1980.P.428.
    1Welty,Eudora. Stories. Essays and Memoir. The U.S.A.:The Library of America.1980. P.432.
    2Patricia S. Yaeger. "The Case of the Dangling Signifier:Phallic Imagery in Eudora Welty's 'Moon Lake'." Twentieth entury Literature 28(1982):440-441.
    (?)Lowryi Pei. "Dreaming the other in The Golden Apples," Modern Fiction Studies 28(1982):424.
    ①Eudora Welty. Stories,Essays and Memoir. The U.S.A.:The Library of America,1980.P.347.
    ②Ibid. P.347.
    ①Eudora Welty. Stories, Essays and Memoir. The U.S.A.:The Library of America,1980. PP.435-436.
    ②Louise Hutchings Westling. Eudora Welty. Totowa. New Jersey:Barnes and Noble Books,1989. P.144.
    (?)Carol S. Manning. With Ears Opening like Morning Glories:Eudora Welty and the Love of Storytelling. Westport: Greenwood Press,1985.P.110.
    (?)Eudora Welty. Stories, Essays and Memoir. The U.S.A.:The Library of America,1980.P.419.
    1Eudora Welty. Stories. Essays and Memoir. The U.S.A.:The Library of America.1980. P.437.
    2Michel Foucault. Discipline and Punish:The Birth of the Prison. Trans. Alan Sheridan. New York:Pantheon Books,1977. P.200.
    3Eudora Welty. Stories, Essays and Memoir. The U.S.A.:The Library of America,1980. P.437.
    4 Ibid. P.465.
    1Eudora Welty. Stories, Essays and Memoir. The U.S.A.:The Library of America.1980. P.454.
    Patricia S.Yaeger."The Case of Dandling Signifier:Phallic Imagery in Eudora in Eudora Welty's 'Moon Lake'." TCL 28(1982):438.
    ①P. Brown. The Body and Society:Men, Women and Sexual Renunciation in Ealy Christiality. London:Faber and Faber. 1988. P.288.
    ②B. Rudofsky. The Unfinished Human Body. New York:Prentice-Hall,1986.P.174.
    I. Ruthford. Male Order. Unwrapping Masculinity. London:Lawrance and Wishart.1988. P.168.
    1 John Edward Hardy. "The Achievement of Eudora Welty." Southern Humanities Review 2(Summer 1968):271.
    2 Eudora Welty. Stories.Essays and Memoir. The U.S.A.:The Library of America,1980.P.149.
    (?)J. Sport. Hargreaves. Power and Culture, Cambridge:Polity Press,1987. P.134.
    (?)Eudora Welty. Stories.Essays and Memoir. The U.S.A.:The Library of America.1980. P.151.
    1 Cleanth Brooks and Robert Penn Warren. eds. Understanding Fiction. New York:Appleton-Century-Crofts.1943. P.334.
    2 Leslie Fiedler. "Redemption to Initiation." New Leader 26(May 1958):22.
    3 Eudora Welty. Stories,Essays and Memoir. The U.S.A.:The Library of America,1980. P.155.
    4 Ibid. P.156.
    5 Ibid. P.153.
    (?) Eudora Welty. Stories, Essays and Memoir. The U.S.A.:The Library of America,1980. P.154.
    (?)Ruth M. Vande Kieft. Eudora Welty. New York:Twayne,1962.P.28.
    1 Eudora Welty. Stories, Essays and Memoir. The U.S.A.:The Library of America,1980. PP.317-318.
    3 Ibid. P.135.
    4 Ibid. P.177.
    (?)Laura Sloan Patterson. "Sexing the Domestic:Eudora Welty's Delta Wedding and the Sexology Movement." Southern Quarterly 42 (Winter 2004):37.
    1 Eudora Welty. Stories,Essays and Memoir. The U.S.A.:The Library of America,1980. P.75.
    2 Ibid. P.178.
    ①Kate Chopin. The Awakening. Vol.2 of The Complete Works of Kale Chopin, ed. by Peryersted. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State U.P..1969.P.888.
