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Stated-owned forest resourse property right system not only is the key reason that caused problems, but also the starting point and the goal. It is also the reason of“Three forest problems”, and transaction costs are the two basis that affect the resources allocation and availability factors according to property right theory. Based on the right property, this article takes the stated-owned forest reform in Yichun City as the example and points out that the progress for the forest reform is also the one for clarifying property right constantly.
     This article explains the all sorts of phenomena.that come out form the forest property reform, by using the property defects theory, the resources scarcity and insider transaction, social division of labor and economies of scale, game theory and information in economics and so on. According to property theory, it classifies the forest market which contains forest land property and forest wood market. Through taking about difference between the collective forest reform of south China and the stated-owned forest reform in Yichun City, and introducing the anvanced foreign experience, it point out the important things that can be studied.
     It makes a study of forest reform in Yaohe forest factory, analyzes the forest land benefit, forest workers’income, the kinds and the ways of workers’operating forest after forest property reform. It also gives the example of government malfunction phenomenon analysis in this forest property reform. According to what that the workers reflect, it summarizes that the ownership of forest is the main reason that cause other problems, that contain about forest property rights certificate, the quota harrest system of commercial forest, forest insurance, the transformation of government functions and so on. The problem of property defects binds the workers’management behavior and has hindered the ownership of forestsmarket development. Therefore, the way which can solve these problems efficiently is giving the workers more rights of the forest, without changing the pourse of forest land. Only by doing this, can we really practice the related necessary measures.
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