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大气CO_2的浓度以前所未有的速度稳步增加是全球性的重大环境问题之一。CO_2等温室气体的增加导致全球气温的上升即“温室效应”的加剧,随之而来的是海平面的上升、生物多样性的丧失和沙漠化的加剧等等,这已影响到整个地面生态系统的变化。全球CO_2浓度升高对生态系统中的绿色植物将产生直接的影响,进而使生物从生态系统、群落、种群、个体、细胞以及分子各个层次水平上发生变化。在整个海洋食物网中,海洋微藻是CO_2加富最直接的响应者,它不仅驱动着整个海洋生态系统的能流和物流,直接和间接地养育着几亿吨的海洋动物,而且对调节全球变化起着重要的作用。本文采用实验生态学的方法从种间、种群、生理生化和分子水平研究了6种海洋微藻:小球藻(Chlorella.sp)、亚心形扁藻(Platymanas subcordiformis)、金藻8701(Isochrysisgalbana Parke 8701)、中肋骨条藻( Skeletonema costatum )、盐藻(Dunaliella salina)和赤潮异弯藻(Heterosigma akashiwo)对大气CO_2浓度升高的响应。研究结果如下:
     6种海洋微藻的种群增长对CO_2加富都作出了一定的响应,即CO_2加富(5000μl/L)能够显著促进6种海洋微藻:小球藻、盐藻、金藻8701、中肋骨条藻、亚心形扁藻和赤潮异弯藻的种群增长。使其种群增长进入静止期的时间缩短,种群达到的最大细胞密度显著提高(p < 0.05)。6种海洋微藻的种群增长对CO_2加富(5000μl/L)响应的敏感性存在一定的差异,按敏感性由低到高的顺序依次为:小球藻<盐藻<金藻8701<中肋骨条藻<亚心形扁藻<赤潮异弯藻,赤潮异弯藻对CO_2加富最敏感,而小球藻对CO_2加富最不感。
     CO_2加富(通含5000μl/L CO_2的空气)处理改变了3种海洋微藻的种群增长动态,同时引起了种群竞争平衡的变化。CO_2加富条件下,中肋骨条藻的种群增长动态表现为为增长型,而亚心形扁藻种群增长动态表现为强竞争型,而金藻8701种群增长动态仍然表现为弱竞争型。因此,在多藻共培养体系中,种群竞争向有利于亚心形扁藻种群增长的方向发展,使亚心形扁藻由正常条件下的亚优势变化为CO_2加富条件下的优势种,而中肋骨条藻则由正常条件下的优势种变化为CO_2加富条件下的亚优势种。
     选用中肋骨条藻、赤潮异弯藻和小球藻为实验藻种,从生理生化层次继续研究其对CO_2加富的响应变化,结果发现:3种海洋微藻的光合速率、光合固碳速率和碳酸酐酶活对CO_2加富都作出了明显的响应变化,与对照组相比差异显著(p< 0.05)。说明CO_2加富处理刺激了3种海洋微藻的碳酸酐酶活性,从而提高了它们的光合速率和光合固碳速率,这将对其生长产生间接的促进作用。三种海洋微藻相比,赤潮异弯藻的响应最明显,其次是中肋骨条藻,小球藻的响应相对最不明显。
     3种海洋微藻叶绿素a含量对CO_2加富处理都没有作出明显的响应(p> 0.05)。在CO_2加富条件下,其叶绿素a含量与对照组相比无显著差异(p> 0.05)。
The steady enrichment of CO_2 at unprecedented speed is one of the seriously global environment problems. The enrichment of greenhouse gas, such as CO_2, has led to an increase in global temperature, and consequent sea level rising, biodiversity loss and desertification aggravation. All these things described above have obviously influenced terrestrial ecosystem. CO_2 enrichment will directly affect green plants in ecosystem, and then caused changes in different levels of organization including ecosystem, community, population, individual, cell and molecule. In the entire marine food web, marine microalgae are the most direct responders to CO_2 enrichment. They not only drive the energy flow and matter cycle in marine ecosystem, fostering million tons of marine animals, but also play an important role in regulating global changes. In present study, experimental ecology studies were conducted on responses of six species of marine microalgae (Chlorella sp., Platymanas subcordiformis, Isochrysisgalbana Parke 8701, Skeletonema costatum, Dunaliella salina, Heterosigma akashiwo) to CO_2 enrichment with respect to interspecies, population, biochemical, physiological, molecule levels. Results showed that:
     1. Response of population growth of marine microalgae to CO_2 enrichment
     All the six species of microalgae represent responses to CO_2 enrichment. CO_2 enrichment (5000μl/L) could significantly promote population growth of marine microalgae (Chlorella sp., P. subcordiformis, I. galbana, S. costatum, D. salina and H. akashiwo), and shorten the time of entering the stationary phase. And maximum population densities increased remarkably (p < 0.05).