    ②Kate Chopin.A Critical Biography. Baton Rouge:Louisiana State U.P.,1969.P.134.
    ③Kate Chopin. The Awakening. Vol.2 of The Complete Works of Kate Chopin. ed. Peryersted. Baton Rouge:Louisiana State U.P..1969. P.996.
    ④Ibid. P.888.
    ⑤Anne M. Masserand. "Eudora Welty's Travelers:The Journey Theme in Her Short Stories." Southern Literary Journal 3 (Spring 1971):42-43.
    ①Eudora Welty,. Stories, Essays and Memoir.The U.S.A.:The Library of America.1980. P.75.
    ②Eudora Welty. Delta Wedding. New York:Barcourt.1945. P.41.
    ③Eudora Welty. Stories, Essays and Memoir. The U.S.A.:The Library of America.1980. P.75.
    ①Eudora Welty. Stories, Essays and Memoir. The U.S.A.:The Library of America.1980. P.75.
    ②克里斯·希林:《身体与社会理论》,李康译。北京: 北京大学出版社,2010年。第46页。
    (?)Eudora Welty. Delta Wedding. New York:Barcourt,1945. P.31.
    (?)Ibid. P.40.
    ①Helen Hurt Tiegreen. Southern Mothers:Fact and Fictions in Southern Women's Writing. Baton Rouge:Louisiana State U. P..1999. P.95.
    ②Eudora Welty. Delta Wedding. New York:Barcourt,1945. P.78.
    ③Ibid. P.257.
    ④B. Rosen. Women, Work and Achievement. London:Macmillan.1989. P.213.
    ⑤Ibid. P.221.
    ①Eudora Welty. Delta Wedding. New York:Barcourt.1945. P.79.
    ③Chris Shiling. The Body and Social Theory. London:Sage Publications.2003. P.70.
    (?)Eudora Welty. Stories, Essays and Memoir. The U.S.A.:The Library of America,1980. P.342.
    ①P. Bourdieu.Handbook of Theory and Reasearch for the Sociology of Education. New york:Greenwood Press,1986. P.246.
    ②克里斯·希林:《身体与社会理论》,李康译。北京: 北京大学出版社,2010年。第127页。
    (?)Eudora Welty. Stories, Essays and Memoir. The U.S.A.:The Library of America.1980. P.46
    (?)Ibid. PP.40-41
    (?)Ibid. P.38.
    (?)Ibid. P.43.
    ①Eudora Welty. Stories, Essays and Memoir. The U.S.A.:The Library of America.1980. P.90
    ②Ibid. P.74.
    ①Eudora Welty. Stories, Essays and Memoir. The U.S.A.:The Library of America,1980. P.241
    ②Ibid. PP.241-242.
    ③Ibid. P.530
    ④Williams Melinda. The Use of Folklore in Eudora Welty's "Golden Apples". Columbus, Ohio:A Bell & Howell Company,1998. P.76.
    ①Eudora Welty. Stories, Essays and Memoir. The U.S.A.:The Library of America,1980. P.364
    ②Ibid. P.361.
    ③Ibid. P.335.
    ①Eudora Welty. Stories, Essays and Memoir. The U.S.A.:The Library of America,1980. P.373
    ②Ibid. P.373.
    ①Eudora Welty. Stories, Essays and Memoir. The U.S.A.: The Library of America. 1980. P.362.
    ②R.E. Lemieux. Sexual Symbolism in the Short Stories of Eudora Welty. New York: Hamilton.1969.P.103.
    ③Eudora Welty. Stories. Essays and Memoir. The U.S.A.: The Library of America.1980.P.386
    ④Chester E.Eisinger.Fiction of the Stories. Chicago:U. of Chicago P.. 1963.P.118.
    ⑤Eudora Welty. Stories. Essays and Memoir. The U.S.A.: The Library of America. 1980. P.389.
