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The research subject of this dissertation is the design of IT mediated education practice environment. Based on this subject, the author implement the study surrounding five facets: (a) teachers cultivation and education practice, (b) IT mediated teacher education and education practice, (c) basis of IT mediated education practice environment, (d) design of IT mediated education practice environment, (e) case study of weblog mediated education practice environment.The research of developing history of teacher preparation shows the different views and education practice models in teacher preparation, which provide the basis of understanding various facets of pre-service teacher education. After comparison of education practice and related mentoring strategies between domestic and foreign country, we find there are similar trends about practice models, practice contents, practice organization and management, whereas there are distinct deficiency about interaction between theory and education practice and mentoring strategies in our education practice. Based on the view of the education practice process of learning to teach, the author construct the concept of education practice and analyze the challenge faced by our normal education and education students' profession learning and cognition features of the education students during the process of learning to teach.IT supported learning has many distinct characteristics which help us understand and implement IT mediated learning and teaching. Information technology and teacher education contains two facets: IT integrated teacher education and teachers' technology education, which enhancing each other. Nowadays, weblog gains many attention, because its affordance of online personal publishing and interaction can be integrated with the efficiency of teachers' need of narrative and reflection.Reflective teaching, teachers' practical knowledge and professional learning, and learning theory constitute the basis of design of education practice. Reflective teaching require education students probe into their own teaching education practice and cultivate their reflective consciousness, habits and competence. Teachers' practical knowledge and professional learning indicates education students need accumulate their practical knowledge in order to enhance their teaching practical competence. Learning theory surrounding constructivism and situated cognition theory suggest professional learning and growth of education students is constructive, social, situated and cognition distributed as well.Based on the study of learning environment and its design, and the needs of education practice and mentoring education students, we construct IT mediated education practice environment for education students and cooperating teacher /mentor. It consists of seven elements: education practicum/practice activities, IT tools, practice resources and cases, practice community, practice scaffolding, practice evaluation and surrounding environment, which gives us framework for designing and implementing field education practice and education practice.In the case of weblog mediated education practice, the author design all elements of education practice based on the need of education students' full-time education practice and the affordance of weblog. Apart from this, the effects of implementation is analyzed and evaluated.The research of IT integrated education practice is only a start. We need do more native study and pursue international trends sustainedly.
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