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The topmost priority of both developed and developing governments is to promote socialprogress and development, enhance national strength, promote social fairness and justice that isthe bedrock to eradicating abject poverty and promote a sustainable social and economicprosperity But so far, the situation of imbalances between the urban and rural areas hasseen little or no improvements in mostly Sub-Saharan African countries of whichSierra Leone is included. This unequal distribution is considered to be derived from the widerdisparities to the development of human resource, national industries, economic and socialinjustices and finally commercial transactions as widely recorded that has resulted to the formaland the informal sectors of development. In most cases, the lack of a strong response to thissituations and the will to implement rational strategic policies to solve and or mitigate social andeconomic imbalances which result to the bulk of the population living below the poverty line tonot effectively participate in the national socio-economic development of the country is amongstnumerous reasons that ignites social and economic chaos in nations.
     In this research, we conceptualize methodologies in management science andengineering and related disciplines to analytically examine the impact of informationand communication technologies on the development of the informal sector in SierraLeone more especially now that it has completed its first five year plan tagged the“Agenda for Change” and recently transformed to the second five year plan “TheAgenda for Prosperity”. Does Information and Communication Technology indeveloping countries improve the delivery of services and signal high consumergrowth for a sustainable social and economic development?, and Does lower tax ratesin financial institutions boost business transactions and hence social and economicprosperity?
     To answer to questions outlined on the specific research questions, we firstdeveloped a questionnaire to conduct a survey of establishments with a bias on theinformal sector in Sierra Leone to examine the different interdependence changes ofparameters and their overall complexity in the business environment that normallyresults to economic stagnation. we thoroughly investigates the linear and nonlinearchanges in parameters applying an analog-to-digital simulation processes and aLyapunov exponent system concept after Ma [25] examines changes inparameters which normally results to chaos in financial systems, Leonov andShumafov [15] stabilization of controllable liner system and Su, Zhang et al [16] explores the practical stability and controllability for a class of nonlinear discretesystems with delays in time. We applied our software engineering knowledge topropose a unified software model to be integrated in all sectors of development for asustained growth.
     Against this backdrop of macroeconomic research, this paper analyzes the development ofdifferent sectors in Sierra Leone and outlines possible reasons for the wider disparities withinsectors of development and hence put forward specific and strategic rational proposals to solveand or mitigate the social and economic imbalances. Results showed that: the integration ofinformation and communication technology in all sectors of development is the real bases to solvethe economic stagnation seen mostly around the poor populace and recommends that financialinstitutions provide accessible and affordable micro-lending facilities to mostly the informal sectorof the society to promoting social and economic prosperity and hence a sustainable national andbelieved this work could be used for guide to social and economic development..
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