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IP数据的高速增长使传送网在业务类型、流量模式等方面都发生了巨大变化。目前许多研究正致力将IP和WDM技术更紧密地结合起来,利用WDM所带来的带宽优势满足IP数据快速增长的需要。IP over WDM结构是传送网演进的方向,如何将传统点到点的光纤通道变为一种灵活的、可管理的光网络是当前必须解决的问题。在物理层,可重构光分插复用器(ROADM)和光交叉连接器(OXC)技术的应用使得光通道能够实现动态重构;在网络控制层,IETF扩展了多协议标签交换(MPLS)的概念,将交换对象从数据包扩展到波长,并将其抽象,推出通用多协议标签交换(GMPLS)作为包括光学层在内的不同交换层的统一控制平面。本论文依托课题组承担的“十五”研究项目“可重构光分插复用设备”,着力于工程实现这个目标,对“①ROADM实现结构、②物理层约束下的光网络路由、③支撑动态光网络的数据通信网(DCN)”三个主题展开研究。
The types of service and models of traffic in the transport networks have changed because of the increasing of IP data. A lots of researches focuses in the combination of IP and WDM at present. The wide-band of WDM can meet the growth of IP data. The evolution tendency of the transport networks results in the structure named "IP over WDM". How to change the point-to-point optical channel to the flexible and manageable optical networks is an urgent problem. In physical layer, the optical channel has become reconfigurable by the using of the ROADMs and OXCs. Generalized multi-protocol label switching (GMPLS), being developed by IETF, provides a unified control plane for the variety layer including optical layer in the control layer. GMPLS extend the capabilities from packet-based to wavelength-base. This dissertation is supported by the 10th five-years Plan Advance Research Fund Program "Reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexer", and aims at the engineering realization. Three key research topics are selected: (1) The realization of ROADM, (2) Physical-layer considerations routing and wavelength assignment algorithm, and (3) The data communication networks (DCN) that supports the control layer in the dynamic optical networks.
     The main contents and innovations of this dissertation as follows:
     1. Different architectures of ROADM have been compared about its advantage and disadvantage, and the characteristics of the usage. A 4-degree ROADM based WSS was proposed to meet the requirement of mesh networks.
     2. The factors were investigated in optical transmission including the optical power, PMD and OSNR. A novel algorithm named Physical-Layer Considerations Dynamic Routing and wavelength assignment (PCDRWA) was developed. The performance of the proposed strategies was demonstrated to decrease the blocking probability through illustrative numerical examples.
     3. The routing protocol (OSPF-TE) in GMPLS was extended to support the algorithm with the constraint of ports in GMPLS-controlled ROADM.
     4. The structure of OSC which based on STM-1 was proposed. The DCN is MPLS-based for high QoS. TDM and packet is mixedly transported. It can meet the requirement of the GMPLS-based control plane for the wide-band and high QoS.
     5. The engineering realization of the first wavelengthsblocker-based ROADM was done including system structure, hardware, software, and system test in PRC. The result of operation showed that it can meet the requirement of design, and the ROADM has been checked and accepted.
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