    1 Eudora Welty. "Interview with Jan Nordby Gretlund. An Interview with Eudora Welty." Coversations with Eudora Welty. Ed.Peggy Prenshaw. Jackson:U.P. of MS,1984. P.222.
    ①Ann Waldon. Eudora Welty:A Writer's life. Louisana:Baton Rouge.1998.P.45.
    ②Eudora Welty. Stories, Essays and Memoir. The U.S.A.:The Library of America.1980. P.811.
    ①托马斯·索威尔:《美国种族简史》,沈宗美译。南京: 南京大学出版社, 1992年。第231页。
    1 S. Rose. "Scientific racism and ideology:the IQ racket from Galton to Jensen." Eds. L.Birke and J. Silvertown. The Political Economy of Science. London:Macmilllan.1976. P.265.
    2 Charles R.Wilson & William Ferris. eds. Encycolopedia of Southern Culture. The U.S.A.:The U. of North Carolina P.. 1989. P.137.
    1 Edward L. Ayers. The Promise of the New South:Life after Reconstruction. New York:Oxford U.P.,1993.P.239. 2 Ibid.P.241.
    ①L. Howe "Race. Genealogy. and genre in Mark Twain's Pudd'nhead Wilson."Nineteenth-Century Literature 4 (1992): 495-516.
    ①R. Stapes. Mansculinity:The Black Male's Role in American Society. San Francisco:Black Scholar Press.1982. P.345.
    ②Martha Shelly. Lesbianism and the Women's Liberation Movement. New York:Acc,1970. P.134.
    ③Elaine Showalter. Sister's Choice:Tradition and Change in American Women's Writing. Oxford:Clarendon Press. 1991.P.259.
    (?)Suzanne Marrs. "The Metaphor of Race in Eudora Welty's Fiction." The Southern Review 22 (Oct.1986):697.
    (?)Eudora Welty. Stories. Essays and Memoir. The U.S.A.:The Library of America.1980. P.187.
    (?)Eudora Welty. Complete Novels. The U.S.A.:The Library of America.1980. P.13.
    ① Eudora Welty. Complete Novels. The U.S.A.:The Library of America,1980. P.78.
    ②Ibid. P.77.
    ③Ibid. P.78.
    ①Ralph Ellison. "Twentieth-Century Fiction and the Black Mask of Humanity." Shadow and Act. New York:Vintage Books,1953. P.29.
    ②米歇尔·福柯:《规训与惩罚》,刘北成 杨远婴译。北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店,2007年。第11页。
    (?)Eudora Welty. Delta Wedding. New York:Harcourt. Brace and World, Inc.,1945. P.195.
    1 Margaret Homans. "Racial Composition:Metaphor and the Body in the Writing of Race." Female Subjects in Black and White. Eds. Elizabeth Abel. Barbara Christian, and Helene Moglen. Berkley: University of California Press.1997. P.79.
    2 Ralph Ellison. "Twentieth- Century Fiction and the Black Mask of Humanity." Shadow and Act. New York:Vintage Books. 1953.P.41.
    3 Toni Morrison. Playing in the Dark:Whiteness and the Literary Imagination. New York:Vintage Books.1992.P.52. 1 Nancy D. Hargrove. "Portrait ol'an Assassin:Eudora Welty's 'Where is the Voice Coming From?'." Southern Literary
    Journal 20 (Fall 1987):77. 2 Nancy D. Hargrove. "Portrait of an Assassin:Eudora Welty's 'Where is the Voice Coming From?'." Southern Literary
    Journal 20 (Fall 1987):77. (?)Joanna Maclay. "A Conversation with Eudora Welty." Conversations with Eudora Welty. New York:Modern Library.
    1984. P.100. (?)W. Jordan. "First Impressions:initial English confrontations With Africans." "Race" in Britain.Ed. C. Husband. London:Hutchinson,1982. P.124.
