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由于电力电子装置在电力系统、各工业部门以及家庭和民用事业中的广泛应用,其产生的谐波已成为电力系统中电力谐波的主要来源,面对电力谐波造成日益严重的危害,世界各国对谐波问题的研究给予了高度的重视,不仅制定了相应的谐波标准和规则,而且积极开展谐波治理方法的研究。有源电力滤波器(APF Active Power Filter)可以对这种已经存在的谐波污染进行治理,被认为是一种相当有效和有发展前途的谐波治理新方法。并联型有源电力滤波器和串联型有源电力滤波器是APF的两种主要电路结构,其中串联型APF对治理电压型谐波源具有明显的优势。本论文针对目前广泛使用的电容滤波的整流桥类电力电子装置引起的谐波污染,提出了一种能有效抑制这类谐波的新型直流侧串联型有源电力滤波器,并进行了深入的研究。研究内容主要包括:单相直流侧串联型APF的拓扑结构、工作原理、数学模型、适合该拓扑结构的控制方法及其该拓扑结构和控制方法在三相整流桥直流侧的应用。
With the widely usage of power electronic equipments in the power system, industry department as well as the family and the civil enterprise, the harmonic from these electronics equipments has become the main harmonic source in the power system. As the damage caused by the harmonic is increasingly serious, all country over the world attached importance to the problem. They not only constituted corresponding harmonic standards and rules, but also carried out study of harmonic process. Active power filter (APF) is able to control the harmonic from the electronic equipment and is considered to be an effective and good future method for harmonic process. Shunt APF and series APF are two main circuit configurations. And the series APF has the obvious advantage to the voltage type harmonic source. A novel-style DC side series APF was proposed in this paper in response to the widely used power electronic equipments, just like the rectification bridge. The novel APF can eliminate the harmonic from these equipments. And the paper conducts an in-depth study on the new-style DC side APF.The content mostly includes the topology and the principle of the DC side series APF, mathematical model, and the best control method for the topology as well as the DC side application in the three phase rectification bridge.
     The main contents and works are as follows:
     A single-phase DC side series APF topology with Bidirectional voltage converter was proposed in the paper, the control strategy was proposed in response to the character of voltage type harmonic source load based on the deep study of the principle of the APF main circuit, the control strategy was derived, and the method for determining the parameter of key component in the circuit was proposed.
     The paper comparatively analyzed the relationship of circuit structure between the DC side DC-DC converter, PFC and APF, the design idea and principle of DC side APF circuit structure were studied.Acorrding to the characteristics of the double frequency work mode in the circuit, the mathematical model of DC side series APF was established with the state space average modeling. The static and dynamic state was also analyzed, the static working point and transfer function of different input and output were derived, and all these laid a foundation for the further study.
     According to the main circuit of the designed DC side Series APF, the hysteresis control strategy based on the power balance principle was proposed, the control circuit equation is derived and the closed-loop system simulation models was established. The simulation result shows that the DC side series APF based on the control strategy can have rapid response whether in light load or heavy load.
     With the large-scale usage of three-phase rectifier bridge load, based on the single-phase DC side series APF, the DC side three-phase series active power filter was proposed by adding a group of bidirectional switches to achieve the decoupling of the three-phase system. So the three-phase system can become two independent single-phase systems. The simulation result verified the correctness of the circuit structure and effectiveness of the control method, so we can apply it to the high-power rectifier circuit in the field of harmonic process. The whole three-phase system was designed.
     We developed a single-phase prototype and carried out the experiments, such as rated load experiment, dynamic load experiment. It gives the same result as the theoretical analysis and simulation. With the test results, we proved the accuracy and effectiveness of the topology and control method based on the power balance principle.
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