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电子散斑干涉测量(Electronic speckle pattern interferometery简写为ESPI)是一种全场非破坏性光学测量技术,广泛应用于光学粗糙表面的变形测量和无损检测。准确地提取相位在应用ESPI获得物体变形位移信息中起着非常重要的作用。然而,通常实验获得的相位图在很大程度上受到噪声的影响,所以滤波方法的研究就变得很重要了。本文针对电子散斑条纹图和相位图的滤波方法进行了研究。
Electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI) is a nondestructive, whole-field optical measurement technique. It is a well-known technique for deformed and nondestructive measurement of optical coarse surface. Accurate extraction of phase value is of fundamental importance for the successful application of ESPI in obtaining of the displacement. However, generally the resulting phase patterns are very noisy. Therefore, the phase pattern filtering method is very important to obtain precisely displacement information. In this paper, we put emphasis on discussing the filtering algorithm for fringes patterns and phase patterns.
     First, we apply the improved PDE image filtering methods to the ESPI fringe patterns. Then, according to the property of ESPI phase fringe pattern, we should reduce noise as well as preserve the phase jump in the filtering process. We apply the improved PDE image filtering methods to the ESPI phase patterns combined with the sine/cosine filtering method.
     The idea of Least-squares fitting is added to filtering method for phase pattern, and an effective filtering method is presented- The tangent Least-squares fitting filtering method. The improved filtering method has three advantages. First, this method has good applicability, it is suitable for all phase maps obtained by any technique; Second, this method can be repeated according to the noise level; Third, according to the shape of fringes, the small filtering window can be either rectangle or square along vertical direction. To obtaining better filtering effect, we establish filtering windows along the tangent direction of phase fringe pattern for dense fringes. For the phase patterns with sparse fringes, serial processing can be taken: for a picture of image, the calculation is carried out pixel-by-pixel, and the phase value of current pixel in original image renew immediately. The adoption of serial processing can improve the smoothing efficiency. The validity of the method is demonstrated and it is valuable for ESPI phase patterns.
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