    1 Bertram Wyatt-Brown. Southern Honor:Ethnics and Behavior in Old South. New York:Oxford U.P.. Inc..1982. P.4.
    2 Eudora Welty. Stories, Essays and Memoir. The U.S.A.:The Library of America.1980. P.365.
    1 Patricia Yaeger. Dirt and Desire:Reconstruction Southern Women's Writing 1930-1990. Chicago:U. of Chicago P.. 2000. P.215.
    2 F.Fanon. Black Skin,While Masks. London:Pluto Press,1984. P.232.
    (?)Naoko Fuwa Thornton. "Seeing Real Things." More Conversation with Eudora Welty.Ed. Peggy Prenshaw. Mississipi: U.P. of Mississipi.1996. P.255.
    ②郑震:《身体图景》。北京: 中国大百科全书出版社,2009年。第342页。
    (?)Eudora Welty.Complete Novels. The U.S.A.:The Library of America.1980. P.285.
    (?)Ibid. P.300.
    (?)Ibid. P.317.
    (?)Eudora Welty. Complete Novels. The U.S.A.:The Library of America.1980.P.285.
    1 Robert Gorham Davis. The Modern Masters. New York:Harcourt. Brace and Company.1953. P.441.
    ①克里斯·希林: 《身体与社会理论》, 李康译。北京: 北京大学出版社,2010年。第141页。
    2 E.Wright."Rethinking.once again.the concept of class structure."The Debate on Classes.Eds.E.Wright and al., London:Verso,1989.P.321.
    1 Eudora Welty. Conversations with Eudora Walty.Ed. Peggy Prenshaw. Mississipi:U.P. of Mississipi.1984. P.5.
    2 Eudora Welty. Stories. Essays and Memoir. The U.S.A.:The Library of America.1980. PP.49-50.
    3 Rachel Adams. Sideshow U.S.A.:Freaks and the American Cultural Imagination. Chicago:U. of Chicago P.. 2001. P.164.
    1 Julia Kristeva.Powers of Horror.Trans.Leon S.Roudiez.New York:Columbia U.P.,1982.P.4.
    1 James C. Cobb. The Most Southern Place on Earth:The Mississippi Delta and the Roots of Regional Identity. New York:Oxford U.P.,1992.P.152.
    1 Eudora Welty. Delta Wedding. New York:Harcourt. Brace and World. Inc.,1945. P.45.
    2 Ibid. P.45.
    ①Jan Nordby Gretlund. Eudora Welty's Aesthetics of Place. Newark:U. of Delaware P..1994. P.56.
    ①皮埃尔·布迪厄:《实践感》,蒋梓桦译。上海:译林出版社,2003年12月。第86 87页。
    1 Herbert Ross Brown. The Sentimental Novel in America 1789-1860. North Carolina:Duke University Press,1940. P.203.
    2 Ibid. P.254.
    ①克里斯·希林著:《身体与社会理论》,李康译. 北京:北京大学出版社,2010年,第71页。
    1 Eudora Welty. Delta Wedding. New York:Harcourt. Brace and World, Inc.,1945. P.120.
    2 Ibid. P.90.
    3 Ibid. PP.32-33.
    4 Ibid. P.85.
    (?)Eudora Welty. Delta Wedding. New York:Harcourt,Brace and World, Inc.,1945.P.180.
    (?)Eudora Welty. Delta Wedding. New York:Harcourt. Brace and World, Inc.,1945. PP.205-206.
    ①Eudora Welty. Delta Wedding. New York:Harcourt, Brace and World, Inc.,1945.P.149.
    ②Ibid. P.160.
    ③Ronna Lynn Bloom. "Don't Touch Me":(?)olence in Eudora Welty's Fighters. Proquest Information and Learning Company,2003. PP.71-72.
    ① Eudora Welty. Delta Wedding. New York:Harcourt, Brace and World, Inc.,1945. P.147.
