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     结果表明:(1)10μg/ml的SF-45不影响ECV304细胞的增殖,但是当其浓度达到20μg/ml时对ECV304细胞的增殖表出现为促进作用,当浓度达到30,40,50μg/ml时有明显的抑制作用;(2)同样低浓度的SF-45(10、20、30μg/ml)对ECV304细胞的迁移没有明显的作用,当浓度达到40,50μg/ml时,出现明显的抑制作用;(3)SF-45对于ECV304细胞粘附抑制作用较为明显,呈现浓度依赖性,在10μg/ml时就有明显的抑制作用,浓度升高,抑制作用加强,到50gg/ml时抑制作用最强;(4)SF-45对于ECV304细胞的管样结构的形成同样有明显的抑制作用,在10,20μg/ml时,抑制作用较为明显,当浓度达到30、40、50μg/ml时,抑制作用最强;(5)SF-45抑制鸡胚尿囊膜(chicken chorillantoic membrances,CAM)在体实验模型的血管生成,同对照组比较,加药组的血管粗细和密度都呈现抑制作用;(6)SF-45对ECV304细胞内的活性氧(reactive oxygen species,ROS)的影响同样是低浓度10μg/ml时没有明显的作用,随着浓度的增高,在20、30、40、50μg/ml各个浓度都出现了明显的抑制作用;(7)SF-45对于细胞内血管内皮生长因子(vascular endothelial growth factor, VEGF)表达的影响无浓度依赖性,在10gg/ml时就已经出现明显的抑制作用,到20μg/ml时,抑制作用达到最强,30、40、50μg/ml时的抑制作用与20μg/ml时的作用无明显差异;(8)流式细胞术分析表明,SF-45可以引起ECV304细胞周期阻滞在G1期。
Angiogenesis is a complex physiological and pathological process that includes activation of endothelial cells by growth factors, followed by enzymatic degradation of basement membrane, detachment of endothelial cells from adhesion proteins, endothelial cells migration into the perivascular spaces and proliferation, and finally new vessels formation. Flavonoids are signaling molecules, intermediates and metabolites of plant polyphenolic compounds with a wide range of complex structure. They have important significance on treatment of human tumor and cardiovascular diseases, as wide pharmacological activity and low toxicity. In this study, we conducted detailed studies to explore the effect of a new flavoiioid(2S)-8-isopentenyl-7,2',4'-trihydroxy-5-methoxyflavonone(SF-45) on angiogenesis and its mechanism.
     Results:(1) SF-45 exhibited no inhibitory effect on endothelial cells (EcV304) proliferation under 10μg/ml treatment, whereas promoted cell proliferation slightly (p<0.05) under 20μg/ml,.However SF-45 exhibited the inhibition effect under 30,40 and 50μg/ml. (2) Low concentrations (10,20,30μg/ml) of SF-45 had no effect on migration of EcV304 cells, while higher concentrations (40 and 50μg/ml) of SF-45 remarkably inhibited cell migration. (3) SF-45 significantly inhibited ECV304 cell adhesion in a concentration-dependent manner.10μg/ml of SF-45 had obviously induced cell adhesion, and the maximal effect achieved at 50μg/ml. (4) SF-45 significantly inhibited the tube formation in a concentration-dependent manner.10 and 20μg/ml of SF-45 obviously inhibited tube formation, and the maximal effect achieved at 30、40 and 50μg/ml. (5) SF-45 also exhibited antiangiogenesis effect in vivo, gave a less degree of thickness and density of blood vessels compared to control in chicken chorillantoic membrances experiment. (6) 10μg/ml of SF-45 had no effect on the intracellular ROS level. However, high concentration of SF-45 (20、30、40 and 50μg/ml) could obviously reduce ROS generation in ECV304 cells. (7) SF-45 down-regulated VEGF expression without concentration-dependent manner.10μg/ml of SF-45 obviously inhibited the expression of VEGF, and it reached inhibitory the maximal effect at 20μg/ml. However, the inhibition effect under 30,40,50μg/ml treatment had no remarkably difference with 20μg/ml. (8) SF-45 arrested ECV304 cell cycle in G1 phase.
     Conclusions:(1) According to the inhibitory effect on endothelial cell proliferation, migration, adhesion and tube formation in vitro, and the antiangiogenesis effect in CAM test, we concluded that SF-45 exhibited antiangiogenesis effect both in vitro and in vivo. (2) The mechanism might relate to its antioxidative activity, which further resulted in the inhibition of ROS-associated VEGF expression. On the whole, many diseases, such as cancer, chronic inflammation and diabetes, are dependent on angiogensis, so these diseases may benefit from therapeutic inhibiton of angiogensis. While in many ischemic diseases, such as ischemic coronary artery diseases, critical limb ischemia and brain infarction, angiogensis may be favorable to improve these diseases. The results of the present study suggested that SF-45 is worth to undergo the further study as a potential new drug candidate of anti-angiogenesis.
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