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     权利表达语言(Rights Expression Language,REL)是DRM技术体系的关键与核心部分。ODRL与XrML是目前国际上两种主要的、互相竞争的权利表达语言,本文从需求符合度、核心概念、层次性、易理解性、成熟度、可扩展性、市场占有率、专利权限制等方面比较了它们的异同;并简单介绍了DPRL、XMCL、XACML、LicenseScript等其他权利语言。
     DRM技术主要有两大应用领域,一类是电子书及电子文档,另一类是视频与音频流媒体。本文对这两类典型应用中的主要DRM系统和产品,包括EBX、Adobe、方正Apabi、Windows Media DRM、Real Helix DRM系统设计和特性作了扼要陈述。
The freshly new digital and Internet environment of our information era have posed great threat to the so-called copyright. DRM (Digital Rights Management) is a new technology emerged in recent years which is seen as a solution to the digital copyright. DRM is different from the ever widely used limitation by encryption or access control methodology in that, it makes efforts to balance between intellectual property protection and the prompt acquisition of information. It enables new e-commerce models for digital content, trying out to reach a win-win result through that.
    This paper conducts a comparative research to DRM technologies. First it gives an overview to the background, typical definitions, as well as international and domestic progress of DRM. It shows the gap between international and domestic DRM application, and lists the value of this comparative research. After that, a brief introduction to several former techniques which bases DRM and two different DRM architecture models are also presented.
    Requirement analysis is critical to every information system, and that has no exception for DRM. It is not easy to recognize or understand those requirements because they are always variable and implicit. This paper lists DRM requirements from five standardization groups-W3C, AAP, MPEG, OeBF, OASIS, as well as make a comparison to them from several angles.
    Rights Expression Language is a key part of DRM. ODRL and XrML are two major competing REL. This paper shows the similarity and difference of these two from many aspects, such as their core concepts, fidelity to the expressed DRM requirements, layer of presentation, eligibility, maturity, extensibility, market performance, and patent limitation. By the way, give an overview to some other typical DRM languages.
    There are two major applications for DRM, namely eBooks and video/audios. The designs and system features of five leading DRM products, including EBX, Adobe, Apabi of Founder Electronics, Microsoft Windows Media DRM, and Real Helix DRM are briefly listed.
    As a result of this comparison research, this paper presents the drawbacks of current DRM techniques and products, poses several paradoxes which have to be confronted for a better DRM solution, indicates the outlook of future DRM. An abstract framework of Rights Expression Language is proposed to add more flexibility and interoperability. Also, measures are suggested to be taken as next step for us dealing with the unfavorable situation.
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