    ② Sharlee Mullins Green. "In and Out the Circle:The Individual and the Clan in Eudora Welty's Delta Wedding." Southern Literary Journal 22 (Fall 1989):54.
    (?)Eudora Welty. Delta Wedding. New York:Harcourt, Brace and World, Inc.,1945. P.88.
    (?)Ibid. P.138.
    ①卢瑟·S·路德克:《构建美国 美国的社会与文化》,王波等译。南京: 江苏人民出版社,2006年。第90贝。
    ① Kurt Opitz. "Eudora Welty:The Order of a Capital Soul." Critique 7 (1964-65):80.
    ② Wendell Harris. "Welty's 'The Key'." The Explicator 17 (April 1959):61.
    ③ Eudora Welty. A Curtain of Green. New York:Harcourt. Brace and Company,1947. P.72.
    ④ Ibid. P.54.
    ① Eudora Welty. A Curtain of Green. New York:Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1947.P.32.
    ② Ibid. P.37.
    ③ Ibid. P.29.
    ④ Ibid. P.30.
    ⑤ Eudora Welty. Selected Stories of Eudora Welty. New York:Modern Library.1954. P.233.
    ① Eudora Welty. Selected Stories of Eudora Welty. New York:Modern Library,1954. P.230.
    ② Ibid. P.235.
    ③ Ibid. P.243.
    ④ Merleau-ponty. Phenomenology of Perception, trans. Colin Smith. London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1962.P.237.
    ⑤ Eudora Welty. Selected Stories of Eudora Welty. New York:Modern Library,1954. P.244.
    ①Peggy Whitman Prenshaw, ed. Eudora Welty:Critical Essays Mississippi:UP of Mississippi.1979. P.62.
    ②Eudora Welty. Selected Stories of Eudora Welty. New York:Modern Library,1954.P.141.
    (?) Eudora Welty. Selected Stories of Eudora Welty. New York:Modern Library,1954.P.141.
    ②梅洛 庞蒂:《知觉现象学》,姜志辉译。北京:商务印书馆,2005年。第211页。
    (?) Eudora Welty. The Bride of the Innisfallen. New York:Harcourt. Brace & World, Inc.,1955.P.1.
    ①马克思,恩格斯: 《马克思恩格斯选集》第1卷。北京:人民出版社,1995年。第41页。
    ① Lewis Killian. While Southerners. Amherst:U. of Massachusetts P.,1985. P.96.
    ①梅洛 庞蒂:《知觉现象学》,姜志辉译。北京: 商务印书馆,2005年。第116页。
    ②Henri Lefebvre.Everyday Life in the Modern World.New York:Harp & Row,1971.P.126.
    ③Eudora Welty."Flowers for Marjorie."Collected Stories.San Diego:Harcourt,1980.P.100.
    1 Ruth M Vande Kieft. Eudora Welty. New York:Twayne.1987. P.56.
    2 Eudora Welty. "Flowers for Marjorie." Collected Stories. San Diego:Harcourt,1980. P.123.
    (?)Ibid. P.123.
    (?)P. Freund. The Civilized Body:Social Domination, Control and Health. Philadelphia:Temple U. P.,1982. P.454.
    (?)Ruth M Vande Kieft. Eudora Welty. New York:Twayne.1987. P.56.
    1 Fancoise Sciaky."Eye View:An Interview with Eudora Welty."Women's Wear Daily 19(June 1972):10.
    2 Eudora Welty.The Optimist's Danghter.New York:Random House.1972.P.32.
    ① Michel Foucault. "The Discourse on Language." appendix of The Archaeology of Knowledge. New York:Harper Colopphon. 1972. P.216.
    (?)Fanon,F. A Dying Colonialism. New York:Grove Press,1970. P.147.
    1 Eudora Welty. Stories, Essays and Memoir. The U.S.A.:The Library of America,1980. P.276.
    2 Ibid. PP.278-279.
    3 Ibid. P.283
    1 Eudora Welty. Stories, Essays and Memoir. The U.S.A.:The Library of America.1980. P.286.
    2 Ibid. P.289.
    ①Eudora Welty. Stories, Essays and Memoir. The U.S.A.:The Library of America,1980. P.806.
