1. 高价态过渡金属膦基卡宾卡拜化合物的合成及反应性能研究 2. 富电性钴配合物对C-H键活化的研究
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     过渡金属叶立德化合物的合成及其性质反应越来越引起化学家的极大兴趣,因为此类化合物是某些催化反应的重要中间体,也可以催化一些新的反应。例如金属叶立德加合物广泛应用于有机合成,也可以作为合成高价态过渡金属膦基卡宾卡拜化合物的前躯体。本课题利用(环戊二烯基)四氯化钽和(五甲基环戊二烯基)四氯化钽为原料,与膦叶立德H_2C=P(NEt_2)_3 1:1反应成功合成分离出钽(Ⅴ)膦叶立德加合物trans-CpTaCl_4[H_2C-P(NEt_2)_3](4)和trans-Cp~*TaCl_4[H_2C-P(NEt_2)_3](5)。化合物5为前躯体继续与叶立德反应可以得到了一种金属钽作为阴离子的离子型化合物[H_3C-P(NEt_2)_3][Cp~*TaCl_5](7)。
     以(五甲基环戊二烯基)四氯化钽为原料,和叶立德H_2C=PPh_3 1:1反应生成加合物trans-Cp~*TaCl_4[H_2C-PPh_3](6),然后在不同有机碱H_2C=PPh_3,(Me_3Si)_2N~-,和吡啶及不同当量的作用下,化合物6可以选择性脱除氢,得到高价态膦基卡拜化合物Cp~*Ta(≡C—PPh_3)(=CH—PPh_3)Cl(21)和双亚甲基配位的化合物(20)。
The discovery of ferrocene in the 1950s is a milestone in the development of organometallic Chemistry.During these 50 years,the research of transition metal organic compounds has made great achievements.The application of these compounds in organic synthesis and catalytic fields has promoted the development of organic chemistry greatly. Currently,transition metal organic compounds have been used for hydrogenation, dehydrogenation,oxidation,reduction,isomerization,carbonylation,hydroformylation, carboxylation,polymerization reaction.
     The synthesis and properties of metal-carbyne complexes is always a hot topic in the research field of organometallic chemistry since the first synthesis of transition metal complexes with a formal metal-carbon triple bond reported by E.O.Fischer et al.in 1973. Since these compounds have various particular reactions in organic synthesis,especially in vitamins,peptides,synthesis of anti-cancer drugs and natural products,and as olefins, alkyne polymerization catalysts demonstrated its unique advantages and broad application prospects.Due to the difficulty synthesis of the metal-carbyne complexes and their complicated reaction,the development of metal-carbyne is not perfect until now.
     The functional group linked to carbyne carbon has a strong effect on the reactivity and strength of metal-carbon triple bond.The phosphorous ylide carbyne complexes as a kind of special carbyne complexes(M≡C—PR_3??M = C =PR_3 ) could be regarded as a double-metal substituted complex of phosphorous ylide and they have special chemical properties with application potential in organic synthesis and catalysis.Very few examples of high-valent transition metal phosphonio methylidyne complexes with d~0 electron configuration are known so far.This part of dissertation mainly concerns the synthesis and properties of high-valent transition metal phosphonio methylidene/yne complexes with d~0 electron configuration.The main contents are shown as follows:
     1.Formation of high-valent transiton metal tantalum ylide adduct complexes
     The synthesis and chemistry of transition-metal phosphonium ylide complexes have been extensively investigated.Interet in this class of organometallic complexes arises principally because these complexes may be important intermediates in catalytic reactions and are considered potential catalysts for new processes.Additionally,however, ylide complexes are beginning to be exploited in stoichiometric organometallic chemistry as versatile substrates for further synthetic manipulation:essentially the same reason phosphonium ylides are used so extensively in organic synthesis,and ylide complexes can be as a precursor for the formation of phosphonio methylidyne complexes of trasition metal with d~0 electron configurations.Herein we employed(Et_2N)_3P=CH_2 ylide and studied their reaction with cyclopentadienyl(Cp) tantulum(V) tetrachloride and pentamethylcyclopendienyl(Cp*) tantulum(V) tetrachloride,and finally two ylide adduct complexes trans-CpTaCl_4[H_2C-P(NEt_2)_3](4) and trans-Cp*TaCl_4[H_2C-P(NEt_2)_3] (5) and an ionic complex[H_3C-P(NEt_2)_3][Cp*TaCl_5](7) were obtained.
     2.The simply synthesis and property of high-valent transition titanium phosphonio methylidene
     A simple synthesis ofα-phosphonio(methylidene) complexes of titanium [Cp*TiCl_2(=CH-PPh_3)](8) was obtained from transylidation reactions of pentamethylcyclopentadienyl titanium trichloride Cp*TiCl_3 with 2 equiv of Ph_3P=CH_2. Because of the smaller atomic radius of titanium and the bigger steric hindrance of Cp* and PPh_3,more than two molecular of ylide,LiN(SiMe_3)_2 and NaN(SiMe_3)_2 were used to depronated another phosphonium chloride from complex 8 in order to obtain phosphonio-methylidyne or ylide-bridged metallacycle complex,but failed.These unexpected dinuclear[Cp*Ti(μ-Cl)Cl]_2(9) and trinuclear[Cp*Ti(μ-Cl)Cl]_3(10) titanium(Ⅲ) complexes were formed through reduction reaction of complex 8 with CO.
     3.The synthesis and properties of high-valent transition tantulum phosphonio methylidyne
     Theα-phosphonio(methylidyne) complexes of tantalum CpTa(≡C—PPh_3)(=CH-PPh_3) _2(11) was obtained from transylidation reactions of cyclopentadienyl tantalum tetrachloride CpTaCl_4(1) with 7 equiv of Ph_3P=CH_2.
     In order to improve the yield and the stablity of the carbyne complexes,thiophenol group was introduced to connect to the tantalum center of compound 1.And "one pot" ylide transylidation reactions were carried out and the carbyne complexes(12-19) were also obtained.
     Cp*TaCl_4(CH_2=PPh_3)(6) can be got from the reaction of Cp*TaCl_4 with one equiv of Ph_3P=CH_2,and regioselective deprotoned by the different bases Ph_3P=CH_2,(Me_3Si)_2N~-and pyridine to giveα-phosphonio(methylidyne) complexes of tantalum(21) and complex(20) coordinated by two methylene groups.
     The properties of carbye compound 11 has also been studied.For example,the addition reaction with small molecular,the metathetical reaction with alkynes and Wittig reaction to prepare high-valent transtion-metal allenylidene complexes.The reactions with small molecular,the main products maybe further proved;the metathetical reaction was effect by the polarity and spatial property of alkynes;and the Wittig reaction were carried out to stand the intermediate(24).
     All of the new complexes are characterized by IR,~1H,~(13)C and ~(31)p NMR.Structrures of some single crystals have been confirmed by X-ray diffraction techniques.
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