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The organizations with prominent problems of employee heterogeneity are facing with unprecedented challenges under the background of economic globalization and development of knowledge-based economy. The organizational context of the growing importance of Human Resource Development (HRD) functions makes HRD a key factor in deciding the organizational competitive advantage. The technical background of development of human resource driven by Information Technology (IT) makes it possible for human resource to become more meticulous and more personalized. Combing through the systematic literature, this study found that the research on the impact of the heterogeneity on HRD, the relationship between heterogeneous HRD and employee performance, and IT application on heterogeneous HRD was still relatively lacking. Therefore, the theoretical and practical research focusing on heterogeneous HRD will be conducted from 3 aspects.
     This research revealed the impact dimensions of heterogeneous characteristics on HRD needs.On the basis of the relevant literature review, heterogeneity was divided into explicit heterogeneity and implicit heterogeneity. Explicit heterogeneity included gender, age, years of working, education background, major, position, growing region, work responsibilities, organization size, organization nature, industry,while implicit heterogeneity included learning style,self-efficacy and achievement needs. In view of the above, this study compared the difference by using independent-sample T test, single-factor analysis of variance, and multiple comparisons analysis. The result showed that there were significant differences in HRD needs which included training content, teaching methods, instructor type, training form, training participation, career development needs, management development needs and organization development needs for employees with different explicit and implicit heterogeneous characteristics.
     This research built and tested the model of combined effect of the heterogeneous HRD on employee performance. Using correlation analysis, hierarchical regression analysis and structural equation model, this study investigated the relationship between heterogeneous HRD, implicit heterogeneous characteristics and employee performance. The test results showed that heterogeneous HRD had a significant positive effect on employee performance, among which heterogeneous training development and heterogeneous organization development had a significant positive effect on working performance, employee satisfaction and organizational identification respectively. Heterogeneous career development had a significant positive effect on employee satisfaction as well as a significant positive effect on working performance by affecting employee satisfaction. Heterogeneous management development had a significant positive effect on employee satisfaction and organizational identification as well as a significant positive effect on working performance by affecting employee satisfaction and organizational identification.Meanwhile, the implicit heterogeneous characteristics of learning style, self-efficacy, achievement needs were the moderators of heterogeneous HRD affecting employee performance. Finally, the model of combined effect of the heterogeneous HRD on employee performance was built.
     This research designed the implementation procedure by using IT to achieve heterogeneous HRD. Based on the research on the existing e-HR product development and current status, first, the paper gave the frame model of heterogeneous HRD based on e-HR and put forward heterogeneous HRD through screening heterogeneous data, thus enhancing employee performance. Then, we obtained the data screening standard of heterogeneous HRD according to the empirical research conclusion, designing function modules of the heterogeneous HRD based on e-HR, bringing forward procedure and procedure example of the heterogeneous HRD based on e-HR. Finally, the paper discussed the implementation path, in the system implementation process, using business process reengineering and project management approach to realize the function of heterogeneous HRD.
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