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随着人类基因组计划的初步完成,生物信息学的研究重点已悄然的从生物数据的积累转到生物数据的处理和信息提取。然而,在对DNA序列的研究过程中,代数学范畴的传统分析方法难以发挥人脑在模式识别方面的强大能力。本文以病毒基因组为研究对象,对其通用模型、序列Z曲线的构建、图形数据库建立等进行了研究。并在此基础上,构建新城疫病毒(Newcastle Disease Virus, NDV)生物信息可视化系统,具体研究内容如下:
     3. NDV生物信息数据库的建立。针对不同格式序列文件结构、Z变换后的空间数据点数据结构、曲线属性数据结构,建立NDV生物信息数据库。通过矢量化曲线图,建立NDV病毒基因组核酸序列Z曲线图形数据库;然后建立核酸序列数据库;最后,实现图形数据库和序列数据库的挂接。
Along with the completion of human genimics project, the key research of bioinformatics has transferred from collecting data to processing data and abstracting information.However, in the process of analyzing the DNA sequence, the traditional methods based on statistics couldn’t play the strong power of people’s brain in pattern recognizing. Regarding virus genome as the research object, this dissertation does some research on the common model, the construction of Z curve and the establishment of graphic database. At last, it talks about the corresponding problems in applying the model to build the NDV bioinformatics visualization system.
     1. The research of constructing the Z curve of nucleotide sequecnce. Through analyzing the distribution of the spatial points by T-transformed, a rarefying algorithm based on bounding box is applied to construct the Z curve of nucleotide sequence. Applying the algorithm and adjusting the value of rarefying factor dynamically, the user could achieve a multi-precision Z curve corresponded to the nucleotide sequence. Experiments have proved that this algorithm is convenient for general research on complete genome sequence and detailed research on some specific gene, and provides a new idea for homology comparison and molecular evolution study.
     2. The research of bioinformation visualization system model based on C/S mode. Due to the problems of data management, integration and application in the bioinformation visualization system, this dissertation firstly sums up the general process, and then gives a kind of model based on C/S mode. This model solves the transformation, the procession, the display, the analysis of nucleotide.
     3. The establishment of NDV bioinformation database. According to the architecture of different format sequence file, the structure of space data points after Z-transformed and the data structure of curve attribute, the NDV bioinformation database is established. Through vectorization the Z curve graph, the Z curve graphic database of the nucleotide sequecnce of virus genome is established; and then the nucleotide sequecnce database is also founded. Finally, the hitching of graphic database and nucleotide sequecnce database is made.
     4. The implementation and application of bioinformation visualization system. The design and implementation of NDV bioinformation visualization system based on C/S mode is the emphasis in this chapter and the system is used to display some bioinformation, to make visualization analysis of complete genome and different genome sequence.
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