     Differences in sensitivity of microalgal population growth to CO_2 enrichment (5000μl/L) were observed among different microalgae, and the sensitivity was Chlorella sp. < D. salina < I. galbana < S. costatum < P. subcordiformis < H. akashiwo. H. akashiwo was the most sensitive, while Chlorella sp. was the most insensitive.
     2. Response of interspecies competition to CO_2 enrichment between microalgae in co-culture systems
     Co-cultured H. akashiwo and S. costatum were researched to investigate the effect of CO_2 enrichment on interspecies between these. Results showed that the initiative inoculum density had significant effects on population growth of H. akashiwo and S. costatum. And time advances of entering exponential growth phase and stationary phase were observed with increasing in inoculum density for both microalgae. Correspondingly, the maximum population density decreased obviously.
     In co-culture system, S. costatum was always in predominance in the competition. And the dominance was promoted by increasing inoculum density. CO_2 enrichment could change the relationship of competition between H. akashiwo and S. costatum, and resulted in a reduction of competitive ability of H. akashiwo, while remarkably promoted the competition dominance of S. costatum.
     3. The responses of population competition to CO_2 enrichment in co-culture systems
     Co-cultured P. subcordiformis, S. costatum and I. galbana were researched to investigate competitive balance among these and the effect of CO_2 enrichment on it. Results showed that under normal condition (air inflation), I. galbana was weak in competition and S. costatum was strong in competition, while P. subcordiformi showed a constant increase in population density. Therefore, in co-culture system, S. costatum took an advantage in competition, and finally became the dominant species. While P. subcordiformi became subdominant species and I. galbana were taken at a disadvantage.
     CO_2 enrichment treatment (5000μl/L CO_2 inflation) influenced the population dynamics of these three microalgae, and simultaneously influenced the competitive balance. Under CO_2 enrichment conditions, S. costatum showed a constant increase in population density and P. subcordiformi was strong in competition, while I. galbana was weak in competition. Therefore, in co-culture system, P. subcordiformi took an advantage in competition, and finally became the dominant species. While S. costatum became subdominant species and I. galbana were taken at a disadvantage.
     4. The response of macromolecular substance synthesis in marine microalgae to CO_2 enrichment
     Co-cultured P. subcordiformis, Heterosigma akashiwo and Chlorella sp. were researched to investigate the effect of CO_2 enrichment on macromolecular substance synthesis. Results showed that the DNA synthesis represented the response to CO_2 enrichment representing as increase in synthesis speed and content of DNA. For these three microalgae, DNA synthesis in H. akashiwo was the most sensitive to CO_2 enrichment, and it more sensitive in P. subcordiformis than that in Chlorella sp.
     RNA synthesis represented a similar response to CO_2 enrichment. Protein synthesis in P. subcordiformis was the most sensitive to CO_2 enrichment representing as increase in synthesis speed and content of RNA. And RNA synthesis in H. akashiwo was more sensitive than that in Chlorella sp.
     Protein synthesis in microalgae showed different response to CO_2 enrichment. Protein synthesis in H. akashiwo was the most sensitive to CO_2 enrichment representing as increase in synthesis speed and content of protein. And protein synthesis in S. costatum was less sensitive to CO_2 enrichment, while that in Chlorella sp. had no obvious response.
     5. The biochemical and physiological responses of microalgae to CO_2 enrichment
     Co-cultured S. costatum, H. akashiwo and Chlorella sp. were researched to investigate the effect of CO_2 enrichment on responses of physiological and biochemical activity. Results showed that photosynthetic rate, carbon fixation and carbonic anhydrase activity represented obvious response to CO_2 enrichment, compared with control groups (p < 0.05). CO_2 enrichment stimulated an increase in the activity of carbonic anhydrase, so increased the photosynthetic carbon fixation and photosynthetic efficiency and therefore indirectly promoted the increase of microalgae. The response of H. akashiwo was the most sensitive to CO_2 enrichment, and S. costatum was more sensitive than Chlorella sp.
     Nitrate reductase activity and absorption rate of N, P in microalgae represented obvious response to CO_2 enrichment, and were significantly different compared to control (p< 0.01). CO_2 enrichment stimulated an increase in the activity of nitrate reductase, so increased the N, P-absorption rate and therefore indirectly promoted the increase of microalgae. The sensitivity of P absorption rate was: H. akashiwo > S. costatum > Chlorella sp. And the sensitivity of N absorption rate was: S. costatum > Chlorella sp. > H. akashiwo. The sensitivity of nitrate reductase was: H. akashiwo > Chlorella sp. > S. costatum.
     Chlorophyll a contents in microalgae did not represent significant response to CO_2 enrichment (p > 0.05). Under CO_2 enrichment conditions, the content of chlorophyll showed no obvious difference compared with control groups (p > 0.05).
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