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In the era of knowledge economy, scientific and technological progress is the origin for economic prosperity and social development, while creative people, as subjects to promote the progress of science and technology, have become the first source of national competitiveness and national strength.
     Creative people are the backbones during competitions between countries or enterprises. Developed countries in Europe and America and others as well as multinational companies have attached great importance to cultivating creative people.
     With the rapid development of science and technology, Moore's Law continues playing an important role, human resources work has been paid attention to all over the world, and it is the core of the human resources work to evaluate and cultivate creative people. In This dissertation, human capital theories and human resources management theories will be used to analyze the characteristics of creative people, by taking postdoctoral groups as examples, and cultivation and organization of creative people in present China will be investigated.
     "Creative people" is defined, the abroad and domestic research about creative people are reviewed, a logical paradigm of analyzing human capital of creative people is advanced, and postdoctoral groups are taken as examples to build a system of evaluating creative people, to analyze cultivating, organizing and leading creative people. The main research contents and results are as follows:
     First, an index system of evaluating creative people of science and technology (CPST) is built. After assessment theory and method of creative people is reviewed, post-doctoral groups as examples, by the Delphi method,27indicators are proposed, and principal component analysis is used to extract seven aspects that are subjective creative intent, technological innovation capability, thinking and observing ability, self-discipline, knowledge configuration ability, basic intelligence, and other features, including evaluation index system of CPST.
     Second, from four perspectives of inputs, training, promotion and output, human capital characteristics of creative people are explained, and based on objectives, evaluation, process and system of cultivation, an analysis framework, an input-output model of cultivating CPST. With investigation of post-doctors in one Post-Doctoral Scientific Research Workstation, the problems in the present model of cultivating creative people of science and technology in China, and responding suggestions are presented.
     Third, organizing mechanism based on the two aspects of both leading CPST and creative activities is put forward. From four angles of leading CPST and creative activities, the expectations to the leaders and building organizational environment and teams, how to strengthen organizing CPST teams is discussed. The problems about present organizational mechanism of CPST in China by survey are shown and appropriate measures are recommended.
     By building index system of evaluating CPST, and studying cultivation and organization of CPST theoretically and empirically, relative measures about cultivation and organization of CPST are proposed, which is hoped to provide a basis for decision making for the government, enterprises and other institutions.
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