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In recent years, national identity and subjective well-being become a larger studysubjects in cross-cultural psychological research, especially in the secondary schoolstudents. In this special group, national identity and subjective well-being directly orindirectlyaffect their mental health development. China is a countrywith 56 multi -ethnic,each nation has its unique sub-culture that factors affecting the formation of subjectivewell-beingas the potential variables, there are minorityethnic identity. To know the wholeofChineseWell-being,itisnecessarytogetamoredetailedstudyonsubjectivewell-beingfor minorities, then to explore the structure of it, thereby make a cross-cultural validation.In this study, the social identity theory of Tajfel, Eriksson’s recognition and developmentof young people, Phinney’s national identity of the three-stage development as majortheoretical basis. 600 hundred of Han, Tu and Hui national students with six differentGrates were asked by some questionnaire. Mainly inspected the Han, Tu and Hui ofsecondaryschool students about thenational identityandsubjective well-beingof ethnic、gender、age、urban and rural differences, the relationship between their national identityand subjective well-being, the relationship between national identity and the subjectivewell-beinganddepression.Thefollowingaremajorconclusions:
     (1)There were significant differences between the Han, Tu and Hui national studentsin the national identity. In the cognitive aspects, the Hui and Tu secondary school studentsscored significantly higher than the Han secondary school students. In the emotionalaspects,theHuisecondaryschoolstudentsscoredsignificantlyhigherthantheHanandTu,the Han scored significantly higher than the Tu. In the act aspect, the Hui and Hansecondary school students scored significantly higher than the Tu, Han and Hui had nosignificantdifferences.
     (2)There were significant differences between the Han, Tu and Hui students in theirsubjective well-being of the individual dimensions. In general satisfaction, the Hansecondary school students scored significantly higher than that of the Tu and Hui, TuscoredslightlyhigherthantheHui,butthedifferencewasnotsignificant.
     (3)TheHan,TuandHuisecondaryschoolstudentshadnationalidentitydifferencesingender and social and cultural background, their subjective well-being of the individualdimensionshadsexandgradedifferences.
     (4)There was a correlation between national identityand subjective well-being of theHan,TuandHui secondaryschool students.The individual ofnational identitydimensionshadaverygoodpositivepredictioninindividualofsubjectivewell-beingdimensions.
     (5)National identity among the Han, Tu and Hui secondary school students werenegativelycorrelated with depression. Depression and national sentiment and national actshad significantlynegative correlation. Among the national identity of the three factors, thenational sentiment hadsignificant negativeeffects todepressiontotheforecast.The higheroftheemotionslevel,thelighterofdepression,onthecontrary,ahighdegreeofdepression.
     (6)There was a significantly negative correlation between depression and subjectivewell-being of it various dimensions and overall life satisfaction for the Han, Tu and Huistudents. Among the seven factors of life satisfaction, family satisfaction, beliefsatisfaction, school satisfaction and the overall life satisfaction had a good forecastnegative effect to depression. The higher of the satisfaction level, the lighter of depression,onthecontrary,ahighdegreeofdepression.
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