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Along with the quick propulsion of the regional economic integration and the close link of economy and technology between regions and countries, most enterprises in the developed countries become spatial agglomeration--the enterprise clusters. Enterprise clusters speed up the development of economy with their advantage, especially in saving the transaction costs, the most typical examples of which are Silicon Valley in the United States, furniture enterprise clusters in Denmark, software industry in Bangalore of India, Ceramic Tile Industry in Italy and small businesses clusters in Zhejiang province of China. Under this background, this article systematically absorbs the research result of the related realms, such as the industry organization theories, the competency theory, business enterprise competitive advantage theories, complexity theory etc, and then taking Jiaxing, Shaoxing, Jinhua, Wenzhou industrial district in Zhejiang province as the research object, trying to investigate and open out the function mechanism of carrying out the firm's dynamic capabilities and competitive advantage inside the industrial district and the strategy meaning the management by the view of enterprises clusters.
     On the basis of previous papers, the thesis, closely combining theoretical analysis with empirical research, tries to solve the following five decisive problems comprehensively and deeply: (1) Does the resource have favorable effect on the promotion of the dynamic capabilities of the enterprise clusters? (2) Does the capability have favorable effect on the promotion of the dynamic capabilities of the enterprise clusters? (3)Does the matching mechanism between strategy and environment have favorable effect on the promotion of the dynamic capabilities of the enterprise clusters? (4)Does the matching mechanism between strategy and environment have favorable effect on the promotion of the dynamic capabilities of the enterprise clusters? (5)What is the relationship between the dynamic capabilities of the enterprise clusters and the competitive advantage? Centering on five decisive problems, we have finished the following research tasks:
     Based on the background of theory and practice about of the dynamic capabilities of the enterprise clusters, this thesis gives the comments on the theory of the enterprise clusters, the dynamic capabilities and the competitive advantage, which is the foundation of this article.
     Following the analysis about complexity theory and its affect on the dynamic capabilities of the enterprise clusters, there are the influential factors about how to promote the dynamic capabilities of the enterprise clusters on the view of complexity theory.
     Then the article give analysis on the dimensions about how to promote the dynamic capabilities and the competitive advantage of the enterprise clusters, these dimensions include the resource, the capabilities and the complexity matching.
     Taking the enterprise clusters in the Jiaxing, Wenzhou, Jinhua, Shaoxing city of Zhejiang province as research object by empirical analysis, we recognize the influential factors about how to promote the dynamic capabilities of the enterprise clusters by factors analysis method, then evaluate the rationality of model by the way of statistics and digital analysis.
     At last, based on the empirical analysis, the article summarizes the experience of the dynamic capabilities and the competitive advantage of the enterprise clusters in Zhejiang province, and point out the theory value, practical significance and the projects of the research.
     Through the above research work and analysis by LISREL and SPSSll.0, the main conclusions are as follows:
     First, on the background of globalization and fluctuating economic environment, the promotion of the dynamic capabilities is the key point for the enterprise clusters to get competitive advantage.
     Second, the enterprise clusters can promote the dynamic capabilities by using the resources, and have the positive effect on the competitive advantage. The resources are the base for the enterprise clusters, including the finance resources, human resources, technology resources, network resources and geography resources.
     Third, the enterprise clusters can promote the dynamic capabilities by using the capabilities, and have the positive effect on the competitive advantage. These capabilities include study capabilities, management capabilities, innovation capabilities and strategy capabilities.
     Forth, the matching mechanism between strategy and environment can affect the dynamic capabilities of the enterprise clusters.
     Compared with previous researches at home and abroad, the main innovation of this paper's work concentrates at following a few aspects:
     (1) The article research on the dynamic capabilities of the enterprise clusters by the 3-D model of resources, capabilities and complexity.
     (2) As there are few research on the risk, the risk control and strategy change of the enterprise clusters, this article combines the dynamic capabilities and the clusters on the research result of economic theories, industrial district theories, management theories etc.
     (3) Based on the theory deduction and empirical analysis, the article gives the research framework to promote the dynamic capabilities of the enterprise clusters. This research framework has three elements: resources, capabilities and the complexity matching.
     (4) The matching mechanism has the important influence on the promotion of the dynamic capabilities of the enterprise clusters, which is the key element of this article. This article frames the model about how the competitive advantage is affected by the resources, the capabilities and the complexity matching. Based on the overall analysis, the model is more realistic.
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