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     中国医科大学附属第一医院及中国医科大学附属第二医院胃癌患者术后胃癌组织、胃癌旁组织;标本细胞株:胃癌BGC823细胞系,胃癌SGC7901细胞系(均购自细胞生物教研室);总RNA提取试剂:TRIZOL Reagent(GIBCO BRL公司),RNAout(TaKaRa公司),去甲基化试剂5-aza-2’-deoxycitydine(5-Aza-CdR)为Sigma产品,碘化丙啶(PI)、丫啶橙(AO)为Sigma产品,RT-PCR试剂盒购自TaKaRa公司,Wizard DNA Clean-up(Promega公司),Annexin-v-FITC凋亡检测试剂盒为北京宝赛生生物技术有限公司生产,RPMI 1640培养基为Hyclone产品,Apaf-1绵羊抗人单克隆抗体(Santa cruz产品),Taq酶及dNTP均为TaKaRa公司产品,Apaf-1绵羊抗人单克隆抗体(Santa cruz产品),p27kip1鼠抗人单克隆抗体(博士德公司产品),驴抗羊抗体(Santa cruz产品),羊抗鼠抗体(北京中杉金桥生物公司产品)。
     MTT法检测细胞生长活性,AO染色、Annexin-v-FITC凋亡流式细胞仪检测细胞凋亡;PI染色流式细胞仪检测细胞周期及凋亡的变化;用半定量RT-PCR方法,Western-Blot方法分析胃癌细胞及组织中各目的基因的表达,用MSP对胃癌细胞及组织中各基因的启动子区甲基化情况进行研究。用杂合性丢失(Loss of heterozygosity,LOH)分析胃癌患者Apaf-1基因所在的12q22-23区域出现缺失的情况。
     (2)Western Blot检测基因蛋白表达:在胃癌组织中Apaf-1基因在胃癌组织中5例(5/35)有蛋白表达,癌旁组织则有29例蛋白表达(29/35),P<0.05,P27kip1基因在胃癌组织中3例有蛋白表达(3/35),癌旁组织有30例蛋白表达(30/35),此两组基因癌旁组织的蛋白表达显著高于癌组织,均具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。
     (1)mRNA的表达:在用药前胃癌BGC823,SGC7901细胞中Apaf-1基因及DAPK1基因是低表达状态,而经5-aza-CdR 1×10~(-6)mmol/L,5×10~(-6)mmol/L,1×10~(-5)mmol/L浓度作用下,48h、72h时各基因的表达较对照组均明显上调(P<0.05),但在此三个浓度组无明显的时间与剂量的依赖性,而p27kip1则在用药前为均失表达,而用药后则出现了表达的恢复(P<0.05),亦无明显的时间与剂量的依赖性。
     (1) Western-blot检测胃癌BGC823,SGC7901细胞的Apaf-1,P27kip1蛋白表达:SGC7901中Apaf-1、P27kip1基因的表达在对照组中为失表达,而在药物作用后,基因的表达恢复,并且在5×10~(-7)mmol/L,1×10~(-6)mmol/L,5×10~(-6)mmol/L有一定的药物的剂量但无明显的时间依赖性;在BGC823中,Apaf-1基因的表达比较低,P27kip1基因的蛋白表达在对照组中为失表达,在用5-aza-CdR作用后基因表达明显上升(P<0.05)。
     (2) Western-Blot:目的基因蛋白的表达
Research on abnormal methylation of several tumor suppressors in human gastric cancer
     Effects of 5-Aza-CdR on proliferation and abnormal methylation of tumor supressor genes of human gastric cancer cell lines Gastric cancer is a kind of malignant tumor which threatens human beings' health, and its occurance is a pathological process which is many different genes involved. The gene promoter CpG island methylation is a important reason in tumor growth. In the study, we detected the effects of 5-Aza-CdR on proliferation of human gastric cancer cell lines SGC7901 and BGC823, methylation and epression of Apaf-1, p27kipl, DAPK1 gene and discussed the relationship between the methylation and expression of Apaf-1, p27kip1, DAPK1. we detect the expression and methylation state of DAPK1, p27kip1, Apaf-1, and explore the role of these genes concurrent methylation in gastric cancer tissues. CDDP is one of the important clinical anticancer drugs, and 5-aza-CdR is a specific demethylating agents. Many studies have indicated that promoter hypermethylation is in relation to chemotherapy resistance of cisplatin in many tumors. The experiment is to study whether the 5-aza-CdR can increase the sensitivity of gastric cancer cells to low dose CDDP.
     Materials and methods
     Materials: 35 surgical specimens of gastric carcinoma and their adjacent nonmal gastic tissues resected at the First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University and the second Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University. Gasric cancer lines: BGC823 cell line, SGC7901 cell line. TRIzol Reagent(GIBCOL BRL company), RNAout(TakaRa公司), demethylate agent 5-aza-2'-deoxycitydine(5-Aza-CdR) is the product of Sigma; PI is the product of Sigma; RT-PCR kit is the product of TaKaRa Company; Wizard DNA Clean-up(Promega company), Wizard DNA Clean-up(Promega company); RPMI 1640 culture medium is the product of Hyclone company. Apaf-1, p27kip1 monoclone antibody is the prduct of Santa cruz.