    ②Ibid. P.804.
    ③Ibid. P.809.
    ①Eudora Welty. Stories, Essays and Memoir. The U.S.A.:The Library of America,1980. P.796.
    Adams, Rachel. Sideshow U.S.A.:Freaks and the American Cultural Imagination. Chicago:U. of Chicago P.,2001.
    Ayers, Edward L. The Promise of the New South:Life after Reconstruction. New York: Oxford U. P.,1993.
    Bloom, Ronna Lynn."Don't Touch Me":Violence in Eudora Welty's Fighters. Proquest Information and Learning Company,2003.
    Bourdieu, P. Handbook of Theory and Reasearch for the Sociology of Education. New york:Greenwood Press,1986.
    Brooks, Cleanth, and Warren, Robert Penn, eds. Understanding Fiction. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts,1943.
    Brown, Herbert Ross. The Sentimental Novel in America 1789-1860. North Carolina: Duke U. P.,1940.
    Brown, P. The Body and Society:Men. Women and Sexual Renunciation in Ealy Christiality. London:Faber and Faber,1988.
    Buckley,William F. "The Southern Imagination:An Interview with Eudora Welty and Walker Percy." The Mssissippi Quarterly 26 No.4 (Fall 1973):510-517.
    Bunting, Charles T."'The Interview World':An Interview with Eudora Welty." Southern Review Ⅷ(October 1972):724-728.
    Campell, Joseph. The Hero With a Thousand Faces. New Jersey:Princeton U. P.,1968.
    Chopin, Kate. The Awakening. Vol.2 of The Complete Works of Kate Chopin, ed. Peryersted. Baton Rouge:Louisiana State U. P..1969. A Critical Biography. Baton Rouge:Louisiana State U. P.,1969.
    Cobb, James C. The Most Southern Place on Earth:The Mississippi Delta and the Roots of Regional Identity. New York:Oxford U. P.,1992.
    Davis, Robert Gorham. The Modern Masters. New York:Harcourt. Brace and Company,1953.
    Devlin, Albert J. Eudora Welty's chronicle:A Story of Mississipi Life. Mississipi:U. P. of Mississipi.1979.
    Eisinger, Chester E. "Traditionalism and Modernism in Eudora Welty." Eudora Welty: Critical Essays. Ed. Peggy Whitman Prenshaw. Mississippi:U. P. of Mississippi,1979. PP.17-25.
    _. Fiction of the Stories. Chicago:U. of Chicago P.,1963.
    Ellison, Ralph. "Twentieth-Century Fiction and the Black Mask of Humanity." Shadow and Act. New York:Vintage Books,1953. PP.27-32.
    Fanon, F. A Dying Colonialism. New York:Grove Press,1970.
    _. Black Skin, White Masks. London:Pluto Press,1984.
    Fiedler, Leslie. "Redemption to Initiation." New Leader 26(May 1958):20-26.
    Foucault, Michel. Discipline and Punish:The Birth of the Prison. Trans. Alan Sheridan. New York:Pantheon Books,1977.
    _. The Archaeology of Knowledge. New York:Harper Colopphon,1972.
    Frcund, P. The Civilized Body:Social Domination, Control and Health. Philadelphia, PA: Temple U. P.,1982.
    (ireen, Sharlee Mullins."In and Out the Circle:The Individual and the Clan in Eudora Welty's Delta Wedding." Southern Literary Journal 22 (Fall 1989):53-61.
    Gretlund, Jan Nordby. Eudora Welty's Aesthetics of Place. Newyark:U. of Delaware P., 1994.
    Hardy, John Edward. "The Achievement of Eudora Welty." Southern Humanities Review 2(Summer 1968):271-276.
