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From the concrete requests of the practical projects, the theories and applications of the data integration of distributing systematic structure based on DCS are studied in the dissertation. Distributing database systems theory, and heterogeneous database interconnecting way and accessing way under distributing database network structures, and the gathering data method under serial bus network structure are studied emphatically. On the basis of this, the concrete methods of the database integration and data gathering are applied to the data information system of DCS. The genuine distributed data integral and control system is realized.
    The main research work and contributions of this dissertation are as follows:
    1. The research current situations of distributed control system and data integration based on DCS are summarized, 'and the key problems about the heterogeneous database integration under DCS are put forward.
    2. The basic theories, classifying and characteristic, etc. current situation under the distributed database systematic structure of DCS are given.
    3. The interconnected ways relevant to heterogeneous database under the distrib--uted database systematic structure and many kinds of different methods of accessing the heterogeneous database are introduced. The advantages and disadvantages of every kind of way are analyzed.
    4.For the special projects of intelligent system integration of building automation system, as well as the special demands of customers to information system integration, some technical strategies of heterogeneous database system integration are proposed. Aiming to the different accessing ways to different intelligent sub-systems, we designed wholly the correlative background management of database server. The manage--ment and optimization of whole information system under multi-heterogeneous data sources is assured effectively. After one year of running in practice, we get the good satisfying degree of the customers.
    5.Aiming at special projects about the information management system in
    industrial control fields, and combining with the concrete industrial field control objects, the gathering of the real-time data of industrial field is carried on. And on the basis of this, the databases management, backup, analysis and count are carried on, and a complex industrial control object's information management system is realized.
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