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Vitamin E, commonly known as Tocopherols, is a class of lipid-soluble antioxidants synthesized only by plants and other photosynthetic organisms. Tocopherols are essential components of the human diet because they perform numerous critical functions including quenching and scavenging various reactive oxygen species and free radicals. Because of these and other activities, dietary tocopherols are thought to play an important role in improving immune function and in limiting the incidence and progression of several degenerative human diseases including certain types of cancer, cataracts, neurological disorders, and cardiovascular disease. The yield of tocopherol in the plant is commonly low, so enhancing the yield of tocopherol in the plant with gene engineering means will become a research hotspot in the field of nutrition genomics.
     Homogengtisate phytyltranferase (HPT), one of the key enzymes in tocopherol biosynthetic pathway in plants, catalyzing condensation of PDP and HGA in the first set of tocopherol biosynthesis.With understanding biosynthetic pathway of vitamin E and being isolated correlated gene, it is focus on how to increaseα-tocopherols level by molecular biotechnology. To explore how to enhanceα-tocopherols level and identify the function of homogengtisate phytyltranferase in Soybean, the full-length cDNA of HPT, 1200bp length was obtained from Sobean by RT-PCR. The present research employs a transgenic approach to further analyze the function of HPT.
     The results obtained through the present research are as follows:
     1. The total RNA was extracted from Soybean and the full-length cDNA of HPT gene was isolated by RT-PCR
     2. A recombinant vector pBI121-HPT was constructed for HPT gene expression in plant and was transformed into the genome of Arabidopsis via agro-bacterium mediated transformation by vacuum infiltration. 35 kanamycin-resistant plants were obtained and 51.2% of them are PCR positive. Homozygous HPT gene transgenic line were obtained and were used as the material in the later analysis.
     3. Theα-tocopherols was analysised by HPLC, in leaves, HPT overexpression resulted in a 3-6 fold increase relative to wild type.
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