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With economic globalization, product diversification and scientific and technological progress, the random demand in many industries have become a trend. So it's very important for current companies to have a good inventory, especially for a perfect order or forecast. Presently, the major research and application of order problem under stochastic demand all based on the rational man assumed, while in practice, vendors often cannot grasp the market demand in the ordering process and not entirely rational, so their actual orders tend to deviate from the expected utility maximization order. For example, Fisher and Raman (1996) found that orders for manufacturers of fashion apparel is always lower than the expected profit maximizing order quantity, Patsuris (2001) found that despite in the economic downturn, many of the chain's order is still far more than its market demand. Along with this series unexplainable phenomenon of the traditional order model theory appear, people began to recognize that it's limit to explain the real economic problems by the traditional order model, which is based on the full rationality assumed.
     In recent years, there are many scholars bring psychological and behavioral to research and analysis the operation management studies, and have put forward the concept of behavioral Operations. For the order problems, there have some research considered the subject's decision preference, especially focus on risk aversion' and loss aversion. While reference to China, the behavioral research of order problem is almost blank. So this paper comprehensively make considering the subjects' decision-making preferences and their psychological expectations to establish a new order problem model which is based on the prospect theory and the newsboy model.
     Through the design of experiment for measuring behavior, measured the 68 Chinese students'coefficient levels of their risk seeking and risk aversion preference, as well as the psychological reference point and the subjective weights of probability; through the design of order experiments, studied the subjects' order deviation rule and examined the new order model; and through the enterprise field studies we examined the broader explanatory power of the new order model to the complex order decision-making behavior in the reality economic activity. Main conclusions of this paper as follows:
     By the behavioral measuring experiment, the subjects' preference coefficient of risk-seekingα、preference coefficient of risk-aversionβ、weighting coefficient of risk-benefitγ、attitude weighting risk lossδis respective 1.25、1.05、0.57、0.56. Results of the experiment present that the Chinese subjects' preference coefficient of risk-seeking and risk-aversion are both greater than 1, which has a gradually increasing sensitivity for the value function.
     By the ordering experiment, it has been found that people were risk aversion, when all the possible outcomes are for the gain. When all the possible outcomes are non-deterministic returns situation, the ordering model based on Prospect theory can better explain the real order behavior of subjects; but in the deterministic return situation, the traditional order model can better explain the ordering behavior of subjects, both theory models have good complementation. In addition, the order experiment results that the students'order behavior may be affected by the anchoring effect and the knowledge level and other factors.
     Finally, the enterprise field study under Chinese conditions found that retailers in a real environment are not entirely rational, and they tend to risk aversion and may reduce their order quantity in ordering process. The ordering model based on Prospect theory can better explain the real order behavior of retailers, can effectively compensate for deficiencies in the traditional ordering model.
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