     Methods: SGC7901 cells and BGC823 cells were cultured in RPMI1640 and was treated with different concentrations of 5-Aza-CdR. The proliferation of the cells was detected by MTT assay, OA stain, flow cytometry. The methylation of Apaf-1, DAPK1, P27kip1 in the two cell lines was detected by MSP, and the expression of Apaf-1, DAPK1, P27kip1 was detected by RT-PCR and westernblot. SGC7901 cells and BGC823 cells were cultured in RPMI1640 and was treated with different concentrations of 5-Aza-CdR and low dose CDDP. The proliferation of the cells was detected by MTT assay and flow cytometry. The expression of Apaf-1, DAPK1, P27kip1 was detected by RT-PCR and westernblot. Using the semi-quantitative RT-PCR and western-blot analyses the expression of the Apaf-1, p27kip1, DAPKlin gastric cancer. Using the Loss of heterozygosity(LOH) analyses whether there is the loss of Apaf-1 gene in the domain of 12q22-23. Using the methylation specific PCR(MSP) analysis the promoter methylation of Apaf-1, p27kip1, DAPK1 gene in gastric cancer. Statistics analysis: Adopting t test of Excel.
     Ⅰ. Supressor genes methylation detection in gastric cancer
     1. The expression of Apaf-1, DAPK1, p27kip1's mRNA: Apaf-1, p27kip1, DAPK1 gene low expression is 17/35, 17/35 and 16/35(P<0.05).
     2. The expression of Apaf-1, DAPK1, p27kipl's protein: There was 5 pous expression of Apaf-1 in gastric cancer and 29 pous expression of Apaf-1 in cancer-adjacent tissues; There was 3 pou expression of Apaf-1 in gastric cancer and 30 pous expression of Apaf-1 in cancer-adjacent tissues.
     3. The LOH frequencies of D12S346, D12S1706, D12S327, D12S1657 and D12S393is 34.3%, 8.3%, 57.1%, 11.4%, 42.8%. There was 50% LOH in two sites and 17% LOH in three sites.
     4. Methylation of DAPK1 was present in both cancer-adjacent tissues and gastric cancer tissue. P27kip1 and Apaf-1 rate of methylation were 25.71% and 22.86% in cancer-adjacent tissues 51.42% and 48.57% in gastric cancer respectively(p<0.05).
     Ⅱ. Effects of 5-Aza-CdR on proliferation of human gastric cancer cell lines and abnormal methylation ofApaf-1 gene
     1. After SGC7901 and BGC823 cells were exposed to 5-Aza-CdR (1×10~(-7)mol/L, 5×10~(-7)mol/L, 1×10~(-6)mol/L, 5×10~(-6)mol/L), 5-Aza-CdR displayed a growth inhibitory effect on SGC7901 and BGC823 cells in a dose-and time-dependent manner, FCM analysis showed that G0/G1 phrase rate increased with exposing to 5-Aza-CdR (1×10~(-6)mol/L, 5×10~(-6)mol/L) for 72h(P<0.01), the apoptosis rate increased too(P<0.01).
     2. The methylation and the loss of Apaf-1, P27kip1, DAPK1 mRNA and protein of Apaf-1,, P27kip1, DAPK1 in SGC7901 and BGC823 cells were changed with 5-Aza-CdR.
     Ⅲ. The influence of 5-aza-CdR and low dose CDDP on gastric cell line
     1. MTT assay: The proliferation of SGC7901 cell and BGC823 cell added 5-aza-CdR and low dose CDDP was more inactive than that only added low dose CDDP.
     2. Annexin-v-FITC detecting the apoptosis: The apoptosis of SGC7901 cell and BGC823 cell added 5-aza-CdR and low dose CDDP was more than that only added low dose CDDP.
     3. the expression of gene: Analysis of mRNA and protein indicated the DAPK is both increased more greatly in SGC7901 cell and BGC823 cell when they were added 5-aza-CdR and low dose CDDP than that only added low dose CDDP.
     1. The mechanism of 5-Aza-CdR's growth inhibitory effect on SGC7901 and BGC823 cells is related with blocking cell cycles, inducing apoptosis, and changing the methylation ofApaf-1 gene.
     2. The loss expression in SGC7901 and BGC823 cells is because of methylation states.
     3. 5-aza-CdR can increase the gastric cells' sensitivity to low dose CDDP.
     4. DAPK gene acts a important role in 5-aza-CdR increasing the gastric cells' sensitivity to low dose CDDP.
     5. multiple genes concurrent methylation plays an important role in some gastric cancers, They happened at early stage.
     6. The expression of Apaf-1, DAPK1, p27kip1 is low in gastric cancer.
     7. gene's promoter Methylation of Apaf-1 and LOH of the gene in the domain of 12q22-23 both are the main reasons gene's promoter Methylation of p27kip1 is related with the in gastric cancer.
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