    Hargreaves. J. Sport. Power and Culture, Cambridge:Polity Press,1987.
    Hargrove, Nancy D. "Portrait of an Assassin:Eudora Welty's 'Where is the Voice Coming From?'." Southern Literary Journal 20 (Fall 1987):75-82.
    Harris, Wendell."Welty's 'The Key.'" The Explicalor 17 (April 1959):60-65.
    Hoffman, Frederick J. The Art of Southern Fiction:A Study of Some Modern Novelists. Carbondale, Illinois:Southern Illinois U. P.,1969.
    Homans, Margaret. "Racial Composition:Metaphor and the Body in the Writing of Race." Female Subjects in Black and White. Eds. Elizabeth Abel, Barbara Christian, and Helene Moglen. Berkley:U. of California P.,1997.PP.76-83.
    Howe. L. "Race. Genealogy, and genre in Mark Twain's Pudd'nhead Wilson." Nineteenth-Century Literature 4 (1992):495-516.
    Jordan, W. "First Impressions:initial English confrontations With Africans." "Race" in Britain. Ed. C. Husband. London:Hutchinson.1982. PP.122-128.
    Jung. C.G. Symbols of Transformation. Trans. R.P.C.Hull.(2 vols. Torchbook). New York: Harper & Brothers,1962.
    Killian, Lewis. White Southerners. Amherst:U. of Massachusetts P.,1985.
    Kristeva, Julia. Powers of Horror. Trans.Leon S.Roudiez. New York:Columbia U.P., 1982.
    Leach, Maria, and Jerome Fried, eds. Funk and wagnalls Standard Dictionary of Folklore: Mythology and Legend.2vols. New York:Funk and Wagnalls Co.,1950.
    Lefebvre, Henri. Everyday Life in the Modern World. New York:Harp & Row,1971.
    Lemieux, R.E. Sexual Symbolism in the Short Stories of Eudora Welty. New York: Hamilton,1969.
    Maclay, Joanna. "A Conversation with Eudora Welty." Conversations with Eudora Welty. New York:Modern Library,1984. PP.98-105.
    Marrs, Suzanne. "The Metaphor of Race in Eudora Welty's Fiction." The Southern Review 22 (Oct.1986):696-709.
    Manning, Carol S. With Ears Openning Like Morning Glories:Eudora Welty and the Love of Storytelling. Westport:Greenwood Press.1985.
    Masserand, Anne M. "Eudora Welty's Travelers:The Journey Theme in Her Short Stories." Southern Literary Journal 3 (Spring 1971):42-43.
    McHaney, Thomas L. "Eudora Welty and the Multitudinous Golden Apples." Mississippi Quarterly 26 (Fall 1973):592-622.
    Melinda, Williams. The Use of Folklore in Eudora Welty's "Golden Apples". Columbus, Ohio:A Bell & Howell Company.1998.
    Merleau-ponty. Phenomenology of Perception, trans. Colin Smith. London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1962.
    Opitz, Kurt. "Eudora Welty:The Order of a Capital Soul," Critique 7 (1964-65):77-83.
    Pei, Lowryi. "Dreaming the other in The Golden Apples." Modern Fiction Studies 28 (1982):420-434.
    Prenshaw, Peggy Whitman. Conversations with Eudora Welty. Jackson. Mississipi:U. P. of Mississipi,1996.
    Prenshaw. Peggy Whitman, ed. Eudora Welty:Critical Essays. Jackson:U.P. of Mississippi,1979.
    Rose, S. "Scientific racism and ideology:the IQ racket from Galton to Jensen." L.Birke and J. Silvertown (eds). The Political Economy of Science. London:Macmilllan, 1976.PP.261-274.
    Rosen, B. Women, Work and Achievement. London:Macmillan,1989.
    Rubin, Louis D. The History of Southern Literature. Baton Rouge:Louisiana State U.P., 1985.
    Rudofsky, B. The Unfinished Human Body. New York:Prentice-Hall,1986.
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