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     (1) 长江口潮滩水体无机氮多年平均含量高达130.47μmol·L~(-1),其中硝氮、氨氮和亚硝氮分别约占无机氮含量的88%、11%和1%。部分污染地段三态氮含量高达485.97μmol·L~(-1)(硝氮)、65.43μmol·L~(-1)(氨氮)和34.81μmol·L~(-1)(亚硝氮),严重的无机氮污染将给河口生态系统健康及区域饮水安全造成严重的潜在威胁。潮滩水体氨氮和亚硝氮含量表现出上游高于下游,南岸高于北岸的分布特征,而硝氮和总无机氮则是下游高于上游。潮滩水体各形态氮在沿岸排污点附近显出超高累积特征,在远离两岸的江岛滩地含量较低。无机氮负荷量的季节分布模式复杂多变,总体上氨氮含量冬春季大于夏秋季,亚硝氮在高温季节含量较高。
     (2) 实验室通量模拟实验结果表明,长江口潮滩无机氮界面交换通量变化范
Derived from intensive human activities such as fertilizer usage, fossil fuels combustion and sewage discharge in recent decades, aquatic environments in coastal areas all over the whorld have encountered serious dissolved inorganic nitrogen pollution, resulting in many existent and potential ecological and environmental issues such as water quality depravation, coastal eutrophication, ecological degradation, drinking water risk and so on. The Yangtze river is third biggest river in the world with a total catchment area about 18 million km~2 and a population more than 4 ×10~8 . In the past decades, increasing riverine nitrogen inputs due to gigantic loss of farmland nitrogen fertilizer and domestic sewage discharge have seriously influenced the Yangtze estuarine water qualities and the ecological security of the delta area. In the outer estuarine area, the frequency and the area of red tide have increased in past years. This issue has affected the economic and sustainable development of the Yangtze delta.
    As typical ecotone between terrestrial and oceanic ecosystems, the estuarine tidal flat is widely identified as one of the most valuable and vulnerable habitats with many particular characteristics such as powerful tidal and riverine hydrodynamic processes, frequent sediment transportation and matter exchange, acute physical and chemical gradients, and various organism species. The estuarine tidal flats have a series of environmental functions and ecological values, particularly it is recognized as a natural barrier in purifying terrigenous nitrogen input. However, extensive exploitations and developments in the Yangtze estuarine coastal zone in recent years have badly disturbed and destroyed tidal flat environments and ecosystems. In order to make proper use of estuarine tidal flat resources, protect estuarine tidal flat environments and ecological balance, prevent and cure estuarine eutrophication effectively, it is urgent to carry out systemic researches on the nutrient biogeochemical cycles and processes in the Yangtze estuarine coastal tidal flats. Studies on DIN Exchanges at the sediment-water interface of the Yangtze estuarine tidal flats is of global environment significance and in accordance with economic research demands for sustainable development in eastern coastal area of China.
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